11 July 2022 21:10
Ils ont refufé de faire un rapport sur un vol par effraction à domicile. Bouffonnerie. Ya plus de lumière sur le top du char qu'à l'intérieur
11 June 2022 14:43
Prend advantage des nouvelles loi Ontarien sur les plaques pour se remplir les poches. Les pauvres son engagé pour remplir les coffres-forts de la ville.
03 June 2022 0:31
J'habite Ici depuis 60 ans. C'est rendu afreux le service de police. J'ai jamais penser que je supporyerais un jour un sérieuse réduction de leur budget.
22 May 2022 3:10
Merci je me sens plus secure maintenant après qu’un adulte à menacer un de mes amis de le « Planter » et que vous n’avez pas du tout intervenu et même dit que ce n’était pas des menaces bravo wow
24 April 2022 18:04
Un merveilleux travail, respectueux, professionnel. J’ai eu un excellent service et on voit qu’ils ont choisit cette voix pour les bonnes raisons.
11 April 2022 13:40
Det. Sgt. Dominique Baux - 1480 - issued two tickets as a power move after asking questions, incase anyone questions this public servants dominance.
03 March 2022 1:49
A Gatineau (police) pas fiable face au droits constitutionnelle! Va a l'encontre du droits humain de la charte canadienne! Jai le droits de manifester de rassemblement de circuler ou je veux au canada présentement a Gatineau la police bloque la rue face au QG des Farfadaa qui aide les camionneur! En tout genre nourrie repas chaud réchauffe les itinèrent de la rue don la municipalité abandonne la police bloque la rue et laisse pas entrée les véhicule de ravitaillement manger bois chauffage gaz etc rue bloquer cela oblige des personne âgée de marcher 20 a 30 min pour se rendre au qg cela est pas humain! Le role de la police est d'être au service de la populations! Respectez la charte canadienne! La présentement (zibi - dubé- la municipalité de Gatineau la police de Gatineau) cela est une libellé séditieuse face au peuple la (police - zibi - dube - Gatineau ne sont pas de bonne foie face au texte du droits canadien et québécois etc ne pas oublié (zibi) a recu 75 millions daide du canada de nos impots
08 December 2021 15:49
L’homme qui s’est présenté était très serviable. J’avais appelé le jeudi passé et il est arrivé à ma roulotte en moins de 30 minutes! Plus vite que de la livraison! 5/5 je vous recommande à toutes personnes que je rencontre.
21 October 2021 16:45
Very helpful and quick to respond to a domestic disturbance in my neighbourhood.dispatcher was patient while I was frantically trying to describe the problem.
14 October 2021 19:12
The Police in Gatineau are disrespectful and treat my son and daughter in law when victims like perps and are disrespectful. On one occasion all police officer with no sirens or lights cut me off almost hitting at acted light so I honked and he had to act all macho and treat me with disrespect when he's the one who has in the wrong. If anyone else would've done what he did the police would pull them over. But hey, they're above the law and can do whatever they want anytime.
24 September 2021 1:02
J'ai encore rencontré 3 de ces petits génies aujourd'hui, ça ne vaut pas plus de la livre qu'avant. Deux étoiles. Il y en a une de trop.
03 August 2021 1:50
I was pulled over and received a ticket because my vehicle’s window tints did not comply with Quebec provincial bylaws. How can you impose a local bylaw such as window tinting on a vehicle registered in a province outside of your jurisdiction (particularly when the vehicle complies with the bylaws of the province in which it is registered) ? I’ve never seen or heard of anyone from Quebec receiving a fine in Ontario because their vehicle doesn’t have a front license plate. If Ottawa police don’t enforce their bylaws on Quebec vehicles, why do Gatineau police enforce their bylaws on Ontario vehicles? If Quebec passed a bylaw that all vehicles must be pink to increase visibility at night to police, would that mean, for example, that a person living in Ontario or Western Canada would have to repaint their vehicle pink just to travel through Quebec on-route to Eastern Canada? It makes no sense, this is policing for profit at it’s finest. I thought the slogan was to serve and protect, not entrap and incriminate. The fact that the Gatineau police use undercover police vehicles to enforce local traffic laws (such as window tinting) suggests that they are either significantly overfunded and don’t have enough real crime to justify the size of their police force or that they prioritize meeting traffic ticket quotas over actual police work. Stop abusing tax payer dollars and go catch real criminals.
08 July 2021 0:30
I was driving through Gatineau and got stopped because my vehicle’s window tints does not comply with Quebec provincial bylaws.it doesn't make sense that you'd stop vehicles out of province and ticket them for tints on a vehicle from outside Quebec when the vehicles tint complies with the bylaw of the province it is registered at.am i suppose to remove my windows whiles driving? I called and was told that i could have used the bus or a cab.in what world does that make sense? I live in Kitchener for crying out loud.your laws need to be revised because it doesn't make any sense to impose tint tickets on vehicles out of province.
20 April 2021 4:35
Had to call the police because some drunk lady was screaming and swearing infront of my living room window at 1am and I could hear her all the way to my bedroom. The police was already in the area when I called so it took them not even 3 minutes to show up. They dealt with her pretty calmly from what I could hear and then she was gone within 10min.
19 February 2021 14:16
Excellent service à la clientèle. Suite à un courriel envoyé pour le non port du masque lorsque j'ai reçu un constat d'infraction. Quelques jours après on n'a communiquer avec moi pour m'expliquer. La personne à prit le temps de répondre à mes questions. Bel personnalité et très polit. Ce n'est pas donné à tous d'offrir un bon service mais la personnr a su le faire. Merci beaucoup
17 February 2021 22:43
They need retraining on how to deal with public and are acting like tyrants during pandemic times. Don't even speak to them for safety reasons.
15 September 2020 9:24
The worst. The Gatineau police need to be educated better. It is their duty to educate and help the public. Not insult them when the citizens are unclear about procedures.

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