28 July 2023 17:03
A perfect trip as a couple or for the whole family! Enjoy a frosty beer at the ice lounge, take plenty pictures of endless ice sculptures, and even stay over night in a room completely made of ice! Super cool place to visit
09 July 2023 3:39
Nous y sommes allés le 28 février
c'était parfait même mes deux filles de 3 et 10 ans ont adoré. Quand nous avons fini de visiter l'hôtel de glace, nous sommes ensuite allés glisser. C'était cher mais ça vaut vraiment le coup!
05 July 2021 4:14
Très belle expérience à l’hôtel de glace à l’a mi mars. En semaine très peu de monde impression d’avoir l’hôtel, la chapelle et les chambres que pour moi.
Hôtel ouvert et parcours tracé au vu de la pandémie. Personnel souriant à l’accueil. Très belle visite.
Par contre malgré la belle journée ensoleillée dehors, à l’intérieur il fait froid.
27 June 2021 4:59
The ice hotel is amazing all the bad reviews make no sense just looking at the pictures makes me want to stay there and well the stay was amazing their style is so unique ice this ice that ice evrything! I am looking forward to going here again
14 June 2021 20:17
This is the best hotel I have ever been to, it seems cold but it is not as cold as you think I am definently going to go again.deeniworks
23 May 2021 18:16
Endroit tout simplement magnifique et unique au monde!
Bravo à tous les sculpteurs qui a chaque année nous font découvrir une oeuvre d'art hors de l'ordinaire!
03 May 2021 22:18
Chère pour la courte visite, j'avais de plus grande attentes pour les sculptures et les chambres.
24 April 2021 9:33
Exceptionnel, la température du jour autour de -30degC nous a un peu gâchée la visite mais cela ne diminue pas le mérite du travail des artistes au site. Merci
23 April 2021 15:26
Magnifique endroit.
A faire au moins une fois dans sa vie.
Beaucoup de travail et d'effort chaque année.
Chaque pièce et chaque coins sont un véritable plaisir pour les yeux.
Je recommande vivement.
17 April 2021 17:42
This hotel shows the creativity of quebequers people.
The sculptures made in ice are very recommended. 5 starts.
31 March 2021 6:52
J'adore cet endroit, une si bonne ambiance.le personnel est incroyable et très attentionné. L'hôtel de glace est le seul endroit de la région où vous pouvez dormir dans les chambres gelées. Vous sentez que vous faites partie de la nature gelée.si vous y passez la nuit, ils vous donnent 2 chambres: 1 dans un hôtel 5 étoiles ️ et l'autre dans le monde gelé. Choisissez vous-même. Je suis resté une nuit dans ma chambre gelée et y dormir était si confortable que je ne voulais pas me lever à 8h15. À ce moment-là, vous devez quitter la pièce et vous déplacer dans votre chambre. Essayez-le et vous ne le regretterez jamais.
25 March 2021 4:33
Magnifique. Les sculptures sont incroyable et imaginatives. Les jeux de lumières complètent le tableau. La nuit dans l'une des suites est une belle expérience, originale et qui permet de profiter d'observer les constructions dans leurs moindres détails
10 March 2021 12:44
This is a unique experience & the hotel has all the amenities you need to enjoy a comfortable stay
26 November 2020 6:20
It was fun to see the rooms and furniture made of ice. Even the glasses and other disehes in the restaurant were made of ice.
15 October 2020 6:57
Lots of different themed rooms made out of ice and snow. The bar was amazing too. Drinks come is a glass made out of ice. Music was great too. They even included a chapel. All rooms contain a ice bed, but they provide the furs to keep you toasty warm at night. Tours are done during the day, and ice hotel guests arrive in the early evening, so it is closed u less you have a room prebooked. They show you how they carve the ice blocks into very ornate pieces. Some if the themed rooms include Animal Kingdom, Africa, Jazz (with music playing too), and so much more. A job well done. It takes about 2 hours to see everything in detail. When we went, there was an actual wedding taking place in the Chapel. It looked lovely. There was a horse-drawn sleight waiting to take them away afterward. Guests all had to wear there jackets during the ceremony, but the ice sculpture alter made a really nice backdrop. This ice hotel is a must-see if you are near Quebec City. Note that this ice hotel is seasonal (late December to end of March usually). This place also has an indoor water park and typical hotel as well. Additionally, during the winter months, bring your skates as you can go skating through the forest (a large path made by a Zamboni machine).
29 July 2020 17:28
I freezed my butt off in the suite so I ended up staying the night in our sauna after hitting the showers and personal hot tub. Worth seeing during the day but don't stay unless you can handle the experience.
04 May 2020 11:53
Went and stayed at the hotel de glace.it was warmer than I thought, and everything was made out of ice! Nice looking slide as well. This was the structure/hotel that inspired Disney's "Frozen"
03 May 2020 13:59
1ere fois pour moi à cet endroit et jai adoré! Mais pour le prix je m'aurais imaginé qu'il aurait plus.
24 April 2020 13:51
Superbe expérience, préparation au top nous n'avons pas eu froid de la nuit même limite chaud magnifique sculpture dans les suite mais la chambre simple permet de vivre l'expérience sans problème
13 April 2020 17:03
Excellent and grt experience had an visiual treat. Really must visit place ND life time experience
07 April 2020 5:09
Awesome experience at the ice hotel. The ice room wasn't as cold as i though especially with the sleeping bag and the prep they give you. I would definitely do it again. Something about sleeping in the ice room let me rejuvenated. The best part i if you decide to tap out, you can get up and go to your regular hotel room any time. Every ice room reservation comes with a regular hotel room reservation. We were there on probably the coldest weekend of the season and once I got in the sleeping bag and bundled up, it wasn't bad at all.
04 April 2020 10:50
Although the tickets were kinda pricey, I’d say the experience was definitely worth it. The ice sculptures inside was absolutely breathtaking! (With themes varying from room to room)
22 March 2020 13:05
This place was awesome and lovelllyyyy! I would have stayed here if it werent for my school but it sure would be a great honeymoon place: *: b Can't wait for mine to be here
05 October 2019 9:54
Bof je suis venu voir en août puis elle n'étais même pas la! J'espère que lan prochain a même date elle y sera
22 August 2019 8:18
Truly amazing. I’m surprised I’ve never been here much sooner in my life. It’s a lot more impressive in person than it is over pictures on the net. The time and effort put into the ice hotel is incredible. It’s amongst a winter playground as well. You’ll see what I mean if you go.
07 August 2019 6:04
The ice hotel has to be one of the coolest places to have a drink and explore while in Quebec City! -pun intended
30 June 2019 19:05
My daughter just loved it. Very beautiful. It's compatibility warm inside even though it's made of ice.
18 June 2019 7:47
Amazing place, if you have the chance to go it really worth it, a lot details and tours English and French

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