16 October 2023 2:48
J'ai joins Fullbody Athletics il a environ 2 mois et je peux vous dire que c'est la meilleure décision que j'ai prise. Je vois une différence. Bryan ainsi que les autres ""coachs" sont incroyables. Ils nous motivent & nous pousse à atteindre nos objectifs. Je recommande fortement ce gym & si tu hésites encore à t'inscrire et bien va faire un essai et tu sortiras satisfait (e)
13 October 2023 14:57
Meilleur gym pour s'entraîner. Cours de groupe adapté. Brian et les autres entraineurs se donnent de tout leur coeur pour nous offrir des entraînements varriés. Ambiance très familiale et dynamique. Tout le monde est le bienvenue peu importe son niveau. Je recommande x 100000.
13 October 2023 12:03
Fullbody ce n’est pas seulement un gym, mais un endroit où on peut se trouver soi-même et s’améliorer en tant que personne et athlète. Bryan fait de son gym une communauté/famille exceptionnelle et il est toujours disponible pour nous pousser plus loin.
Avec Fullbody, vous n’aurez pas seulement un entraîneur motivé, mais aussi un coach et un leader positif qui vous saura guider dans l’atteinte de vos objectifs!
04 October 2023 22:25
FBA is not just a gym where we go to train, but a community with a common goal: to become a better human being physically and mentally. Bryan and the other coaches always push us to surpass our limits and value consistency in our trainings. As a soccer player who has never trained off the field, I really appreciate the advice Bryan is able to give me based on what I want to develop, which helps me become a better player and keeps me away from injuries. In short, in 4 months I've been able to see the results of the training and advices given by the FBA program. I recommend it 100%.

20 August 2023 10:43
Bryan est un entraineur dynamique et motivant. Les gens s’entraident et s’encouragent beaucoup. Les entraînements sont variés et l’ambiance est incroyable!
16 August 2023 15:12
Le meilleur spot pour aller s’entraîner. Les gens sur place ainsi que les entraîneurs sont vraiment motivants. Ils respectent notre condition physique en cas de blessure et adapte tout de suite l’excercice à faire. Définitivement un endroit que je recommande à
06 June 2023 16:38
I have been at Full Body athletics for the last 2 months. I’ve been super impressed with Bryan as he is knowledgeable, motivational and extremely positive. Sign up and you wont be disappointed
21 April 2023 15:36
Bryan makes FullBody Athletics feel like home! He created a great community, his workouts are amazing, the knowledge he shares and the attention to detail is exceptional.
You will get 110% from him and if you match his level of commitment, your success is guaranteed.

I am so happy to have found this place!
20 April 2023 11:36
I joined Fullbody Athletics 2 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made! Bryan is an amazing trainer who offers many different classes! He will push you & motivate you to reach your full potential and you will leave the gym feeling great! I’m new to the gym and I always feel so comfortable thanks to the wonderful community at Fullbody! This is the place to be if you want to have an energizing workout with a dedicated trainer and great group of people! I look so forward to going to the gym every week and would highly recommend to beginners like me!
22 January 2023 14:39
Thank you Bryan for your valuable training and wisdom. Although i follow a group session, you do manage to personnalize every move for all of us.
22 January 2023 8:02
Great workouts and very motivating coaches! Makes every new member feel welcome and instantly a part of the FullBody family. I would strongly recommend this gym and having Bryan as your coach.
07 January 2023 8:05
Ça fait un mois et demi que j’ai commencé au gymnase de Bryan. En si peu de temps, j’ai remarqué des résultats vraiment incroyable autant physiquement que mentalement! J’ai jamais été aussi motivée d’atteindre mes objectifs! Entre l’entraide, les encouragements et le dévouement de Bryan pour ses clients, il est pratiquement impossible de se démotiver!
J’ai jamais été quelqu’un qui aime les cours de groupe, à cause de la compétition ou bien par peur du jugement. Mais les cours de Bryan sont vraiment à part! Tout le monde peut s’adapter aux entraînements selon leurs niveau et l’ambiance est incomparable.

Si tu est quelqu’un qui manque de motivation, ne sais pas quoi faire quand tu vas au gym, que tu est une maman comme moi qui veux se remettre en forme, Fullbody Athletics est l’endroit où aller. Je pourrais écrire un roman mais je vais terminer par écrire qu’à cet endroit tu trouveras une famille, la motivation et tout les outils nécessaire pour atteindre ton poids idéal! Merci Bryan keep it up!
05 January 2023 10:00
Je cherchais depuis vraiment trop longtemps une motivation pour m’entraîner et tout donner lors de mes training.

Bryan, mais aussi toute la grande famille du Full Body Athletics, me motivent comme jamais à ne pas lâcher et continuer de push forward. Je vois déjà de nettes améliorations et ce juste après quelques mois! ️

Si vous rechercher un gym où il y a une belle ambiance, du focus, des gens chaleureux et des fous rires, FBA est LA place pour vous!

Ps: Ils ont de délicieux smooties
Ps2: les mercredis boxe sont mon coup de coeur!
25 December 2022 18:28
Amazing energy and community, no matter your goals Bryan is there to guide and support you. So thankful I joined Fullbody Athletics:)
20 December 2022 10:44
Tellement une belle place pour s’entraîner! C’est comme une petite famille et Bryan est vraiment motivant en tant qu’entraîneur. J’ai eu des beaux résultats en moins d’un mois et 1/2 (and it’s only the beginning). Je recommande à 100%.
20 December 2022 3:00
Great gym, great instructors, very motivating! I recommend this gym to anyone who wants great results!
17 December 2022 16:01
I started at Fullbody Athletics 6 weeks ago after a very long hiatus from training and feeling like I couldn’t keep up with the young ones and I have to say, what an experience thus far! Bryan is an exceptional trainer, he takes interest in you no matter what fitness level you’re at, always giving me tips and tricks to get the most out of every workout. Brian exudes positive energy, his workouts are never the same, never boring and have the right amount of encouragement. I look forward to walking through the doors and always feel amazing when I leave. I recommend 100%. Anita Perrone
30 September 2022 2:49
Fullbody Athletics est vraiment une des meilleures façons d’atteindre tes objectifs que ce soit physiquement ou mentalement! Bryan est énergique, encourageant et bien évidement drôle histoire de détendre l’atmosphère hahaha! La musique est bonne et je trouve que c’est ce qui rend un entraînement plus agréable! (J’attends toujours pour ta playlist haha)
15 August 2022 11:40
J’ai adoré mon entraînement chez Fullbody Athletics. Bryan a une super belle énergie, te motive toujours à te surpasser et ses entraînements sont adaptés pour chaque personne.
Merci Bryan ️
14 August 2022 15:40
Une très belle ambiance! Le coach prend le soin de répondre à toutes vos questions et il vous pousse à l’entraînement.
Les entraînements sont de très bon niveau. Il existe une très belle énergie dans le gym! A1
18 July 2022 21:41
Ive always wanted to have more active lifestyle but I’ve never been able to commit to workouts. My experience with Bryan has changed it all. I look forward to the workout classes, I always leave feeling great + the gym is a positive and motivating environment. Couldn’t ask for more.
14 July 2022 1:07
Bryan est un coach très motivant. Il est aussi très pédagogue et explique bien les mouvements à réaliser, d’autant plus que j’ai seulement pu expérimenter des séances en distanciel. Depuis que je suis ses cours, je me trouve plus tonique. Je sens que mon corps se fatigue moins lorsque je fais des tâches quotidiennes plus demandantes physiquement. Par exemple, lorsque je dois porter mon fils de 3 ans qui pèsent 13kg pendant longtemps, je me fatigue moins vite. Si j’avais plus de toi, je m’investirais plus dans des cours en présentiel.
04 July 2022 11:19
J'étais tannée de m'inscrire aux gyms habituels, car je perdais motivation après quelques semaines puis m'entraîner à la maison était devenu plate.bref j'ai pris mon courage à deux mains et j'ai tenté le gym Fullbody Athletics. Ça fait presque 2 mois que j'y vais et je vois déjà des résultats autant physiquement que mentalement. Bryan est génial et patient. Il nous motive à chaque séance, prend son temps pour nous expliquer les exercices puis me donne des variantes afin de s'adapter à mes problèmes de genoux. Sa formule d'entraînement semi-privée est parfaite puisque s'entraîner avec d'autres gens qui se situent à différents niveaux nous motive tous entre nous. Les questions de la semaine ainsi que les citations du jour font toute la différence. J'ai retrouvé espoir d'atteindre enfin mon objectif au niveau de mon poids et de mes muscles. Merci Bryan!
03 July 2022 6:36
Jai toujours manqué de constance dans l’entraînement physique. Ça fais plus d’un an que je m’entraîne au Fullbody Athletics et j’en suis très heureuse! J’ai découvert un coach très motivant et une communauté qui s’entraide ️! Des entraînements variés et des challenges de groupe à chaque saison! J’adore mon expérience au FBA et je le recommande à tous.
19 June 2022 22:56
Bryan à une énergie contagieuse, il a toujours les bons mots pour bous motiver. Les gens sont super sympathique et c’est le fun d’avoir enfin un gym qui n’est pas surchargé et ou on me ce sent jamais jugé par les autres. Je le recommande fortement peu importe votre niveau
16 June 2022 12:06
Je m’entraîne là-bas depuis un bébé mois et je vois déjà les résultats physiques, sans parler des résultats psychologiques. C’est tellement important de prendre le temps de bouger et quand tu as l’entraîneur pour te guider et te motiver c’est win win. Merci à Bryan de respecter les débutants et de les amener à évoluer/devenir la meilleure version d’eux-mêmes
08 June 2022 16:41
Depuis un mois et demis j'ai adhéré au gym et j'adore l'expérience.je me suis inscrit avec un objectif et je suis en train de le réussir. L'ambiance est familial et Bryan mon entraîneur est trés professionnel et me suis serré pour que je puisse atteindre mon objectif. C'est un coach formidable qui me donne des conseils judicieux en entraînement et aussi en alimentation.
Expérience unique
07 June 2022 12:38
My experience at Full Body Athletics has been so amazing! I went from being very lazy and unmotivated to enjoying working out at a level that’s right for my body! Bryan offers multiple variety of classes and focuses on different areas of the body that you want to get improved! Summer body here we come
30 May 2022 14:38
With covid and everything else going on I had no motivation to hit the gym and take care of myself. Since finding Fullbody Athletics, not only have I found that motivation I thought I'd never get back but I also found an amazing community that brings so much positivity, encouragement and support.
You don't just get to have access to diverse and extensive workouts that target every muscle in your body and gets your cardio going but you also get to create amazing relationships with the people there and feel and be a part of the Fullbody Athletics family.
The owner, Bryan is such a bright light, always positive and a genuinely good person that cares and is passionate about what he does and the impact it has on those around him. He's also a naturopath so that's a + for anyone truly trying to take the true and natural path towards their optimal health.
The environment you're in really makes the difference and here at Fullbody's, it's great vibes/energy/people whatever you want to call it all around. This is what sold me and made me say "this is where I want to be", because I truly enjoy my time there and I see the positive impact it is having on me not only physically but mentally as well. My new happy place.
04 April 2022 3:44
Amazing trainings, amazing trainer & amazing vibe! These are the words that come to my mind when I think of Full Body Athletics! The trainings are always different and very complete! The trainer is full of energy and the boxing classes are A+! Many time slots available for the trainings, so you got no more excuses, grab your bottle and towel and try one of the trainings!
02 April 2022 3:19
I'm not sure if it's due to the beautiful community that is training at this gym or the coach itself, but there's something unique about Fullbody Athletics! I'm training there since already 3 months now and I've never been this motivated! Thank you so much Bryan! It's only the beginning
19 March 2022 9:14
I never liked going to the gym which is why I was in bad shape, I needed to change and stop with the excuses. Starting my adventure with Full Body has changed me and has given me hope that I can do this at my own pace and enjoy exercising After only 2 months, I now need the gym in my life because not only can I see my body changing, I love the community and the camaraderie that is always present. The group workouts are a must for me as I get bored on machines by myself and have no clue which exercises I should be doing or if I am doing them right. The flexibility of the schedule is another must as I juggle kids and a full-time job. Bryan is welcoming and makes you feel part of the family from day one and his knowledge is just phenomenal. I hope to be part of this great family for year’s to come.
05 March 2022 15:14
Ça fait maintenant plus d'un mois que je m'entraîne au FullBody Athletics. Si vous avez besoin de motivation, d'accompagnement et de pouvoir suivre des entraînements variés, vous êtes vraiment à la bonne place! Nous avons également la chance de participer à différents défis qui travaillent et renforcent tant notre physique que notre mental. Pour moi, l'entraîneur et l'ambiance sont vraiment les deux critères de différenciation de tous les autres centres d'entraînement. Sincèrement, je vous le recommande vivement!
17 February 2022 7:56
Full body athletics is a great place to train thanks to Bryan.

Bryan created a gym environment with positive energy, dynamic workout sessions, and a strong sense of community. I have no doubt that anyone who trains here will see and feel real results.
23 January 2022 12:03
Cela fait plus d’un mois que je m’entraîne à FBA, 2-3x/semaine. Les entraînements sont variés et adaptés pour chacun selon notre “background” en training. L’ambiance et les petits groupes rendent les cours beaucoup plus dynamique et motivant. Bryan sait comment pousser nos limites pour nous permettre d’atteindre notre but! Meilleure décision que j’ai fait! Vous ne regretterez pas et ne voudrez pas retourner à votre ancienne salle de gym!
13 January 2022 10:33
Had an amazing experience. Professional and knowledgeable trainer. Workout properly tailored to my needs and goals.
14 December 2021 6:08
Cela fait maintenant deux mois que je suis inscrite à Fullbody Athletics et c'est de loin, l'une des meilleures décisions faites cette année en m'inscrivant. Très bel endroit pour sortir de sa zone de confort, apprendre sur soi-même et se surpasser. L'énergie positive, l'entraide et l'encouragement des autres clients contribue également à cette agréable expérience.
Merci Bryan pour la belle énergie que tu dégages tous les jours.
29 October 2021 14:17
Entrainements semi-privées qui pour moi on fait une grande différence, avoir un coach sur place pendant un entraînement est plus que motivant, on se surpasse constamment et l'ambiance rend l'expérience agréable. La méditation fait aussi partie de nos sessions nous aidant a prendre pleine conscience d'être présent avec soi-même, bien à l'intérieur tant qu'à l'extérieur. De plus, il s'agit d'un centre qui redonne une partie des profits a des organismes aidant des enfants dans le besoin. On y fait beaucoup plus que de l'exercice, il s'agit de faire partie d'une belle communauté centré sur le bien-être.
20 October 2021 6:36
I’ve been training at Fullbody athletics for almost 2 months. I have to say that the experience so far is amazing.
Bryan the trainer has the best energy and pushes you to your limits best way possible. Every time is a different and unique experience, so it’s never boring making you achieve a high quality workout.
Bryan offers tons of support and encouragement on your fitness journey. The workouts are tough but rewarding and leaving you with amazing results quickly.
One interesting aspect of my experience is the different quote of the day in the beginning of your workout to enhance your motivation and followed by the question of the day leaving you with something to enhance your Day.
Thank you Bryan for what you bring to fullbody athletics it’s by far the best gym
28 September 2021 1:54
Small groups, great energy and a very professional coach/trainer, Bryan has the ability to uplift your spirit! It's been a little bit more than a month since I started working out and to be honest, I feel AMAZING! My body is changing and I feel much more energetic throughout my day!
05 September 2021 7:38
Une ambiance chaleureuse, un coach motivant et dévoué et surtout un concept gagnant qui a fait ces preuves.

Un gym pour tous, de la simple remise en forme au dépassement de sois-même et de ses limites c'est ce que l'on retrouve chez Full Body Athletics.

Merci Bryan pour ton professionnalisme et ton expertise. Très content de faire partie de la grandissante famille du FBA.

Longue vie à FBA.
26 July 2021 0:33
Ca fait 1 mois et demi que je m’entraine avec Bryan et c’est vraiment pas un entraineur comme les autres. Ca va au delà du coté purement physique. Tu apprend a devenir un meilleur version de toi. Je le recommande a 200%
14 July 2021 10:26
My experience with Fullbody Athletics was, and is going amazing.
After my car accident, I felt completely drained physically and mentally. I've been training with Bryan for over a month now, and I can honestly say that I feel stronger and better in all different aspects of my life. The positive energy coming out of that place is mesmerizing!
Not only I feel physically and mentally better, but every time I go there I learn something new. It feels really good to ''get back on my feet'' with someone that is so passionate about what they do.
It is safe to say that Fullbody Athletics was definitely the right choice.
01 July 2021 16:38
I went from hating going to the gym to training 3-4 times a week!
Bryan's workouts make you feel stronger and always wanting to do better!

I'm so glad we crossed paths and got to meet such a REAL, motivating and inspiring human!

BONUS: his positivity is CONTAGIOUS!

I would recommend 100000%
10 June 2021 3:36
I'm so glad I started training with Bryan, he truly is an awesome coach. Not only he'll make you comfortable but also care about everyone single one of us and our success.thanks Bryan! You've provided me the support I needed to finally go through my fitness journey.
03 June 2021 0:59
I've been training at FBA for a bit over a month now, every workout is different, motivating and challenging. The environment is very welcoming and friendly. Trainer is very personable and knowledgeable. Highly recommend.
20 May 2021 17:38
My experience at Fullbody Athletics was Amazing!
Bryan is always prepared and encouraging. Very grateful that he helped me get back on track with regular training and a healthy lifestyle. He is really knowledgeable and motivating. I tried the private sessions as well as the small group sessions and I enjoyed both of them. I would highly recommend this place!
19 May 2021 22:46
All that I can say is that this trainer, name Bryan, has been AMAZING to me for the past month! I recommend 100%. He knows exactly what I need to work on, he is very patient, he listens, he always has a positive energy that keeps you motivated ALL THE TIME, care about his clients and guarantees results. So if you are struggling to find the perfect trainer, don't look no more.he is right here!
30 April 2021 4:04
Great coach, friendly and motivational. Bryan creates training programs that are attainable and fun to do. For someone who hated going to gyms before, I reccomend Bryan to anyone looking to make a change in their health - Body and Mind!
17 April 2021 0:54
Training with Bryan is a one of a kind experience. Bryan not only cares and targets your physical body, he also focuses on your mental well being and keeping a healthy balance in your every day life! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to train with him, he is caring and probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
I highly recommend to any one who is looking to stay and feel healthy!
14 March 2021 0:57
I highly recommend Fullbody Athletics online training and Coach Bryan. Bryan is a great motivator and his enthusiasm is highly contagious!
After only one month of training with Bryan, I’m extremely pleased with my progress losing weight and getting stronger.
The workouts are fast, intense and it’s shows real measurable results.
Bryan does it in away that it will keep you looking forward to next workout!
28 February 2021 15:56
Most probably the greatest small group gym out there! The coach (Bryan) is super commited, knows all of his clients by name and their strengths and will most definitely push you to your limits.

The space is perfect for small groups and social distance Wich is one of the reason I would prioritize this type of space from regular packed gyms.

The classes are fun and make you grow a lot. I can see a difference after going 4-5 times a week for a month. Definitely recommend I have brought friends who themselves have brought friends because it's very friendly and worth every penny!
27 February 2021 6:07
I've been training with the trainer, Bryan, for months and I can confidently say that he has helped me achieve my fitness goals thanks to his constant dedication to my success & his passion towards fitness/health. Semi-private trainings make learning simple and motivating. Loving my experience.
19 February 2021 13:12
I've been in the best shape of my life ever since I joined Fullbody Athletics a year ago. All this is thanks to my amazing coach Bryan! He motivates me and pushes me in ways no one has ever done before. He knows what I'm capable of and has helped me reach my personal goals each time! Thanks for always believing in me Bryan, you actually make working out fun and something I look forward to each week!
15 February 2021 21:22
Bryan is an amazing personal trainer. Training with him has been such a great experience! He is caring, kind and has a great sense of humour. He transmits positive energy and motivation as he strives to push you to do better and reach your goals.

Since I started training with Bryan, I feel so much better about myself. I feel healthier and stronger everyday both physically and mentally.

I highly recommend Bryan to anyone who wants a personal trainer who is passionate and dedicated to his job.

Come and join Fullbody Athletics!
15 February 2021 4:03
Ça fait un mois que je m'entraîne avec Bryan et WOW! Je n'ai jamais aimé m'entraîner, mais je me retrouve à dépasser me limites et à y aller plusieurs fois par semaine. L'ambiance du gym est super conviviale et motivante. Bryan prend à chaque début de mois des photos et notre poids pour qu'on puisse voir notre progression. Je le recommande vivement à tous, c'est la meilleure décision que j'ai pris de l'année! Ça ne prend qu'un cours d'essaie pour tout de suite avoir la piqure!
11 February 2021 16:09
It's been about 1 month now that I've been working out with Bryan and I have to say it's been amazing! I never really liked going to workout in a gym as I didn't like the atmosphere. HOWEVER, at Full Body Athletics, you feel welcomed, motivated and empowered. Such an amazing place to let go of any stress, anxiety and to just focus on yourself. Before and after photos of your progress, meal guide, different exercises and just so much fun! You definitely will not regret working out here! Hand down the best place I've ever been too! Btw, the protein bars they make are to die for literally!
11 February 2021 0:10
Ça fait un mois que je m'entraîne chez fullbody Athletics, c'est un plaisir d'aller m'entraîner avec Bryan toujours souriant! J'aime ses exercises diversifiée, je le recommande! Un bon gym convivial.
08 February 2021 17:21
Great facility. Everything you need to work with for your body workouts is at Fullbody Athletics. Not just the tools, but also a great trainer/motivator eith a positive energy. A service that caters to everyone's specific needs. Strongly recommended you won't regret it!
31 January 2021 11:35
From the first time I walked in to Full Body Athletics I knew it was the right one for me. I now call this gym my second home. Bryan the coach is amazing, super friendly, very knowledgeable, encouraging and always full of energy. The classes are also awesome, diversified to train different parts of the body and they are well compacted and fun! YES you heard it right in this gym you will find sweating and training FUN! Very important to highlight is the inclusiveness in the gym, doesn’t matter what level you are on Bryan will help you reach your goals. If you join Full Body you will also join a community and I say this due to the amazing support that you will get from the coach and from your soon to be training companions.
24 January 2021 22:44
When I started a month ago with Bryan it was a
Task that I wasn’t sure I could handle at 61, he has given me the confidence and desire to change my body as well as my spirit. Positive reinforcement every step of the way, my attitude has changed, I see and feel the changes already in only 1 month, I am so looking forward now to the future changes
21 January 2021 17:01
Training with Bryan is very motivating, thanks to his positive energy and holistic approach. He is not just a qualified trainer but also a great coach in helping his clients develop a healthier lifestyle. He has an engaging style of communication too.
19 January 2021 15:21
The first time I met Bryan at his gym, I immediately felt a connection. Bryan is not only a professional coach, but really makes us feel good about ourselves no matter our weight or physique, all that matters to him is having fun while staying in shape.

Fullbody Athletic will make you want to work out every day with Bryan's dynamism, encouragement and good humor. He also offers several kinds of training with several exercises and adapts (new members) according to their ability (in my case where I had more to difficulty due to a shoulder injury.)

I recommend Full Body athletics to everyone, it's an unforgettable experience. LOVED IT!
13 January 2021 18:06
Fullbody Athletics is not like any gym its an atmosphere that the trainer makes you feel at home and comfortable with yourself. He a trainer that pushes you to the limit and gets the best out of you that you never knew you could. I thank him everyday for showing me that i am capable of doing anything that i set my mind to do.

Thank you Fullbody Athletics
11 January 2021 23:37
I absolutely LOVE fullbody athletics. I am a mom of 4, almost 40 years old and I don’t always have the time to get to the gym. Having this online platform has helped me get into the best shape of my life. The owner Bryan is GREAT! He’s motivating and always there to help answer any questions. It’s not only about the physical workouts but he helps you with your overall health with meal plans, challenges, fitness tips and tricks and a huge bonus is he’s HILARIOUS he makes every workout fun (no matter how hard)!
06 January 2021 3:34
I am a person who lacks motivation and am very lazy but FullBody Athletics helped me change my views on working-out which helped me in becoming more positive in life. FullBody Athletics offers a wide variety of workouts that enhance muscle development, physical well-being and mental strength. Going to FullBody Athletics does not feel like you’re going to every other gym. The workouts are fun, well balanced and rewarding. The trainer is positive, energetic and determined. I feel the greatest I have ever felt in years and my views on life are more positive now.

Thanks Bryan for constantly challenging me in ways I never thought possible. I would have never continued on this journey if it wasn’t for your great personality and making workouts actually enjoyable

I strongly recommend this gym to everyone!

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