01 October 2023 7:33
Première fois que je donne une mauvaise note à une compagnie!

Nous avons acheté nos billets de bus hier, et aujourd'hui le plan de notre voyage a changé donc évidement ont doit annuler nos billets.

Impossible de se faire rembourser (on est à 2 mois à l'avance).

Ils nous explique qu'ils vont nous donner un coupon qui doit être utilisé sur une période de 1 ans.donc au final on utilisera jamais ces coupons car nous avons rien de prévue dans 1 ans.

Je trouve que leur méthode de remboursement est un cadeau empoisonné! Merci mais NON MERCI!
22 September 2023 10:57
Zéro étoile! Plattsburgh; le stop fantôme. Le mardi 20 septembre (hier). J’ai acheté un billet pour 6 am pour Montréal et suis à la gare à 5 am … après deux heures d’attentes je réaliste avec le tracker de bus qu’il a dépassé l’arrêt et ne s’est jamais arrêté à Plattsburgh. J’ai appellé la compagnie qui ne voulait pas me rembourser (je voulais prendre une autre compagnie par manque de confiance) alors il mont donné un trajet pour 16 h15. A 15h45 (le bus en avance en plus cette fois) on voit clairement sur le tracker du bus que le bus a passer encore une fois tout droit et ne s’est pas jamais arreté à Plattsburgh. Aucun moyen de joindre le chauffeur incompétent. Personne n’est responsable, ni Greehound au téléphone ni la station service. J’étais avec deux autres personnes qui avait leur billet avec siège réservé. Il n’ont jamais voulu nous rembourser ni expliquer la raison …. A deux reprise le même jour ou jamais je prend ce bus. Il Nous proposait alors un bus à 3 am le lendemain (qui probablement ne s’arrêtera même pas a l’arrêt de Plattsburgh). C’est incroyable et inacceptable. Moi et les autres passagers on a du louer une voiture pour aller à Montréal et jamais ils ne nous rembourseront … des voleurs dés menteurs et des tout croches! A fuir à tout prix!
27 August 2023 11:06
J'ai pris un bus de nuit Greyhound pour aller à Boston (et revenir) depuis Montréal. Le premier trajet s'est très bien passé. En revanche pour le retour, nous avons reçu un mail nous disant que le bus aurait 2h de retard et partirait donc de Boston à 1h50 au lieu de 23h50. Le mail nous dit que l'on peut attendre qu'il arrive, demander à être remboursé ou alors à replanifier gratuitement sur un autre bus. Nous n'avons pas de logement sur Boston, nous décidons donc de prendre notre mal en patience et d'attendre dans la gare. A 1h50: pas de bus et AUCUNE information de la part de Greyhound. Nous attendons 1h de plus (le bus avait peut-être plus de retard? Il avait peut-être été annulé et Greyhound n'avait pas encore envoyé l'information?) et vers 3h du matin, nous décidons de replanifier notre trajet pour un prochain bus le lendemain à 17h (il ne restait plus que cet horaire). Et comme nous n'avons pas de logement, et que nous avions encore espoir que le bus arrive un jour, nous restons "dormir" dans la gare. Un autre passager nous explique qu'il a appelé le service client de Greyhound et qu'ils lui ont trouvé une place dans le bus de 7h (ce qui nous arrange bien plus) donc nous décidons de tenter notre chance et demandons à redéplacer notre bus sur le créneau de 7h. On nous répond que nous l'avons déjà replanifié et que si nous voulons de nouveau le déplacer il faudrait payer en plus. Nous avons donc réussi à rentrer à Montréal au bout de 2 jours au lieu d'une nuit, nous avons pris du retard sur notre travail et nous avons "dormi" dans une gare sur le sol tout cela parce que Greyhound n'a pas été capable de communiquer sur un bus annulé et n'a pas été capable de fournir un service client à la hauteur. Le fait de s'entendre dire, après des heures d'attente, qu'il faut payer ENCORE pour déplacer un bus est absolument inadmissible. En rentrant nous avons bien entendu demandé à être remboursés au regard de l'expérience désastreuse que nous avons vécu. La société nous a expliqué (après de longues lignes exprimant à quel point ils étaient désolés pour nous) qu'ils ne pouvaient pas nous rembourser dans la mesure où nous avions bien pris le deuxième bus de 17h à destination de Montréal. Donc, selon Greyhound, que vous arriviez chez vous dans les temps et selon les conditions pour lesquelles vous avez payé ou que vous arriviez après une nuit d'attente dans une gare, une journée d'errance dans Boston et 14h de bus (un détour par New York) : c'est la même chose, le client doit payer le même prix. J'avais entendu des avis très négatifs sur Greyhound mais je n'en reviens pas du peu de considération pour les clients que ce soit dans la non-information comme dans le manque de procédure de remboursement pour des gens qui ont littéralement été à la rue par leur faute.
22 August 2023 13:24
Pour les voyages vers les États-Unis, vous devez compléter l'ESTA. Greyhound ne vous l'indiquera pas dans les emails mais vous stoppera à la gare de bus si vous ne l'avez pas.
28 July 2023 18:16
On Sunday (30th of July) we traveled from New York to Montréal. Until and after Albany stop, we only had to concentrate on not rolling back onto the knees of the people sitting behind us, because the „break” of our seat didn’t work.
Albany stop, our driver practically did not communicate with us. We hung around at the station for more than an hour, without any water, documents, or anything. And why didn’t we go back on the bus to get these things? The answer is simple: whoever wanted to step outside the building, our driver started to YELLING, that everyone have to go back immediately into the building. This is where the not-so-pleasant road started to get scary. He was visibly angry when anyone spoke to him. So, since we didn’t get any information, we ended up hanging around for more than an hour without a sip of water. I would not even go into details about the fact that the conditions of the Albany station are worse than an Eastern European homeless hostel.
So, while we were waiting in Albany, we watched from the inside as a guy dressed in turquoise green clothes got on the bus and led it away. Thank God, thhis man brought the bus back, and then our driver appeared too, with a phone to his ear, talking to someone. And he started handling out notes so we could get back on the bus. I wonder why he didn’t give it on landing? He is still on the phone, not paying attention to us at all. Well, this is where the god complex hit our hero again. I have personally seen the „you are not on MY BUS” situation happen to 3 people. (He simply threw up this sentence to the passengers intending to get back on board and, as if he had done his job well, he ignores further communication.) Our driver assumed that he had easily memorized the faces of 60 people, but of course that was only in his imagination. Without any politeness or propriety, he just threw this sentence x person without even glancing at their ticket and decided. For example, if I leave my ticket on the bus, he won’t let me get back on? Because he’s imagining who was on the bus and who wasn’t? !
Well, we finally continued our journey but our driver’s driving style changed. I sat in the seventh row and was terrified! A man went forward and asked him if everything was okay, because he was slaloming with the bus. Well, I didn’t expect what happened next either. The driver yelled immediately „Are you talking to me? ! ”, „Go back to your seat! ". So the man went back and sat. Our driver is STILL YELLING, (but whom?: 'D) Then, the driver slams into the side of the road with the bus, make causeless “emergency” break, in the middle of the highway withing about 5 seconds, jumps up and goes tot he back of the bus, while yelling „Who was that? ! Who dare to talk to me like that? ” (How furious was the driver, even though he talked to us, like a piece of s**t the whole way.) The man tried to explain that the were simply afraid in the back, that’s why he went ahead. The driver denies every fact with a communication tools of a 5 year-old-boy „NO, I AM NOT! ” By continuing to scream, of course, he was telling the people sitting in the back that if they are afraid, he will let them down. (?) And we can’t „bother” him while driving, because it is HIS BUS, with such emphasis, as he owns the whole company. And if he must stop the bus one more time, he will drop them off. I was already with stomachache, wondering if we dare to look at him, will he let us off?
Summary: Our driver was a psychopath with temper tantrums. He didn’t care at all that more people were afraid of his driving style. I would strongly recommend that the Greyhound company at least try not to employ clinical psychopaths. Albany station was such a sanitary disaster.
It’s a service we pay for! It’s not kindness or charity. The driver has no right to yell and scream at a busload of people for 8 hours, to threaten that no matter what happens, he’ll get off. This wonderful employee, in my opinion, should not be working among people, let alone driving a bus. It was a horrible experience, and the driver is the only responsible for that.
27 July 2023 6:04
Pire service à vie. Retard de plus de 2 heures sans compensation de la compagnie. Chauffeur dangereux à mon retour de New York qui zig zaguait dangereusement. Pas de tablette derrière les sièges et climatisation sur le côté des fenêtres qui roulent toujours dans qu’on puisse le fermer. Plus jamais pour moi!
12 May 2023 15:26
Très mauvaise expérience la pire des compagnie. Trajet Montréal- New York 1 heur de retard pour l’aller parce que il manquais le chauffeur et en plus de ca pas de chauffage dans l’autobus à -25 dehors pour 9h de route. Beaucoup d’arêtes non mentionnées pour l’aller et le retour. Pour le retour il a eux 6h de retard à New York la gare pas propre du toute beaucoupe de chose louche ce passait dans la gare. Des enfants qui attendais pour le bus à 0: 00 du matin jusqu’à 6: 00am pour que le bus arrive à la gare car il n’avais aucun chauffeur. Encore beaucoupe d’arêtes pour rien. 9h de route pour rien. Les autobus pas propre et sente l’urine ausi. Vraiment Grey Hound pas la meilleure des compagnie et je ne suggère pas.
03 May 2023 7:16
Comment osez-vous retarder un bus de plus de 4h a l’aller et annuler celui du retour à la dernière minute sans offrir aucune compensation? Quand on ose l’ouvrir le service client offre un vulgaire bon d’achat de 15 dollars puis fait le mort? Comment traite-t-on les clients en outre Atlantique? Au contraire, la compagnie n’aurait elle pas intérêt à fidéliser ses clients? Pourquoi être traités de la sorte?
26 March 2023 16:04
Mieux vaut éviter cette compagnie: départ à 8h au lieu de 7h sans explications de l'agent sur place, panne de chauffage pendant 3h, on était gelé, sièges confortables mais pas très propres
25 March 2023 2:21
Terrible customer service.
First, our bus never showed up and no one at Greyhound could update us.
Customer service was a joke - after being on hold for 15 minutes, I was told they had no info and I can only email them my requests. Apparently customer service at Greyhound doesn't have a telephone number - Nice way to treat your clients? !? #@
23 March 2023 4:59
Terrible! They overbooked their bus and let 7 of us at 1am without any solutions! 3 weeks later still no news about a possible reimbursement! Terrible customer service
18 March 2023 8:14
I had a life-threatening experience on the bus from Montreal to New York City, which departed on December 23rd.
When we boarded the bus, the temperature in the cabin was barely above 0 Celsius, and the driver assured us that it would warm up shortly. Around 45 minutes after we departed, the temperature didn't rise one bit.
We then approached the border with the US and stayed an extra hour in line (which isn't anyone's fault), but the bus was as cold as when we left Montreal.
I could see the temperature indicated on the screen at the driver's cabin - it was 41 Fahrenheit, around 4 degrees Celsius, equal to the temperature in the fridge.
The driver repeatedly dismissed the issue, reassuring me it would warm up.
It never did!
Over seven hours of struggle in such conditions without admitting to the issue.
I was unprepared for such extreme conditions and wore socks and jeans without any extra layers of clothes.
While the bus was in motion, I couldn’t even move; my legs, knees, and toes were hurting so much that they became numb and itching. I was crying from pain!
We kept driving till Albany, where we stopped at 7-30 am and were promised to get inside the terminal to warm up a bit while the mechanic was supposed to figure out the heating problem.
In reality, the terminal was closed, the mechanic wasn't there, and whoever was there couldn't resolve the issue.
People were left outside waiting in brutally cold weather (about -20 Celsius) ; a few of us refused to leave the bus and stayed inside because it was warmer than the temperature outside (about 0 Fahrenheit or -20 Celsius).
The situation is beyond any possible explanation or reasoning and could lead to fatal consequences.
I'm looking for other passengers who took that bus on the night of December 23rd, to group and file an official complaint and bring Greyhound to court!
I made numerous attempts to get in touch with them and sent the feedback form, but sure enough, no one got in touch with me or followed up on this case. The call center blocks your number once they hear the word "complaint", without an option of talking to a real person.
18 March 2023 5:36
J'ai peine à trouver les mots pour exprimer comment cette compagnie manque de jugement et d'humanité. Voyage Montréal-New York; une heure de retard. Jusque-là ça va. Pour le retour; on apprend, à l'intercom de la gare, 20 minutes avant notre départ, que notre autobus est annulé. Sans indications, rien. On cherche les bureaux Greyhound dans toute la gare. Une fois trouvé, on nous apprend que le prochain autobus disponible est 5 JOURS plus tard, et que l'on nous accorde AUCUN dédommagement pour se loger, nourrir, rien. Nous avons dû trouver une alternative pour rentrer à la maison, car les employés ne voulaient rien savoir de nous aider d'une quelconque façon. Au final, cela ne nous a coûté qu'une seule nuit supplémentaire, heureusement. Par-dessus cela, Il n'est inscrit nulle part sur le site de Greyhound que notre autobus était bel et bien annulé, donc aucune preuve pour les assurances. Une semaine après cet incident, nous n'avons pas non plus de remboursement pour cet autobus annulé. Vraiment, à éviter!
06 March 2023 4:06
Worst bus company in North America. I arrived with a 33 hours delay to my final destination, and had to wait for 13 hours in a gas station before they booked a room in a hotel. They didn't refund my ticket, claiming that my trip wasn't delayed or canceled. It was the worst travel experience I had.
03 March 2023 2:23
Trip from Montreal to NYC got cancelled without any notice we learned it at the bus terminal. The only response was to contact customer service. I called 4 times, long waits, customer agents are not handling the situation properly and they are hanging up the phone! What a horrible company! NEVER AGAIN!
19 February 2023 14:35
The trip was delayed for over an hour. We waited in the cold environment in the bus terminal in Manhattan. It was so cold. There was no presentative to communicate with us. The seats are so uncomfortable. Imagine being on a bus for 8 hours.
14 February 2023 20:15
The worst travel experience, bus departure canceled 30 minutes before leaving. Montreal -NYC without the possibility of taking another bus.
09 February 2023 1:09
Really disappointed! Unacceptable situation!
Booked trip from Montreal to Boston with a departure at 8 a.m, we were told at the time of departure that the bus was broken down and the trip canceled. No solution to offer no other buses before 4 days.
We are reimbursed but not for related costs (hotel, activities, etc.). If I could put 0 stars I would have.
20 January 2023 9:36
Employés incompétents le bus était en retard car le conducteur de la veille était parti avec une pièce permettant de démarrer le bus
Le conducteur a du aller chercher la pièce à l’hôtel de l’autre employé
Nous avons attendu 2h sans aucune nouvelle
L’agent présent dormait sur le bureau ou regardait des vidéos sur l’ordinateur alors que 30 personnes attendaient des informations
08 January 2023 21:14
I should leave on December 30- 2022 from Montreal to boston at 8: 00 am (I give the date because probably someone reading my comment was also one of us).
They canceled the bus without any other alternative.we didn’t receive any email before, we were advised that the bus is canceled while we waited in line to board, it was like 10 minutes before boarding.no other alternative was given

it was the worst customer service’s experience in my life. Everyone was there without knowing what to do. Greyhound could at least give us an hour later, but just canceling it’s very very disappointing

My note is literally 0/10
05 January 2023 22:12
C’est la deuxième fois que je voyage avec greyhound. Aucun problème concernant le trajet Boston-Montreal aller-retour. Chauffeurs sympas, à l’heure, bus pas pire au niveau confort (C’est sûr que c’est pas luxueux mais pour le prix ça fait vraiment l’affaire!)
Rassurez-vous, ce n’est pas aussi pire que ça en a l’air et si vous voulez partir l’esprit tranquille prenez des billets remboursables en cas d’annulation!
24 December 2022 18:01
Unfair refund and exchange policy, I bought a ticket by mistake less than 24 Hr, i call customer service to exchange my ticket to flexible, they didn’t accept i have to pay 330$ CAD for NOTHING
19 December 2022 8:20
The woman working at 6pm yesterday November 25th at Montreal gare centrale for greyhound, horrible horrible attitude, eye rolling, talking like we are so dumb and just does not want to work at all. Please change your respresentative at customer service. We went directly there because the website and phone did not work. Worst costumer service (she just spoke english even though we talked to her in french but we then switched to english …). Please fire that woman. We asked one last question and she almost scream insinuating that the question was dumb, we left on the spot.
16 May 2020 7:13
Firstly, I made it to my bus on time. But the guy who sits behind the ticket counter at 11: 30pm is a complete jerk. I was standing in front of the counter for literally 10min before he paid any attention to me.

After that I asked him which gate the NY bus was to and he directed me to the wrong gate. He said gate 1 but luckily I heard the PA announcement which said NY to gate 13. I just made in time.

Also, the Greyhound driver was some shirt tempered guy with absolutely no patience. Granted, he was all alone trying to do check-ins for the passengers, drive the bus, help with luggage and all but his frustration shouldn't be directed towards the customers.

Anyways I narrowly made it to my bus and am en route to NY now. Hopefully the rest of my trip will be smooth and peaceful.
03 May 2020 22:13
DO NOT trust Greyhound to get you to your destination on time. My bus was delayed 1.5 hours with basically no communication and then we ended up leaving 2 hours late! I was traveling from Montreal to the Burlington airport and ended up missing my flight. This company is a joke. I would only take greyhound again if I had all day to waste on a trip that should only take 2 hours 45 minutes. Hey Greyhound, do you want to pay for my flight rebooking? !
03 May 2020 16:09
Probablement la PIRE compagnie de bus avec laquelle j'ai pu voyager. Et j'ai pourtant eu la chance d'utiliser un bon nombre de transports publics, partout dans le monde et dans des soi-disant pays "sous-developpés".
Mais apparemment les mots- SERVICE-CLIENT et CASH ne se conjuguent pas dans le royaume du fric. Ajoutez quelques $ a votre aventure - voyage et vous profiterez d'autant plus dans de meilleurs conditions. Bus SALES, Personnel Insultant, Retard, aucune excuses. Je continue?
21 April 2020 9:30
Hands down my top 3 worst companies to deal with. Overpriced, terrible service, leave you stranded on the side of the highway for 3h, smelly and dirty buses, general disregard for customers.
15 April 2020 8:00
My experience at Greyhound from Boston to Montreal was the WORSE ever. Me and my father had made a trip from Boston to Montreal with our bicycle packaged in box (boxes that were given by the staff), so we put our bicycles in that. Arrived at White River Junction, the driver decided to drop our bicycle there with the other GPX boxes without any advice, and it was not even a GPX product! It cost us a roadtrip car by 12: 00 am to 7: 00 am by car to get our 5 000$ bicycles! Why did the driver decided to abandon our bicycles? ! I don't get it, your company has a policy for legaller carrying bicycles by bus and the driver remove them from the luggages, how can you say that I was satisfied of my experience of losing my bicycle?
14 April 2020 8:48
Bus from Montreal to Boston was supposed to leave at 11: 30pm. It’s now 12: 30am and people are still in line at the station waiting. No update, no information. NEVER AGAIN!
11 April 2020 0:07
Been a regular user for a few years now, due to the unfortunate lack of bus options between Montreal and Ottawa. I don't know where to start from. No mobile tickets (hello, it's 2019), constant delays, especially towards Ottawa due to the stop at YUL airport to pick a handful of pax, busses often dirty and worn out (e.g. The reading light literally never works), confused staff not knowing where the bus is supposed to stop, etc etc. Such a shame there's no viable bus connection between these cities.
10 August 2019 9:18
Bad service with gray hound been waiting over than 1hour, first the guy said delay a few mins the. Again he said 30mins then 45mins, now 1hour passed, bus hasn’t yet showed up.
Need to transfer at New York
I’ll miss my next bus because of them
01 August 2019 0:07
Drivers who don't show up, then company gives zero info to customers. It's a bad look for the company
29 June 2019 1:48
The buses are very old, some really dirty. Greyhound says there is wi-fi on the bus. In my last 10 trips between Montreal and Ottawa it was working only once (one time) for the entire trip. Do not count on wi-fi. The power outlets do work however. Some drivers are great, some are too jerky and heavy on the pedals. Regardless of the driving style the amount of time it takes is the same. I wish there were more competition and options available on this route. Greyhound's monopoly needs a good wake up call.
08 June 2019 14:59
4 heures en retard coincé à l'aéroport de Burlington mais on a eu une compensation encore pour Boston-montréal, bus de l'aller qui sent l'urine et sale et qui donne envie de vomir tout le long du trajet

Update d'un autre trajet: 1h30 heures d’attente à la frontière et compensation d’un moitié de billet et frais de 15$ pour achat au téléphone. Donc pas de compensation.bus a eu 2 pneus crevés comme montré sur la photo. On affirme que je mens et que le bus était en retard de seulement 1 heure au téléphone
06 June 2019 4:57
Le chauffeur est parti et a laisser mon frère à la douane alors qu'il n'a même pas durée avec les douaniers.il a vu le bus parti quand ils sortait.les douaniers les ont appeler mais ils ont refusé de retourner.ces affaires étaient dans le bus et n'importe qui y a accès. Depuis quand ils peuvent quitter les douanes sans que tous les passagers ne soient à bord. Mon frère a dû attendre 5 heures pour le prochain bus.super! À son arrivé, 10h plus tard, on lui dit qu'ils n'ont pas trouver ses bagages. Franchement c'est du n'importe quoi. Aucun sérieux.
28 March 2019 16:30
I just wanted to compliment A bus driver Named Real (Driver from Ottawa to Montreal) He was Absolutely Amazing to My aunt who came in On a late bus ride from Ottawa April 27th 2019. God Bless His Heart! Congratulations greyhound/voyageur for Hiring Such Amazing people!
26 March 2019 15:31
Don't take Greyhound unless via rail is too expensive. You get poor service, decent bus, long time to Toronto, very and wifi.
23 March 2019 15:03
Trajet de bus New-York - Montreal avec la compagnie, chauffeur de bus vraiment pas sympathique, aucune aide pour les bagages meme les personnes âgées. Nous avons été contraints de descendre du bus de façon obligatoire pour une escale sans raison. 1h d’attente au lieu de 25 minutes pendant l’arret. Le chauffeur revient et commence à crier qu’il faut se dépêcher. Conduite approximative. Je recommande pas vraiment la compagnie.
10 March 2019 15:03
***ATTENTION A TOUS***: Il est impossible de changer l'endroit de départ en cas d'erreur dans votre réservation et ce même en communiquant avec le service à la clientèle dans les secondes après avoir réservé.

Réponse: Nous n'avons pas les outils technologique pour effectuer le changement d'endroit de malheureusement. Mais nous pouvons changer l'heure moyennant des frais de 20 $
Seule solution possible = acheter un nouveau billet.

Drôlement profitable pour Greyhound en 2019 de ne pas avoir créer d'outils technologique pour changer l'endroit de départ. C'EST DU VOL!

***ATTENTION TO ALL***: Its impossible to change the leaving point if you accidently choose the wrong one, even if you call customer service seconds after the reservation.

Answer: We do not posses the tehcnological tools to change the leaving point, we can only change the hours if you pay 20 $ extra.

Solution: You got to buy a new ticket.

Quite lucrative for Greyhound, in 2019, to not have the technological tools to change the leaving point. THIS IS CALL STEALING!
21 January 2019 11:48
Outdated system, late buses, advertises wifi but often not included. Expensive compared to services like Megabus.
15 January 2019 21:19
It's seems it's a matter of time before they pack up like they did in Western Canada.but it still provides service for those travelling to the US
11 January 2019 5:35
My two ways trip Montreal - Ottawa were perfect, smoothy and on timeon time. There was no internet at Ottawa terminal and on the bus from Ottawa to Montreal.
30 December 2018 18:44
Pas toujours fameux quand il font un arrêt à Longueuil sans qu'on le.sache quand on aurais pu embarquer et débarquer à longueuil
21 December 2018 22:07
Bus très ponctuel. Mon second bus est même arrivé à destination en avance!
Bus muni en prises électriques, très utile!
Second chauffeur toutefois peu aimable.
21 December 2018 8:46
Our trip got delayed several times with no feedback from staff. All we had to go by was the tv screen at the gate exit. Went to seek help and staff were totally unaware of the delay. People boarded who were not supposed to and had to disembark. Quite shambolic. Once we got going all was good except for the border entry into USA - what a nightmare.
15 December 2018 11:33
Always clean inside this terminal and representatives are always courteous. If you want to travel by bus, I always recommend Greyhound.
01 December 2018 19:47
Save yourself the aggravation and shop for cheap via tickets instead, the bus tickets are not even cheap enough to justify how bad the experience is. This company is clearly grossly mismanaging the service. The ticket staff are slow, understaffed and, given their great lack of interest in being helpful, probably underpaid and undertrained. The online site is a disaster, you can't check online whether a bus is sold out or not so you may find yourself waiting in line for 40 minutes just to be told your 9pm Montreal-Ottawa bus is full and the next one leaves at midnight. Their online ticket technology is nonsensical, and you have to physically print your ticket, don't try to show it on your phone, you will be refused boarding. Also don't try to purchase your ticket online too close to the departure time (e.g. I tried more than 2 hours ahead and no luck, on an ocassion when the bus was not full and I was able to purchase a ticket in person).
The bus itself is also a mixed bag, sometimes it is ok and has electrical outlets, other times no outlets and you are gagging the entire time on the super strong smell of bathroom airfreshener/ bathroom stink.
The boarding is disorganized as well.we lined up at the boarding door to get on the bus, then security came and started checking bags of the first people in line. After checking their bags for sharp objects (not all that thoroughly) they asked the people to go sit down in order to get out of the way, as they continued to check bags of people behind them and so on. This meant the entire check was useless as people were just walking back and forth, and there was no followup to make sure bags that had items identified as dangerous were actually stored in the cargo compartment. Basically the security check was a farce, but did manage to disrupt people's attempt to line up so that when the bus arrived it was a free for all of shoving to get on the bus.
Overall, taking the greyhound really really sucks, I feel I am paying money to be treated rudely and stuck inside a stinky box for hours. Even though the via station is out of my way compared to the bus (in both Montreal and Ottawa), after several attempts with the bus, I am never going back.
02 August 2018 7:51
It's a shame that I can't give this company 0/5.
The terrible, poorly designed website appears to be incompatible with a Mac, and overcharged my credit card multiple times.

The in-station service is no better, the clerk with the resting-b*tch-face at the desk did the same thing, charging my card twice, saying that it didn't go through the first time, and gave me attitude when I asked her to provide a receipt as proof. Hate your job? Go work elsewhere.
Getting refunds for mistakes they make? An absolute headache, both via phone or in person, be prepared to spend over an hour if you want your money back.

Advertised on board Wi-fi works 1 time out of 5. If you're lucky.

Word of advice, go with the train rather than waste your time and money with this kind of garbage customer service. I've still yet to receive my refund from 6 months ago. (supposedly, it takes months to send a cheque by mail)
08 July 2018 7:23
It’s big and clean. The computer display let us find our gate easily. There is a lot of general seating and also lots of seating at the gate. There are security guards around so I feel safe in there even later at night. Before we board the bus the guards search all our carryons.
The ticket counter looks decent. The washrooms are very clean. There is a corner store and a deli in the station. The price in both stores are quite reasonable.
It’s better if they have a fast food restaurant there, like the train station. There aren’t any eateries on the adjacent streets. There’s not much selection in that deli, unfortunately.

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