06 November 2023 21:53
Worst connectivity and network in the world. Fido should change its name to ludo which is a game. Contact me and I will tell you reality about Fido. ONeil castro
02 November 2023 3:30
Matteo is the best rep. He always smiles and he is very down to earth. He explains everything in great detail and he is very knowledgeable in his work.
25 April 2023 17:27
I had a very good client experience today thanks to none other than Jacob. Many thanks for your technical support.
19 April 2023 0:35
Un bon service merci à Nycolas qui nous a vraiment aidé moi et mon conjoint, c’est le meilleur employé dans ce magasin
12 March 2023 15:54
On se sent comme chez soi dans ce magasin. Félicitations (surtout à l’équipe qui était présente en après-midi) ️
22 December 2022 8:38
Visited the Fido Flagship store today. Once more another great client service experience. This time thanks to Nikolas! Top Noth! Roger's/Fido remains to this day the primary communications company in Canada
Well done!
01 June 2022 0:55
Terrible customer service - be aware of the hidden surprise charges, all happy and sweet while buying and when it comes to post sales service it’s all attitude, frustration and anger towards the customer. Please train your staff to be courteous and humble its human who walk into store not an ATM to lure the money out as you like. Smiling at sale and during return you show anger frustration and impoliteness towards the customer.
Especially this comment is to that prejudice person in this St Catherine West store who talks in a judgemental way by looking at accent and color and becomes a villain when talk about post sales service and returns.
26 May 2022 1:09
Worst customer experience ever. The employees and the assistant manager Marie-Pierre (aka MP) are entitled, lazy, rude and RACIST!
09 May 2022 6:02
Superbe expérience!
Je suis allée à deux reprises au FIDO et aux deux reprises, je fut accueillit par M-P, et franchement elle fait un service impeccable! Du début jusqu’à la fin, elle est chaleureuse, rassure le client, m’a offert du café et des rigolades! Je suis arrivée avec un téléphone cassé, et j’en suis sortie avec un nouveau téléphone et un super service!
Je recommande grandement, et surtout demandez MP et vous serez ravis:)!
03 April 2022 1:18
I had a horrible day with my phone and one of the employees help me a lot I really appreciate it and the atmosphere at this particular fido is incredible and to top it off I got some chocolates really love it!
20 February 2022 7:21
I had a worst customer experience there on 15th February 2022 afternoon.

Me and my family recently came to Montreal as permanent resident. Just got the SIN number and opened bank account and received credit cards from bank.

I went there to buy a postpaid SIM card for my wife. The sales representative wasn’t cooperative at all, didn’t even try to understand our requirements. I told her that we had our passports, CoPRs, SIN numbers and our credit cards. But the representative was so reluctant. Asked me to leave and try after getting PR cards.

She even doesn’t know that PR cards need 3 months to get in hand.

Ridiculous and unfriendly environment.

After going out of the store, I bought the contract from Telus.

Best of luck Fido with the worst service!
11 November 2021 18:01
J’ai été aujourd’hui pour renouveler mon abonnement, l’employée était très serviable et maîtrise bien donne des conseils
Merci Kristina pour ta gentillesse
13 October 2021 4:58
They don’t care about anyone, worst customer service ever! Telling me if you don’t like it go complain on Fido.ca
01 September 2021 16:50
J ai eu un super service l agente qui m a servie nommée cho à été super gentille et professionnel
03 August 2021 2:01
This place provides a very high quality service, thanks to MP for helping me find a suitable plan.
As a recent foreign student, she really helped me a lot!
If you also need to find the best Fido service in Montreal, please come here to find MP.
08 June 2021 11:23
They don't want to serve anybody.she kept asking for our passports in order to let us in and when we showed her ours she asked about our permit! I offered to show her a soft copy she refused. I told her I'm not gonna be walking around the city with my permit under the rain!

When I asked again to confirm that she's being serious she said "are you gonna ask me again!)

Her name is Crystal by the way.if it was really her name.
06 April 2021 19:19
Fido services for Long Distance is a rip-off. The representative are not well trained to communicate with client. They are not at all understanding to the
flaws of their training the reps and then the client has to dispute the charges.
They give promises without communicating clearly to client as to their long distance charges.
23 March 2021 12:35
I have been a loyal Fido customer for many years. I always shop at the Ste-Catherine store when I need a new phone, because I've gotten good service and clear explanations. Today's experience, however, left my jaw dropping.

My son's phone is on my plan. He needs a new one. I phoned the store earlier today to inquire if they were open, if I needed to make an appointment, etc. The super-nice agent assured me that no appointment was necessary. I informed her I'd be there with him after school at around 4 pm, she said "no problem, it'll be fine".

When we arrived, we were met at the door, and informed only one us of could enter. The store was not busy. ""C'est le gouvernement madame". The other needed to stand outside the store. Can he wait in the (very large) vestibule? No. Outside.

Well, I am a technophobe. He understands his technical needs. I am the wallet. Every time I've done this, it's us together. He's not my friend tagging along. It's his phone. It's my plan.

I maintained the distance and sat dutifully in the chair far from the rep. I had questions. Yes, I was anxious. She was defensive. Often she remarked things in French, then said, "not sure you can understand" (oui, je parle bien français, and when I replied to her (in French) that yes indeed not only I understand her but am a medical professional who understands the pandemic she cut me off). So condescending. I called my son, and put him on speaker so we could all discuss the options. At one point, when the Fido internet pop-op prevented me from getting the speaker, she actually came over and pressed my phone (doing exactly what I did, which didn't work). Distance? Hand sanitizer? Nope. She then grabbed her worksheet and said "I'm visual; I'll show him myself", and took off.

I offered to go outside; my son refused to let me. The area is super-sketchy now. The business people and shoppers are gone. A loud drunk literally tripped over me at the store entrance. A beggar knocked on my car window as I pulled into my parking spot.my son didn't want me outside alone. (Maybe if the vestibule had been an option?).

As for the "c'est le gouvernement"? Uh, no. The government mandates capacity based on square footage. The rule about only one customer? It's Fido's. The least they can do is own responsibility for it. And why didn't the person taking my pre-visit call warn me about it, especially because I specifically stated we'd be coming together?

Surprises all around. Hostile condescending agent who should not be in customer service. Company rule which certainly could have been waived managerially on a case-by-case basis. We did not give them our business; the tipping point was my son realizing there's a $45 extra service charge for in-store service. Um, nope. Not for that service. Apple on-line got my dollars.
02 March 2021 1:29
Fido, et sa filiale Chatr mobile est une compagnie dont je n'aime pas les méthodes.

Leur service clientèle est inefficace: je ne peux pas créer mon compte en ligne car apparemment ils ont mal recopié mes informations lors de la souscription.

Ils ne comprennent rien et me disent de me rendre dans ce magasin ou j'ai souscrit mon forfait alors que c'est eux qui ont fait les erreurs dans mon dossier!

Je déconseille fortement Fido et Chatr
10 January 2021 5:34
Went at 11 am. It was pretty quiet, just me and 2 other customers. Got assisted by Helen pretty quickly and she even helped me get a nice number for my lil brother. Thanks Helen!
14 December 2020 15:50
This store is by far the best.we went to eaton center fido store many times. People dont even wanna talk to us or answer our questions. This time we went to ste Catherine store and all team were helpful especially GEN.thank you so much
06 November 2020 12:18
Very slow service, attending only one customer at a time and they call it Montreal’s main fido store.
If you don’t have staff close it please
16 October 2020 10:36
I would not even give one star if I had an option.
I went to the store with my friend as she wanted to buy a phone. The staff member named Bryan, was so rude while he was talking to us.
1. He only let my friend to enter the store, following some COVID-19 norms. He also told that he could allow me if there are no customers inside but have to ‘kick me out’ if a customer arrives as ‘ we are of no use if we aren’t buying anything’.

2. Inside the store-
My friend was not allowed to touch the phone which he was repeatedly reminding in a rude way. He was always on his phone, texting and attending other customer’s phone calls and was not responding properly.
I have been a loyal Fido user for the past two years and this was not tolerable at all.
22 April 2020 18:47
Was told I could not get my screen fix for my huawei and had to buy a new phone. Employee gave me the wrong information. I was able to get it fixed after getting a new phone by the manufacturer.
24 March 2020 11:30
Pretty disappointed of the service provided at thislocation.
We made a switch from Rogers to Fido and we were promised an additional 2Gb on each additional lines. But when we realized that on our contract it only showed we had 4GB and no extra 2Gb as promised we went back to talk and see what’s up (where are our +2GB) they didn’t force their self to find a solution and just said we had to call Fido and deal with it by ourselves and zero efforts done in the instore customer service. Thankfuly we went to another Selling Point (Costco) where they noticed the mistake and within minutes contacted Fido and fixed the issue.

Work on the Customer Service & customer satisfaction. Good luck.
05 March 2020 19:36
Pire service clientèle que j'ai vu de ma vie et c'est pas comme si il y avait 3 vendeurs libres qui ne faisaient rien a par parler entre eux.
05 February 2020 23:34
I have been a satisfied customer of Fido for quite a few years and when I needed a new iPhone I decided to visit the downtown store on St. Catherine Street because it is a great place to shop. The staff is super friendly and knowledgeable, giving me many options to choose from. My sales representative this time was Genevieve and she was excellent and made my time in the shop a very pleasant experience indeed.

I will definitely be returning in the future when the time comes around to replace my iPhone again.
01 February 2020 6:16
What a lovely little space right in the heart of the city. Made me feel right at home (which is why I was shirtless)
29 November 2019 5:31
I’d like to thank Genevieve for her professional kind support at this fido branch which made the transaction easy and pleasant for me!
27 November 2019 18:09
Je vais vous raconter mon expérience.
Je suis étudiant, et je viens à Montréal pour une durée de 8 mois. Je décide donc le 26 août de me rendre chez Fido pour souscrire à un forfait téléphonique qui m’arrange (vous vous doutez bien, qu’étant donné que j’habite en France, j’aimerai un forfait qui me permet d’appeler et d’envoyer des sms vers la France).
J’ai donc rendez vous avec une vendeuse très sympathique qui me présente le forfait qui semble parfait pour moi (je n’oublie pas de lui demander si je peux bien appeler en France, chose à laquelle me rassure bien et me dit qu’il n’y a aucun souci, que mes appels et sms vers la France seront compris dans le prix de mon forfait).
J’en suis donc rendu avec mon nouveau forfait canadien, pas vraiment enchanté car déjà très cher de base (65$ pour 16G d’internet) c’est déjà bien cher et j’ai du payer le premier mois déjà 175$ au total pour ouverture de compte et compagnie.vous vous doutez bien mon état avec le budget d’un étudiant.

Mais le pire arrive, je me retrouve finalement ce mois ci avec une facture de 303,9 $ au lieu des 65$ initialement prévu. Furieux et dans l’incompréhension, je me rend en boutique où j’apprend stupéfait que finalement les appels vers la France ne sont compris dans aucun forfait de chez Fido. Je leur explique donc que la vendeuse m’avait pourtant assuré du contraire et que je ne payerai pas pour une erreur de sa part, un premier vendeur me dit alors qu’il va essayer de m’ajouter un code 1000minutes qui me permet d’appeler vers la France et qu’il va faire une demande auprès de ses supérieurs pour m’exempter des frais supplémentaires qui me sont accordés par défaut car j’avais été mal mis au courant.
Il me dit devoir me rappeler dans 2 jours maximum, chose qu’il n’a pas fait, j’ai donc moi même dû le rappeler! C’est quand même fou que ce soit le client qui se décarcasse autant.
Et là je tombe sur un nouveau vendeur qui me réponds qu’en effet je ne pourrai pas être remboursé. Bien évidemment j’explique à nouveau que je ne payerai pas et que c’était inadmissible, que c’était mensongé et vraiment du vol envers le client. Il me dit alors formuler une deuxième demande en s’excusant et me rappeler dans 2jours maximum. Mais bien sûr, le même cas se répète et personne ne me rappel. J’appelle donc et dit que je veux avoir une réponse sûre du responsable de la boutique, ce dernier, au courant d’aucune demande que j’avais formulé (mauvaise communication au sein de l’équipe) m’envoie au service à la clientèle où bien évidemment j’ai dû régler cette énorme facture car personne ne pouvoir rien faire pour « frais légaux ». J’ai donc dû assumer financièrement les erreurs d’une vendeuse alors qu’il parrait évident que je n’aurai jamais pris un forfait qui ne présentait pas d’appel vers la France.

Je ne vous conseille vraiment pas cet opérateur
19 October 2019 4:55
I'm very disappointed. Calling fajdo about the opening of the third line, they made me an offer, I agreed, wrote a rating of 5 stars, and the next day they called me and said that this offer was not valid. What was it? So do the rating is that aliexpress? !
02 October 2019 3:06
The store is amazing, specially the creativity corner. Although, the manager Nathalie is not gentil and open to customers. I’d like to have a sticker and she said that I needed to spend any amount in the store to be able to have it. Even the sales representative, that’s was super nice by the way, was surprised about the manager’s comments. I’m a Fido client for 6ys, and even though, I’d have to buy something in the store to be able to use a place made for clients!
What is the point to have an amazing space for clients if we, clients, we cannot use it?
21 September 2019 7:14
I have enjoyed being with Fido because it is relatively good value however I do not recommend buying or upgrading your phone here. They will constantly try to upsell you unnecessary things and then pretend they don't understand you when you ask about the price. In the end as I was stubborn and refused to buy what they were trying to sell me they gave it to me for free. They did however charge me $100 for some unknown reason, they claimed it was for the phone but online it was $0, so I am pretty sure I somehow got screwed over. Only buy Fido things online, the stores give no added service and will try to take advantage of you.
07 August 2019 7:37
Incroyable service de la part d’Helen!
Gentillesse, écoute et professionnalisme. Sans aucun doute ma meilleure expérience de service à la clientèle chez un opérateur. Un grand merci!
05 August 2019 17:04
Try to go their and ask them a real customer sercive not a contratct renewal or a new contract and good luck.worst inderstanding personn act like robot who just want to service for commition.don t ask why fido lose customer.
10 June 2019 23:22
I don’t understand why the rating of this great phone company is so low. They are the best. Very understanding, professional, polite and always there to help. I’ve been a customer for over 6 years and all these years they have been there for me. Managers are amazing people too. All of them. Thanks Fido. You guys are the best.
05 June 2019 2:38
Why we SHOULD NOT go to this branch AT ALL?

Today I came there and I found their representative LITERALLY RACIST!

I wanted to add an only-data sim card. He instead of checking my background history (which is normal when you want to add a line), started asking me about my status and other personal details of my private life which no one can not ask it for a sim card. When I refrain from answers he told me: ”ok! You are not eligible for another line! ” Without even having a real look on my account.

I immediately called 611. They check normal thing and told me I am eligible even for more 2 lines!
They already have sent the new line to my address.
I will make a complaint about this illegal and unprofessional behaviour for Fido HR and PR team.
Here in Canada with a strong human can't, no one CAN NOT tell you: O’ you are not Canadian so you are not eligible for 2nd line!

Any legal of residence of Canada is Canadian by the law, and we have the same rights.
18 March 2019 2:42
I had a very bad experience with this store and store manager. Better you walk 2 steps more and visit Fido store Eton centre.
17 March 2019 16:03
Awesome customers service. And if your phone is battery low, yu can be sure to charge it in the store for free.
21 February 2019 7:24
Mathieu m’a offert un super service. Il a su offrir un rabais plus qu’intéressant à une cliente fidèle. Je ne mets pas 5 étoiles parce qu’il y avait des frais cachés dans mon contrat Sinon le reste était impeccable!

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