15 July 2023 15:15
Excellent Service! Gabby is extremely knowledgeable and highly recommended, he trained my Doberman and most importantly he trained me on how to work with my dog.thank you very much for your time and excellent work.
19 May 2023 8:38
He called me to tell me to live with my abused dog since she’ll never get better or get rid of her. Very unprofessional. Stay away!
25 March 2023 23:27
Thank you Gaby for all your help with my dog. Since the new born arrived Odin has been jealous. With your knowledge and philosophy in positive reinforcement. Odin now better understands his place in the pack and is much calmer and gentle around the baby.
18 March 2023 22:06
I'm shocked to read bad reviews about Gaby Popper.he helped me train our puppy and if you do what he says your dog will be amazing. Our dog now at 18 months will no go off sidewalk until I give him a signal. He walks right beside me off or on lease. Waits for me when to go though front door before him. He never barks when doorbell rings or people come to door. I believe if you listen to Gaby's experience you will have a great dog. He also trained my cousins puppy and they loved Gaby too.
26 May 2022 10:01
Don't even bother calling him!
Popper is an extremely rude and arrogant person and told us that we couldn't do anything for our 1 year old reactive dog. The first thing he told us was that is was too late without even hearing anything about the behaviour of our dog or meeting him. Said he could only "change" him if he was less than 16 weeks old.
After our call where I told him I didn't like his behaviour and attitude towards us and dog training, he called us back just to tell us that he was a business man and wouldn't even bother with our dog while shouting and not letting me talk.
16 May 2022 11:07
I didn't hire this guy after all. I couldn't stand talking to him on the phone; very verbose and talks AT you rather than with you. Not someone I want to exchange money for services with!
06 October 2021 16:12
I have two bull terriers; both are not neutered and were adopted after they reached maturity. So you can imagine the disaster I had. Both dogs knew nothing but their names, barely. They would pull on the leash, jump on people and other dogs, get aggressive, growl and attack other dogs. I truly believed that they would bite if they get a chance!

So, I had to hire a trainer. I went trough several trainers before contacting Gaby Popper I have been seeing him for the past three weeks. We had a total of four sessions, hour each. THE RESULTS WERE ASTONISHING. Within less than a month, both of my terriers are leash trained. NEVER pull on the leash, bark, growl, or jump on other people and dogs. They walk perfectly by my side on a loos leash, pass by other dogs without as much as looking at the other dog unless I let them. Also, they stop whenever I stop walking, sit right away and very obedient.

When I first met Gaby, all I wanted was for my dogs to stop attacking other dogs. Now, we are way passed that and working on a perfect heel and a perfect finish with a flip. Not only did Mister Popper train my dogs, but he also trained me as well. So thanks to Gaby and I will be seeing you for the next few months.

Tip: I asked Gaby to train my dogs in German and he did. I think it is a cool thing and people get impressed and ask if they had any professional training, which I of course I say yes.
05 November 2020 19:38
I signed up for four classes consisting of an 1 1/2 hours each. Class 1 approximately 9 of us with dogs sat in chairs and listened to Gaby pontificate about how he makes money off our mistakes, We tried to listen [my dog barked constantly]. I walked him around the gym in order to allow others to hear.we did no training that day. Dat 2 we walked in circles heel sit stay down. Not bad but generally his comments are caustic and to one woman he said { while she held her pup in her lap] "Are you breastfeeding? " The 3 class started with half an hour of talk and by that time I had decided I wasn't coming back for number 4. Constructive criticisms; leave out the sarcastic comments, when working with a group get a headset, less group talk and more individual work during the circle walk.
11 April 2020 16:44
Pet owners need training too. Gaby came to my place and showed me all the rights and wrongs of how I was leading my dog. After just the first class my dog is not only behaving better, she also seems more relaxed, attentive and she is nicer around strangers.
15 February 2020 16:50
Gaby is exceptionally knowledgeable with problem dogs and masters. He is spot on with excellent recommendations. I highly recommend him!
14 February 2020 3:11
I signed up for four classes consisting of an 1 1/2 hours each. Class 1 approximately 9 of us with dogs sat in chairs and listened to Gaby pontificate about how he makes money off our mistakes, We tried to listen [my dog barked constantly]. I walked him around the gym in order to allow others to hear.we did no training that day. Dat 2 we walked in circles heel sit stay down. Not bad but generally his comments are caustic and to one woman he said { while she held her pup in her lap] "Are you breastfeeding? " The 3 class started with half an hour of talk and by that time I had decided I wasn't coming back for number 4. Constructive criticisms; leave out the sarcastic comments, when working with a group get a headset, less group talk and more individual work during the circle walk.
19 November 2019 23:43
Thanks Gaby for taking great care of our Rothweiler Princess Leia. Your guidance and masterful techniques will be practiced on her on a daily basis in order to make her into a well behaved and trained dog, Excellent service in an amazing environment Up North in Morin Heights. THANK YOU FOR A WELL TRAINED DOG
27 October 2019 13:53
Well I never got in the door, as a matter of fact trying to even get a word in during my phone call was difficult. I have a rescue who had lived a very difficult 1st year and a half which I wanted to explain but this man didn't allow me to talk; I didn't need a shaming I needed a response to my email Once he heard I had done phase 1 classes with Doggy Day he just kept asking how much time I spent training today yesterday, the day before etc. We do continue her training and she is great with it. What I needed help with was guarding which we did not cover in her 1st classes which you may have heard had you stopped talking. I was lectured by this man and treated like a child. Sir you are rude and please I hope you don't alawys bring up people who use Ritalin for their children like you did with me, you are not a doctor just a judgemental human who obviously takes issue with parents who choose to use medication for their kids I am happy to read some of the comments because I thought it was just me. Maybe you do great training in your classes but you were just so judgemental and know it all on the phone with a complete stranger, and by the way you never asked about my dog, you just lectured about a dog you never met and a family you never met. Would the 1st step not be some sort of evaluation? Well its okay I can take directions and call Bark busters like someone else suggested. Oh since you don't know me from a hole in the wall please refrain from your judgmental response. It will only be an excuse for your lack of professionalism
03 September 2019 18:38
When I first contacted Gaby to help us with our crazy dog I knew by the end of the phone call that the issues was us.not the her. So now after our 7 individual lessons we have been left empowered, confident, happy & with the right tools to be the leaders of our pack. One of the most common recent issues that we learnt, its that a lot of people treat their dogs as people and they humanize the. Something that chances the self identity of the animal that has evolved from wolfs.

Our dog Baylee (Almost 3 - we are her third family.) has now turned into a proud, settled & obedient dog. Everyone can notice the difference in her.and wow our day to day lives have changed for the better. We have been able to teach Baylee to wait patiently, walk on a lead without pulling, drop to the ground & stay for several minutes if needed, & to actually come to us every time we call her. She isn't as anxious around other dogs anymore and instead of showing fear and slight aggression she is interested in them & wants to interact.

Prior to our training Baylee would pace anxiously in our backyard & chase flies ALL THE TIME. She still loves to chase flies occasionally but she is no longer anxiously pacing. She is able to be calm & settled outside and when we are out there with her, the attention & interest is on us. The positive changes since starting this journey have just been remarkable & really a lot of what I didn't think was possible.
Thank you for all your advice, patience, guidance & support over the last 7 months Gaby Popper. We now have an amazing bond with our beautiful girl. Looking forward to excelling along with the group training & seeing what else we can achieve!
02 September 2019 20:57
I had tried multiple classes and obedience trainers in Montreal for our 3-year-old pound dog - I ended up with a dog who only came back for treats (sometimes) and a destroyed yard, furniture, clothes and shoes, as well as twisted ankles, cuts and bruises from being dragged on walks. She was incredibly naughty and hyperactive and I was sick of being told excuses and being treated like a child by other dog trainers - "she's too old to learn things", "she's a difficult breed", "she's been abandoned before", "you need to reward her all the time" etc.

In the first lesson, Gaby Popper was very clear with what his program was about and explained what the dog needed from me as a leader and how to establish that relationship while not turning her into a robot. After the first lesson the difference was amazing, after the third lesson we had bonded so much more in 3 weeks than we had in 18 months. Now we have finished the basic course, she is calm and listens, and our play time is much more rewarding for both of us.

The techniques that Gaby Popper uses are very methodical and we build on what the dog has already learnt. She loves the lessons and gets really excited when Gaby arrives - she seems to want to show off her new tricks each time!

Don't bother with other trainers – Gaby will guide you and your dog without being condescending, he is very patient and understanding, and there is no need for treats or silly gimmicks. More importantly, the lessons focus on the owner and he guides you through the routines and shows you how to interact with and get the best from your dog. Not like other classes where you get home and pull your hair out because the dog won't listen! The lessons are also great financial value, and there is no pressure to sign up for an expensive course.

You'll be amazed at how clever your dog is! We have just completed the basic training and asked Gaby Popper to come back and teach us more. The lessons have great immediate results, and are also heaps of fun for you and your dog. Thanks again Gaby Popper and his Montreal Dog Training School.
31 July 2019 0:32
I was at the same class as Cristina Esteban and my perception differs completely. I saw her dog ripping her jacket and she asked for help. When Mr. Popper came close to the dog it bit him and he responded by giving the dog a slight tap.which I saw as a normal reaction to being bitten. Ms Esteban became almost hysterical accusing him of hitting her dog and seeking support from the other participants. No one supported her. He handled the situation well.seeing her distress he offered a refund which she accepted.
04 July 2019 4:08
If you want to be treated like a dog in an over crowded class and called stupid infront of everyone. Go here.
27 June 2019 16:17

I have attended 2 of Gaby’s group training classes. We were learning the heal command, while doing circles for about half an hour. My dog is a 3 month old cocker spaniel. He was misbehaving, jumped up and ripped my leather jacket. According to Gaby, I was pulling the leash the wrong way, by pulling up. FINE, no problem, correctable on my part, I’m there to learn. My dog continued to jump up as we were walking in circles with the rest of the dog owners and dogs. I asked Gaby to show me, and I asked him for his help. Gaby took my dog in to the middle of the moving circle of dogs, and started yanking very hard by his leash towards his shin. My dog was just with me, and was likely quite confused to have a stranger come at him in this way. He then put his hand under my dog’s chest, he was clearly terrified of Gaby. My dog’s tail was between his legs and he nipped at Gaby.

I then watched GABY HIT MY DOG UNDERNEATH HIS CHEST VERY HARD. My dog screamed and peed all over the floor.

I was in absolute shock, and did not know what to do in that moment. Gaby handed me my dog back, we continued to walk circles with all the dog owners with their dogs. I was livid and heart broken for my terrified puppy.like I just ok’d abuse.

When we finally sat down, I confronted Gaby in front of the class, ‘ YOU HIT MY DOG ‘ Do you think it’s ok, to hit animals? I did not give you permission to hit my dog. This is never acceptable behaviour. I told him NEVER have I hit my dog, nor will I ever. I told him, I did not sign a contract saying you could hit my dog. Shocking behaviour he is teaching other dog owners. I do NOT believe that scaring a dog so much that it screams + urinates on the floor + getting hit is going to create a well behaved dog.

Gaby had told us all earlier in the class:

1. Use discipline with your voice ‘Speak’
2. If that doesn’t work, use ‘Scare tactics ie: water pistol’
3. If that doesn’t work, use ‘Physical’

Gaby clearly lost his patience and showed his frustration on my 3 month old cocker spaniel.
Gaby asked if I want my money back, I said YES. He gave me back $200 cash on the spot and I left the class.

During class he also made sexist comments towards a woman in the class, in front of the whole class.

‘You wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend’
Are you kidding me?

He also berated 2 of us in front of everyone for bringing our dog outside to pee. He said, ‘My dogs pee 3 times a day and that’s it, they need to learn to hold it’

People stay away from this man. There are far better trainers out there that train with compassion. Now, I will have to work on making sure my dog is not fearful of strangers, men, and being hit.
21 March 2019 1:42
I can’t speak highly enough about Gaby and his Montreal Dog Training school! We brought our exuberant puppy to the beginner classes and have seen an amazing progression in her behaviour through the program. The training is practical, easy to follow and most of all has fantastic results. Gaby is particularly patient with the handlers who sometimes need more training than the puppies! Thank you Gaby Popper and Montreal dog training school for all your help and hard work; we are looking forward to enjoying the intermediate training! #dogs #montreal #training #dogtraining #puppy #montreal
18 March 2019 21:34
I don't usually leave reviews but I want to thank you Mr Popper for the good training that you taught to me and my dog Jimbo. You taught us how to walk together with Jimbo, how to decrease the anxiety and understand my dog's anxiety while I was away of my place.

Thanks so much Gaby Popper for helping me train my dog Jimbo. #dogs #montreal #dog
18 March 2019 20:31
Don’t look any where else, before him I tried with a Canada wide dog’s trainers company and I would never change Gaby.
18 March 2019 16:06
Mr Popper is the best dog trainer in Montreal. We enlisted the help of Gaby after entering the new world of puppy parenting. With an actual human only months away as well, we were keen to understand the behaviours of our Golden Retriever pup and deal with some issues that we weren't prepared for. Gaby stepped into our house and an immediate impact on Obi, but more importantly trained us up. After almost having our pup drowned in dog treats at puppy pre school, we were so refreshed to be able teach Obi that rewards don't have to be food related. Mister Popper's approach to diet and behaviour also makes perfect sense. We're so happy that we invested our time and trust with Gaby Popper, he has a genuine love for dogs, a fascinating character himself and we cannot recommend his services enough. Thanks Gaby Popper and his Dog Training School in Montreal
#dogs #montreal #dog #puppy #bestfriend
28 February 2019 11:40
Like most proud Beagle owners, I think we are all well aware of the joys and frustrations that come with this beautiful breed. And only beagle owners will know the sheer terror of the thought of taking your lovable fur face off their lead and honestly expecting them to return. My two adorable girls Poppy and Ellie had, on more than one occasion, left me standing with leads in hand, pleading at the top of my lungs for them to come back, only for me to watch their fuzzy butts disappearing into the distance with reckless abandon. Tongues out and ears flapping in the wind, the joy on their faces from the absolute freedom my stupidity represented is burned into my memory. Countless buckets of sweat and tears were lost in my pursuit to negotiate with these two fuzzy and crazy beagles. That was until I met Gaby Popper and his Montreal #Dog Training School.

Gaby listened to my concerns and gave me the foundations to get my lovable babies to do the unthinkable… listen to me. Gaby’s gentle manner and approach along with his easy to follow step by step weekly homework tasks transformed my babies from tear away renegades to absolute angels. His sessions were well structured and lots of fun not only for the beagles but for me too. His service is not only about dog training, but training people in understanding their four-legged family a little bit better. Thank you, Gaby Popper, for helping me learn how to get the very best out of my beagle girls. We cannot thank you enough. Cheers, Sandra, Poppy and Ellie!

#dogs #montreal #puppy #canada
22 February 2019 12:22
GABY did a great job with our male puppy Rottweiller, Milo, who did the residential training program. He's genuinely passionate about animals and cares about dogs and their well being. He even kept Milo on for a few extra weeks at no extra charge to ensure the training stuck. He definitely laid good foundations for us. Our dog came back house trained and well versed with the basic commands. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend his services.
04 February 2019 2:16
Gaby Popper has been working with our mutt, Blue (Shepherd/Weimaraner mix), since the day after we adopted her at eight weeks. Immediately, Gaby established a strong bond with Blue, with a firm, gentle hand and a loving manner - a bond that is just as strong four years later. Gaby reinforced her recall and taught her how to heel and walk securely on a short lead. Gaby Popper is one of her favorite, special people, and she loves the attention and encouragement (and direction) she gets from him every time they interact. Gaby has a remarkable relationship with dogs and a keen understanding of how they think, learn, and respond to stimuli. Highly recommended with no hesitation! Thanks again Gaby Popper Dog Training Montreal.
22 January 2019 17:49
We have been going to Gaby’s training classes for two weeks and I am not impressed. The first class, he hit a dog in the face. Tonight, he was shockingly rude to my husband and me, and spent a good portion of the class screaming at us. He literally asked my husband, a PHD student, if he was “slow”. I have no problem being told that I am doing something wrong. In fact, I know that we are and that is why we went there in the first place. However, I expect to be spoken to like an adult and not berated like a child. On top of all that, I still don’t feel like I have any idea how to deal with my dog’s problematic behavior around other dogs, which is why we were there. The only reason I would even consider going back is because he asked for all of the money up front.
21 January 2019 19:16
When we brought home our Belgian/ German Shepherd (Ralf) we knew that we wanted to get into training with him at any early age given that Ralf was going to be a large dog and full of energy. What we were unaware of was the difference between a Belgium and a German Shepard. We soon found out as per the description of a Belgium Shepard, they exhibit energy levels that are among the highest of all dog breeds. Furthermore, they can have puppy-like energy until the age of three, though it is not uncommon for them to exhibit this energy level until the age of five. That was Ralf.

We looked into many training options but found that Gaby Popper's methods and approach made the most sense, we wanted a happy dog but also a dog who worked with us to maintain a balance in the home, and that is what we have.

From the beginning Gaby was clear on what he expected from us and from Ralf and worked closely with us to ensure that the results that we wanted could happen. Ralf responded to Gaby in such a positive way which helped give us the confidence in both our ability to train Ralf to be the best dog that he could be but also established a trust between Ralf and ourselves which laid the foundations for success.

Ralf wanted to learn, he loved his training sessions and responded well to the methods put in place. We could not be more grateful for Gaby’s help and guidance, we now have a very happy dog who understands his place in the home, who listens, follows instructions, respect the boundaries set and the love and affection that he gives us is a direct result of being content in his environment. In addition, we have taken a very similar approach with our existing dog who is also now much happier with the new structure in place.

We would highly recommend Gaby Popper and his Montreal Dog Training School. We are looking forward to attending the group sessions.
15 December 2018 4:05
I brought home Zara our beautiful german shepherd puppy from the breader as a surprise to my fiance. After only a few days it was extremely clear that we were out of our depth with her. She wasn't aggressive or hyper, the opposite in fact. She was super lethargic, just laying on the floor all the time. She didn't respond when called and also didn't want to walk on a leash and we were having a difficult time communicating with her. These very basic things not working well lead us to search for professional help as soon as possible to guide us on our path to successfully integrating her into the family. A little online research brought me to Gaby Popper and now that Zara has completed her basic dog obedience course we feel 100% more comfortable. We are successfully walking with her regularly. Gaby helped us improve her diet and explained the framework he uses to effectively communicate with k9s. She now is a playful, ultraloveable, obedient dog. She is still young and we will need to continue to practice with her as she develops but Gaby Popper fundamentally changed the approach we take with her and it has already yielded significant improvement. Thanks a lot Gaby Popper dog training Montreal for your help, we will be in touch when Zara is ready to add more skills to her repertoire!
09 December 2018 20:37
We found Gaby Popper Dog Training Montreal after getting our Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Thatcher, in March. We spent a lot of time with him but needed that something extra - socialization and bite attenuation! Which can be hard to get off-leash in Montreal West Island or just a bad experience of other dogs at the parks can be un-friendly. Gaby Popper Dog Training works! Thatcher went to play once or twice a week as well as the weekly classes (for us!). I'd highly recommend them as Gaby really helped Thatcher be a very social and well-tempered dog. This was especially important as we welcomed our first child in June and Thatcher (although still excited) hasn't once been territorial or aggressive. Thanks a lot Gaby. Thanks to you we learned to be patient with Thatcher and we learned about our mistakes and how that was affecting the socialization of our dog. A lot of the times, we think that it’s the dog’s fault but we forget that the dog reacts based on our human behavior and that can also affect their behavior and socialization. Gaby, your wise knowledge and expertise on dog training helped us realized that Thatcher requires daily exercise, socialization with other dogs so he won’t get anxious. Thanks again Gaby for all your knowledge. Thatcher thanks you too. See you next Wednesday class.
06 December 2018 6:01
My dog Kiara has been boarding at Gaby Popper Montreal Dog training for a few years now, and it is definitely our favorite. Kiara knows exactly where we are going when we are going to drop her at Gaby’s dog training school and wags her tail uncontrollably when we turn down the driveway. The installations and the dogs have a huge outdoor area to run around, which makes it extra fun. Most importantly, the Gaby is AWESOME.

Last time I dropped Kiara off, there was a dog in the play yard who was visibly anxious. Gaby mentioned that it was that particular dog's first-time boarding. As I was leaving, Gaby was sitting on the ground next to the dog, petting it and loving on it to help it feel more relaxed. My family and I we recommend Gaby Popper Dog Training School.
27 November 2018 21:28
My boyfriend and I recently brought home a mini dachshund puppy, Lahti, a breed notoriously hard to train. After a few weeks of owning her, and a number of semi-successful and frustrating attempts to toilet and command train her we decided we needed some guidance!

From the outset Gaby was interested and engaging, with a very clear plan as to how he could help us. He made contact through email and phone well before our first session to ensure that we had as much information as we could, sending blog links, YouTube links, book recommendations, and general advice on how we should prepare.

The sessions with Gaby were excellent. His mantra that positive reinforcement should be the method to train shone through in everything that he did. He gave very clear guidance on how to embed behaviours, how to remove undesirable behaviours, and was very good at spotting and explaining signs of stress or tiredness and when Lahti needed to take a break.

He made it very clear from the outset that he is training the owner to train the dog, and there were times when I felt more tired than Lahti after absorbing all the information!

One of the telling signs about Gaby which really provided confidence from the outset was how much he loves dogs. It was great to see how much he enjoyed being around Lahti, how invested he was in her development, and to see the bond between those two develop over the training sessions we had.

Dogs are always a work in progress, however our progress after the sessions with Gaby is so much further than we could have hoped, and we have a dog who is very well balanced and much easier to train.
Thank you Gaby Montreal Dog Training School!
19 November 2018 12:28
Gaby Popper has been amazing! I rescued a 8 months Corgi Mix who is quite spirited and willful. Gaby was able to give me tips and instructions that I was able to use right away and see the new designed behavior. He is flexible with my work schedule and will contact me during off hours and weekends, which has been very helpful. Gaby has been extremely valuable in changing Winston's undesirable behaviour around without crushing his personality or spirit. Best money and investment I have made yet (besides the adoption itself!). I highly recommend Gaby Popper and Gaby Popper Montreal Dog Training School! He has been a blessing to me and to Winston, we love him! Mr Popper was kind, patient, and most importantly, immediately successful at helping us train our puppy. He taught us that it is the OWNER who needs to be trained. And his method sure is effective!
04 November 2018 12:38
Unfortunate I read the reviews after I emailed him. His was super short in his response even though I took a great deal of time to explain my young one's issues and told me they don't board for a week - guess he doesn't proof read his own website. I'm more than happy to look elsewhere.

" Boarding & tune up $200 Per week All taxes included

Don’t leave your pet in some cage vegetating while you go out of town. Let him board with Gaby where he can live a full and productive day, following the him on his daily rounds. Let us refresh your pet’s training or use the time to correct some behavioral problems. "
05 September 2018 21:03
Gaby Popper was recommended to me by a friend and I am so glad that he was. Our beautiful groodle Frankie was becoming a real handful to manage with a toddler in the house as well. We called Gaby as Frankie was jumping, barking, always over excited and pulling on the lead as well as being too boisterous with our daughter.

Mr Popper has a firm style of training that Frankie immediately responded to and her behaviour is continuing to improve every day. Frankie now listens to my commands, is respectful of my space and no longer barks excessively. Frankie also no longer chases our cat and they are happily co existing, even being affectionate to each other which we have never seen from them before! Gaby Popper Dog Training Montreal gave me the confidence and the tools to be able to continue training and as a result we have a content dog and a peaceful household once again.

Gaby Popper has a strong bond with dogs and knows their behavior patterns extremely well. It was very insightful training and I have learned a lot about my dog, not only how to handle her but also how to keep her happy and relaxed. Gaby has made a huge positive impact on our family and home life and I can not recommend her enough. Mr Popper was clear that if we want our dog's behavior to change, we had to do our homework, practice with our dog so it can become a routine for him and for us. There are not magical tricks that will assure that a dog is going to change his/her behavior in just hours. Its matter of time and a lot of dog owners only want immediate results. The time that we shared with Mr Popper during his classes was valuable but most important it was the time that we spend with Frankie practicing his homework.

Thanks again Gaby Popper Dog Training School Montreal!
02 August 2018 11:43
Our puppy Lucas, a crazy corgi, was controlling us and having him was for me, the main carer, becoming an unpleasant experience. Friends recommended Gaby and his Montreal dog Training School popped along to help us out. I thought the training would be about commands and controlling the dog, but instead, I was taught how a dog thinks and how we need to respond to them. It has been like magic and the change happened in 24 hours and I am now happily boding with our dog. We have signed up to the puppy obedience and training classes here in Montreal. Don't think about using this company, just do it.but be prepared to listen. That is something that a lot of owners like me sometimes forget to do. You will not find their advice on the internet. I know, I tried for 2 weeks to educate myself using the internet, most of which contradicts itself anyway and is generally, ill advice. Thank you Gaby. Great job and worth every penny. Cheers from Lucas, the crazy corgi
17 June 2018 7:12
I'm a veterinarian and when I called the local board veterinary behavior specialist for a referral, he sends me to Gaby. Gaby and his team have been a blessing to my patients. Now I know why Dr. Dubois recommends him. Gaby's has successfully assisted quite a few of my patients with problems ranging from anxiety and barking to basic good citizen and potty training. Most importantly, Gaby is well trained in modern methods that don't use harsh punishments that can make anxiety worse and create fear. Vet behaviorists are clear that these kinder methods are far more effective and that painful or uncomfortable treatments like choke collars and dominance are not appropriate. My clients have been raving about Gaby's and I can't recommend somebody else.

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