20 December 2023 11:34
After going through several unpleasant lawyer experiences. We were quite apprehensive and were really weary of hiring another lawyer. A friend referred us to Lawyer Hasa. From the first meeting we were put at ease. The process was lengthy. Through the expertise of Hasa and his team specifically Ivan Skafar who was assigned to our case. Our case was successful and now we are proud permanent residents of Canada! Very grateful for the impeccable service! David and Lorraine.
15 December 2023 16:57
I'm beyond grateful to have received and witnessed such a great professionalism and expertise from Hasa Attorneys' team.
Thank you very much to Mr Hasa & the team
Higley recommend their services
21 September 2023 10:47
Dear Gjergji,

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation through this post. Your exceptional legal representation and assistance in helping me secure my Canadian citizenship have made an incredible impact on my life, and I am forever grateful.
You patiently guided me through each step, answering all my questions and eliminating any doubts I had.
Your expertise in maneuvering the complexities of Canadian immigration laws played a vital role in the success of my application.

I cannot express enough how much I value your unwavering commitment to my case. Your dedication extended far beyond what anyone could expect. With your thoroughness, efficiency,
and effectiveness in every aspect, I am now proud to call myself a Canadian citizen

Thank you once again for your outstanding support, guidance, and expertise. Your assistance in this journey will forever be remembered and cherished
20 September 2023 9:35
Highly Recommend Ivan Skafar and Hasa Attorneys/Avocats

I had a fantastic experience working with Ivan Skafar from Hasa Attorneys/Avocats. Their professionalism, knowledge, and genuine care exceeded my expectations. They were attentive, explained the legal process thoroughly, and achieved a positive outcome for my case. The entire team at Hasa was friendly and responsive. I highly recommend Ivan Skafar and Hasa Attorneys for exceptional legal representation.
25 August 2023 1:41
Highly recommend Hasa Attorneys! Their expertise, communication and dedication are outstanding. They made a complex process manageable and achieved great results for my case! I got my PR within a year thanks to their work!
24 August 2023 8:56
Me Hasa a une grande compréhension envers ses clients, ce qui lui permet avec ses connaissances et son expérience de trouver la judicieuse solution.
01 January 2023 10:38
Hasa Attorneys Law Firm is the best Law Firm in the whole of Montreal as far as I am concerned, they take their time to listen to your problems and give you the best solution that will make you happy forever.
I am very happy and proud to have worked with Gjergji for all my immigration process and I would recommend him to everybody looking for professional and guaranteed service.
This team has motivated me to go forward and never give up and everything has been worth it.
Thank you Hasa Attorneys.
Faleminderit Gjergji
29 November 2022 8:35
Mr. Hasa ​​and his employees were the most careful in our case and tried to get me accepted by finding very small and ambiguous points in the case. I would like to thank Mr. Hasa and Mrs. Marie. I hope that if you have any problems, you will contact their office.
My family and I strongly recommend this law firm to anyone in need of great help. You will not be disappointed!

Thank you for everything you’ve done for us!
09 November 2022 21:52
A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to a great lawyer Maître Gjergji Hasa and his team Mme Marie who were able to reassure me and accompany me step by step throughout the process from the start, I have no words to describe this firm and its lawyers. Professionalism, altruism, will, hard work and with heart are doctrines with them. I strongly recommend this firm, highly professional and efficient services, a team that will respond quickly to your needs.
I will never thank you enough, receive all my gratitude and respect.
08 November 2022 19:54
Je recommande très fortement à tous ceux ayant des difficultés à faire une demande à l'immigration tout en étant plus efficace et rapide. On m'a recommandé les services de Me Marie-Pierre Blais, et c'est elle, avec Me Gjergji Hasa et l'ensemble du cabinet qui m'ont aidé à faire le processus complet. Elle m’a accompagné pas à pas tout au long du processus depuis le départ.
Ce sont des personnes humaines, compétentes, patientes, chaleureuses, humbles et engagées. Les conversations ont toujours été agréables. Je suis très sincèrement reconnaissant de leur aide et de leur travail. N'hésitez pas à vous tourner vers eux, ils sont compétents et très agréable à côtoyer. Merci encore!
12 September 2022 9:09
Vous êtes un immigrant? Vous aimeriez recevoir des conseils pour mieux atteindre vos objectifs?
Je vous recommande fortement le cabinet Hasa Avocats. Le professionnalisme des membres de l'équipe Hasa saura vous soutenir dans vos démarches et ce à plusieurs niveaux. Ils connaissent tous les recoins de l'immigration et ils sont méticuleux et dédiés. Grâce à leurs services et leurs conseils judicieux, mon mari a obtenu sa résidence permanente. Malgré l'invasion de la pandémie qui ralentissait tout, ils se sont montrés courtois et dévoués ne baissant jamais les bras. Lorsque nous sommes soutenus par une équipe aussi extraordinaire, nous pouvons voir la lumière au bout du tunnel. Faire confiance au cabinet Hasa Avocats, c'est opter pour des solutions qui mènent à l'obtention de nos demandes.
26 July 2022 11:15
I wish I could give more then 5 stars.
They literally changed my parents case.
When you start talking with Mr. Gjergji Hasa, you would be convinced in a minute. They know how to deal with every minor issue.
My parents got refusal on their Refugee Protection and Mr. Hasa and his team specially Mr. Ivan Skafar took their file and changed the outcome completely and they succeeded the case in only 4 months,
I do HIGHLY recommend to people who have immigration problems should speak and get legal help from Hasa Team immediately
Trust me, won't regret
02 July 2022 18:10
I highly recommend this firm. They are the true definition of hardworking professionals, from the secretary who is usually very nice and courteous to Avocat Hasa who is very passionate about his job. He is a positive and thoughtful lawyer. It was overall an excellent experience working with this firm. Thank you guys so much for all you do.
14 June 2022 3:18
I met Lawyer Hasa and his team when all hope was lost. But today, it's all joy. I recommend Hasa Attorneys anytime anyday. They are simply the best.
05 June 2022 11:57
This law firm is the one of the two best law firms I have had the opportunity to retain.

Their level of knowledge, expertise and success is unparalleled. Additionally, they provide highly personal customer service, and stay 100% on top of the job.

Thank you so much for your help with our company’s visa application. Phenomenal work.
27 April 2022 13:56
I’m really thankful for the work that Hasa Firm provided me with my immigration process. I would recommend to anyone that is looking for legal guidance. Outstanding team and extremely professional.
10 April 2022 14:59
Mr. Gjergji Hasa helped me and my family in our permanent residency application. After having gone through 3 different immigration lawyers, a lot of stress and a big loss of money with non competent so called immigration lawyers, we were really lucky to find him. He managed to help us with the application and made the process really very easy for us. If I had to recommend someone as the best immigration lawyer for sure that would be Mr. Hasa. Forever grateful!
05 April 2022 2:34
Amazing experience! Mr. Said Le-Ber Assiani has been very helpful and assisted us with passing the Immigration Court. Mr. Gjergji Hasa office along with his attorneys have been extremely helpful throughout our process. Highly recommend this office for any of your need!
30 March 2022 23:05
Hasa Attorneys Law Firm is the best Law Firm in the whole of Montreal as far as I am concerned, they take their time to listen to your problems and give you the best solution that will make you happy forever. They worked closely with me and my family and now we are proud PR holder. I say a big thank you to Marie Pierre Blais, you are always respectful and listening. I recommend this Law Firm for anyone who wants to be free of any psychological effect your Immigration process might be having on you, call Hasa Attorneys for consultation and they will take it from there.
17 March 2022 10:26
Excellent cabinet, je suis très reconnaissante à Maitre Blais et à son équipe, qui ont travaillé sans relâche sur mon dossier très compliqué) bonne continuation
17 February 2022 2:30
I came to know this Gentleman by chance and I found myself very lucky. Mr Hasa is a professional, responsible, friendly, knowledgeable, humble and trustworthy lawyer and he helped me with my legal case. With all his invaluable guidance I never found any difficulties in my legal journey. I strongly recommend him.
26 January 2022 3:23
I had one of the most complicated cases with “ immigration and citizenship (CIC) ”.
Mr. Hasa accepted the challenge and took the case and finally won it after such a long battle. He is a great lawyer and incredible person. He was always available even during his vacation.
There are no words that can express how much I’m grateful for Mr. Hasa and his team.
I would definitely recommend Mr. Hasa to other people.
17 January 2022 14:28
Nous sommes très satisfaits des services offerts par Maître Hasa, maître Assiani, maître Skafar, et de tout son cabinet.professionnalisme, patience, précision et responsabilité sont parmi tant d’autres qualités qu’on remarque chez Maître Hasa et tout son cabinet. Je profite de cette occasion pour remercier ces chers avocats de tout ce qu’ils ont fait pour nous. Grâce à leurs expertises et leurs soutiens, ils ont du succès dans leur travail. Je recommande ce cabinet à toute personne ayant besoin d’un service d’avocat.
13 January 2022 19:39
La famille Calixte ne sait plus comment remercier le Cabinet HASA pour la qualité d'accompagnement et la très grande compétence avec laquelle il traite les dossiers d'immigration. Nous sommes les grands bénéficiaires du sérieux, de la rigueur, des compétences et surtout de la patience de ce cabinet d'avocats.
L'accompagnement de Me Gjergji HASA, Avocat expert dans plusieurs domaines y compris en immigration, a confirmé ses talents, son savoir et son savoir-faire. Tout ce que nous pouvons formuler en termes de voeu, c'est de le voir continuer à briller parmis les meilleurs Avocats du Canada et pourquoi pas de toute l'Amérique du Nord.

Merci, merci, merci, Me Gjergji HASA!
07 July 2021 7:26
Je recommande vivement le cabinet Hasa notamment Me Cournier. J'ai été accompagnée du début à la fin, de par la vulgarisation des termes juridiques, de la mise en place du procès, et quelle pugnacité! Nous sommes pris au sérieux et ils se dévouent pour nous aider.service très professionnel-5 étoiles.
16 June 2021 18:40
Je suis très reconnaissante à Maitre Hasa et à son équipe, qui ont travaillé sans relâche, avec persévérance et succès dans mon dossier très difficile. Je me sens très chanceuse de connaître une telle équipe d'avocats, en particulier M. Hasa. Je recommande cette équipe déterminée et réussie à tout le monde. Je vous remercie encore une fois et je vous souhaite un succès continu!
01 June 2021 7:58
Very professional services. They care about people and are present in the process. It was easy to communicate with them. They were always available to answer our questions and explain the course of action. Highly recommend.
09 March 2019 11:43
I had the pleasure to work with Mr. Gjergji Hasa, who is my immigration lawyer. All I can say is he is so motivated, talented, dedicated and above all he loves his job and gives his best for each of his clients. I highly recommend him as a lawyer.
17 February 2019 5:10
Highly recommended - The impeccable services provided by Mr. Gjergji Hasa have come through again and again. My brother and I are proud witnesses to the professional and neat performance of this firm. Very efficient, always giving great advice, and keeping things real.
18 January 2019 16:40
Mr. Hasa is an incredible lawyer.
So understanding and supportive.
I had a difficult case and he gave me trust and hope that he could help me and he actually did. I got approved for my PR card and now Me and my family are so happy.
Highly recommend.

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