14 January 2024 7:16
Service rapide par des personnes très humaines
Nous avons du faire des extractions de dents à notre chien et tout c'est bien déroulé
C'était dispendieux mais c'est dispendieux partout
31 December 2023 14:54
I've been here three times over the last 3-4 years. Every time they've treated my cat with the utmost care and compassion, have been very upfront with diagnosis and treatment options/costs and have basically saved catto's life multiple times now. I cannot thank you enough
20 December 2023 14:07
I recently had to spend quite some time here for my cat Moy as he was having some GI issues and we were very worried. Overall I had a very good experience with everyone there and I could tell that they really have the well being of animals at heart. It’s a very stressful situation when you don’t know what’s going on but you know something is wrong and your gut feeling keeps telling you something is wrong. They ensured to do a thorough checkup and reassure me which I really appreciated. Thank you again for everything:)
18 December 2023 6:20
Cela se passe de commentaires, lorsque je paie pour un service, je ne m'attend pas à payer 275,00 pour poireauter durant 1 hre, avec un chat de plus de 15 ans, avec un abcès, dans une salle d'attente, vide et froide. Après ce temps je n'avais toujours pas rencontrer la technicienne et par la suite la vétérinaire.j'ai demandé un remboursement et suis reparti.pathétique.plus facile de trouver un autre véto.
01 December 2023 10:52
The receptionist on the phone was incredibly welcoming and kind. I had an emergency with my cat who suddenly could no longer walk at 2AM on a Tuesday morning.

I drove in and brought the cat and there was absolument no wait time. I was warned ahead of time that the emergency visit would be costly and the receptionist told me the cost before I arrived, which was hugely appreciated.

Once they analyzed the cat, they had a few hypotheses of what was wrong. She could have diabetes or, as I suspected, kidney failure, as she was terribly weak and could no longer carry her own weight.

The vet who saw us was honest and kind. I wish I remembered her name. But she told me straight up that any tests being run on that night at that time would be much more expensive than if I brought her to a vet the next day.

She correctly assumed that the situation was maybe not as urgent as I thought it was, so when I asked her for a short term solution until I could get her to a regular vet, she gave me some saline solutions and appetite inducers for my very sick cat.

The technician came and did the first injection of the saline for me at no extra cost.

The next day, I went to a regular vet and my cat is doing much better.

I can’t thank these people enough for helping me out when I needed it for my poor cat! They recommended Clinique Vétérinaire Ontario and I recommend them too for any non-urgent situations as the service I received there was also incredibly efficient.

In all, my visit cost somewhere in the $450 mark (includes the visit, medications, and saline). My visit the next day to the vet was another $400.

Very small price to pay for a cat that is now recovering from what turned out to be a hypertensive episode caused by hyperthyroidism!

Thank you all for your help with my Margaret who, thankfully, has a few more years left in her.
17 November 2023 17:07
Ils n'ont pas le bien-être des animaux à coeur, mon Abyssin n'a plus de médicament (pompe pour l'asthme) je contact la clinique pour savoir s'ils ont le médicament en stock (question bien normal dans les circonstances) Ils veulent m'obliger à leur envoyer la prescription AVANT DE ME DIRE S'ILS L'ONT EN STOCK. Complètement ridicule et sans aucune logique; la preuve est que quand j'ai contacté mon ancien vétérinaire pour la prescription, il y a un délai de 36 hrs pour une seule prescription alors imaginez s'il faut qu'il m'en envoie 5 ou 10 si tous les vétérinaires agissent comme eux (obligé d'envoyer la prescription avant) cela va prendre 1 semaine? 1 semaine sans pompe pour mon chat asthmatique? ESSAYEZ DE ME DIRE QUE C'EST LE BIEN DES ANIMAUX QUI VOUS IMPORTE
22 September 2023 9:45
Si je pouvais donner 10 étoiles, je le ferais. Le service a été courtois, personnalisé (je dirais même amical), sans jugement. Je suis si heureuse d’avoir trouvé ce centre vétérinaire par pur hasard en urgence pour ma Lili. Un énorme merci à tout le personnel!
12 August 2023 15:21
J'ai dû amener mon chat Tommy en urgence au CVM (Vet et Nous) pour un blocage urinaire, alors que son vet habituel était fermé et autres urgences à capacité. J'étais réticente vu certains reviews.mais, honnêtement, l'équipe était super sympathique, compétente et proactive - ce qui m'a rassurée dans une situation inattendue/stressante. J'ai été contacté à tous les jours pour des nouvelles et même invité à le visité pendant son court séjour.

J'ai notamment apprécié les services d'Amélie Blackburn ainsi que des vétérinaires Lemieux, Tremblay et St-Amour - merci encore!

Les coûts sont assez standard pour une clinique vétérinaire d'urgence et je n'ai surtout pas de plainte à ce niveau vu le bon service.
22 July 2023 16:22
Thank you for seeing us immediately, ended the suffering of my cat and I am so grateful that they helped us so promptly. Highly recommend. We will miss you Chrom.
20 June 2023 0:03
Brought my dog in today after he ingested something dangerous. They were fast, friendly and professional. They took him in immediately and induced vomiting. They saved us from a potentially much more dangerous and expensive surgery. They spoke to me patiently and calmly in English, as I forget all my French when I'm stressed. I cannot thank the staff enough.
25 May 2023 10:42
Nous avons dû amener, en urgence, samedi, notre chienne golden retriever dont l'état s'est avéré très préoccupant. De l'accueil jusqu'aux soins apportés et malgré une décision difficile de l'euthanasier en fin de soirée, nous avons rencontré une équipe des plus professionnelles et bienveillantes. Les assistants vétérinaires ainsi que le Dr Saint Amour ont été doux pour Fendi, à notre écoute et très clairs dans leurs explications, n'hésitant pas à reformuler et répondre à toutes nos questions.
Son décès est une immense douleur pour nous mais nous sommes soulagés qu'il est eu lieu dans de si bonnes conditions.
Nous avons tout particulièrement apprécié recevoir un mot manuscrit quelques jours plus tard avec ses empreintes. Vous ne pouvez pas savoir à quel point nous vous en sommes reconnaissants.
Merci encore à toute l'équipe et au Dr Saint Amour.
15 May 2023 21:36
Mercredi dernier, on a dû apporter notre vieux minou en urgence car il n'avait pas fait de selles depuis 2 jours et demi et c'était très inquiètant. On a reçu un excellent service. Les gens de la clinique étaient tellllement gentils, de la réceptionniste au vétérinaire. Ils ont flatté mon chat et lui ont parlé doucement pour le rassurer car il était nerveux. Ils ont vraiment à coeur le bien être des animaux.

Un examen complet et une radio plus tard, plus de peur que de mal. Nous sommes retournés à la maison rassurés.

De plus, la vétérinaire m'a proposé de faire les analyses de sang à ma clinique régulière car les tarifs sont plus élevés chez eux vu que c'est une clinique d'urgence. J'étais un peu paniquée vu l'état de mon chat et je les aurais fait si elle m'avait dit de les faire maintenant. Elle a été très honnête.

Merci encore pour vos bons soins! Et pour les gens qui chialent sur les tarifs, moi je dis que la paix d'esprit n'a pas de prix quand tu essaies en vain d'avoir un rdv rapidement et que ça ne fonctionne nulle part.
14 May 2023 9:36
A huge thank you to the entire team here, from the friendly receptionists to the caring techs and informative vets. We had to bring Bear into the ER after 24 hours of vomiting, resulting in severe dehydration. Bear stayed the night for IV fluids and monitoring to verify if a blockage would pass. Thankfully, it did, and Bear was able to go home the next evening. We couldn’t have trusted our cat with better professionals, everyone was friendly and sympathetic, as well as transparent about costs and treatment. We are so happy to have Bear home, and it was nice to receive a follow-up call from Dr Muzzi. Thank you so much again for taking care of our sweet, little Bear!
21 April 2023 7:38
Mes deux chats ont été bien pris en charge ici. Dernièrement, mon très jeune chat venait d'être diagnostiqué avec une maladie cardiaque et a cessé de manger avec le début de sa médication. Dre Émond m'a bien décrit les possibilités et les options, puis on a commencé par des stimulants d'appétit et des anti-acides, et effectivement le problème s'est réglé immédiatement. Madeleine retrouve enfin sa fougue et sa vigueur après une semaine de stress intensif à visiter les urgences et faire beaucoup de voyagement. Merci tellement. C'est clairement une tâche difficile d'évaluer des animaux qu'on ne connait pas en une seule consultation et évidemment on veut faire les traitements les plus prudents possibles. Pour ma part, je me suis toujours faite donnée toutes les options possibles avec les recommandations professionnelles, et celles-ci ont été justes.
22 March 2023 9:25
Merci au Dre Nuzzi pour la chaleur de son accueil et son empathie lors de l’euthanasie de mon chat Django.
16 March 2023 8:09
Je me suis présentée en soir de semaine sans appel ni rendez-vous avec mon vieux chat qui avait des difficultés respiratoires. Personnel très gentil et accueillant et en moins de 15 minutes mon chat avait été vu et je rencontrais le vétérinaire de garde qui m'expliquait avec soin mes options.

Malheureusement, j'ai dû prendre la difficile décision de lui prendre l'aide à mourir. Le personnel était plein de compassion et très compréhensif de ma peine.

Ce qui m'a le plus touchée, c'est de recevoir par la poste quelques jours plus tard une carte de sympathies, écrite à la main, dans laquelle se trouvait une empreinte de la patte de mon vieux matou ainsi qu'un petit sac contenant une mèche de son poil. Quelle délicate attention que je n'avais jamais vécue auparavant ou même par mes proches ayant passé par la même chose.

Un grand merci pour votre compassion, pour les animaux ainsi que pour leurs maîtres!
02 March 2023 0:29
I took my cat here after he stopped eating for a few days and started throwing up. The prices were more than reasonable given the circumstances (emergency + week-end) and I felt my cat got the medical attention he deserved. The vet didn't try to pressure me into paying for anything and I felt respected. They didn't play up my cat's problems and very well could have argued for me getting him surgery if they were 100% in it for the money, but they were truthful, honest and concise in letting me know precisely what the radiology scans showed and also respected my budget. I'll be happy to take him there again for a regular check-up or if his issues keep flaring up. Thanks!
14 February 2023 4:49
Je suis un peu hésitante sur le nombre d’étoiles…la vétérinaire a été super gentille et très compréhensive et patiente pour l’euthanasie de notre bébé. Par contre, elle m’avait donner un prix (raisonnable) pour récupérer les cendres de mon chat et la réceptionniste nous a dit un autre prix terriblement ridicule. On dirait qu’elle s’en foutait, elle n’a même pas été vérifier avec la vet pour voir si c’était correcte. J’ai l’impression qu’elle m’as privé d’avoir un souvenir de mon bébé. La consultation et le dossier ont coûté beaucoup trop cher…je comprend que c’est un service d’urgence mais 700$ pour me faire dire que mon chat est déjà à moitié mort et lui injecter un p’tit produit…: (
06 February 2023 19:02
J'ai du faire traiter le morky de mes parents qui s'étaient cassé une patte. Je voudrais remercier toute l'équipe pour la rapidité de leur soin et leur présence rassurante. Merci pour tout!
31 December 2022 9:54
I went to this place to get my 12 years old cat checked during the weekend and i had to pay an extra fees before it was on the weekend (250$ just for the evaluation).

It finally cost me more than 700$ to get it checked, do an echo and pay for painkillers/appetite pills. Unfortunately, my cat had cancer and she had less than a week to live (the doc told us). Really surprising.

Still we paid for the medication to keep it alive for a couple of days (suggested by the doc) but she died during the same night. What I didn't like is that is was way too costly and they didn't want to give me back at least the money for the pills since we only used it once (even if the person that they attend us the next day told us the opposite)

Instead of take a decision with their heart, the just kept the hard line based in their rules.

Lack of judgment hands down.
21 December 2022 23:47
Kind and friendly staff. Excellent service, very professional. Took care of our cat Jake with care and compassion, thank you so much. Sent invoice to our insurance company. Will recommend.
15 December 2022 12:48
We are so ever grateful for the way the staff, vet technicians, and Dr. Tremblay cared for our cat Wilson in his last days. Although we are very sad, we are glad and grateful we took him in and offered him the best care possible at this emergency hospital. Both Wilson and we were treated with great compassion and empathy during this very difficult time.
15 October 2022 3:36
Tres bon service! Les employés courtois et patients! Un peu d’attente mais un dimanche, clinique ouverte on chicanera pas trop
Merci d’être là pour nous!
21 September 2022 0:34
J’ai dû apporter mon chien à ce centre vétérinaire au centre-ville, car un autre hôpital vétérinaire d’urgence m’a dit que le cas de mon chien n’était pas assez urgent.lorsque je suis arrivée, on m’a tout de suite demandé mes informations et ils ont pris la situation de mon chien très au sérieux. L’équipe est merveilleuse et on voit l’amour qu’ils ont pour les animaux! Mon chien a super bien été traité! Merci mille fois pour super services
19 September 2022 9:59
I brought my cat there because he had lost appetite and was vomiting. After two scans and an ultrasound, including one analyzed by a specialist, the vets told me my cat had probably swallowed a foreign object which was creating an obstruction in my cat’s stomach/intestine. Between the ultrasound and the last scan, they said that they could see the foreign object had moved to the ileocecal valve, and described it as being “round”. They mentioned the risk of bowel perforation and all the associated consequences for the cat, which terrified me.

I ended up following their recommendation and opting for an expensive ($ 5000) surgery despite my reluctancy (my cat had had a previous condition making surgery dangerous for him) to remove the foreign object, in their affiliated clinic. Turns out, there was no foreign object in my cat’s body. There never was. After opening him up, one vet in the affiliated hospital told me my cat probably had had something infectious, like a gastro.

With the hospitalisation fees included, the whole ordeal cost me more than $8,000. $8,000 to treat what ended up being a gastro. I complained and sent a claim to their insurer to ask for a refund - and my request was declined.

I feel washed out. I will never trust a veterinarian professional or hospital again.
04 September 2022 2:22
Do not bring your animal here. Not organized well at all! We came in one evening at around 5pm and we were done at around 10pm. We were under the impression that the vet was recommending tests that were not necessary. Had to come back in the next day and the new vet had a bit more sense. I waited more than 1HOUR to pick her up! Just to pick her up! They take your animal in the back until a vet can see him…that probably lasted about 2 hours. This is not during COVID. My cat was super stressed when we finally saw her and she was super stressed when we came back the next day. We’ve already been to another vet and she wasn’t t that stressed. Had no choice because all the other vets we called were full but NEVER AGAIN!
28 August 2022 14:48
J’ai été agréablement étonné par cette endroit qui mon évite des frais énorme par leur honnêteté, franchement je recommande 100%
21 August 2022 10:28
J'ai amener mon petit benjo vers 2h du matin à l'urgence car il respirait très mal, arrivé a la clinique la réceptionniste ma accueillie de façon très empathique. Benjo a tout de suite été pris en charge par l'infirmière.suite a plusieurs radiographies, ils ont trouvé ses poumons avec de l'inflammation sûrement causée par un étouffement, j'ai du le laisser la bas hospitalisé sous hoxygene pendant 24h. Toutes les fois que j'ai appelé pour avoir des nouvelles on m'en a donner sans attendre et de très détaillé. Aujourd'hui benjo va beaucoup mieux il a repris ses bonnes habitudes. Merci énormément a toute l'équipe je suis très reconnaissante pour votre travaille service très professionnel et courtois.
17 August 2022 17:20
Je suis venue dans la nuit de lundi a mardi pour ma petite Ziggy, merci pour vos efforts malgré tout et vos mots de courage
27 July 2022 15:07
Service à la clientèle HORRIBLE! Manquent ouvertement de respect envers la clientèle. Aucune empathie. Payer 3 fois le prix normal pour se faire moquer et sentir cheap, on s'en serait passé. À FUIR!
27 May 2022 16:20
Un beau gros merci à cet hôpital qui a pu prendre mon chat Flatule en urgence aujourd'hui. Malgré l'attente et le coût de la consultation d'urgence, j'étais soulagée que ma minou soit vu rapidement pour son oeil. Personnel bienveillant, patien et souriant malgré l'achalandage très élevé aujourd'hui.
19 May 2022 20:03
Au courant de la semaine dernière, nous avons dû consulter d'urgence pour mon chat de 14 ans qui était mal en point. Malheureusement, il n'y avait rien à faire. La vétérinaire sur place nous a expliqué avec une grande délicatesse que malheureusement, nos options étaient limités dû aux mauvais pronostics. Nous avons dû le faire eutanasier et bien que ce fût une décision très douloureuse à prendre, jamais nous ne nous sommes sentis jugés. Quelques jours plus tard, une petite pensée nous a été envoyé par la poste. Même si l'épreuve a été difficile, je considère que nous n'aurions pas pu être mieux accompagner dans celle-ci. Merci encore.

Les parents d'Arthur
17 May 2022 17:34
Nous avons été reçu en urgence pour notre chienne Honey, un golden retriever de 12 ans, le 20 mars dernier par le dr Florence Audet Robin. Honey était à la fin de sa vie et Florence lui a apporté l’aide médicale pour mourrir dignement. Tout a été fait avec grand professionnalisme, empathie et chaleur humaine de la part de toute l’équipe. Nous vous remercions sincèrement d’avoir compris notre peine, merci aussi pour la très belle carte?
08 May 2022 11:57
My 7 month old puppy Nougat experienced scary symptoms after his neutering at another vet so we rushed him downtown to the only vet hospital that would take us last minute. Everyone at this vet were so extremely helpful and kind. Happy to say my Puppy is fully recovered and we could not be more appreciative of the staff who helped.
24 April 2022 12:35
We had an emergency last week with our precious cat Bruce Lee who suddenly got epileptic seizures and he was in great pain and distress.  We rushed him to Hôpital Vétérinaire Centre-Ville Montréal around 7pm and as soon as we walked in, the receptionist took him immediately and rushed him to the emergency room where he got stabilized for the moment. We were invited to wait in a separate room at the entrance of which our cat's name was written, little detail that touched us. Dr. Adrien Privat came to update us on Bruce Lee's condition and he asked us questions about his previous illnesses, etc. He was extremely kind, patient, humane and gave us detailed information about the state of our precious little fellow. Dr. Privat took the time to go through his previous tests one by one, the medicines that he was taking and explained to us what options we would have to choose from. Unfortunately, given the seriousness of his illness and his age, we had to take the painful decision to put Bruce Lee to sleep. Although the process was extremely difficult, the whole team was incredibly professional, humane and empathetic, they let us say goodbye to our beloved Bruce Lee and we felt that he really was in good hands, surrounded by so much love in his final moments. Thank you to the whole team, we really appreciate what you did for Bruce Lee and we highly recommend your services to all pet owners!
24 April 2022 0:02
J’ai dû faire euthanasier mon chat, mon Bandit d’amour, il y a une semaine. Je suis revenue à la maison les bras vides. Plus de Bandit. Et puis, j’ai reçu quelques jours plus tard une carte de condoléances signée par la vétérinaire et des membres de l’équipe qui ont pris soin de lui mais surtout il y avait un petit sachet contenant un petit peu de lui (sa fourrure) et une empreinte de sa petite patte. Un peu de mon Bandit était de retour chez lui.
20 April 2022 16:03
Total rip off. The price of a simple and quick consultation is more expensive than a surgery at the Montarville Veterinary Hospital. Never again!
17 April 2022 6:35
This place only cares about money. I brought my dog in with a small bite, and she died.

When I first met the vet, they said they would clean up the wound and my dog would be ok. 1: 15 later, they had intubated her without my permission and my little girls heart stopped. They rushed (rushed after 1: 15) and all they cared about was getting my ok to bill me 500$+ to try to revive her. Its a terrible place to experience this type of trauma. Unfortunately I did not read the reviews.

On top of that, they took advantage of my heartbreak and charged me 500$ to dispose of an 8lbs dog. I can’t believe how much they screwed me at such a tough time.

11 April 2022 3:26
Je suis très heureuse qu'ils soient là. J'étais très inquiète pour mon chaton, et en appelant on m'a dit de venir tout de suite. Bien sur, c'est une urgence, donc le temps d'attente varie en fonction de l'importance du cas et les frais sont dispendieux. Mais lorsque votre vétérinaire n'a pas de place disponible et que votre animal va vraiment mal, vous n'avez pas le choix, alors heureusement qu'ils sont là. De plus, ils sont vraiment professionnels et sympathiques, que ce soit les vétérinaires, les techniciens/iennes, ou l'équipe d'accueil. Ils m'ont aussi appelé une semaine plus tard pour faire un suivi, pour voir si mon chat allait mieux. Un grand merci!
26 March 2022 20:32
Des gens professionnels, humains et très emphatiques. Dre Audet Robin a été vraiment à l’écoute et de bons conseils.
Merci toute l’équipe pour votre pensée suite à la perte de mon chien. ️
12 March 2022 1:45
J'ai dû amené mon chat en urgence, et ils ont été super coopératifs et généreux. Nous avons dû procéder à une euthanasie, et ils m'ont laissé avoir tout le moment nécessaire et ce, accompagnée par un proche qu'ils ont laissé entré avec moi. J'ai vraiment senti que la covid n'était pas un enjeu, et ils m'ont laissé vivre mon deuil dans toute la douceur du monde. J'ai apprécié la belle attention reçue par la poste quelques jours plus tard. Une soirée très difficile, mais un accompagnement hors pair. Mille mercis.
14 February 2022 11:22
Je voulais remercier l’équipe en place de m’avoir accueillie en urgence avec ma Mitaine, mon bébé chat de 18 ans, pour lui offrir une mort digne et sans souffrance. Je suis arrivée en coup de vent et partie de la même manière, mais vous avez été professionnels et compréhensifs devant ma peine. Vous avez traité ma Mitaine avec respect et je vous en suis reconnaissante. Merci!
27 January 2022 16:50
I don't understand all the negative reviews written about this place. We had to bring our dog here as she was puking non stop and was very sickly. They kept her overnight and gave her the best care possible. The vets, technicians and receptionist were excellent and comforting during this extremely stressful time. They were even available to answer all our questions after she was brought home. Thank you again. Maya vous dit bonjour
18 January 2022 10:42
Je n’ai pas l’habitude d’écrire d’avis. Toutefois la qualité de cet endroit en vaut le détour. J’ai deux chiens âgés de 15 ans. Le dr Benamou a opéré ma chienne Solaïa en juillet et tout s’est bien passé. Je me suis rendue en urgence avec mon petit mâle Pétrus et on a aussi très bien traité son infection. Je ne cesse de recommander cet endroit. Le personnel est courtois et d’un grand professionnalisme.
12 January 2022 10:50
Hello, we were refered here from another emergency hospital in laval. I am satisfied with the service ($$ Fracture Surgery). We got updates every day the clinic had our dog and the surgeon communicated well. He answered all our questions. They were able to provide the paperwork / post-instruction in English. The bill was itemized which I appreciated. At the hospital there was no wait times for us, we were able to get in and out quickly. They pre-measured out the medicine we needed to give into syringes, which has been really convenient for us.

Update: 2021-11-30 We have gone to several follow up appointments and were treated well at all of them. We arrived at our appointment time and were seen with little wait time. Our little guy healed up with no complications.
17 December 2021 9:23
Veterinarians are very professional. Everyone here are friendly and I feel like they put their heart into their works. My baby Shadow has some health problems recently and they helped him feel much better. They even followed up after surgery to make sure he is ok, help him with the cleaning near the surgery part when he did not doing very well ️️ Thank you
03 December 2021 17:29
Un gros merci à l'équipe entière de l'hôpital vétérinaire du centre ville. Un spécial shoutout aux docteures St-Amour et Chapu. Cela fait plus de une semaine que nous essayons de trouver ce qui se passe avec notre chiot golden retriever. L'équipe s'est tellement bien occupée de nous. L'état de notre chiot était très instable et chaques fois que nous avions des questions, ils étaient là pour nous supporter et nous donner de bons conseils. Toute l'équipe est tellement empathique et très supportive. Les solutions et les coûts sont bien expliqués, alors ça nous permet de faire des choix informés. Nous avons maintenant été transféré à l'Hôpital Vétérinaire de Brossard, mais encore un gros merci de votre support et service depuis la dernière semaine.
01 December 2021 18:58
Employees were very helpful and the vet and technicians explained everything in details (causes, steps, pricing) and gave us time to think about our options.

If you have an emergency you can trust them with your pet.
10 November 2021 1:01
I took my beloved cat to this vet and on "nothing" more than mere suspicion they blurt out 'CANCER" based on absolutely NO xrays/scans or blood test. I really believe that they 'gage" pet owners and 'feel you out" so to speak so they can determine how far financially you might go based on your desperate love for you pet and their condition be it non-serious or serious. I think they use the 'CANCER' scare to take you down an expensive path and in most cases many will decide that 'that' path is impossible financially to pursue so what do they offer after that (still a money maker for them $$$$$) EUTHANASIA.i wish that some investigative journalists would expose the verterinary industry in Quebec for what it is doing to owners who love their family members put on the sacrificial altar for this malicious industry. When you are messed with emotionally by sinister people who want to use your tragedy/worry to milk you for thousands of dollars this is CRIMINAL! When I grew up we never had scammy doctors who berate you into desperation nor did we have pet insurance predators making the ownership of pets a "luxury" item of life! The vet industry needs a major overhaul in a reality check on how REAL PEOPLE live and not everyone makes an income comparable to professionals or civil servants in government career jobs. It's outrageous that they keep getting away with this and using the PANDEMIC to scare everyone into their submission and mercy. I'm totally disgusted!
23 September 2021 1:06
Bien que le prix soit élevé, la réactivité du personnel est exceptionnelle. Nous sommes venus pour notre chat tombé du balcon et disparu sept jours. Ils ont été professionnels et courtois alors qu'ils étaient en fonction jusqu'à minuit et même encore ouvert après notre départ. Pour les urgences ça dépanne bien. Bravo à toute l'équipe.
08 September 2021 16:32
Il est très difficle ces temps-ci d'avoir un RDV pour des trucs moyens-urgents pour notre animal en clinique, et mon chien faisait un début d'otite donc j'ai recherché une clinique d'urgence. J'hésitais d'appeler celle-ci vu quelques commentaires, mais j'ai quand même consulté avec mon petit Gaston.

Les réceptionnistes sont très sympatiques (et bilingues, je vois des commentaires que cette clinique est franco seulement, mais c'est faux, les 2 parlent très bien l'anglais), les techniciennes sont très profressionnelles et le vétérinaire que j'ai rencontré était de loin un des meilleurs que j'ai rencontré dans ma vie. Ils ont dépassé mes attentes, ils ont pris le TEMPS de tout m'expliquer, et je suis sorti de là avec un plan d'actions complet pour mon petit toutou d'amour. Ils ont adressé même un autre enjeu, autre que son otite. Je n'avais pas l'impression qu'ils étaient pressés et qu'ils voulaient se débarrasser de mon chien pour tout de suite en traiter un autre.

Aucun négatif à dire, j'espère ne pas y retourner évidement, mais si jamais Gaston a besoin de soins d'urgence un jour, c'est là que j'irai!

C'est 100% normal que c'est plus dispendieux, ça le dit dans le nom de l'hôpital: URGENCE. C'est normal de payer pour des soins qui sont prodigés par des professionnels qui ont fait des années d'études vétérinaires! En adoptant un animal, il faut prévoir ce genre d'évènements!

Bref, je recommande:)
22 August 2021 17:53
Un excellent accueil, humain, respectueux. Les personnes travaillant à l'accueil sont formidables. Les vétérinaires sont aux petits soins.
15 August 2021 16:58
Merci à toute l'équipe, service 5 étoiles pour mon Hashtag qui a eue une TPLO pour une déchirure du ligament croisé. Il récupère super bien à date. Je suis tellement heureuse pour mon bébé
Merci à Christina et Docteur Benamou qui se sont si bien occupés de lui.
14 August 2021 18:51
To start if you only speak English there is no point going there, because they only speak french, which is ridiculous when you work with the public in the city of MONTREAL. This includes the receptionist, the vet and the tech. I am lucky to be bilingual and a healthcare worker or I would have lost 5000$.
The most traumatic experience I ever had at a vet. We brought our cat who was very sick to this clinic. He was taken away from us and we were placed in a room waiting for the vet for hours. Finally someone (young girl in her late 20s, I assumed was the vet, but she did not present herself properly) came in and explained us that certain tests needed to be done. I am not a vet, but a health care professional (specialised in haematology and oncology) and I understood very well what could be going on with my cat. I was mainly concerned that he could have a severe infection. The vet wanted to do several tests that did not make sense to me (I frankly believe she did not know what she was doing). It was clear to me that my cat could have cancer, a severe infection or an immune disorder. I was not much concerned with FIV and FELV, because he was strictly indoor cat and had no contact with any other cats and was tested for it before. I wanted to start treating him right away on broad spectrum antibiotics to rule out infection. She wanted to make me pay for a bunch of tests that did not make any sense and that were unrelated such as abdo X-ray, when my cat had a swollen lymph node on the right side of his neck and a fever (the source did not seem likely to be from the abdomen and it made me feel like she wanted to do every possible test, because she was inexperienced and when I asked her her reasoning in relation to his symptoms she didn't seem sure herself). We accepted to do the urine analysis and blood tests as I was pretty certain it would show signs of infection and was hoping that it would point her towards ordering antibiotics (they did not even do cultures to see if there are parasites or bacteria). The blood test obviously showed elevated white blood cells. We demanded to see our cat, because he has been on his own for hours, she said she would be right back and then left and we didn't see her for 2 hours. During this time we heard our cat growl and scream for 45 minutes (he has had blood tests in the past or interventions and he has never screamed this way before, we even brought his to another vet later and they took bloods in front of us and he was not happy but he never acted this way). It was clear to me that this staff was inexperienced and unskilled. We asked to have our cat back and the vet came back with him telling us she didn't know we were still here. We spent a total of 7 hours at this vet and my cat didn't even get started on IV antibiotics or hydration. The amount of hours is not what bothered me the most, it's the fact that I was not with my cat (and they couldn't have possibly spent 7 hours only with him) and that I was forgotten and had no idea what was going on with him. Nothing good came out of these wasted hours. She basically did not seem to know what to do. She wanted to transfer my cat to a hospital, which we refused, because I lost complete trust in this place. We left with PO antibiotics. The vet did not even come back and sent her tech, who didn't even take the time to explain to us anything about the meds. At the reception I discovered he was catheterised, which I was never told and I would have never accepted this procedure (there are other ways to do a urinalysis without catheterising). I definitely do not recommend this place.

(FYI my cat is doing better, after going to see another emergency vet that treated my cat with care and did the proper assessments and tests (IN FRONT OF US) and properly explain the possible causes (which are the ones I mentioned before) and proceeded to rule out in a SMART manner (not by doing every possible test) and provided the appropriate treatment).
01 August 2021 19:11
When our cat became ill suddenly, they saw her immediately. Every step of the way, the procedures and costs were explained to me so I could make informed decisions. Sadly, we had to put our Juliette to sleep, and the staff was incredibly patient and compassionate when I was at my lowest. There was no judgement or pushiness. The vet was honest, knowledgeable, and kind. I don’t wish the pain of losing a pet on anyone, but I can’t imagine it could’ve been handled with more grace and dignity than what the team here showed. Thank you.
27 April 2021 14:42
Pour commencer, j'aimerais remercier l'Hôpital Vétérinaire Centre-Ville Montréal pour leur professionnalisme mais SURTOUT pour leur empathie face à la perte de notre petite boule de poil! Un énorme merci à Tana et au Dr. Tremblay (si je ne me trompe pas) pour leur assistance et les renseignements fournit durant le processus!

Concernant les tarifs, oui, un peu dispendieux mais quand le service, professionnalisme, l'empathie, la rapidité et autres sont au rendez-vous cela devient secondaire! Malheureusement, il n'y a rien de gratuit dans la vie et SURTOUT rien n'est trop dispendieux lorsque nous prenons la décision d'avoir un compagnon à 4 pattes. Nous devons en prendre soin jusqu'à la fin, c'est la moindre des choses!

Une fois de plus, un énorme merci à toute l'équipe!

J-Frederic Catto
08 April 2021 22:32
We brought our cat, suffering a UTI and constipation, in to the Hopital Vétérinaire Centre-ville Mtl. We appreciate the emergency service availability, convenience of location, and his being seen in the evening all without appointment. While the Emergency Consult fee of 188$ is much higher than what we would pay during a regular vet appointment, the expense is understood given the circumstances.

Our cat was admitted quickly and his initial exam and our consult with the veterinarian came with very little wait. While he is generally cooperative during vet visits, it was reassuring to see both the veterinarian and the TSA/vet assistant interact and handle him with gentle confidence.
We found the receptionists to be polite and courteous, and appreciated the clinic’s policy in allowing one of us to remain with our cat inside* while the appointment took place (not always something a clinic can accommodate during the current COVID-19 curfew & restrictions.)
We received email communication in follow-up to our visit, which also included the summary we requested of the evening’s examination and diagnosis.

Our sincere thanks to both Dre. Laurie McMahon-Morin, MVD, & Marie Claire Gauthier, TSA, each of whom were attentive to our cat and patient in their exchanges and explanations with us, taking the time to respond well to concerns raised in English.

*note: we did not sit in on the exam, but were given a private room with our cat while waiting on his test results and during our each consult.add.notes:
- 48-hr free follow-up window, should condition not improve
- 'small' parking lot (3 spaces) located behind the clinic, off Cartier
- located by Papineau Metro Station
06 April 2021 15:03
Mon chat, qui souffrait d'un blocage urinaire, a été rapidement pris en charge. La Dre. Nuzzi a été très humaine, professionnelle et compréhensive des implications financières de la prise en charge. Elle a offert un plan A (complet mais très dispendieux) et un plan B (moins complet mais sécuritaire pour mon chat et moins dispendieux). Ses explications étaient très claires et complètes. Après quelques heures à l'hôpital, mon chat est rentré à la maison et va bien depuis. Évidemment, en urgence, c'est dispendieux mais il n'y a eu aucun frais caché et une transparence très appréciée. En cas d'urgence, j'y retournerais sans hésiter!
31 March 2021 17:15
Not happy today, I scheduled an appointment for nail clipping for my dogs, I was there on time and patiently waited for almost 30 mins. Then, I asked the receptionist and the only thing they could say was that emergencies take precedence and that they had NO idea of how much longer I had to wait. If you have an appointment system, you must at least communicate back to your customers if there are changes that affect them. I fully understand the emergencies BUT were they expecting me to wait the entire day without saying anything? I'd expect at least an update on my appointment and the offering of options. The service here is pricey so, again, quality of service is KEY to maintain the customers.
17 March 2021 12:16
Unfortunately for us, we had to visit this clinic for two emergencies within the first 15 days of having your pup. Let me tell you, we felt like failures and were super stressed both time. However, each time, we got great, honest and kind service, which made the experience a lot better. Here are my two reviews.

Review - visit 1
Our first visit happened within days of getting our puppy. As new dog owners, we were extremely worried about our puppy. After calling all the clinics around, we got a hold of the calm receptionist at this emergency clinic and she did put us at ease. We got to the clinic and in an hour we were out. The vet tech gave us an honest assessment of our puppy's health and didn't try to change us for unnecessary things. Turns out, our dog is a drama queen and wasn't the least injured.

Review - visit 2
The second time was a bit more worrying and since we've been there previously, we were feeling like we might get judge for having, yet again, another problem. The receptionist, vet tech and vet reassured us with loads of kindness. Yes, an emergency visit is more expensive compare to your regular appointment, but the quick and efficient service was worth the piece of mind. This time, turns out our pup was a bit injured but again, our shiba seems to be a tad dramatic.

Thanks for caring about us and our pup both times, making sure all of us were reassured and satisfied with our visit. They even sent us a follow up email to make sure everything was still OK with Kimura. Great service!
15 March 2021 7:58
Very kind and compassionate staff. I had to have my dog put down and they treated both of us with great kindness and gentleness. Highly recommended.
11 March 2021 14:12
I don't know about these other reviews, but our experience was way above and beyond our expectations.

We called our own vet clinic and many others, without the possibility of getting care for our little 9 week-old shibe boy after he had an accident at home. This clinic is almost a walk-in clinic, and only had 3 pups before ours. The service was at the Standard of Excellence!

They were attentive to our worries, and our pup was even was able to get examined prior to seeing the vet by a tech; she was amazing!

So for anyone having reservations based on some negative reviews, but these guys deserve the benefit of your doubt.
-We are switching from our other clinic to this one.

We're grateful to this clinic and it's A-team.
14 February 2021 7:51
Bel hôpital vétérinaire, équipé dynamique et sympathique. Mais malheureusement je dois mettre 3 étoiles. Je suis venue à votre succursale puisque mon vétérinaire était fermé pour les fêtes. Mon chaton a une infection respiratoire. Après avoir expliquer que cela dur malgré les soins que je lui apporte, on me recommande de lui donner de l'eau saline 2x par jours et de la lysine.
Je suis donc repartie confuse et déçue d'avoir payé 250$ pour me faire suggérer du salinex de pharmacie. Une semaine plus tard, ce n'est qu'en allait à mon vétérinaire habituel qu'on lui a enfin prescrit des antibiotiques.
Niveau traitement, je suis déçue de mon expérience.
30 January 2021 15:32
Merci à Dre Lemieux pour son accompagnement, ses conseils et sa grande humanité dans l'accompagnement en fin de vie de mon chat. Ce moment difficile a été facilité par le professionnalisme et la gentillesse de l'équipe.
17 January 2021 23:45
J'ai ete satisfait du service du personnel de la Clinique et de Dre. Dominique Grohmann. Notre chien japait beaucoup et on nous a donner une salle pour etre avec lui. Dre Grohmann a expliquer le probleme du chien avec courtoisie et respect. Dre. Grohmann a appeler quelques jours plus tard pour savoir comment allais le chien. C'etait un geste tres apprecier.
10 January 2021 22:10
Vous m'aviez deja perdu comme client a cause de vos prix prohibitifs des soins pour les animaux (Plus du doubles que d'autres veterinaires, qui sont bien plus competents que vous), mais la vous venez de me perdre meme pour les corquettes et autres articles.
Je me suis rendu dans cette clinique pour acheter du Feliway pour mes chats.
Il y avais 2 choix disponible et je demande conseil à la vendeuse.
Elle me donne mon produit et je m'en vais.
En verifiant sur internet, je me rend compte qu'elle s'est trompé (ça arrive a tout le monde), car le produit ne conviens pas à l'utilisation que je voulais en faire.
Je retourne à la clinque pour demander l'echange, et la.
Je tombe face à une vendeur qui maintiens mordicus, qu'il n'echangent pas et ne rembourse pas.
C'est soit disant leurs politiques. (legale?)
Je vous passe les details, mais apres avoir montré mon fort mecontentement due à LEUR erreur, et négocié pour l'echange, ils m'ont finalement remboursé.
Pour informations, ces produits sont disponibles sur Amazon pour moins chere, mais je me suis dit que c'est bien d'ecourager le commerce local dans cette periode morose. J'ai vite regreté mon choix.
Allez dépenser votre argent ailleurs, cette clinique veterinaire ne mérite vraiment pas ses clients, et ne fais rien pour les fideliser.
09 January 2021 6:49
Définitivement la meilleure équipe! Si votre animal doit subir une chirurgie je recommande sans hésiter le Dr Benamou et son équipe. Merci encore à vous!
06 January 2021 0:58
Hôpital vétérinaire d’urgence, excellent service, compréhension, gentillesse, calme. Bravo à toutes l’équipe
01 January 2021 6:42
Très bon vétérinaire. Un super service à la clientèle et ce malgré la covid. Des gens à l'écoute de vos besoins. Par contre, c'est une clinique d'urgence donc c'est beaucoup plus cher que dans un clinique normale. Vous êtes mieux de faire appel à votre vétérinaire régulier si vous le pouvez, mais tout ceux qui ont des animaux savent que ce n'est pas toujours possible.
18 December 2020 0:03
Had an absolutely wonderful visit with my cat today! The vet was kind, very thorough and x-rays were able to be done on site and during the appointment! I'm always a little scared taking my pets to the vet honestly, but felt they took great care of my cat and put my worries at ease.
I'll definitely be taking my animals here from now on.
15 December 2020 19:00
Moins de 16 heures d'hospitalisation, aucun diagnostic formel d'établi du malêtre de mon chat, seule l'euthanasie est proposée comme solution.

Montant total de la facture, 1254.70 $

Ils ont mission de faire de l'argent sur le dos de l'animal de compagnon et de son propriétaire, tout simplement.
14 December 2020 11:14
I had to take my newly adopted cat in for a case of conjunctivitis. I didn't really think I needed to use a vet hospital, but other clinics were booked full. I had seen some of the reviews online and was skeptical but my cat needed to be seen. I called before I left the house to be certain I could just show up without an appointment. The person on the telephone was very polite and told me to just show up. So I did. The waiting area is pretty small-not a lot of chairs or space, but I was quickly taken care of at reception and brought back to a triage room. All the staff were very professional and Dr. Tremblay was very thorough in his explanation of findings and the treatment plan. The staff took the time for teaching of administering the oral and topical eye medications. In my rush to get to the hospital, I had forgotten my insurance form, but the receptionist provided me with an email address to send it to to be completed. The form was completed in less than an hour and sent back.
What I didn't tell the staff was that I am a retired registered nurse, and I can tell you that my cat received better care than I have at my own MD appointments. I can also share that the level of thoroughness is was very high. If I have the need for urgent care for my cat, I won't hesitate to bring him into the hospital again. The cost of the visit was pretty much what I had anticipated-it is a hospital after all.
13 December 2020 0:02
Lorsqu’un propriétaire demande l’euthanasie pour son animal. Ce n’est jamais de gaieté de cœur. Cet endroit vous fera sentir cheap, ne pose pas suffisamment de question objectives et ne respecte pas la détresse psychologique des gens. Très déçu. Une chose si triste et dramatique n’a pas besoin de ce genre d’attitude.
08 December 2020 12:53
Merci pour votre accueil humain et surtout votre empathie lorsqu’on est venus euthanasier notre chien de 11 ans - Chief. Vous avez rendu ce triste moment un peu moins douleureux.et merci encore pour sa petite empreinte de sa patte. Nous allons l’encadrer
03 December 2020 20:57
Un personnel compréhensible, qui vulgarise bien et nous met en confiance. Attentif et affectueux avec notre animal.
Dans la même journée:
- Rendez-vous
- prélèvements, analyses, résultats, et prescription
12 November 2020 11:02
My dog had been diagnosed with a few weeks to live, and had an echography at another vet finding masses that were cancerous. She had been bleeding from her backside and puking her food and not eating for days. We called this vet 3 separate times to ask about euthanasia services and each time were told different information with different prices. Each time we called the bill seemed to get more expensive. They were now saying they would need to charge almost $200 in consultation fees even though we had already paid hundreds of dollars for her consultation previously, her echography, ultrasound etc.at another vet - we wanted to do the euthanasia closer to home and the other vet was further away. This vet is fine if you just want to buy food but do not call here for euthanasia services unless you want to be spending $1000.
11 November 2020 17:48

Rude receptionist who cannot communicate well in English (presumably French from her accent). She complained that she worked there for 5 months and had to always run around on her feet, and that she didn't even have time to eat lunch that day. Then she proceeded to freak out and hung up the phone on a customer. Well, you need to change your attitude or just quit, princess. Does not take general appointments. Change your name to emergency clinic. Ridiculous and rude.
08 November 2020 20:22
I had a horrible experiment with this clinic, and lost my cat as a result. Came in on a Friday for an emergency as my cat seemed in pain when urinating. After paying $625, they took some blood and urine samples to be sent to another lab for analysis, and gave her some hydration, anti-nausea meds. On Saturday, she still wasn't doing better and would cry in pain whenever she needed to urinate, so I went to pick up some pain relief meds. On Sunday morning, I received a call from the hospital who told me the lab messed up with her samples and I needed to come back to do another blood sample. When I arrived there, I asked them to please have another look at her since she was still doing very poorly and I was extremely concerned. I was told that since my vet was only starting from 1pm that day, that I should just wait for her to come in and give me a call. I then asked the vet who took her blood sample if she was at least able to check her and she simply said "She behaved well when we took her blood, i'd wait for your vet to discuss this further". This was at 10: 30am - at 2pm, my baby was gone, she had a seizure in my arms. I wish they put the animal health first instead of following some policy. Unless things change there, I would not recommend anyone to go to this hospital.
28 October 2020 15:46
I rushed to the clinic with my cat on Friday, for an emergency, as she had trouble breathing and coughing, and her usual vet, in a different clinic was not available.

The vet suggested an x-ray, which was $250.
When she came back with it, she said she just suspected what it was, and I'd need to pay extra $100 for the technician to interpretrate it, which I declined.
She prescribed medications based on her suspicions.
I spent nearly $700 in one single visit, that hasn't reassured me, as I'd have to pay extra $100 for an interpretation of the x-ray; first time in my life I met a vet not able to do it. I asked for the copy of the exam to be sent to me, so my cousin, who's a vet in my home country, could tell me what the results are.
2 days after, I'm still waiting for it.
I called today, in the afternoon, to say that my cat was not able to swallow the liquid medication, so I wanted to know if there's an alternative, after all, 2 of the meds cost over $200. She's only taking now the appetite stimulant, which is a pill and much easier to swallow.
The receptionist told me that she'd pass the message along to the vet and call me back today with a solution. Never received the call back.
I'm very upset because of my cat's situation and the service.
The quantify of the antibiotics are not enough for the whole treatment, and 2 serynges of the painkiller were less than a drop in content.
I have to work 2 full weeks in order to make $700, and that's more money that I have spent on medication for myself in years. Have some sensibility, and know that not everyone is capable to spend such amount and be ok of not having the expected service.

UPDATE: after waiting 6 days for the vet to call me back with a solution, I had to take my cat to her Vet and, because she was in so much pain and suffering, he said the euthanasia would be the best. So, last Saturday, I had to put her to sleep.
Because of the incompetence and disregard the of this hospital, my cat suffered for 1 week before going down.
17 October 2020 1:45
Je m'y suis présenté au mois d'août avec mon chien qui s'était blessé à une patte. Tout de suis on m'a parlé de chirurgie $$$. Après discussion, on lui a prescrit un antibiotique et de la cortisone $$$. Après quelques jours, la patte de mon chien était devenue normale, mais la cortisone a abimé ses reins et il a développé un diabète. Mon chien a été euthanasié un mois plus tard soit le 28 septembre 2020. Jamais on ne m'a informé des effets secondaires de la prednisone. Honte à cette clinique vétérinaire beaucoup plus intéressé à votre argent qu'au bien de votre animal.
15 October 2020 20:08
Best vet EVER! The team is sincerely the best on all levels, from the reception to the technicians and drs, their kindness and devotion to animals (and their owners) is quite exceptional ️
11 October 2020 20:33
Trappe à argent. On vient en urgence pour un problème respiratoire grave. La vétérinaire suggère un test sanguin pour anémie (ce qui est invraisemblable et fut négatif). Ne pèse pas les pours et les contres financiers en cas de test positif. Facture de 620$. Décès du chat 23h plus tard. Endroit à proscrire.
09 October 2020 0:58
A experienced a breathtaking level of incompetence. They did not record my appointment to get my puppy sterilized, so when I turned up, they treated me rudely and insinuated that it was my fault. Then they said they would do it and took my information. After that, they got a phone call and said they could only do cats, and so cancelled again. It was stressful to be taking our puppy there to leave her overnight for her surgery. I was appalled at the lack of professionalism and incompetence. I would not even consider leaving a living being in their care after this.
06 October 2020 16:20
J'ai du consulter en urgence, puisque mon chat (Leo) présentait des symptômes d'une infection urinaire et le rdv offert en urgence par mon vétérinaire familial n'était pas assez rapide. La prise en charge par l'Hôpital vétérinaire fut très rapide et la technicienne ainsi que Dr Tremblay m'ont offert un excellent service en prenant le temps de m'expliquer son état et également la prise de ses médicaments. Au départ, en lisant les commentaires mitigés, j'avais un doute sur le choix de cette clinique, mais clairement j'ai reçu un excellant service la journée même et j'ai pu ramener mon chat à la maison en fin d'après-midi. Le prix est légèrement plus dispendieux que chez mon vétérinaire d'environ 75$, mais pour une urgence où c'est possible pour moi de me présenter sur le champs, je trouve que c'est correct.

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