01 January 2024 22:01
Are they real doctors at the ER? Your odds are better by jumping out of a moving ambulance than being treated by the passive aggressive doctors with absolutely no sense of compassion towards fellow humans.

Every doctor should be fired. The ER should be placed under strict government supervision.
31 December 2023 22:57
Très gentil. Opération tunnel carpien, tout a bien été. Il est débordé mais bien épaulé par son équipe.
08 November 2023 3:57
I went there on a Sunday night. I was having heart arrhythmia. I got a number and in less the five mins I got the initial, triage, soon after I got an EKG done to make sure I was ok. After that, I had to wait a bit for a doctor, but that's understandable, besides I was waiting in my own cubicle. Everyone who helped me was really nice and spoke English to me no problem.
06 November 2023 4:48
I went in for a CT scan at the hull hospital today. The x-ray technician and all the employees in there were super friendly. The technician apologized for his English and I apologized for my French.or lack of, and we all had a good laugh. I went in right on time and out quickly. Thank you for making my experience quick and pleasantly painless. I am super grateful for your professionalism:)
23 June 2023 4:28
Je suis tombé d'un 4e étage l'hôpital a fait un mauvais diagnostic au début alors je n'ai plus aucun recours je suis pris au travail blessé de la colonne vertébrale péter sais l'hôpital la pire au monde la pire au monde cette hôpital là devrait être bany du system tout ce qu'ils font c'est toute Crush c'est pas des bon
médecins malheureusement les pire au monde
05 May 2023 22:37
I have been seen by Dr Ian Barrette in emergency room at Hull hospital in Gatineau. To be honest, he is the BEST doctor I have ever seen in Canada. He is hardworking, kind, full of humanity, very intelligent, knowledgeable, respectful and he understands my health issues as if he was my family doctor for LONG time and even more. I got better after visiting him even it was very short time seeing him but he was able to diagnose my health issues professionally. He caught my health problem from its roots not its branches. He is really a miracle in time that is very difficult to find a doctor like him! May God bless him and protect him as he is very important doctor that all patients really need a doctor like him:)
22 April 2023 22:13
Merci au soins de l’hôpital de hull pour vous avoir occupé de moi 24 hrs sur 24 hrs au choc et le 3 ieme étage en cardio je vous donne tous un 10/10
31 March 2023 15:31
My elderly father is in care at this hospital and he has had nothing but good things to say about the service and the care.
23 February 2023 2:56
If you want to know how bad the health care crisis is look no further then Hull hospital. Multiply that if your a English speaker. The people who answer your call bell the majority of the time only answer it to be able to shut it off. Doesn't matter if it's immune suppressants on pain management.
You will always be left in limbo and having to buzz multiple times over the hour to get a actual nurse.
02 February 2023 12:50
My experience at Hull hospital is terrible. The staff, most are very nice, food is fine. I wish I could say it’s nice, patient friendly place but it depends. Day time is nicer, quieter, just a great place to recover. Day time deserves at least 4.5 stars. But night. When visiting hours end. Many of the staff fail to care that many patients r tired, in pain, going through an awful time, got out of surgery, etc.they shout outside the patients door stories of who knows. Last night 2 talked loudly for 30 minutes minimum even tho their staff office ids next door.
Why they need to shout at eat other when they r right in front of each other makes zero sense. The staff act like this is a frat house instead of a hospital. Is anything going to b done? No. I just wish they’d have some compassion and humanity. Oh, then u inconvenience them if u call to ask for something. I know I should not say this but given how bad it is here, I wish I’d held off until the issue that got me here ended it. I’m sooo tired, sad, and know tonight will b the same. [crying]
29 January 2023 5:58
Les employés maltraités, surtout en hygiène, et salubrité car très mauvaise gestion, ce qui fait que tout les bons employés s'envont! Cela à pour effet des éclosions + Et des congés de maladies. Il faudrait mieux les payer et bien traiter les bons employés et Formateur qui sont beaucoup donné, surtout pendant la pandémie.
03 December 2022 20:30
Il n mérite mm pas d’être appelé ou considéré comme urgence, ça prend bcp plus de temps, ça délaisse les autres pour favoriser certains oui il doit bien avoir de cas particulier mais non, je suis assise de 5pm a 11 pm personne pour moi tandis qu’il y’a d’autres qui se font consulter 2 fois et tout c qui sont arrivé après moi passe avant et je pars pour me plaindre, elle me dit, si tu es fatiguée passe la journée, service médiocre la dame de nuit.

A deux reprises et je reste plus de 5 h none pour une consultation! Il faut que la personne tombe pour prendre soit d’elle.

L’infirmière n fait bien sont travail (celle qui classe le dossier) et si l’urgence remarque qu’il y’a bcp des gens alors faut avoir 2-3 médecin.
Vraiment pathétique. Mauvais service. Ça n aide pas du tout
27 November 2022 19:42
I recieved a call from neurology out patient dept. For weeks ive tried to call that dept the times its says you can call. All i get is a voicemail that they can be on a break, lunch etc. They have voicemail for cancellations. Why cant there be an option to leave a message for outpatient dept? Im frustrated and extremly irritated about this.
18 November 2022 19:46
Le pire Hôpital jamais vue. Aucun médecin disponible. Attente infinie. Gestion de l'hôpital sans expérience minimale. On a changé l'entrée principale des urgence sans mettre des signes vers la nouvelle. Tu te promène avec le malade entre les rues et sa peinne augmente. Une fois à l'entrée, tu dois voyager entre les étages pour trouver le bon endroit. C'est incroyable comment cet hôpital peut être plus douloureux que les problèmes de santé que tu ramène.
Sans oublier le service des ambulancier de secteur Aylmer qui t'informe après 30min que l'ambulance a été diviée vers un autre cas plus urgent, comme s'il y a une seule ambulance et une seul équipe. Bref, le statut ko dans le système de santé dans cette région. Finalement, traversant le pont vers Ottawa, tous les patients parlent français et viennent de Gatineau. Hante pour le Gouvernement de Qc. Plusieurs partage ce même sentiment décevoir.
28 February 2021 5:53
I went through this hospital's system. It was efficient, professional and friendly. There are good covid practices in place and great service. From the time I entered (where I was seen by Nurse Frederique within five minutes), saw a doctor (after a period of waiting in their well-ventilated and comfortable waiting room I saw Dr. Labrecque), and finally was wrapped up with Nurse Daniela, I was well attended. All of them were communicative, knowledgeable and efficient.
28 January 2021 0:17
Les employé infirmières et ambulanciers rit d'une personne ayant une maladie mentale et la traite de criss de folle et le personnel est au courant de sa maladie.personne veut s'en occuper même que certains dise decalisse sa d'ici
23 January 2021 16:29
II appreciate help of Emergency stuff in this hospital. Comparing to Queensway Hospital, this place is much better in terms of their response and service. However, QC government needs to make nessessary renovations to make it look more modern.
14 January 2021 14:36
Parking under 2 hours is free.

Past 2 hours you have to pay at the inside automated kiosk, you can't pay at the automated kiosk in the lot.

It's not marked on the infoboard and can create an embarrassing traffic jam.
13 January 2021 15:11
I had the pleasure of having an MRI exam today at the hospital (Philips 1.5 Tesla equipment, contrast gadolinium) with an excellent service by a kind receptionist who gently assist me. The technical personnel was really professional and did a great job. My best recommendations to Valerie the imaging technologist since she performed her job with excellence. To the reader, I worked on medical imaging before and I have seen the protocol several times. Valerie was at the peak, a really kind person too! Thanks also to Nancy for her kind attention after the exam.
29 March 2020 21:15
I understand why this is rated the worst hospital in Canada.had an asthma attack and couldnt breathe, took me one hour to see someone and they tell me I didnt need an oxygen mask (which helps my lungs everytime). I legit couldnt breathe and thought i was going to die. They are racist and disrespectful they dont care about your well being.worst experience ive ever had in my life.
23 March 2020 8:44
Excellent service reçu à l’Hôpital de Hull en février 2020 pour un problème de bronchite et d’asthme de mon conjoint. Il a eu rapidement accès aux soins en raison de son âge et de son niveau de détresse respiratoire. Le personnel infirmier et médical était très professionnel en effectuant des examens approfondis, malgré le taux d’occupation très élevé en cette période de l’année. Évidemment, je préférerais avoir accès à des super cliniques, afin de laisser les cas plus lourds être traités en milieu hospitalier; nous n’avons malheureusement pas encore cette option dans la région.
17 March 2020 22:03
This Hospital is completely dysfunctional. My orthopedic surgeon requested a procedure that needed to be done in the radiology department. I was told the procedure would be completed within a 4 week maximum wait time. Two months later I called to find out where I was on the wait list and I was told that the wait time for the procedure requested was now 18 Months!
15 March 2020 5:25
Très longes attentes à l'urgence, mais c'est le problème un peu partout, mais beaucoup mieux que l'hôpital de Gatineau. J'ai toujours eu de bonne expérience lors de mes hospitalisations. J'ai bien apprécié la Dr Pascale Sergerie aux soins intensifs en 2004. Et en 2019, j'ai été opéré pour une angioplastie par le cardiologue Dr Quenneville, il m'a inspiré confiance et le personnel en cardiologie au 6ième est vraiment gentil et on se sent en confiance.
28 January 2020 19:14
I just got surgery to remove my gallbladder and the surgeon, Dr.tasavoli was amazing and the entire staff was great. Had a few hiccups the first few days but once Dr. Tasavoli stepped in, I was handled with care and professionalism.
29 December 2019 19:59
My foot was broken and I was in a deep pain waited there for 8 hours no body gave a damn about me and I asked the receptionist is it normal that I have to wait all that time and its emergency she said with attitude yes no doctors but one only, it heart's alot to see such a treatment from a people's that supposed to be hospitality and look after us.but unfortunately.
28 December 2019 11:08
L'équipe du 3e en cardiologie, chapeau. Jean-Michel, Jasmine, Sandrine, Adama et tous les autres, je me suis sentie en confiance, des personnes humaines, compatissantes, de belles personnalités qui méritent un gros merci. Continuez à rendre vos patients confiants et heureux. Je vous aime tous.
24 December 2019 23:03
It's not a perfect hospital but I see most people care about their patients and try their best. I've always had good experiences, either with my children or myself. Most people are kind and try their best. The hospital is old but there are some good human qualities there that are important to point out too.
22 December 2019 12:23
Je mets trois étoiles, car le médecin des urgences (le docteur Lamarche-Cliche) qui m'a reçu a été excellente avec moi ainsi que la deuxième infirmière que j'ai vu qui était au triage (je ne vais pas en dire autant de la première par contre). Le médecin a bien entendu mon appel au secours et a réagi en conséquence. Par contre je suis arrivé à 2h du matin, je suis ressorti dans l'après midi. J'ai attendu 10 h dans la salle d'attente et quand enfin ça à été mon tour de passer, j'ai encore attendu plus d'une demi heure dans le cube. Et je vois que je suis loin d'être le seul à me plaindre de ça.
15 December 2019 15:29
I cant believe I pay the same taxes as everyone in quebec for sub par health services. La Presse revealed the Gatineau Hospital leads all hospitals in the province in the number of deaths determined by provincial coroners to have been caused by medical error, with 34 over the last decade.
07 December 2019 8:13
I'm probably gonna die in the waiting room.

Edit: I'm not dead. I saw a dr after 6 hours. It's long but I've had much worse before. Dr Leblanc was his name. Quick and efficient. Staff were good to me. So we can only blame low budget for lack of doctors. Write to the minister.
30 November 2019 4:24
I was in the Hull Hospital for major surgery. I found the staff actually very friendly and accommodating, even though I struggle with French. I think perhaps the hospital is trying to improve its image, but my experience was very positive. I commend the staff at the hospital because to me, there must be a concerted effort for good service. That to say, I think what many people are commenting on is a reflection of demand far exceeding resources. But I believe there must have been efforts to improve services based on what is available
08 November 2019 13:06
Great attention on a Monday evening for a non-emergency. Waited maybe 10 minutes, was seen by friendly attentive staff who were happy to switch to English when they realised it would be easier for everyone. I had been avoiding this place due to the negative reviews, but the women who helped me yesterday were top notch.
03 November 2019 9:52
Dirty, disorganized, grossly incompetent staff. Belongs in a 3rd world country. Staff openly refer to it as 'Hell Hospital'. The additional travel time across the Ottawa river into Canada, and a 1st world healthcare facility is highly recommended.

An utter disgrace.
29 October 2019 3:59
Attentes inacceptable pour les usagers de l'urgence ensuite ils ont perdu mais dossiers.supposé que c'est la faute des archives donc j'ai dû attendre 3 ans pour me faire opérer pour hernie inguinal.bravo!
Une fois que tu est pris en charge là le service est bon mais le personnel est surchargé. Pour les impôts qu'ont payent allant à la santé c'est vraiment très mal géré
19 October 2019 10:43
Arrived with two fingers nearly severed and glass embedded in leg. Waited for 7 hours before having family pick me up and take me to civic, where I was in, sown up and out the door in under 3 hours. Of note, the waiting room at civic had at least 20x the number of patients and staff 20x friendlier and more helpful. I would give hull emerge 0 if possible (and 5 to the civic).
24 September 2019 11:56
The service the staff provide at this hospital is horrendous. I have had elderly family members that have had (and are) to stay here and everything about the experience was heart wrenching and terrible. We were fortunate enough to be able to visit daily to ensure any care was/is given. Please go somewhere or anywhere else if you have the choice.
18 September 2019 13:30
Lost my father here. Wish I couldve brought him to any other hospital. He was dropped in his dying days by attendant & years before that orderly beat him when he stayed overnight. AVOID LIKE PLAGUE!
I only hope they treated his body with respect before being transferred to funeral home. Death certificate didnt even have cause of death incomplete.
13 September 2019 1:32
Is this even Canada? How can a hospital like this even exist in Canada? I'm a resident of Ontario and visited a patient on Monday and i'm floored by this hospital. Not only is it VERY dirty, it's over crowded, the food is HORRENDOUS and it has no A/C? How is this even possible? How can we allow the residents of Hull to be forced to use this third world country of a hospital? If you are ever in Hull, PLEASE DETOUR AND AVOID AT ALL COST! I'm disgusted that our government even allows this hospital to be operational.
12 September 2019 17:06
After waiting for three hours in extreme pain, a medic walks into the emergency room and tells everyone that there's been a crash nearby and that we would all be waiting at least four hours more, suggesting we all go to a different hospital.
The only decent service I've had from this hospital was severe emergency treatment when I got hit by a car. If you're not dying, don't go here.

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