19 December 2023 6:21
To my loyal readers, I had the worst customer service experience at Foot Locker Angrigon. The customer service experience was negative zero. I honestly feel empathy for the store manager. I have known her since childhood days. She has no control over her staff. Romain who was at the cashier was beyond disrespectful to me and confrontational. He would not stop talking back to me aggressively. In front of the store manager Nathalie, he was talking down to me and asking me if I wanted him to shut up. I responded no I just need you to give me proper customer service. I looked at Nathalie the store manager for assistance with Romain's bad attitude and I noticed that she would not look at him or correct him. I thought she would ask him to go to the back and Romain continued to talk over me. I said no in my early days of working I could talk down to any customer as my job as a seller needs to have a strong customer service experience. I advised Romain, you need to not over-talk customers plus being disrespectful ain't going to help matters. When I asked for another shoe in size 6 the one that was on display was a size 6 Romain didn't know that I had the size I was looking for. I knew the display was the right size I needed. As a paying customer, I just needed proper customer service from him as Foot Lucker's employee. If I could use a word to describe Nathalie's staff on December 27 I would say they lacked professional development, they lacked proper customer service, they lacked customer skills, and the store was unorganized and it was hard to find the products. Behind the cashier was full of clothes not folded or on hangers. The wall display was empty I thought the store was closing down the way it looked. I will never leave Ontario to support this foot locker location. People unless you have no choice but to shop at this location Good Luck. If you can go to another location trust me do that until the upper management replaces all the staff Nathalie is working with. I believe that Nathalie is intimidated by Romain's aggressiveness and why she tolerates his negative behavior. For this location to pull in real quality business Nathalie would need to change her ways, be the manager not a friend to her staff. I strongly believe if she changes her staff only then she will see the true potential and the growth of the business in sales and also in customer service experience.

Being a good seller without good customer service can't make this footlocker successful. I hope they take my review seriously. I only purchased multiple shoes at this Foot Locker location because my niece wanted it. I live in Ontario I could have purchased her shoes at Yorkdale Mall but my niece wanted me to take her shopping at the mall that was her additional Christmas gift. If not I would have waited.

I hope my loyal readers share my review.
31 May 2023 4:21
They didn’t have my size in most of the shoes and when I bought the shoes I wanted they didn’t even give me a bag, I had to carry them in my hands
11 May 2023 10:22
Horrible service! Dosent even belong a star…
I called to reserve a specific type of shoe I come back not even with the right item and it specifically says on there site that’s it’s available. Dosent even look like employees care about there clients.
22 November 2022 9:09
Really unwelcoming/unhelpful staff. Might be because I’m a middle aged white woman (aka—automatically a Karen). They seemed more interested in flirting with each other than in finding my kid a shoe size that works. Will never return.

One suggestion to management—diversify your staff. When you have one type of person working at your store, you tend to only appeal to one type of customer. People walking into the store will feel put-off if the staff are too chummy and it feels like a college dorm. I hate shopping so when I do, I plan on spending money. You didn’t get my money today, and I suspect there are quite a few people who walk in and leave as we did.
23 August 2022 8:29
Worst customer service ever. They don’t know how to organize their waiting lines on the cash and the employees allow other customers to scream and be disrespectful. The girl on the cash showed no respect whatsoever. The only 2 respectful persons were the guy who helped find the shoe sizes for my kids and the other tall guy on the cash who tried to be nice and reduce the tension that was going on. But the girl knows nothing about customer service and i she understands that this not her place.
10 July 2022 7:01
Very rude service provided by the manager Sam… He talks to customers with disrespect and doesn’t let people finish their questions before responding as if we are stupid. Wouldn’t recommend. The girl at the cash was very nice tho!
11 May 2022 13:39
Wow all the employees for this day were super super helpful very caring and specially the cashier boy was so funny beautiful smile and even you wait in line he was sure he was noticing all of us saying it won't be too long bravo
27 April 2022 0:08

J'ai acheté des souliers de basketball Nike à mon fils chez Footlocker LaSalle à plus de 200$ en voulant lui faire plaisir.
Personnellement, je n'ai jamais payé ce prix pour des baskets, mais bon.
Après 6 semaines d'utilisation dans ses cours d'édu la semelle près du talon commence à décoller. Je suis retourné au magasin et on me dit qu'il ne peuvent rien faire pour m'aider et que je dois contacter Nike. Je ne suis vraiment pas content de m'être déplacé pour rien et qu'ils ne puissent rien pour moi et je le dis.

L'assistant gérant (Tafoli) me dit qu'il ne va pas à déranger le gérant pour ça et ajoute que c'est de l'usure normal. Je suis bleu, en colère et insulté. 200$ pour des souliers et qu'après moins de deux mois c'est scrap!
Non pas possible, je n'ai jamais vu ça,   je me suis emporté et ce n'était pas agréable.

Normalement, il aurait dû me dire je vous comprends Monsieurs et j'aimerais bien vous aider, mais malheureusement la politique du magasin est de contacter le fournisseur. Je comprends que cela ne réponde pas à vos attentes et j'en suis vraiment désolé, j'aimerais bien en faire plus mais dans le cas présent ce n'est pas possible.

La base du service à la clientèle.

Jamais je ne remettrai les pieds dans ce magasin et un conseil si vous y êtes présentement: FUYEZ!
19 April 2022 14:04
Pire experience jamais vécu! Personnels très agressifs! Surtout l'assistant gérant au nom de TAFARI! J'étais au magasin pour un retour ils m'ont brutalement demandé de quitter le magasin sous le prétexte que je suis entrain de déranger leurs travail et leurs business! Ils ont totalement ignoré mon droit au retour de l'article! De plus TAFARI était vraiment pas gêner avec son geste et son language agressif!
04 June 2021 2:33
There’s an employee there called Arianna (spelled correctly I believe) who I believe went above and beyond with her service, allowing me to finally get a pair of air Jordan 1’s without issues or the usual runaround all the OTHER footlockers normally give.
29 January 2021 5:49
Great overall experience & customer service! The day manager & staff were professional and personable.
Awesome job
10 December 2020 14:38
Such a wonderful experience, bought some shoes there recently and dying to return as the staff were courteous and effective.
13 April 2020 13:08
Don't bother online no choices and ALWAYS no stock in almost everything or sold out seems like they don't reorder another thing go to the US site lots of XL socks to pick from canadaian site has large mostly sent them a email got a lame response also known to Back door popular shoes
01 October 2019 3:04
Horrible delivery service! Orders are always getting cancelled a day or 2 after I made them, do to the fact they dont have the sizes! Then I need to wait 5 working days to receive my money back! UP DATE YOU ONLINE STORE MORE OFTEN! And the stores are short on sizes also, they always say sorry we don't have that size try to order on line.so done with foot locker and there bad service!
21 September 2019 8:01
Love this Foot Locker Vaughn has to be one of the most lively salesmen I've ever meet. You guys need more employees like him
19 July 2019 19:12
The employees always seem to be outgoing and have very good people skills. Never overbearing or annoying.

Props to the employees as well as the recruiters.
21 March 2019 2:59
Beaucoup de choix de chaussure de basketball et autre modèles uniques. Plus de streetwear que Sports-Experts. Membre VIP donne des avantages comme escompte. Peut surveiller le stock prochainement disponible.
23 February 2019 14:51
This is the worst footlocker ever they treat people very rude when you ask for a size they say no right away don’t even check worst customer ever
08 September 2018 14:28
J’y ai été pour m’acheter une paire de soulier rapidement car j’étais pressée, je savais déjà ce que je souhaitais avoir. J’ai dut courir apres les 2 gars pour avoir un service et encore là il n’arrêtaient pas de s’en aller. J’ai dut commander ma paire de soulier car il n’y avait plus de grandeur 6 en magasin, ça été super long et compliquer à faire, j’avais l’air de déranger le gars qui travaillais. Finalement lorsque je reçois mes souliers chez moi, ils m’ont commander la mauvaise grandeur (7), celle qu’il y avait déjà en magasin.

Pire service que j’ai eu, font des erreurs en plus et ensuite c’est nous qui doivent se débrouiller pour le retour des souliers, je regrette d’avoir dépenser dans ce magasin. Si j’avais encore le choix j’irais n’importe ou sauf là. Les jeunes homme qui m’ont servi sont un grand blanc cheveux noir avec lunette et un autre tres grand gars a la peau noir.
04 September 2018 0:17
Went yesterday and very rude to me I asked them for a size and never came back with it never again going

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