11 May 2023 3:34
I happened to meet the hairstylist, Poonam from Social Media. I have to say that she did a stupendous job on my hair. The secret is that you have to entrust you hair to her and she would never let you down. Show her any photo of ideal hairstyle you like on you and she'll advise. I highly recommend her if you need a hairstyling and a listener.:)
12 October 2021 11:53
Rafael coupait mes chevaux depuis quelque années, j’étais tjrs contente malgré le fait qu’il arrivait tjrs en retard! Oui si vous avez une rendez avec lui par exemple à 2: 00 il va arriver à 3 pm avant j’avais rien à faire donc pas problème, mais là derniere fois c’etait la pire expérience, je suis allée avec mon bb de à peine 1 mois de vie et Rafael est jamais arrivé pour mon rendez vous, la réceptionniste était gentil et elle m’a donné une autre rendez vous avec lui pour une autre journée! Ok je me suis dit ok c’est la vie peut être il est malade c’est pas grave, donc la journée de ma deuxième rendez- vous arrive, je prépare bébé et jai pris la route.avant d’arriver jai décidé téléphoner pour être sure qu’il etait la! Et là réceptionniste me communique que j’avait pas rendez vous avec lui sino avec autre monsieur! Que Rafael va pas me prendre! Quand c’est pas vraie! J’ai vu, la dernier fois, qu’elle avait écris dans la agenda mon prénom avec lui! Je lui ai demandé mais pourquoi il fait ça? ! J’ai préparé mon bb, moi, etx pour être bref il voulait pas me prendre! Pourquoi? Je sais pas! La réceptionniste m’avait dit il veut pas te prendre, la façon dans laquelle jetait traité c’était innceptable, heureusement j’ai changé de salon et ça marche à merveille! Seulement pour vous dire que avant de faire des actions aux gens monsieur Rafael il faut réfléchir, je venais d’accoucher je voulais me sentir belle mais après cet épisode j’étais triste et déçu.donc ça pourrait arriver un jour à vous si monsieur décide n être pas disponible pour vous
25 January 2021 5:43
I recently went to this salon to get extensions put in, I have been asking for copper hair, and provided a reference photo. The extensions were dyed bright orange without me realizing, and they were not blended in a way that looks nice (see pictures below). I interacted with the stylist personally on her social media and she was pleasant until I sent her these photos and asked for a refund. From that point on she was very unprofessional, although she did agree to give me a partial refund.

The stylist I saw at the salon was someone who was an independent contractor, so it was not one of the salons stylists. However, when I called the salon to ask if there was anything that could be done about the hair, or the stylist they told me the manager is away until the 22nd, and will just be "too swamped" to help me, and to call back in January (Its early December). I asked if there was an email I could contact, and I was told no, there was no email I could contact.

I understand the salon is not responsible for refunds from an independent contractor, but I was incredibly disappointed that they brushed me off so easily, with no indication that they felt any sense of accountability for the people they rent their chairs out to. I have spent 650$ on extensions that are now ruined, plus almost 800$ over the last month in installation fees, cuts, and numerous colours trying to get the hair looking even close to the way I wanted it to look. It is now the furthest thing from what I asked for, and is frankly unpresentable.

I am sure the other stylists who work at this salon are fine, but If you are going here make sure they are not an independent contractor because the salon will not help you if their rentee makes any changes to your hair that you are unhappy with.
04 November 2020 12:10
A week ago I got my hair dyed here, I showed a picture of what I wanted to the receptionist and the hair stylist and asked if it was possible to do this for my hair. They said yes so I trusted them, but I shouldn’t have. They did whatever they wanted with my hair and so I wouldn’t get mad at them they told me “Don’t worry, when you wash it the color would get better” It didn’t. Plus, I HAD TO DRY MY OWN HAIR, because there wasn’t anyone who could do it. 65 dollars for the opposite of what I wanted, no thanks.
19 September 2020 8:16
I walked in without an appointment. Best haircut I've had in years. Stephane is great. Pricey.
16 March 2019 20:16
What an amazing place in Westmount! Love the hairstylists, have been going there for 8 years!
08 November 2018 19:05
Beaucoup de changements a touts les niveaux depuis 2015
Stratégie client avec relation personnalisée du client
Des les premiers contacts avec le personnel
Produit et qualité du service excellent
Robert Slim, le coiffeur, ne fait pas une copie d’une Photoshop de magazine
Non! Il fait de l’art personnalisé à votre morphologie
Il vous rend plus belle et plus beau
Il nous rend unique
01 May 2017 21:56
M. Laurie is a top stylist. I did have a very bad color job done, thought. As for a haircut, M. Laurie is one of the few stylists I have ever had that is artistic and caring. This is a conservative salon: do not expect bizarre hair styles. Five stars for the hair cut. No stars for the color (not done by M. Laurie).

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