18 September 2023 5:57
I went in last thursday. Turned out i had a gallbladder obstruction. I almost died. I was in the waiting room for 10 hours! I eventually went to the Montfort where I got quality care and surgery. Quebec is a joke, their health care system is a disgrace. Legault is a disgrace. This needs to change.
28 August 2023 14:02
I am judging this place based on everything except wait time. Wait times are relative and not very controllable so I can't blame them for that because I know how busy hospitals are. Lots of seats, 3 triage rooms, vending machines and cafeterias its all you need in a hospital emergency room. There's not much in the form of entertainment and I had a hard time finding an outlet so I would recommend bringing some activities for you or your children and a power bank. Surprisingly the cafeteria food was pretty good and cheaper than I imagined. 2 breakfast sandwiches, 2 drinks, and 4 muffins all for 18$ which is a steal nowadays. I had all very kind and understanding and patient staff from the 9 different staff I interacted with. They talked to me about setting up a health plan that works for ME not just anyone or themselves. I was in the hospital total for 12 hours. 6 hours before going to a room and 6 including chatting with multiple doctors and tests. They were constantly apologizing for the delays and once again I will not judge them for this. Based on experience in other hospitals the wait was normal based on severity of issues and all the different people and tests that had to work with me.
24 August 2023 6:29
Merci à l’équipe en endoscopie qui m’on pris soin que du bon à dire je vous donne un 10/10
24 August 2023 4:03
Waiting to see Dr. St. Amain, the best Plastic Surgeon in the the Business for COPD and Nerve damage in my Hands. A long wait to see him as he is Extremely Busy, but Extremely Good with am amazing work Ethic. Always bring a Book or a Tablet to keep busy in Waiting Room. Maybe two hours wait, even with an Appointment.
09 August 2023 11:01
Manque le travaîl est attendu 11h00 a l’urgence sans nouvelles. Demande a la reception il reste combien de personne devant moi. Ils disent 5, donc parfait sors a lauto chercher des items pour m’occuper. Je reviens meme pas 15 minutes apres, ils me disent desole on ta appele trois fois donc ta perdu ton tour ‍️
14 July 2023 19:39
Ma grand mere de 73 ans a ete a l'urgence en ambulance car fillait extrêmement pas pour au final la metre dans la salle d'attente pandans 7h00 de temps sans l'appeller que elle a decider de aller chez elle quans elle allais moyen mes etait pareille faible. Il l'on mie de cotter sans aller la voir rien. Donc pour moi cette hôpital ses juste des incompétents prend meme pas le temps de voir ses patients rien de sa. Je sais son en manque d'enployer mes ses pas une raisons de metre de coter des patients qui son venue en ambulance et surtout des personnes âgées comme ma grand mere.
01 July 2023 18:06
J'y suis allé plusieurs fois, il faut attendre au moins 6 heures quelle que soit la raison de votre visite
26 June 2023 18:52
Dans la soirée du 17 au 18 mai 2023 j’ai vécu une expérience pleine d’empathie à cet hôpital. Le personnel est bienveillant et à l’écoute.
06 June 2023 23:18
I broke my ankle or felt like dislocated it and made me wait for 6 hours and counting to see a doctor the nurse left me when when I was with out guardian I am 14 yrs old and she left me so I had to find my self to the inscription she never came back where tf is ur compassion this is the worst hospital
20 May 2023 7:38
I went to the hospital for a major surgery then was brought to the 7th floor. (dirty) I was supposed to be there for 3 days but had to stay 10 due to complications. A few hours after being in my room, I was in a great deal of pain. I pushed the button to see a nurse. (My room was right beside the nurses station) Pushed again, no one came. Again, no one came. I could hear the sound that pushing made. Every time I pushed after that there were no sound. I was in tears due to pain. The man that was in the room with with me tried but still, no one came. When someone did come, she said that they were doing the shift change and that someone would come in after. I could hear all the nurses talking and laughing. I had to wait 55min to get meds.
I had to have blood drawn twice day. The mornings were ok because the nurse knew what she was doing. The evening nurses were all students. Every students I saw said that I had small veins and each tried to find a vein at least 3 times. (They said the same thing to the woman beside me) One time, I had 3 different nurses try. Both my forearms hurt and not a word of a lie, they were green and blue. The worst is that they were all supervised and yet, the supervising nurses would just stand there instead of looking at what was going wrong. By then of couse I was labeled as a bad patient. It took at least 2 weeks + after I left the hospital for my forearms to get back to their real skin colour. Maybe a week after I was released, I realized what their mistake was. The « rubber bands » weren’t never tightened enough. Hence the small veins.
I had a tube going in my stomach. I kept getting nauseous because the tube wasn’t working right. Every time someone came, they said that the tube was ok. It was like that for a while. Finally, after a few days, one nurse took the time to really see what the problem was. Turns out that by then, the tube was almost completely blocked. I had no issues after she replaced it.
I do place nurses in high estime since we all know that they are overwhelmed. Most of them were really nice but nothing like that should have happened.
16 May 2023 7:09
L'incompétence à son summum! S'il était possible de donner une note négative je la donnerais. Empathie totalement absente chez l'infirmier qui ne voulais même pas évaluer mes enfants!
22 March 2023 7:53
The workers in the Mammogram department were excellent with my senior mother. They spoke English to her and helped her with all her needs. Thank you for such excellent service today.
22 February 2023 6:50
Had a scan appointment and surprisingly enough, I had an amazing service and took lees than an hour.
20 February 2023 2:34
I’ve been waiting an hour for an appointment, what is the use of an appointment if you have to wait an hour. Tell a pregnant woman to come with a full bladder and then make her wait an hour? ! Horrible coordination and organization.
05 February 2023 11:16
This hospital is the worst ever. The billing Administrator is the worst there is, she is heartless, impatient, rude and she's very condescending to the elderlies in other words she does not give them the time of day. Please get a competent person in that job. If your loved one is hospitalized please make sure that they're not overmedicated.trust me it's a known fact.
15 January 2023 5:04
Just had our first child delivered at the Gatineau hospital. Was a long induction that spanned several nurses and doctors- all of whom were excellent.

Very grateful to everyone involved!
13 January 2023 22:18
J’ai été à l’urgence de Gatineau avec une réaction allergique à un médicament pour le diabète, le médecin trouvais sa étrange donc pour se débarrasser de moi il mon donner du dilodide (comme de la morphine) par la suite elle revient me voir en disant bon tu est mieux tu retourne à la maison. Le lendemain j’étais de retour en urgence! J’ai rien de Bon à dire sur l’hôpital!
21 December 2022 7:26
Like all hospitals in Quebec, Gatineau Hospital is no different. It’s overrun continuously, but these find folks are true professionals and they make and do with what they have and they try to make the best of it. I never criticizes hospital because one of the nurses here that work here, save my life, I had a heart attack a month prior to walking in here. I didn’t know what was wrong with me and she caught it. I’ll never be able to thank her enough.
27 November 2022 5:24
Amazingly, it doesn't seem to busy when we arrive here; however, My wife arrives 30 minutes before another lady that came in with pretty much the same injury. My wife was asked to sit and wait for triage, the other lady arrives later, has her injury attended (cleaned and wrapped) to, waits about 20 minutes for triage, then about another 30 to see a doctor, then is out the door on her way home. After witnessing the attention this lady got, I asked that my wife's injury be attended to (which was done quickly), then my wife did get to go into triage and get Tylenol and advil to help with the pain, but now its been several hours and has yet to see the doctor. My wife is in pain again, and I told the nurse whom I asked if she could get another Tylenol. Nurse seems to be annoyed I don't speak English and tells me my wife needs to come herself, and when she does, they tell her she they are too busy to give her any Tylenol. WHAT THE ACTUAL WHAT!? Why tell me she has to come herself just to tell her no? I could have easily relayed that message to her. I don't want to think of this, but the only differences between my wife and the other lady is that my wife isn't white and doesn't speak French. I dont know if the service you get here will be based on your race or language, but on a different occasion, I was flat out told by a nurse that speaks perfect English that she wasn't going to speak in English to me. Anyways, I kid you not, practically the same injury on both my wife and this other lady, which even one of the other nurses was shocked to see as a coincidence. Yet for some reason, this other lady that arrives well after my wife, is already at home, while we still wait. Oh, and both of us have been nothing but polite and respectful to the staff here. I'm only choosing to air my grievances online as they've now given me tons of time to think about how I want this review to go, and my wife would never out a facility like this so I have to advocate for her. I would say if you're English, go somewhere else, they probably want that anyways.
02 December 2021 12:22
I had the worst experience with the nurse who is on the emergency tonight, I wasn’t able to communicate with her (no English) and she wasn’t happy that I don’t speak French, until a gentleman came and help out with the translation.
She said they are close although I was admitted to hospital on Monday night around the same time (no problem at all) the nurse on Monday night spoke English and she was such of a help, she is very professional and she know what she is doing.
I really think with this hospital you gotta be lucky to get good survive،
06 November 2021 8:57
Just had the booking department for my Oncologist contact me for an appointment. She was EXTREMELY RUDE, refused to speak English, gave me a date and said take it or leave it, was condescending and made me cry. I was so incredibly upset, I hung up on her. HORRIBLE how your hospital treats people - Horrible! I have been going to this hospital for my cancer since 2017 and it is constantly appalling, terrible service from the booking staff. I have not once had a positive experience with them. My Oncologist/Gynaecologist are lovely but, to get to them you have to go through these nightmare women on power trips that hate anglophones. Horrible!
05 November 2021 23:32
Took good care of my mom and so many others while being under staffed dealing with the whole covid-19 situation. Amazing nurses able to deal with all types of crazy stuff like old people trying to run all over the place awesome doctor and I say doctor because I only saw the one taking care of my moms but he was cool.
13 October 2021 9:02
Mauvais services, suivi terrible sans empathie ni constance. Froideur de la part du personnel, manque d'informations correctes et précises, infantilisation à mon endroit. Je transfère mon dossier à Montréal. Je suis une patiente luttant contre le cancer des ovaires depuis 1 an.
04 October 2021 0:13
After reading some of the reviews, I had low expectations for the service. What makes it worse is that I don't speak French. My experience was the opposite. I was treated very well by the staff. My radiologist was especially kind and responsive to my concerns. She went above and beyond to help me help me understand the whole situation about my hearing.


24 September 2021 13:39
Super belle expérience pour et ma conjointe! Un gros merci à l'équipe d'accouchement du 3e étage.
25 July 2021 18:56
Mon fils c'est présenter hier à l'urgence. Il fait une dépression majeure et il voulait de l'aide. Ils l'ont retourner à la maison en lui disant de revenir demain. Il est coucher et refuse de se lever. Il a demandé de l'aide!
C'est épouvantable.
Sa médication ne fonctionne pas, il doit voir un psychiatre.
Il a une famille.
Je ne sais pas quoi dire.
25 June 2021 13:58
Called to inquire about having an English translator after being denied service at Wakefield. They said I shouldn’t have second language anxiety and it shouldn’t be a thing and had to come in alone. I should speak French. I’m trying to tend to a dog attack wound and the lead of the hospital was cold and did not speak mischief English to me.
They have no sympathy to patients with sever anxiety.
21 June 2021 6:39
Gros manque de professionnalisme surtout du poste de tel de Natacha car elle répond sa ligne et raccroche immédiatement par la suite et tu peut entendre parler durant le peut de temps que la ligne est décrocher
19 May 2021 22:01
Man Terrible place to go if your sick, you could actually die here! Its not the employee's fault, it's CISSO management and the UNION's fault.
03 May 2021 12:50
The waiting time is horrible, you will spend 9 hours waiting for nothing. It's not the employees' fault though, they are understaffed.imagine having only one doctor for the entire night who is supposed to examine everyone. I saw seniors sleeping on chairs and have been waiting hours.heart breaking
19 April 2021 6:31
This was the best experience I could have hoped for!
Dr. St. Amand is kind and listens. He is very personable and knowledgeable.
He has a talent and I get to experience the benefits of it!
My reduction was more than a success. I am so happy and I would give Dr. St Amand 5 stars over and over again!
Thank you Dr, I am forever grateful for how you redesigned my breasts!
09 March 2021 4:14
Hôpital vraiment mal organisé!
Les infirmières au 3e se parle pas trop!
Sans parler de la mauvaise bouffe!
En 32h on a jamais vue le pédiatre.seulement des étudiants pas très qualifiés!
05 March 2021 9:58
Les receptionniste sont gentilles et les infirmiere aussi. Mais ca fais deux fois que jy vais avec mon enfant et on passe pas du tout devant un medecin. On peux pas passer 12 heure a lurgence avec un enfant de 15 mois. Sa se fait pas. Jvais pus jamais la. Pire hopital de la région. Pis cest pas juste moi qui le dit. Jaurais hônte à votre place. Vous êtes la risé du domaine de la santé dans la région.
26 February 2021 21:37
The wait time is horrible, i got there at around 5-6 and got in a room at around 2-3 am.
They didnt even have the childrens psychatrist there so i had to get sent to Pierre-Janet for an even more horrible evaluation.
The food is gross, i had to force it down and hold it in to not puke. (:
28 January 2021 10:12
Je suis arrivée cette semaine avec d'atroces douleurs et covid-19 oblige, je ne pouvais avoir l'aide de mon père pour atteindre l'urgence; un préposé à l'accueil m'a vu arriver faible et en pleurs et m'a tout de suite apporté une chaise roulante, avant d'avoir un collègue m'amener au triage.

Une fois au triage, un infirmier s'est empressé de s'occuper de la paperasse, prendre ma pression et à la lumière des chiffres, s'est empressé de me trouver une civière et d'avertir ses collègues (une certaine France, je crois?) et celles-ci se sont bien occupées de moi, n'ayant pas perdu de temps pour envoyer l'urgentologue me voir et après consultation, me donner soins, me faire passer un scan et me procurer un soulagement pour la douleur.

J'ai finalement appris que j'avais eu des pierres aux reins et malheureusement (heureusement?) je les aies passées à l'hôpital après scans et prises de sang et un rein enflé plus tard, j'ai pu sortir avec une prescription pour la douleur et retourner récupérer chez moi.

Je m'attendais honnêtement à passer des heures à l'urgence ou encore de devoir y passer la nuit, mais avec l'efficacité et les bons soins du personnel, je suis entrée et sortie en moins de 24hrs! Un grand merci à tous pour votre aide et votre compassion!
13 September 2020 0:26
I was taken to this hospital via an ambulance because my shoulder could might be dislocated. When I arrived there, a nurse told me to wait for a doctor in the waiting room even though I was an emergency patient. The first examination was done by the nurse 8 hours later, and she just gave me one painkiller. After an hour later, she gave me another painkiller again, and then she told me that next examination will be done by the doctor (there was only one doctor for many patients). Eventually, I had waited 12 hours as total, but I wasn’t even called to see the doctor.
I highly recommend you to go to other hospital if you are planning to visit this place.
This hospital was the awful and terrible ever on this planet.
14 April 2020 23:05
La plus pire place a Gatineau sa fais 13heures que j'attend et personne m'apelle et il y a juste 3 personne. NE VENER JAMAIS A CETTE HÔPITAL LA CES LA PIRE PLACE A GATINEAU
17 March 2020 5:48
Modite belle hôpital de **** je suis enceinte avec des douleurs au intestin et une boulle! Pis passait en priorité des enfant qui criais et courait en buvant d'la slush! Désolé mais si vous pouvez allez dans une autre hôpital! Allez s'y. Pour au final j'aille crisser mon camp! Merci bonsoir
11 February 2020 19:20
En tout cas sa fait dur.pour l'argent qu'ont payent en impôt et un service à la clientèle vraiment médiocre. C'est pas des nouveaux hôpitaux qu'ont à besoin c'est des employés bien traité et augmenter le personnel qui est surchargé et écoeuré présentement
10 February 2020 19:48
Très content du service de Dr Carl Boucher, ORL et son équipe en chirurgie. Mon fils de 2 ans a été charmé par les anesthésiste (Dre Laurence) et inhalotheralothérapeute! Merci beaucoup!
10 February 2020 5:37
The wait times here are ridiculous, however the birthing unit delivered my son and did an amazing job with a complicated delivery so 4 stars.
04 February 2020 12:52
So apparently mental health is a joke to these people.imagine that in 2019! My partner and i waited 6 hours to be told that the hospital is not equipped to help her unless she is an "extreme danger"

We went to the queensway carleton following that!

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