08 January 2024 6:02
I had to cancel my booking as they forced you to acquire the “coverage” and didn’t provide you with the car that you booked.
28 December 2023 9:35
Ça c’est simplement parce que je ne peux pas mettre ZÉRO. J’ai communiquer avec eux PLUSIEURS FOIS parce que j’ai oublié une sacoche dans un de leur véhicule, je suis d’ailleurs et je dois avoir toutes mes cartes! MALHEUREUSEMENT, PERSONNE. Quand je dis PERSONNE ne me rappelle ma sacoche est supposément envoyé avec toutes mes cartes à l’intérieur mais personne ne peut me donner d’information… je veux parler au gérant mais on ne peut pas me le prêter. J’ai parlé avec une dame RACHELLE, elle me mentionne en date d’aujourd’hui QU’ELLE, ELLE ALLAIT ME RAPPELER… je n’ai jamais eu de retour d’appel… Vous comprendrez, que tout ce qui est dans ce sac m’est essentiel et je ne suis pas de Montréal alors impossible pour moi d’aller sur place. Un moment donner sa fait 3 SEMAINES, que j’attends je pense que j’ai eu assez de patience. J’ADORERAIS avoir un retour d’appelle du gérant cette fois-ci pour de vrai. ON ME RACCROCHE AU NEZ ET ON NE PREND PAS MON APPEL PARCE QU’IL EST 15h30 au moment de mon premier appel. J’attend un retour RAPIDE. Sinon, ça en restera pas là. Merci!
06 November 2023 19:24
Ne louez pas chez eux, facture un siège bébé, non demandé, non utilisé. Et impossible de les joindre. FUYEZ
18 October 2023 5:06
Service lamentable. Assistance complètement nulle! Au vu des nombreux avis négatifs sur l agence Hertz, il me semble qu une remise en question de leurs services s impose!
26 August 2023 3:38
Résident de Montreal en PVT on a eu aucuns soucis mais dès qu’on a indiqué une adresse française ils ont essayer à deux reprise de nous infliger des réparations qui n’étaient pas de notre fait. Obliger de revenir sur place et prouver avec photo notre non implication.
21 July 2023 23:01
Excellent! Location à l'aéroport de Québec d'un SUV pour 2 jrs avec dépôt à Montréal. Le commercial à la prise du véhicule à l'aéroport de Québec a été d'une gentillesse exceptionnelle! Très professionnel, rapide et efficace!
Superbe voiture, très propre, confortable, le top!
Restitution à Montréal à Hertz rue Aylmer. Personnel très gentil là aussi, très professionnel, accueillant et sympathique.
Merci pour cet expérience!
17 June 2023 21:12
I took a few times a car from them and I never get the car that i had reserved but they always gave me a nice discount
21 February 2023 9:46
I booked a midsize car a month earlier, expecting a classic car. The day I arrived they gave me a Tesla. It was a Tesla or nothing, so I took it. Luckily, I didn't go too far on my trip or I would have been doomed. But you still have the tedious waiting times during charging and the stress of having unexpected nasty surprises.
Anyway, they didn't give me what I expected. Terrible service. My last time with them.
14 February 2023 15:37
Une perte de temps et d'argent, agence à fuire absolument! Les personnes a l'accueil ne sont ni serviables ni aimables.
Résultat, nous avons été facturé 2 fois malgré que le responsable de l'agence nous avait pourtant confirmé notre paiement.
Maintenant, Hertz ne veut rien savoir et nous indique pouvoir nous répondre sous 6 à 8 semaines.
Une vrai arnaque, à éviter absolument!
10 November 2022 2:40
I was overcharged for the rental of a Ford Focus. Hertz charged me @$260 plus add ons and taxes per day for the rental. The car was rented for 1 week and pick up was on Saturday Aug 27. The rate indicated on the contract was $1722 plus add ons and taxes. Customer relations advised I was quoted a rate of $702 for the week and $100.99 but this was not indicated on the contract.
I was told because I returned the vehicle on the 6th day I was charged a penalty and that the amount owing would be $1722 plus add ons and taxes. How could Hertz say this was a penalty when that was the amount indicated on the contract?
06 November 2022 0:46
File de personnes devant le bureau, attente interminable pour prendre une voiture dont les formalités de location sont déjà toutes remplies sur internet à l'avance. Manque de personnel, manque d'expérience.
04 November 2022 3:43
I rent 20 to 30 cars per year for my work minimum 1 week at a time. The last 3 times that I rented here they gave me the car with an empty tank and not so clean interior. 1 of the 3 times I brought back the car with the gas at the same level and they charged me for not bringing back a full tank. I had to go back to the dealership to get that reversed and wasted hours out of my work day. Zero compensation has been given even after I complained to the manager in person. Being nearly impossible to properly estimate the gas I have over gas the cars every time this has cost our company $25/30 each time in over spend.
12 October 2022 20:21
DO NOT TRY TO RENT CAR HERE! They do not offer regular cars anymore. Majority of their fleet is Tesla (this is another reason why cars are so expensive here). They are crazy with a fake green agenda, Hertz does not care about your needs anymore. They want you to take only Tesla to have a nightmare on the road in spending your time searching for charging facilities and charging. Imagine you have a long 8 hours/800km trip - you need to spend an extra 2-3 hours searching, waiting and charging at least!

Do not rent a car in Hertz anymore. Hertz is against normal people with regular needs. It is a freak company now!:)
25 September 2022 8:54
Personnel désagréable. On a attendu 1h15 pour notre voiture qui était un model inférieur à celui réservé. Voiture non nettoyée. On a ainsi raté un rendez-vous professionnel très important.
13 September 2022 12:10
I booked a car weeks in advance to pick up from here and drop off in Toronto a week later. We had hotels and a return train ticket all reserved. 30 minutes before my pick up time they call me to tell me they don't have the car causing me to cancel all my bookings since no one else had a car available on such short notice. We lost over 1000$ in hotel and ticket cancellation fees because of Hertz.
25 June 2022 9:13
Interacted with the location on Aylmer. Customer service is hit or miss, some people are really unhelpful and rude. They will put you on hold and never come back or refuse to hang up so you cannot leave feedback about their services on the general customer service line. Terrible. We'll see if I'm ever able to get my car rental (to be updated).
25 September 2021 18:48
Terrible location. Terrible service. Booked a car online and received a confirmation email. At the last minute, on my way to pickup the vehicle I received a call saying they had no cars. Wasted money on a cab to get there and was left without a rental. To top it off, the agent who called hung up on me mid call.
20 September 2021 9:21
Somehow I eneded up with a car that doesn't have Android Auto capability. Unbelievable in today's world.
14 September 2021 7:10
I've had some terrible car rental experiences to the point where I avoid rentals but Hertz I would rent from. Seamless smooth and easy!
05 September 2021 9:04
Never again! I booked a car one week in advance and they call me one hour before my departure time to tell me the car is not available. They did not offer any alternative or compensation!
08 August 2021 0:42
Worst rental company in the world. No wonder why they are going bankrupt We rentend a car, the car locked it self with the keys inside. We have been trying to reach them for the passed 10 hours. Still no answer. I’m speechless. And we are a gold member
24 July 2021 7:42
OVERCHARGED BY $600 USD on a $260 rental. Customer service didn't respond after 3 attempts over 3 weeks, stalling me by saying someone would get back to me in 5 business days. They only responded once I started a credit card dispute (in order to entice me to respond to them which would have nullified the credit card dispute).

Was quoted $262 for a 25 hour car rental. Was pulled over while using vehicle; the vehicle wasn't actively registered. Returned the car to this location after hours and called the location the next day to confirm the car was received and to ensure they were aware the vehicle wasn't registered. It seems they may have let someone else use the car for 4 days for free because my revised bill came in saying the car was driven 200 miles more than I drove it, and that it was only returned nearly 5 days after I returned it. Won't be renting from Hertz again.
26 March 2021 22:41
Absolute worst service. I've rented cars my whole life with Alamo, Budget, Discount and other providers and it's standard policy to offer free cancelation. I've canceled my car reservation with Hertz days in advance only to learn that there is a $50 cancelation fee. WHO DOES THAT? Absolutely avoid dealing with this company if you can.
04 March 2021 6:40
Well priced and fast service. Unfortunately my car had two problem that really shouldn't have been there. There was absolutely no windshield washer left (I mean literally nothing at all) and one of the tire was dangerously stripped. When I brought the car back the lady gave me a discount on a next rental without me asking so that's nice. Still, these problems should have been avoided in the first place so I can't really give them more than 3 stars.
10 February 2021 3:43
J’ai que de bonnes expériences avec Hertz! La dernière fois j’ai eu un problème d’alternateur et je suis aller chez Hertz pour louer un Toyota Corolla neuf. C’est vraiiiment pas cher + le temps d’arriver et vous êtes dèjà reparti avec la voiture de votre choix.merci beaucoup j’ai pu ne pas manquer mes 2 rendez-vous rush important
06 December 2020 3:59
Service déplorable. Attitude très agressive de la part d'une employée qui vient de me crier dessus bien avant qu'elle me dise salut, en tant que client: , " vous n'avez pas le droit de vous stationner ici. ", Alors que je me suis stationné pour me procurer leurs services. Je lui ai répondu que j'attendais une amie, qui, elle, voulait louer une voiture, elle m'a demandé de l'accompagner, car elle ne s'y connaît pas, elle n'était pas encore arrivée.
J'ai essayé, en vain, de lui expliquer que je devais attendre mon amie avant de rentrer dans le magasin (pourquoi rentrer si la véritable cliente n'est pas encore arrivée?)
Elle voulait rien savoir de mes explications. Pendant que j'essayais de parler, elle m'a attaqué verbalement et humilié devant les passants. C'est très regrettable!
23 September 2020 6:52
2 fois que j'oublie quelque chose dans leur voiture (un permis et une paire de lunette de vue), 2 fois que personne ne les retrouve alors que la voiture est sensé être nettoyé entre chaque client. Je suppose donc que les affaires oubliées sont volées par le personnel. Je déconseille fortement cet endroit.
08 October 2019 10:07
Conveniently location in the downtown Montreal Fringe of the business district. Decent car selection. The lobby area is modestly size. We were checked in and on our way in no time at all. The stage was friendly and quick and although we did not receive the car we reserved it was comparable in side and amenities.
06 October 2019 8:12
Ce Hertz est géré par une bonne bande d'incompétents! Évitez les frustrations et réservez à l'aéroport où l'équipe est plus apte à faire la job!
18 September 2019 18:30
The service was great, a young Lebanese guy help us pick the car and he was extremely professional and helpful
17 September 2019 16:17
Personnel accueillant (le jeune homme qui a traité ma location), patient et arrangeant pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes. Très bien
26 August 2019 1:59
Had a very good experience. Pricing is transparent and clearly explained. The car was new. Plus, they're open in the weekend, so convenient for returning the car.
17 August 2019 10:32
Je ne loue plus que chez eux. Service client impeccable, prix corrects, voitures toujours récentes et propres, et jamais de mauvaise surprise. Bref, que du bon:)
08 August 2019 17:03
Good customer service, they are usually speedy. Had no issues when picking or dropping off in the morning. Wish they had better hours on Sundays and I have gotten dirty cars more than once.
27 June 2019 21:19
Rented a few times with this location. They have newest cars. Decent rates. And pretty nice customer service. Haven't had any surprise or random extra charges.
28 May 2019 12:16
I rented the car at 10.30 on 04/13/2019.
I asked how to retun it and was said it was ok to drop the keys in the return box.
The keys were reterned at 9.30 on 04/14/2019.

Therefore I renterd the car for 23hours.

But i was charged 2 days + late return fee.

I expect immediat re-imbursmnent of the abusing charges.

I will be very clear with you. If this is not proceeded immediately I will suie Hertz and make big noise on the socila netwoks. Check my Linkeding and Facebook profile, you will realize that not only I have over 15k very active followers but the vast majority of them are US and a CEOs.

No kidding here. I am very upset.

Pascal LORNE
CEO Gojob
President FrenchTech
22 April 2019 21:18
Très mauvais service à la clientelle.
Leur parking est plein à craquer dimanche soir. Et service à la clientelle vous dit de retourner la voiture le lendemain. Alors, j'ai du prendre congé de mon travail le lundi, juste pour leur ramener la voiture. Ils ne se sont même pas excusé.
16 March 2019 20:15
J’ai du déneiger moi-même la voiture dans le stationnement avant de la prendre et ils ne fournissent pas de pelle en hiver, même lors des tempêtes de neige. Autrement, je n’ai pas pu avoir le rabais avec ma carte de crédit, puisque j’avais fait un dépôt lors de la réservation, le service à moitié français laisse à désirer.

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