06 September 2023 5:07
Orthopedic department a women dr she got into the patient room and gave a dirty look to the patient and patient asking about a new problem after surgery but she didn't care and she said this is existing problem and she didn't wants to look at it, patient said I having pain and can't eat but she didn't care, very poor service, Canada should look after this problem or this kind of dr will give a bad reputation to canadian health systems, this time I am not mentioning her name but next time we will start to posting the name and will vedio record for the proved
02 September 2023 11:22
Extremely rude and apathetic nursing staff. We waited for 8 hours only to get a generic comment from the doctor.

I feel that a few nurses (especially reception area) in this hospital are entitled, taxpayer money parasites. They just don't care - you can keep rotting in the chair for hours, wasting your productive time. I saw them misbehave with several elderly patients who just wanted to ask a few questions. And as patient facing staff, it is their duty to respond with empathy. Instead, they try to intimidate and disrespect people. They are so so far from basic standards of care.

As with the rest of broken Quebec healthcare, there were only two doctors and the total time spent was almost 10 hours. They all try to normalize and try to blackmail saying that look - this light is blinking it means that someone is dying. All the while you see idle staff just sitting in front of system or chatting amongst themselves.

But then - where will you go my friend? The whole system capacity has collapsed and they know it. So they behave as they want.

13 August 2023 10:03
Un grand merci au service de soins palliatifs qui a accompagné mon petit frère jusqu'à son dernier grand voyage. Je garde dans le cœur toute cette bienveillance et cette chaleur humaine. Vous êtes de belles personnes. Bénédicte
06 August 2023 7:19
If I could give NO star that would be a perfect justification.
Been waiting since 10pm and got into a consultation room at 03: 21am. When asked admitting nurse she was arrogant enough to say we admit by priority, that does not make sense.
I do understand that Canada has a good health care system but a small fixtures here and there would make it more better.
Overall my first medical emergency visit to the hospital was a worse experience.
16 July 2023 5:52
I had eye infection and when to vision department. They could not help me. Instead, I went to Univertisty of Montreal across the street and received wonderful care. They know how to look after seniors. Never again the Jewish Hospital
13 July 2023 23:55
The Birthing Center needs to be improved. We were transfer to 3 different rooms from our arrival. We had booked a Private room months in advance and we were told that all rooms are booked and not available. They put 2 patients in the Same room, No Hot water in bathroom, Power-cut Several times, noisy, very uncomfortable, they don’t even have a sofa bed for you to sleep. The staff were amazing but They need to improve the Birthing center area.
05 July 2023 21:54
My experience at this hospital was very negative. I had to wait 10 hours to get 4 stitches on a finger and then, due to the wound getting infected, I had to come back and wait another 10 hours without receiving attention. The attitude of the staff was also disappointing. I wouldn't recommend this hospital to anyone because of the delayed attention and bad attitude of the staff.
01 July 2023 6:27
Last week I came into the ER at 11pm with a breathing difficulty.
I was triaged immediately and admitted.
Thankfully nothing was found and was sent home the next am.
From beginning to end I was treated with empathy and respect.
I have nothing but praise for all those individuals who took care of me.
Thank you
15 June 2023 16:44
Worst hospital just like a nightmare waited for 12 hours in the emergency ward I don’t know why they call it emergency ward more like a waiting room rude behaviour and i had an insurance policy but they told insurance is not paying how come worst experience my friend also went there he also waited for around 10 hours
09 June 2023 13:54
Mon expérience avec l'hôpital général juif a été assez frustrante. J'ai été amené aux urgences médicales et j'ai été très déçu par la qualité des soins que j'ai reçus. Les étudiants étaient les seuls à me voir et ils semblaient inexpérimentés et peu confiants dans leur travail. De plus, la secrétaire a été extrêmement désagréable et peu serviable. J'ai eu l'impression d'être traité avec peu de respect et de considération.
26 May 2023 15:54
I have an infected molar along with inflammation, the doctors did NOT give me antibiotics!

They sent me home with ADVIL and PERCOCET, they did that TWICE! And told me to come back in one month.

They charged me $250 dollars to put my mouth to sleep.isn't that.
You have to kill the infection and immflamation? They did NONE of that. They are thieves, money money, money.they don't care. DO NOT GO THERE! YOU HAVE BEEN ADVICED!

This did NOT happened once, but in the period of one month, I went there so many times for nothing
25 May 2023 5:04
RE: interventional radiology dept
Top notch! I really do feel like I’m in the best hands and I can share this after having consulted with Dr Kaitoukov.
Everyone from Richard, who I spoke with on the phone to book my consultation to nurse Elianna who did my blood test right there in the IR department just after I had my consult.
Any kind of procedure can be scary but it helps when you meet phenomenal individuals that show an exceeding level of professionalism and care.
22 May 2023 7:04
Was in emergency today with my mom and i would like to thanks all emergency stoff for brilliant work. Specially Dr Piccolo. Thank you.
30 April 2023 16:10
Je ne donnerais meme pas 1 étoile pour cet hospital ni pour la clinique, pire hospital a montréal, secrétaire mal éduqué, mal élevé aucun professionnalisme qui ne sait pas parlé aux patients, qui te raccroche au nez a la moindre question, ce n’est pas notre problème si vous n’aimez pas votre métier, j’espère que la vie et la karma vous traitera de meme que vous traiter les gens, vous devriez avoir honte de vous!
08 April 2023 10:47
A huge thank you to allthe staff of K-9for their excellent care after my surgery.
Also thank you to Dr jasgur peer Singh and his team of residents and Dr G Ghitulescu and her team of residents. BRAVO to you all.
08 April 2023 0:02
Loved dining in here, 10/10 food and service, would've liked better seating though. The basement was a bit leaky, but that's ok, it made the food taste better, like a seasoning of some sort.
02 April 2023 21:08
I can not believe the treatment I was received 2 days ago,
after spending 9 hours in emergency in excruciating pain,
I was told they can can except me because I AM OUT OF THEIR DERISPTRICTION AREA! They told me I should go to my local hospital, I could not even believe my own ears, is there even such law in Canada, to turn back a patient AFTER 9 HOURS OF WAITING! I was in so much pain I asked "why did not you tell me that 9 hour ago? "
it's outrageous, it's unacceptable, and they had to right to do it.
Medical system has no concern or any decent companion to the patients, shame on all the doctors.
25 March 2023 23:39
4 semaine que j’appelle concernant un rendez-vous et personne ne repond. Concernant les personnes qui répondent au téléphone sont hautains et ne vous laisse meme pas parler et vous raccroche au nez. Réellement déçu de cet hôpital et je ne viendrai plus jamais!
20 February 2023 7:39
Honestly, I am very grateful that this hospital exsist, and I had nowhere near a bad experience with them. My mom had an emergency surgery as they were the first to admit her, and typically saved her life as she was in a terrible condition. The doctors and nurses there were amazing, and as someone who has very high anxiety in hospitals, the nurses were very kind and helped me calm down even as a visitor. Very thankful that the staff at this hospital exist, thank God.
20 February 2023 2:27
We wanted to thank the incredible doctors and fantastic nurses at the JGH Birthing Center which made our first pregnancy experience very special!
13 February 2023 0:32
Délais ridicules juste pour s'enregistrer a chaque fois (20 minutes) pour les rdv en échographie obstétricale et 30 minutes d'attente pour faire sa carte d'hopital. Il faut arriver au moins une demi-heure d'avance si on ne veut pas etre en retard aux rendez-vous.
Pour le RDV d'échographie de 20 semaines, la technologue n'a pas fait écouter le coeur du bébé meme si nous avons un historique de fausses-couches tardives, elle a juste dit que tout était correct et que ce n'etait pas nécessaire, mais pour tous nos autres rdv en échographie on a toujours pu écouter le rythme cardiaque.
Apres ce rdv, nous sommes retournés au stationnement de l'hôpital, ou nous avons eu la mauvaise surprise que les commis avaient perdu les clés de la voiture garée en face de nous, résultat, nous avons du attendre une heure pour pouvoir sortir du stationnement.
Le jewish, c'est plus jamais pour nous.
27 January 2023 15:25
Pire des pires expériences de toute ma vie ma blonde a accouché là-bas une chambre vip a 200$ la nuit aucune isolation pas d’eau chaude couette pourris années 1940 porte de la chambre se ferme pas le matelas de ma blonde usés pas confortable et moi j’avais droit un canapé une place sur lequel je me suis renversé 360 en pleine nuit! Le personnel est bon mais l’infrastructure est pitoyable j’avais juste hâte de rentrer chez moi c’était un cauchemar
15 January 2023 20:11
Les médecins sont patients et bien traitent les patients, cependant il y a le réceptionniste monsieur Daniel qui ne fait pas son travail, sans répondre les questions, impatientes, semblant entrain de dormir. C’est extrêmement impoli, il est triste d’un bon hôpital n’a pas de bon réceptionniste
25 October 2022 6:38
Just passing by this hospital gives me anxiety attack. I gave birth at their Birthing Center. They have a bunch of nurse students and residents who have no clue of what they have to do and how. Thanks to them I had to have an emergency c-section and stay there for 5 days. It is scary how unsupervised they act. They blame now everything on pandemic.

Nurses are rude and arrogant; they know more about your body than you do! Dare to correct them!

Rooms for which they charge 190/night are disgustingly dirty, no hot water. They keep you at the hospital as long as they can unnecessarily.

NICU staff and their lactation consultant are the only light in the darkness.
15 October 2022 6:08
I saw an old lady waiting 3hr just to receive a paper follow up! After 6hr of waiting, I just left, did not received any service at all!
They call you by your first name with bad accent, to make sure you are going to miss your line. And than they will say, you missed your line, now you have to wait from beginning, next time go to clinic!
Anyways thank you for taking Cary of our health.
Since the recent construction of new emergency service have been improved by a little.
02 October 2022 16:33
Tres bon endroits pour chirurgie cardiaque, les infirmières sont aux petits soins mais qques unes bête. Ils devraient reduire le port de parfum fort, cest dure pour les patients qui sont malades. Belle hopital, propre et serviable. Compréhensif.
28 September 2022 20:28
We came to the ER July 2022 and had an 11 hour wait, which seemed to be the norm when talking to everyone around us. This is totally unacceptable but not the hospital’s fault. The disaster of the Quebec healthcare system makes 11 hour waits seem normal! Legault and everyone else before him pours our tax dollars into language and Bill 96 instead of healthcare which should be their PRIORITY! The system has been in collapse for years. We do want to say is the staff are amazing and trying to do the best they can. Special shout out to GALIT who always goes above and beyond to take care of the patients, her kindness will not be forgotten, she is a gem!
26 September 2022 1:09
This is the worst experience I've had in the ER! Nobody cares. If I went to the hospital it's because I'm not feeling well but here they act like you came to have a good time. They put me in an examination room to wait for the doctor who came after almost 4 hours. This is insane, if I was about to die, I would've died.
14 September 2022 21:18
Terrible waiting time. I went to the TB clinic three times but no seeing any doctor. Each time long waiting time and until you have no time to wait more.
05 September 2022 23:19
My son got delivered last week and we stayed in the postpartum department for two days. All nurses are nice, but I especially would like to praise Ashley. She holds such a 100% responsible attitude towards her work and she is so capable and confident. She can handle any situation properly and solidly. The 5 star is for her. I admire her ability and attitude.
06 February 2022 9:30
Amazing experience every time I go there.
Special mention to Dr. Chiara Palumbo who was so compassionate, caring and great throughout the entire exam. The best hospital with the best staff!
02 February 2022 22:42
Awful. Good for nothing. Extremely terrible. Everything is soooooo bad there. I can't believe it.
24 January 2022 2:26
J'ai été très bien opérée d'une fracture du col du fémur. Les soins post-opératoires ont été bien faits. Par contre, je suis Francaise et, au départ de l'hôpital, je n'ai pu avoir aucun dossier sur mon opération: pas de radio, avant et après mon opération, pas de compte rendu de l'opération. A mon retour en France, mon médecin traitant m'a demandé un minimum d'informations que je n'ai pu lui donner.il ne peut pas suivre ma convalescence.il m'a prescrit le minimum: une radio pour voir exactement ce qui a été fait.
24 January 2022 0:08
I went to the ER last week. It was tuesday morning because I feel a burning pain in my stomach with dizziness, and I vomitted. I waited 5 hours until I saw the doctor, during that 5 hours I vomit 5 times as well, crying on pain and they just ignore me and some nurses are a little rude. I asked to have a new clean mask since my mask has vomit on it but she told me, “Just wait sit down I will come back to you “ while shes infront of her computer and the box of mask was just beside her. Its so simple and easy to just give one right? So i waited and she didnt come to see me so i went on the nurses station to ask again and then that's when she gave me a mask. I dont know whats happening but the way they work there is not good. They dont clean the table before and after getting blood for blood test as well. They should let the patient use the toilet when they need it rather than saying its still dirty you need to wait until its cleaned. I hope this could be fixed.
13 January 2022 17:46
Excellent hôpital
Recherche médicale et médecins spécialistes à la toute pointe de l'excellence
10 January 2022 20:23
Sorry to say that I because I had good experiences when I had my surgery in 2016 but I had 3 back surgerys on November 2021 w surgerys in 17 days was really bad and horrible the services some nurses not respect and rude I had my 2 vaccines I had the test before the first surgery was positive than I had other one after 2 day before the second surgery was low positive for 3 days than they find out I'm positive and its wrong result for other person they make me crazy and feel so bad
28 December 2021 17:49
Worst hospital in the world. Staff have a bad attitude, lack of doctors all the time! I felt that I am dying when I went the other day -for a terrible stomach ache, and no one there seemed to care.
18 December 2021 20:14
Aucun suivie pour une hysterectomie, 6 mois plus tard le médecin qui m'a opérer ne m'a jamais rappelé.
30 November 2021 18:23
Extremely Bad Services,
1. You'll get an appointment after 2 months. And then you are sitting and just waiting. They do not have any mean of the appointments.
2. Staff is too bad, specially reception staff. They do not have manner how to talk with the patients. They are giving lame words when something is requested. They treat patients like their slaves.
3. One should spare a full day to meet the doctor for few seconds. They do not value your time.
25 November 2021 17:52
My father was treated as an animal.
Shame on the corrupt government for allowing these institutions exist.
25 November 2021 9:14
I was born at this hospital but it has descended into a pit of corruption. I am trying to sue them for the psychological damage they have caused me but I am told I would need a fortune to take them on. I will try anyway. Luckily I was treated for cancer at Saint Mary's which was okay. My larger complaint is that this hospital fraudulently claimed I have some kind of mental health issue which is a complete fabrication and I have the international proof this was made up, as well as at least one doctor there who sides with me. I am going to sue them that's for sure.
25 November 2021 3:53
Great service urgently qent to the hospital with abdominal pain amd saw doctor after 30 mins that gave me something for the pain.

Stayed 10 hours but it still wa great and professional service
12 November 2021 17:21
Lundi soir, dans la salle d'urgence de l'Hôpital juif, un gardien rembarre un homme qui veut un taxi. Une infirmière quitte son abri vitré pour aider cet homme qui ne sait pas comment utiliser le téléphone pour appeler un taxi.
Plus tard, cette infirmière vient me demander ce que j'attends, moi qui suis presque la dernière encore dans la salle à attendre et s'assure qu'un médecin va me voir.
Ses interventions ont été rassurantes.
Grand bien vous fasse Madame!
11 November 2021 8:32
Arrivée a 23h30 impossible d'être accompagné par la personne qui m'a conduit et qui a quitté son travail pour venir avec moi.la personne a du attendre dehors. Ensuite un couple âgé ce présente la personne a l'accueil propose a la dame de se rendre à la cafétéria. Tant dis que la personne qui m'a accompagné a étais carrément mis a la porte comme un animal de compagnie est ce normale il faisait froid. Choquée et contrarié en plus d'être en besoin de voir un médecin mon inscription a pris 2h30 de temps jai demander a la responsable quand elle penser que je passerais devant le médecin. Elle m'a assuré maximum 3h30 d'attente suite a 6 h dans la salle d'attente j'ai quitté l'hôpital non seulement pour toutes ses heures d'attente mais aussi pour la fatigue après avoir perdu autant de sang je suis partie pour mon domicile et je ne retournerai plus jamais la bas info santé m'avais demander de me rendre dans une hôpital dans les prochaines 72h j'ai perdu du temps précieux pour ma santé si vous avez besoin d'un vraie service de santé ne vous rendez pas la bas c'est la pire erreur quand vous êtes réellement dans une urgence de santé l'urgence ne prend pas au sérieux les cas les plus urgent est ce normale les employés m'ont donner des informations erronées il sont passer des gents avec des cas moins sérieux devant moi
J'aurais eux le temps d'aller dormir 8h de temps il sont supposer de prendre ma tentions chaque heure aucunement elle l'on fait une fois. Extrêmement déçus tout sa pour ne pas voir de médecin franchement n'importe quoi
17 October 2021 12:23
This hospital discharged an elderly woman early morning today without acknowledging her family. Despite the fact that they we’re explained that the woman was no longer independent and needed assistance at all time. They didn’t allowed her daughter to stay with her.

Just to receive a call from the police who we thank for finding her safe and sound.

This types of unprofessional behaviour should NOT be tolerated and worthy of a law suit. It’s unacceptable.
09 October 2021 4:11
Even zero start for Jewish Hospital is too much. Most of the personal are very rude and aggressive. Doctors are not good, services are slow. Doing everything in this hospital is a pain for patients.
Last visit -AUG 2021: See Dr. Mark Trifiro was just wasting time. His receptionist is the worth receptionist that you can find in this city. All in this department (Endocrinology) is disorganized. Not recommended at all.
Any body goes to this hospital, comes back with bad memories.
02 October 2021 7:15
I keep witnessing serious misconducts from their staff, lately the discharging of an elderly without calling their family like they promessed. They clearly have no intention to improve their services, so if you go there, better be prepared for the worst.
19 September 2021 19:12
J'ai fait deux chirurgie a l 'hopital rien a dire le team medical est vraiment compétent, les infermieres sont jeunes le service aussi est impressionnant

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