26 October 2023 22:30
10 heures d'attente, aucune transparence dans les délais, aucun sentiment de vouloir servir, médecin et infirmiers invisibles. Voys pourriez être en train de mourir et ça ne serait pas une priorité.
22 October 2023 22:03
I’ve always been treated at the JGH and loved it until I had to be admitted to Lachine hospital emergency and wow! I was in the greatest pain of my life and I’m not saying this lightly. And Dr. Julien-Houle Dorval came to rescue! I
The pain was so bad that I even thought of ending my life if I were to live one more day or night feeling like that. The entire team of nurses and Drs were Angels from God and yes that’s what it felt like for me! I began to observe their behaviour with other patients and yes I was no especial! They were genuinely nice and caring to everyone! I’d never go to any other hospital but Lachine! They treated me like a humane in need and in pain!
Thank you so much Dr. Dorval and the entire team including the pabs… you are all bunch of angels and forever I’m grateful for everything that you do,
not just for me but for everyone else
07 October 2023 23:50
J’ai hésité à écrire ce commentaire mais y’a certaines infirmières à l’urgence qui devraient se calmer! Y’a un panneau où c’est écrit que vous désirez le respect non? A chaque fois que je vais la bas, 3 fois en tout depuis 2 ans, non seulement j’attend des heures anormalement longue mais je me fais “ramassé” ou manqué de respect quand je pose une question. Sérieux y’a des infirmières qui ne devraient pas être là. Ce n’est pas parce que je demande une question que je dois me faire écraser, pas que moi! On sait que vous êtes débordé mais le jour où quelqu’un portera plainte contre votre attitude, vous allez regrettez vos mots et gestes.
27 September 2023 18:12
Allez ailleurs! Quel hôpital d’horreur! En plus d’oublier mon dossier pendant plus d’une heure trente… Ça fait maintenant 7: 00 (update: 8h) que j’attends et AUCUN patient n’a été appelé depuis TROIS (update: quatre) HEURES! Quand on essaie de savoir ce qu’ils se passent, ils nous disent qu’on peut partir si on veut…sans avoir eu nos résultats!
02 September 2023 22:11
Service d'urgence impeccable, employé très chaleureux et dévoué médecin très compétent et les gens dans les services spécialisés sont très minutieux et chaleureux
J'espère que cette hôpital aura la bâtisse à la hauteur de ses employés merci infiniment des soins que vous m'avez apporté
02 September 2023 6:24
Very caring Nurses and Doctors! Went through triage within 20 mins. I must say I am very Impressed!
12 August 2023 10:03
Absolutely worst emergency service I have ever experienced in my life. 12 hours of waiting in agonizing pain and not a single moral flinch from any of the staff. Next to none working for more than 30 people and they take frequent long breaks. Zero empathy for the patients. Zero sign of care or work ethic. Do not recommend one bit
29 July 2023 17:22
The waiting room is a temporary space, and soon you'll be called in for your procedure. Focus on taking care of yourself and maintaining a positive mindset throughout the process.
29 July 2023 10:46
6 hours of waiting to stitch up a wound where you can see my finger tendons!
Very bad experience at emergency…
When asking (the answer is did you take tynelol?)
At about 3 hours they add one more bandage wrap due to bleeding and then wait for the doctor…. Seriously?
Only one doctor working for about 30 and more patients!
After asking more again waiting for night shift doctor to come…
18 June 2023 18:44
Le PIRE hôpital de toute la ville. Les infirmières et médecins te laisse attendre pendant des heures alors qu’il n’y a aucune ou presque pas de patient. Préfère rire à haute voix et parler de films ou de politiques que de soigner les malades. Au lieu de prendre des patients durant ça dernière heure de travail, le médecin à préféré s’assoir et discuter avec ces collègues. À ÉVITER ABSOLUMENT!
16 June 2023 10:20
Bon hopital pour le peu de temps d'attente mais mauvais hopital pour le service, j'ai attendu 6h pour me faire dire qu'ils ne font pas de test de glande thyroide.
31 May 2023 19:48
Très très mauvaise expérience au niveau des urgences, beaucoup d'attente alors qu'il n'avait pas trop de personne en attente, délai inexpliqué. Personnellement je trouve que c'est voulu pour ne plus penser à se rendre là-bas.
19 April 2023 7:23
Merci au infirmières et au médecin à l'urgence le 23/3/23 très tôt le matin j'ai été pris en charge rapidement et vous avez fait un excellent travail Merci encore une fois a toute l'équipe lâchez pas votre excellent travail.
14 April 2023 6:33
Very kind and helpful staff at the hospital card desk and in the cardiology department. Wait time was short with an appointment. Free parking available around hospital.
30 March 2023 12:33
Waited quite a while (pretty standard for Quebec emergency rooms) when taking my blood test I was alone with a student nurse who poked me but then proceeded to slap the needle that was still in my arm thus erupting my vein and leaving a serious mark. Not supervised by trained nurses leaving me with pain and discomfort as a result.
04 February 2023 14:03
My 94 yr old father, a surgeon who dedicated his to others, was put in a room with a covid positive patient and became very sick with covid and died. No apologies from the hospital or staff.
17 January 2023 11:44
0 star! Where is the human rights about this service! The animals here take service better than humans
10 January 2023 0:30
My husband had day surgery operation on the 8th December, 2022. He was the first patient that day, and I have to say, the staff, the surgeon even the anaesthetist were just OUTSTANDING! So kind, and compassionate and tended to his every move. THANK YOU ALL for making the day a good one, and for making us feel not so nervous and stressed. We cannot thank you enough. THIS is how a hospital should be run.
26 December 2022 16:18
I was very impressed and grateful to the Day Surgery staff. So kind and considerate. A very positive experience for me.
17 December 2022 4:26
Been here for over 10hrs, which is pretty standard in Québec, but I've asked for water & Tylenol & haven't been given either for hours (I'm just in the waiting room). The staff is rude (other than a few of the nurses), the EP is actually a temporary wing & is super run down & very uncomfortable. It's quite shocking how small they manage to make you feel when they're supposed to be trained medical staff. This is my second very bad experience here.
28 November 2022 21:07
11 October 2022 19:18
I want to express my gratitude to Dr Court and all the staff and personnel in Hospital Lachine that took care of me during a recent bariatric surgery. The care and treatment I received was excellent. Since pre-op, admission, surgery and release from the hospital was excellent. On a particular note, the kind words and attention from Mildred, one of the nurses meant the world to me! Gracias! Thank you! Merci beaucoup!
11 October 2022 7:39
I had a CT SCAN 2nd floor TODAY JULY 20/22.2 lady technicians, absolutely excellent. I can’t express enough compassion, kind Thank you Karen Tayler
08 October 2022 1:01
Pire hôpital… souffre souffre ton tour va jamais venir. Que tu sois seul ou nombreux tu vois de même attendre 1 journée avec de la douleur
06 October 2022 14:12
Je suis arrivée très tot (4h am), j'étais SEULE à l'urgence. Première en liste. J'ai tout de même attendu pendant 6 heures. Le personnel était vraiment gentil, mais vraiment l'attente était injustifié vu l'achalandage. C'est très enrageant quand tu souffre et que tu as parcouru 1h de route pour un hopital qui était vide.
11 September 2022 0:57
Nurses and checkup -> very quick but they don’t explain what they’re doing to me. The nurse took a blood sample on me and It left me a big bruise! They don’t even tell me any results after checking my blood pressure.
Organization is really bad.
I waited 6 hours for the doctor.ridiculous.

For 6hours long wait. I get to see the doctor for only 3 minutes. Didn’t took me seriously. She didn’t really do much. I say that I am in pain and in discomfort. Wasted my time and I’m still in pain and discomfort. She just told me to take Advil and wait til it goes away. Didn’t really explain much, didn’t seems to know what really is the problem on me. Then she goes back to computer and doesn’t even let me know we were done already.
What kind of doctor quack is this. Disappointing. Unprofessional.

Now I’m really unsure If I’m really okay or not because It’s really not normal how I’m feeling.
17 May 2022 5:16
The staff works really hard. Not sure about the doctor I saw in emergency. She didn't touch the spot where it hurt to check it, she pounded on my back where kidneys are and said my kidneys were okay, gave me a urine test, painkillers and a referral for a physiotherapist. Poor lady in the waiting room though. Waited hours and her hand was broken. Have to wonder about the triage process.
25 April 2022 22:30
Excellent service from the Day Surgery staff (nurses and doctor). Everyone was professional, informative, and compassionate. Five stars.
21 April 2022 20:59
Très bien aimé l hôpital Lachine très bon service à l’urgence à comparer à l hôpital Lasalle quand tu te fais dire que ton mal est pas considéré urgent au moins l’hôpital Lachine mon pri en charge
13 April 2022 14:55
Amazing service. Fast friendly. I was there today. Xray tech were more then amazing. Very helpful. Other staff was excellent. Dr very knowledgeable to the point. Took enough time to hear me out. God bless you all.
06 April 2022 23:37
Worst hospital ever, even hospital in Grande Prairie AB not so bad! Went to ER, after I fall from the stairs, swollen ankle, can't walk. Waited for 8 hours to be seen by their "orthopedic" doctor, she even didn't look at my ankle, literally, said stand up and walk, their no fracture. I was crying in pain and said I can't walk it is too painful. She said, it's all right and send me home.in walk in clinic near my house I got referral to MRI, paid 720$ to do it fast and surprise, surprise they found fracture in the bone and high grade ligament tear! Almost two weeks I spend without the cast, because in the hospital they didn't do their job properly! Now 4 more weeks at least I need to go with a cast. Terrible!
03 April 2022 6:05
Personnel très attentionné et humain, j'ai été choyé pendant mon hospitalisation d'un jour. Très humain et à l'écoute des patients
09 March 2022 10:46
I had an MRI in late January at Lachine Hospital, my first time going there. The security was helpful, admissions card efficient and the MRI technician Krikor, was super patient getting me a blanket and explaining everything he was about to do! He was an attentive and kind young man! Thank You for making an intimidating situation easier! We laughed too! GP
25 January 2022 21:49
Pire service téléphonique du monde. Ça fait une semaine que j'essaie de les rejoindre pour un retour d'appel (prise de rendez-vous). À chaque occasion, j'attends des heures pour qu'on me réponde, sans résultat. Aujourd'hui, après 3 heures d'attente, quand quelqu'un répond enfin, la femme n'est pas capable de patienter 1 minutes pour que je lui donne les informations nécessaires, elle raccroche dans ma face. Bravo pour votre service à la clientèle! Si je pourrais donner 0 étoile, je le ferais.
19 January 2022 1:16
Merci à toute l'équipe très bon service malgré reno et
Manque de personnel
Infirmière très bonne qualité merci les filles

Oui un peut long à l'urgence
3-4h mais ces bien pire ailleurs

J'ai déjà attendu 24h
A sainte- justine
15 January 2022 20:40
I stayed on the 5th floor back in early 2000. I only spoke English. I stayed for a few months. It was hell. The things I saw there! The things they did! I hope one day it all comes out!
08 January 2022 2:40
Went after 4 weeks of being really sick. I didn’t want to be there just as much as the incompetent and ignorant “doctor” who saw me.
I couldn’t even tell her all my symptoms before I was interrupted by her telling me she’ll do a simple blood test and send me home. She told me I had gastro for the last 4 weeks. Nope. I knew it wasn’t. But she sent me anyways. Went to another hospital and diagnosed with extensive ulcerative colitis and have been in a flare up for two months. Of course she wouldn’t know cause she didn’t care enough to listen and do the right tests or refer me to the right people. Also checked my results from blood tests that day and they were terrible.
I don’t know how she could be allowed to practice.
Nurses were mouthy, over worked.
Only positive was that it was pretty clean.
29 December 2021 2:28
Ridiculous discrimination because of language with the patients!? Very rude Blood test receptionist with her illegal behavior.
23 December 2021 0:02
I'm at hospital Lachine tonight with a sore stomach and ribs I have trouble going to the washroom I've went to see the nurse that she told me that thay can't give me anything to help my pain cause ove whats going on it left me crining by myself I've been waiting hear sine 6: 30 pm and I'm still waiting to been seen by a doctor it's now 2: 00am on November 2end and now its November 3rd very lousy service I guess not being able to go to the washroom is not emergency anuff for them and as you can see there is not very many people hear just 2 people left I finally finished there it took them 10 minutes to see me but I hade to wait 8 hours in pain for a lousy 10 minutes thay need to get organized
04 December 2021 23:08
Very rude and unfair native nurse as Blood test receptionist in 2th floor C4. At the first she takes the patients's ticket and then discriminates the patients to be called based on the patients' French language as priority. Very llegal behavior. She is stupid.
27 November 2021 0:09
Absolutely horrifying experience! I went to the emergency room because i suspected I might have a miscarriage. I was 13 weeks pregnant, crying and trying to manage my pain in the waiting room for 5 hours. I was basically having my miscarriage right there in the waiting room without any assistance whatsoever. Felt like an animal! Why you even call it a emergency room when you leave a pregnant woman in distress having her loose her baby in front of complete stranger's? ! The only person that helped me was another patient who started to ask someone to help me because I was definitely in need of medical help right away. Nobody came and I went to the emergency room toilet to bleed. I was Left to bleed in the toilet and had my miscarriage there. I can't describe how traumatized I am. I just lost my baby in the toilet? !? !? And you call that an emergency room? What an insult! After that they finally gave me a room and a small pad to stop the bleeding? I lost Soo much blood! It was everywhere! And you give me a pad and try to tell me it is all natural? ! Is that the best our health system is capable? !? ! I know it is natural thank you. What is not natural is to leave me have my miscarriage on your waiting room and in the toilet. Absolutely horrible and discusting! And after all this ordeal they told me to come back for blood check 2 days after, which was absolutely unnecessary because yet again the service was 0. I am still weak after the miscarriage and waited 7 hours just to be told absolutely nothing. Horrible experience!
21 October 2021 4:34
I would like to say THANK YOU to the 5th floor staff for my dad's care (room 501), they cleaned him and went to talk to him!
Please pass them this message? I would greatly appreciated it. Thank you
01 October 2021 22:53
Service extraordinaire, malgré la situation, merci pour votre travail et votre service merci merci merci et encore merci
27 September 2021 5:27
I had an emergency earlier this summer & had to be taken to this hospital by ambulance. I'm very grateful for the care I received while I was there, the nurses and doctor were all kind to me. It was a very frightening experience and it could have been much worse if the nurses weren't compassionate and caring. Thank you!
13 September 2021 10:58
C'est l'urgence la moins urgente que j'ai vu de ma vie. Le personnel est sympathique, mais lent. Ils marchent comme s'ils faisaient une balade du dimanche. La salle d'attente est vide, mais en 4 heures ils ont passé une personne.
07 April 2020 21:25
*Avis modifié pour clarifier le problème. *

C'est un hôpital ou on va quand on veut mourir. Le personnel semble vivre dans un petit monde à part et semble même avoir développé une mentalité du "eux contre nous" ou "eux" représente les patients. Comme patient vous êtes un obstacle à la bonne réalisation du travail de la journée.

Par contre le plus grave n'est pas l'attente démesurée à l'urgence et le manque de courtoisie qui se reflètent dans les autres avis. Le plus inquiétant c'est la faiblesse des protocoles et de la communication entre les employés ainsi que leur orientation administrative plutôt que centré sur le patient. Cela entraîne des erreurs inacceptables et des conséquences néfastes pour la santé des patients qui restent dans le noir et doivent se battre à contre-courant pour obtenir de l'information de base.

Évitez à tout prix! Cet hôpital devrait être fermé et démoli pour repartir à neuf avec des pratiques plus humaines, centrées sur le patient, des procédures modernisées et un personnel formé et épaulé qui éprouvera au moins une once de plaisir à venir travailler. Peut-être que le service serait alors à la hauteur du gouffre financier que représente notre système de santé.
03 April 2020 1:55
Went at 3 in morning for fever, was helped very quickly and professionally and friendly staff. But can imagine that in busier hours it might be crowded. Thank you!
23 March 2020 12:54
Je suis rentré pour des points de sutures à 7h30 et à 8h30 j'étais sortie.
Je n'avais aucun rendez vous de céduler.
Personnel sympathique et souriant. Ça vaut le détour.
15 March 2020 2:18
Almost already 1h in nobody but me in the waiting room and they still didn't call my name.there literally nobody here. What is happening in hospitals these days.
28 February 2020 12:13
Worst hospital experience and I am still here.
Been here 8 hours and advised the nurse that I believe I have cellulitis. This can be life threatening if treatment is delayed to long.
I've been waiting for 8 hours. Made some friends in emerg. One lady has been here 12 hours with internal bleading. I understand prioritizing but seriously!
Triage nurse quite nasty as well and zero sympathy.
Will never come to this hospital again. I would normally go to Ontario but because I was downtown and Statcare and Lakeshore were not taking anyone else I was told to come here.
One doctor on staff for all of Saturday.
03 February 2020 22:20
Pire service que j'ai eu. Je suis arrivé en ambulance (Qui en passants eux était juste incroyablement gentils) aussitôt arrive j'était pas vraiment la car j'avais perdu connaissance chez moi. Je sais que je leur es dit que je m'avais cogné la tête ainsi que j'avais de la douleur au cou. On ma pas fait de test pour voir si j’avais un commotion ou quoi se sois. Je fessai de la haut fièvre et tout.on a mis en 40 aines pour 8 heures.le médecin ma vue 2x première fois a mon arrivé pour 2 min et l'autre pour le mettre des pansement au menton fendu et me dire que j'avais la grippe l'influenza et je pouvais partir. Mais le pire elle me dit faut quelqu'un vienne te chercher tes pas en état de rentré tes trop faible. Genre pourquoi tu me renvoie alors. Pendant mon départ j'ai demande qu'on me redonne ma carte d'assurance maladie. L'infirmière ma gueuler dessus en disant vérifié dans tes choses on la pas, désolé de te dérangé dans ta discussion de collègue.je suis arriver avec rien justement en pyjama. En gros il on perdu ma carte et ils sont pas capable d'assumer.
26 January 2020 21:57
Urgence Hôpital de Lachine: c'est un rassemblement de tous les employés incompétents du domaine de la santé!
Je comprends leurs frustrations envers le gouvernement, mais la clientèle n'a pas à payer pour ça.
Les pancartes devraient plutôt lire: " comme vous, la clientèle mérite le respect".

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