11 December 2023 15:24
Tout tout tout nous a plu! L'eau de la piscine est chaude, la chambre est grande, l'air est bon, le service est sympathique,
09 December 2023 20:24
Bel endroit, propre et bien entretenu. Très bon service. Merci Isabelle pour l'excellence de ton service a la clientèle.
17 October 2023 7:17
L'hôtel est bien situé au bord du lac, l'espace vert est bien aménagé CEPENDANT le service du restaurant est lent, la nourriture est minable, les prix du menu pour la qualité est excessivement élevé, ZÉRO service aux chambres, pas de lotion ni révitalisant & pas de gel douche, les portes des chambres ont besoin d'un coup de pied pour ouvrir ou fermer, la chaise roulante pour personne agée est deffectueuse, Mélissa à l'accueil est rude et pas accueillante etc. Hôtel à éviter, pas du tout conseillé, service nul et avare. Des gens incompétents.
05 October 2023 17:58
Everything was great EXCEPT THE BREAKFAST.

We booked this place, last minute on our way to Mont Tremblant. The staff were helpful, the hotel was old but it was well maintained, rooms were comfy and had all the amenities.
The dinner was excellent although the menu was very limited. They had two 3 course meal options both exceeding $50 and it was an enjoyable fine dinning experience.
BUT THE BREAKFAST WAS A DISSAPOINTMENT. Except for the freshly baked bakeries, I did not like anything. I just wanted to eat a warm egg and everything was cold. The cutlery were disposable and when compared to the fine dinning dinner that we paid for, the complementary breakfast sucked.
04 October 2023 12:30
Cet Hôtel a vraiment besoin d’être remise à jour. Le menu de la salle à manger est restreint à quelques plats et cela sans être modifié d’un souper à l’autre. Par contre le service au table était impeccable. Le petit déjeuner était bon et le lit confortable. Il faut vraiment penser à rénover.
03 October 2023 19:53
We got to the hotel and my room was taken prior by an elderly man who brought his dogs to the hotel. I got another room three doors down. The same man had his dogs barking all evening until 10pm. He came back several times to “calm them” and the dogs would start back up. Hotel tried to resolve the issue while his pets prevented a lot of guest from sleeping. Breakfast was not a hot breakfast. No meat and only pastries with eggs that still had the shells on them. Will not be returning. The only nice thing about this place is that the beds are comfortable. Sauna cannot be enjoyed with your partner. They only had one hot tub working and the other one was broken.
29 September 2023 11:48
Une merveilleuse expérience de détente, le respect, la politesse et le calme règne dans cet endroit.
Même avec une fin de semaine ou l’hotel était complète, tout etait calme!
Cette hôtel réusis a bien placer leur personel au endroit essentiel! Je leve mon chapeau a toute l’équipe de l’hotel qui se démene jour et nuit pour que la fin de semaine soit parfaite pour tout le monde présent, malgré le manque de personel qui se fait resentir au travers le Québec.

Un énorme merci a Luc & Émilie du golf
Leur bonne humeur et leur sourire on comblé notre dernière journée.

Sylvain l’homme de l’hotel! Nous a demander a chaque jours si notre sejours se passais bien.
Les serveurs (se) du restaurant sont d’une délicatesse
Louise et son collègue! L’équipe aux main magique vous assurera un massage d’une assurée.
Et une énorme merci a la dame (loulou) qui nous a permis que cette fin de semaines soit inoubliable

NB: L’endroit garde son charme de 1992 ce qui fait un chaleureux séjours. Quelques améliorations sont a faire au cours du temps, mais les matériaux sont surment dure a trouver pour garder l’authenticité.
Mais sinon Pouquoi changer cet si bel endroit comme tout les autres hôtels ou tout est froid et pareil!
Merci a tout le personel
24 May 2023 5:40
C'est un très bel endroit moderne avec tout ce dont on a besoin. Ils offrent même des produits locaux comme des oeufs, du café et un beau petit lampion. Par contre c'est très près de la route et le spa a du mal à garder sa chaleur donc pas un bon choix pour l'hiver. De plus, il n'y a pas de gazebo à l'extérieur et pas de toit donc, si il pleut c'est impossible d'être dehors. C'est un bel endroit vitré, mais sans rideaux donc si il pleut et que tu veux écouter la télévision c'est difficile à cause du reflet des fenêtres. Finalement, si tu aimes prendre des marches ce n'est pas le bon endroit. Il y a un terrain de golf à l'arrière avec de beaux sentier, mais c'est interdit d'y aller. En gros s'était quand même une belle expérience, j'ai bien aimé.
14 April 2023 21:10
Nous avons acheté le forfait Tuango pour la St-Valentin 2023. Nous avions sélectionné la chambre deluxe. Le check in se faisait à 16h00. Nous sommes arrivés à 16h00 pile.
À notre arrivée, il n'y avait aucun stationnement disponible. Les clients tournaient en rond à essayer de trouver un endroit où laisser leur voiture sans obstruer la voie.
On s'est fait dire que notre chambre n'était pas prête à 16h00 mais que ce serait réglé rapidement (environ 15 minutes). Nous avons finalement attendu 1h15 dans le lobby avec nos bagages.
Au souper, la réservation que nous avions fait par téléphone n'avait pas été enregistrée. Heureusement ils ont accepté de nous servir quand même. Le souper était vraiment mauvais (et pas seulement à notre goût mais les tables avoisinantes aussi).
La robinetterie de la douche était défectueuse et l'eau passait de glaciale à brûlante sans arrêt. Nous avons dû attendre passé 23h00 pour avoir de l'eau chaude pour le bain tourbillon.
Les murs de notre chambre étaient tellement minces que nous pouvions entendre très clairement les sonneries de notifications de nos voisins (ainsi que leurs conversations et tout le reste.).
Le matin, nous avons été réveillés tôt par la musique classique qui jouait à grandeur du corridor des chambres (première fois de ma vie que je tombe sur un hôtel qui fait ça d'ailleurs).

Les 3 points vont à l'esthétique et la propreté de l'hôtel, ainsi qu'à la chambre spacieuse et au lit confortable.

Cela dit, nous n'y retournerons certainement pas. Cela était très cher payé pour ce que nous avons eu.
23 March 2023 16:13
Nous avons acheté un forfait St Valentin sur Tuango. Premièrement, nous étions contents puisque la description mentionnait « un cadeau de bienvenue, des fraises au chocolat et une bouteille de vin mousseux rosé ». Finalement, il s’agissait de deux fraises enrobées et une mini bouteille 200ml de mousseux, tout ça à se partager à deux. Ensuite, le forfait incluait un « souper gastronomique 4 services ». Les guillemets sont nécessaires parce que nous avons reçu un souper complètement absurde. C’était une horreur. Une entrée à « partager » constituée de 4 mini crevettes de couronne froides, 1 coeur de palmier et 1 coeur d’artichaut en canne coupés en 2 avec un pain complètement sec qui brise les dents. La description nous a vendu du rêve. Que dire du potage; des carottes à l’eau, Miam! Conseil d’ami: Apportez vous du sel et du poivre. ️Nous nous inquiétions à savoir s’il fallait faire un aller retour au McDonald pour ne pas mourir de faim durant la soirée. Ah et nous devions marcher avec nos sacs dans une pente pendant 8 minutes pour se rendre au stationnement.

Faites attention au dépôt de sécurité qu’ils facturent, ils le gardent pendant plusieurs semaines!

C’est une vraie arnaque cette chose. Morale de l’histoire nous avons bien ri mais nous n’y retournerons plus
22 March 2023 12:01
Piscine sale, spa très sale, lampe tachée
Souper très bon
Pas de personnel au bar, pour le déjeuner le matin c’était sensé être un buffet finalement a la carte
Plusieurs personnes que nous avons croisé étaient très déçus
Ont a pris une suite ont était sensé avoir une bouteille de mousseux finalement une mini bouteille avec deux fraises chocolat
21 March 2023 14:54
On a acheté le forfait pour la Saint-Valentín. Sur l'offre disait clairement une bouteille de champagne et une boîte de fraises au chocolat. On a eu une mini bouteille avec deux fraises enrobées de chocolat. La directrice est très incompétente et s'en fou de ses clients. On a dû changer de chambre à 3h du matin parce que le jacuzzi ne fonctionnait pas dans celle qu'on avait. L'entrée qui venait avec le souper était dégoûtante.en plus d'avoir deux fraises pourries dans notre dessert, chose qu'ils ont réussi à changer après de perdre notre soirée avec le gérant au téléphone. Suite à cela, il n'y avait pas d'eau chaude dans la douche de la chambre qu'elle nous a donné. Nous étions très déçu et elle n'a rien fait pour accommoder la situation et qu'on part au moins avec un autre impression de cet hôtel, vu tous les imprévus qu'on a vécu. La pire expérience qu'on a jamais eu! De notre part on n'y retournera plus jamais et on vous le suggère fortement aussi!
11 January 2023 14:10
C’est un endroit charmant avec un lac très charmant sur lequel il est possible de faire des activités comme la nage, du kayak et du canoë. Par contre, les chambres mériteraient un peu d’amour. Les installations ne sont pas très modernes. Par contre, il s’agit d’un endroit qui offre un grand lot de service, ce qui est grandement apprécié.
08 January 2023 9:31
Just returned from a two night stay and loved everything about this hotel- the surroundings, the meals, the staff and the room.
Although it is evident that it is an older hotel it was very clean and quaint.
I would definitely return and plan to very soon!
08 December 2022 2:39
Superbe emplacement, mais service très médiocre et aucun professionnalisme. Il est impossible de contacter la direction ou celle-ci annule toujours dernière minute. De plus, nos chambres n'étaient pas prêtes à temps et nous n'avons jamais reçus nos dépôts de chambre. Les participants ont appelé l'hôtel et envoyé des courriels et toujours aucun remboursement. C'est inacceptable. Je ne conseille vraiment pas pour faire un événement comme un mariage ou autres.
05 December 2022 15:36
Scam! Scam! They’re Scammers. I booked an already over priced suite and once we checked in they said we should also pay an additional $100 as compulsory resort fee! When booking there is no such detail anywhere! I told the manager you should mention all those hidden fees on your website. She said yeah it is a problem with expedia lab la la and it is under “more” section somewhere. I said show me where on your website she said oh l can print our policies for you! I am like whattttt? You can print me anything, l need to see your policies at booking time specially if it is for something like charging me $100 (daily) for just being on the private property.

The customer service was terrible.when l entered the lobby the guy at front desk ignored me for 5 minutes then answered a phone, made another followup phone before answering me who was already there in person!

I see so many negative comments about their rooms but we got the suite which was fine and decent.
21 November 2022 7:38
Mon bal des finissants s'est tenu à l'hôtel. L'endroit est magnifique. Cependant, ça fait déjà trois semaines que l'événement est terminé et personne s'est fait retournée son dépôt de sécurité pour la chambre. À la suite de leur réponse qu’ils allaient le faire, aucune action n’a été entrepris par le personnel de l’hôtel.
Les chambres ne sont pas au goût du jour et le déjeuner n’avait pas eu lieu au heure indiqué le mardi matin.
16 October 2022 12:39
Internet super slow (~50KB/s). Others are OK. Lived on he 2nd floor. The room has slight mold smell, but tolerable. No body wash provided, only shampoo and conditioner. No free bottle water provided, but has capsule coffee machine.
03 July 2022 0:23
We went there for mother's Day brunch and it was amazing.

Staff was super friendly, food was great.

A place to discover!
19 June 2022 16:38
Hotel Du Lac Transylvania is hopelessly outdated, rundown, and dysfunctional. The staff are nice but there is no sign of management. The hotel amenities were not as described and the food was atrocious. 2 stars because the poor staff were making an effort and the rooms were fairly clean.
08 June 2022 15:20
Not even a 3 star hotel-horrible experience
We booked our stay for one night on march 26,2022 at the hotel based on information provided on your website. Nonetheless to say that we were seriously disappointed in all accounts.

Client service- not professional and not accommodating: Prior to our arrival, I had called the reception to ask if we could get an early check in. I was told that our room will likely be ready around 3 p.m. And that if we arrive at that time, it won't be a problem. Once we arrived, it seemed like this information was not the same- we were told that our room was not ready and to either go for a walk or sit in the lobby. Because of the rain, we waited 1 hour in the lobby and it turned out that our room was ready the whole time (thanks to someone who looked at a manual paper work entry). Our reservation was for 3 people, but only 2 of everything (towels, coffee cups, coffees, etc) was provided to the room. When we called to ask for an additional towel given we only had 2, we were asked to come get it at the front, if any was available. It was evident that the person at the front desk lacked experience and support to deal with client services, and that her priority was not client service but to man the front desk.

Poor cleanliness and upkeep of the facilities:
1) hot tubs that could lead to health hazards: When accessing the hot tubs, the water was over 104 degrees, with a lot of brown and yellow foam. It was evident that there were not regular check of the hot tubs and appropriate maintenance of the water. One of us got an immediate skin rash from it. The other hot tub had a broken cover that could only retract 1/4 of the way.
2) saunas: the light in the sauna wasn't working, we had to manually screw in a light bulb ourselves. There are no working temperature controls (just a bunch of exposed wires on a missing switch) or no thermometer to have a sense of the heat- it was unbearable, and we had to keep the door open.
3) Room bathroom: drainage of both the sinks and the bath had serious issues. As soon as water was turned on, brown liquid and debris would surface in both sinks and bath. It took a long time for this to even drain back in, the smell was also horrible.
The website falsely advertised recent renovations. The room we had was exactly like it was 20 years ago when I last visited along with all open areas of the hotel, no apparent updates were done. I am not sure if we were provided with an older room, but given that there were less than 10 rooms occupied in the full hotel at the time of our stay, someone would think that a renovated room could have been provided to guests instead of an older one (especially given I had reserved weeks in advance). We were not informed at booking or at check in that the full sport bar/gym area was closed due to covid sanitary reasons (? - meaning not cleaned?).
4) Communications between front desk and restaurant was an issue. When I booked for dinner restaurant reservation, I mentioned a severe gluten allergy and was reassured that it was noted and that the chef could do something customized for that person. I also mentioned it again at check in and also wrote it on the paper they asked me to fill in. At time of dinner, the restaurant staff was unaware of this and not prepared to accommodate. Fortunately, the chef proposed one option. It was clear that tension between hotel and restaurant existed.
5) Restaurant service and lack of transparency of costs
The quality of food was really good, but service was definitely poor and not professional (except for the Chef who was excellent).
08 June 2022 6:15
L'accueil et le service au restaurant était #1. Le personnel polis et sympathiques sont à l'écoute de vos besoins. Notre serveur Gilles est super fin. Merci pour ton excellent service. Je vous recommande cet endroit
27 May 2022 17:52
I was happily surprised with the size of the place but what did it for me was the food. Thanks to chef Yves and the amazing service from Kim, we had the best dinner in a long time.
25 May 2022 0:25
I booked a two floor suite with chimney, jacuzzi and huge windows for my husbands birthday.

Our stay was short and sweet. And to make it even better you have to plan a few things in advance:

1. Make sure to call in advance for any reservations: they have nice restaurant (we haven’t tried it), winter activities like snowshoes, ski and ice rink; sauna, outdoor jacuzzi and indoor pool.

I happened to communicate with the most helpful and friendly guy on the reception. He made sure we had our spots in sauna, jacuzzi (that was fully booked on the same day Sat) and swimming pool.

2. Service and stuff were so helpful and sincere. It was so relaxing to have such a hospitable treatment. But don’t expect any special treatments on your personal occasions. I mentioned a few times birthday and we haven’t heard a word of greeting (it’s not so important but was obvious since other hotels around the world were more attentive).

3. The hotel and facilities are old but so well maintained! Wow! They managed to preserve that old chique of the place that feels like a castle, with marble in bathrooms, wooden stairs, antique door knobs and chimney right in the room.

4. Everything in our suite was perfectly clean, fresh and organized. We had to buy $9 éco-log for the chimney which gave us a few hours of cozy time by the fire. The only unpleasant experience we had was a knot of blonde hair swimming in jacuzzi. But it was not that sad since we were able to switch to indoor sauna and swimming pool. Jacuzzi on the second floor of our suite was great and we could have it just to ourselves being sure it’s clean, without any surprises.

5. The location is great and not too far from Montreal. We woke up with the view on the forest and surrounding hills. We haven’t tried any activities since it was a rain turning into ice weather. I am sure it would be great to walk around on a better day, enjoying fresh air and wild landscapes.

Suite is definitely worth of trying. It gives a feeling of a small house on top of regular hotel facilities.
10 May 2022 18:37
Trop chère pour rien, quand ont apel ils donnent de mauvaise informations (cuisine dana les suite un four micro onde pis une cafetière lol) service très très ordinaire
04 May 2022 7:11
Great food! Booked the restaurant for my daughter's 23rd birthday. From the moment we arrived, all were wishing her happy birthday and very attentive and pleasant. Food was delicious: duck was sublime and the ravioli filled with lobster were fresh and tasty. The only downside was that I didn't get a proper fork for the snails entrée, but not drastic. Thank you Chef Yves for both wonderful meals, we are coming back without a doubt and we enjoyed the time you took to make this evening memorable. Thank you Kim for the great service. Superb fireplace and beautiful views.
28 April 2022 5:16
J'ai reçu un service incroyable lors de ma visite samedi dernier.

J'avais un rendez-vous pour un massage d'une heure que j'ai rallongé pour devenir 90 minutes.

Ce massage fut une vrai thérapie! Ma thérapeute m'a non seulement travailler physiquement mais aussi sur le plan émotionnel et spirituel. Ce qui est exactement ce que j'avais besoin à ce moment là.

Je continue de croire qu'on ne rencontres pas les gens par hasard.

Je vais retourner voir Geneviève bientôt c'est certain et je recommande le spa à tout ceux qui ont besoin d'un bon moment de relaxation et de détente.

19 April 2022 8:26
I have never seen a dog in a lobby. I am a very animal friendly person but this hotel doesn’t know how to manage a dog. It’s not a very friendly place and they are really rude and not professional and very very very expensive.
19 March 2022 10:12
Très décevant comme séjour! Aucune information à l'arrivée, le prix au restaurant beaucoup trop cher pour le service que nous avons eux! Chambre mal isolée, bar fermée, gym à moitié fermée aussi! La piscine qui n'ouvre pas au heures indiqués.bref c'était une première et une dernière pour nous.
27 February 2022 8:53
Superbe hôtel, ils ont un service de prêt de ski fond, ma grande à pu s’initier dans de beau sentier. Avec en plus un feu extérieur le soir pour les guimauves. Endroit très calme et bien insonorisé.
Prochaine fois on essaie le patin et la raquette:)
Superbe salle à manger.
14 February 2022 2:33
This was honestly a terrible experience. Firstly, opposite to what is indicated on the website, this place is not freshly renovated. Most importantly though is the awful customer experience and management, with all my years of travel I have never seen this. With no online menu available, a great surprise when getting to the restaurant (only place to eat because this place is in the middle of nowhere) is that it is outrageously overpriced. The cheapest entrée is a 26$ pesto pasta dish. With a reservation, we still had to wait 40 min, without anyone ever acknowledging us, except to tell us to move to the side. The waitresses straight up had no respect for the customers. When wanting to talk to the manager, no one would care to come see us. When finally catching the owner, we tell him we had a terrible experience at his restaurant, and all he says is that next time we should tell the waitress that we know him! Not ever apologizing.
Next morning, while at the lobby, I hear the front desk agent telling customers at checkout that they will get a free one-night stay since they went to the restaurant the night before (and probably also had a terrible experience!). When we checkout hours later, she never mentions this free stay. I have to tell her I heard her say this to previous customers, and only then does she take my email and tell me I will receive "more details" throughout the week. DO NOT recommend, management is too awful and unprofessional, it will certainly stain your stay.
19 January 2022 22:55
My partner and I have been to this hotel multiple times and absolutely love it! It is beautiful all around every season and the food is amazing. Staff is very nice and guides you well as best as they can and as needed. The room is very comfortable and quality amenities. My favourite hotel experience to date is and always will be at Lac Carling!
27 September 2021 17:01
The more experienced staff was charming and well trained, they made the hotel service match the premises.

The local 20 year olds working there cheapened it really quick sadly with the lack of manners to customers. Interrogating us for 10 minutes in the lobby over a spa reservation is not good. We reserved a spa, we are clients, we don't know who we spoke to when we rang the hotel's phone number to reserve the spa. We don't know, don't want to know, and don't want to be interrogated over internal hotel procedures. We don't care what employee messed it up, you just need to fix the problem for us, find the rest out later. Leave us out of it, we are clients, we want a nice experience, we don't work there, we don't care who's job the reservations are. We want to take a spa after getting a massage. It's that simple. Leaving us standing there in the lobby in our bathing suits and being annoyed someone didn't fill our the register properly reflects poorly on the hotel. The mistake itself didn't matter. The way it was handled did, and was beyond poor. Imagine if real problems arise. How annoyed and annoying will that staff member be then if they can't be in charge of a simple spa registry problem?

Then the room service. The pizzas and pastas were excellent, but later at night our 160$ tomahawk for 2 dinner arrived undercooked, with the wrong side dishes, and our hot appetizer was cold. We sent it back, and when it came back it still was the wrong side dishes, cold as well, they didn't bother to fix that either. It reflects badly on the hotel, don't offer more luxurious food options if they're so poorly delivered. There's nothing wrong with a good pasta, there's definitely a lot wrong with an expensive dinner for 2 when you underdeliver this much (160$ plus tip no alcohol, that's steep).

Luckily the place is gorgeous, the massage therapists were lovely, and some of the more experienced staff definitely belongs to an elevated establishment. We managed to have a good time but we were definitely massively annoyed over some of the service and felt ripped off completely from that dinner.
14 April 2020 16:37
J'ai eue une fds de st- Valentin le service étais super et la bouffe également. Le déjeuner buffet est super bon! Fruit frais, jus frais et grande variété de repas déjeuner

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