27 October 2023 7:30

What a horrible experience I had at this The Bay store over the past few days.

I went on a Sunday to get some jeans. I asked an employee for help finding the right style and size, but she just pointed me to half the store and told me to just look in that general direction. Jee, thanks.

There was no music playing and no one around, so the whole place felt like a ghost town. I had to walk through half the store until I could find changing rooms with staff.

I tried some jeans on but ran out of time to find the right sizes before closing, and the jeans were all final sale, so I asked a staff member if they could do a "mise de côté", or put them aside for me until the next day. The employee looked at me with a blank stare. I had to repeat myself three times in two languages until she finally replied that she'd ask her manager.

Her manager kindly agreed to hold the items for me.

The day I was supposed to come pick up the items, I finished work late and knew I wouldn't make it in time, so I called the store to ask if they could hold the items a bit longer.

DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME CALLING. For 30 minutes, I tried calling every possible department. Women's clothing. Home accessories. Jewelry. Men's shoes. No one picked up. The automated phone system is completely useless. There's no way to reach customer service or go to the previous menu, and the phone directory only gives extension numbers, not department or employee names.

After 20 minutes I was able to reach one department, but the employee who picked up said "Hello? Hello? ", as if she couldn't hear me, then hung up. TWICE. (The same thing happened when I called back.)

What a sad excuse for a store. Employees don't care about helping customers, and management obviously doesn't care either judging by all the obstacles they've put in place to prevent customers from speaking to a human.

*Original review*

The store is nice. Bonus for free parking.

My only issue with this store is that I was looking for some very specific items, but I had a really hard time finding staff to point me in the right direction, and when I did find them, they seemed preoccupied with other things and didn't go the extra mile to help me find what I needed.
20 September 2023 2:50
An exclusive store of brand name clothing, accessories, perfumes, etc, where you will find what you are looking for at a good price.
14 September 2023 1:28
This location is rather small and the selection of items is limited compared to the downtown flagship store.
01 August 2023 20:36
No shopping carts so you have to carry everything around in your arms. Very few staff working and changing rooms were closed. However nice products and fairly good prices.
18 July 2023 6:56
Dommage il n'avait pas ce que je cherchais pour mon épouse.
Je suis allé ailleurs. Déception total.
23 June 2023 12:05
Found what I needed but not what I wanted - which is a larger selection of in-season clothing and a cashier at their post.
28 January 2022 16:12
C'est insultant que durant les heures d'ouverture, il n'y a pas moyen de parler à un seul employer. Par contre, après la fermeture a 17h (entre 17h01 et 17h05) j'ai 5 employé qui sont venu me voir pour dire qu'il fermait et que je devais partir. On ne m'a même pas laisser la chance de finir de choisir un dernier produit.
28 December 2021 5:22
Je trouve qu'il manque de personnel
Et qu'on ne réussi pas à payer notre compte la baie avec desjardins en ligne ni au magasins c'est aussi très cher.autrement c'est un très beau magasin.
09 December 2021 21:59
Très beau magasin la Baie.difficicle d'avoir du service manque d'employés.plusieur rabais intéressant.
08 December 2021 4:21
Worst online shopping experience EVER!
I ordered a desk chair online for $250, and the delivery company says they left it at my building entrance door without a signature required, thing that never happened! So, I contacted the Bay customer service and they were not able to help me, because I had to contact the vendor instead. Now guess what? It is impossible to contact and get an answer from the vendor. It’s being 1 week and I feel like I got stolen from those 2.


How frustrating!
27 November 2021 5:47
Nice store, enough parking, but the choice is a bit less than the one in Fairview but still worth the visit
24 November 2021 17:13
I think this store is one of the newly renovated stores. It’s the most modern looking The Bay. You find medium range to high range jewellery, clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, Purses, luggage and household items. It’s very well organized and well stocked on all the items. I was very impressed with the cleanliness. The staff here is very friendly
19 November 2021 4:53
I give up! Since La Baie opened the service has always been horrible. NO SERVICE. Employees are never at their station. If you need to find help look between the clothing racks. They’re normally hidding there chit chatting or playing on their cell phone.

UPDATE: 2021-09-03 at 11: 11 zero greeting from the staff. All had their head down and chatting to each other and seem reluctant to work… So I Went back today to look at shoes for my daughter. The employee at the cash was still counting her loose change for the cash register. It was 11: 15 AM. I patiently waited until she was done before approaching her. When I ask her if you could help me check a size and availability of this shoe on the display, she told me she could NOT and inform me to go to the customer services counter for such inquiry. I was perplexed and questioned if it was normal that in the shoe department she could not verify on the computer the size and availability of a shoe. She brushed me off and encouraged me to see customer service because she really can’t do anything for me. I gave it another chance but now La Baie Lasalle never again!
30 October 2021 20:38
Il n'y a JAMAIS de commis au comptoir des montres pour hommes en soirée! Il faut toujours aller chercher un commis au comptoir des cosmétiques, qui évidemment ne connait RIEN des montres. Les boitiers de montres sont tous mélangés, les prix sont mal-affichés, il n'y a PAS de concession "The Time Shop" pour l'ajustement de montres.service ZÉRO ET UNE BARRE!

There is NEVER a salesperson at the men`s watch counter in the evening! I always have to get a sales representative at the cosmetics counter, who obviously knows NOTHING about watches! Their watch boxes are all misplaced, there are often pricing mistakes and there is NO "The Time Shop" concession for watch adjustments. A BIG FAIL AT THE LASALLE HUDSON`S BAY! A BIG ZERO!
03 October 2021 14:06
Le service est absent et aux caisses c'est interminable car il manque d'employés.
Une chance LaBaie ne fermera jamais.
03 October 2021 4:26
J'aime beaucoup magasiner en ligne ou au magasin du Fairview. Je cherchais des souliers et le display était presque vide. Vraiment déçue de magasinde LaSalle.
09 September 2021 21:25
Endroit propre, beaucoup de produits en
Vente, mais manque de personnel
Cause covid. Service aux clients sujet
A amélioration
27 September 2020 7:02
Great store when the sales are available, but it’s impossible to buy things here. There’s like two kiosks open, and usually one employee who hates their life dealing with a customer who has a billion questions causing a huge line that takes forever. 8/10 times I leave what I’m going to buy because the time to buy looks like it’ll take forever.
07 April 2020 16:59
Overall not bad, however need more staff to maintain the store since the clothes are not organized and also the woman's washroom (one stall) took forever to repair, to the point where it was smelling so bad!
05 April 2020 11:34
Good place to shop. A bit expensive but items are of good quality well worth it. Also, they have frequent sales: keep a eye on them for good deals. Wheel chair access. Free parking.
02 April 2020 14:22
Les employés sont hors service! J'ai attendu une demi-heure pour que l'employé vienne lui poser des questions sur la taille d'une chaussure, mais personne n'est venu, j'ai demandé de l'aide à quelqu'un, il m'a dit que je ne peux pas, je suis occupé maintenant, je ne le recommande pas,
04 March 2020 4:07
I don't usually write reviews but I think this is useful to know.so I had my eye on a Tommy Hilfiger sweater for my son but original priced at $64. About 3 weeks after seeing it at the store, I saw it online for about 22 which was amazing. I go to the store and luckily the size I wanted was there. The cashier tells me the price is 34.50 and I replied that it's on clearance. She says the prices online and at the store are different and she can't change the price. WTH? WHO DOES THAT? No other store does that, and trust me I shop around! I ask her to put it away for me since I didn't have time to argue. I returned the next day, different cashier tells me the same thing. It doesn't make sense I tell her, I could buy it online (different size because they didn't have the size I wanted) and return it to exchange it and I would have wasted so much time. I ask to speak to the manager and finally get it at the price it was showed. So moral of this story, if the cashier tells you she can't change it, insist on speaking to the manager because obviously they're not well informed.
02 March 2020 13:25
Smaller Bay than downtown location but it has always been clean when I go. Staff are friendly and process returns easily (unlike downtown location).
20 January 2020 19:24
The store doesn't have much items compared to other Hudson's Bay stores in the Montreal area. If you need service or you have questions, it's gonna be pretty hard to find an employee.
14 January 2020 23:09
Awww, c'est un très beau Grand magasin, mais où sont les employés?
Les seules employées que j'ai pu trouver pour m'aider étaient deux filles au Même comptoir de soin de beauté, impossible pour moi de trouver quelqu'un dans les autres départements pour m'aider!
Pas normal ça! Puis c'est pas ma première fois!
TK, au moin les deux employées mon servi avec le sourire, parce que de nos jours ça aussi c'est rare!
09 January 2020 18:34
Third time I call, customer service twice then the furniture department. Leave the phone ringing for over five minutes at a time. It would be amazing if someone actually answered the phone. I have a very simple question and don't want to drive over if you don't have a product.
06 January 2020 20:53
Hudson's Bay. They had some good deals 40 to 50% off but I'm afraid there space they have in the store, square footage.is way too big. The same mistake Sears made.
04 January 2020 3:30
Ordered on 2 occasions a Zwilling cookware set that I see advertise in internet add.after processing the order and take the payment, they advise me that my order is cancelled due to lack of inventory.take more than two weeks to get my credit card refund.on internet I see that there should be inventory in 2 stores for this item. I am trying to call them to make sure they have the product available, unable to get someone on the line. When I finally talk to someone, his answer is: Not my departement I don't know if we have it, call later.
26 December 2019 16:35
Un énorme choix de vêtements de tous les styles! Il y a aussi de bons accessoires et des lits, des maquillages et des produits de beauté, etc.
26 December 2019 2:53
Venue s'installer au Carrefour Angrignon suite à la fermeture du magasin Sears, on s'attendait de trouver chez La Baie un choix de vêtements plus actuels, de meilleures marques, enfin mieux. Quelques mois plus tard, on a l'impression d'être chez Winner's et c'est désorganisé comme l'était Sears. Ce magasin semble être l'entrepôt de ce qui ne s'est pas vendu ailleurs.
18 December 2019 13:20
The store is nice and new, but in my experience the levis jeans racks are a complete mess all models are mix-up.colors, sizes etc.
03 December 2019 21:29
The store is nice and clean. I bought a toy and some clothes for my kids. They had a very good selection. They were out of bags at the cash and I had to wait until the cashier went to get some at another cash which was kind of annoying. Apart from that great store!
23 November 2019 5:05
You can always find quality dresses in here. Prices are not the cheapest but quality is ok. Recommended.
18 November 2019 23:21
Des magnifique employés de se magazin subi beaucoup de maltraitance.par certains superviseur je ne remets plus mes pieds.
15 November 2019 20:17
Bon magasin La Baie, mais petit comparé aux autres. Peu de personnel. On attend souvent aux caisses. On trouve surtout des vêtements.
01 November 2019 6:09
Clothes are at a good price but the section for the kitchen is insane. 12 inch cutting board for 99.99$
09 October 2019 18:21
Great looking store, decent selection. Absolute worst service I have experienced in any Bay. There was no one working in the home dept so people were standing around looking for someone to let them pay. Went to another cash and two people were working on one return. Went to a third and finally paid, but they didnt have bags. Yeesh.
09 September 2019 19:47
C'est très grand et le personnelle on ne le trouve jamais. Caisse mal indiqué j'ai cherché pas mal pour les trouver.
02 September 2019 1:03
I dunno. The store looks great from a distance but once you start shopping it's not that great. Kind of messy really. I went in looking for shorts today and could only find sizes twice my own. You're better off shopping on their website. And of course not a single employee in sight to help you find what you need.
28 August 2019 2:28
Je trouve toujours quelques vêtements qui me conviennent. Les employés sont très polis et vous aident dans vos choix.
22 August 2019 9:29
Pas beaucoup de monde, beaucoup de choix, assez dispendieux, j'ai vraiment pas aimé, les employés jasent entre eux et ne s'occupe pas des clients. 1 ère et dernière fois, trop chère pour moi et j'ai pas trouver ce que je cherchais, si toujours comme ça lui aussi va fermer, comme l'autre avant lui.
12 August 2019 10:57
Cacima, employée dans les pantalons et chemises pour hommes, a été fantastique. Patienté, drôle, compétente, elle m'a bien encadré et j'ai acheté 2 pantalons et j'y retourne demain après la job pour les chemises. Merci Cacima.
27 July 2019 13:34
Nice new clean place but the choice is better in Downtown or Point Claire. Like the shiny floors here.
03 July 2019 5:34
I scored an amazing pillow, on sale, but, when it came time to pay, no cashier in
sight. I had to walk through several departments, to finally find a young man, to serve me. Too bad, it's such a nice (new) store
08 June 2019 23:39
Situé dans les anciens locaux du Target (et du Zellers avant ça), la Baie d'Hudson Carrefour Angrignon offre tout ses services et produits dans un concept ouvert étalé sur un seul grand étage. Beau décor, bonne sélection de marchandise.le seul grand hic.il manque d'employés sur le plancher pour servir les clients aux caisses.ceci est un problème réccurent dans les magasins du groupe HBC!

Located in the space previously occupied by Target (and Zellers before that), the Hudsons' Bay Carrefour Angrignon store offers all of its services and products in a open concept on one large single floor (single floor layout). Nice decor, a good selection of merchandise.the only big problem.there aren't enough employees to serve its customers at the checkout points.this is a recurring problem in most HBC stores!

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