22 November 2023 4:01
She helped me so much! If I had to recommend the best therapist, it would definitely be Ana. I had a lot of anxiety and difficulty dealing with my emotions and now everything is just so much easier! She is so easy to talk to and is an amazing listener. Ana is an amazing therapist and I will always go to her when in need!
27 October 2023 11:44
Ana is an amazing therapists, gifted with the ability to help others. She has greatly helped me in many aspects of my life. I recommend her to everyone!
11 February 2023 14:05
Je la recommande franchement. Très rapidement, j’ai remarqué que beaucoup de pensées nuisibles ont cessées de me hanter. Et en beaucoup moins de temps que je ne l’aurais pensé! Je m’en trouve effectivement beaucoup moins anxieuse. Même mon ostéopathe aussi a constaté que mon corps portait moins de stress et de tensions.

Strongly recommend, she's dedicated, smart, considerate, passionate, patient and open minded. Her method really worked on me, and quickly, I got rid of many dark recurring thoughts. Even my osteo noticed my body carried less stress after just a few sessions.
06 November 2022 10:44
Je recommande Ana Lucia, elle m'a beaucoup aidée avec mes problèmes digestifs. Elle m'a également été d'une grande aide pour me rendre plus sereine et moins anxieuse face à mon accouchement. Elle m'a donnée des outils pour soulager ma douleur, toujours avec douceur et bienveillance.
Merci beaucoup!
11 September 2021 22:42
Je recommande vivement Ana Lucia pour son écoute, sa bienveillance, sa gentillesse, son professionnalisme, ses conseils, ma fille s’est sentie très vite en confiance et a pu se libérer rapidement de ses peurs. Cela a été un plaisir de suivre ses séances. N’hésitez surtout pas, c’est une perle!
15 September 2020 5:02
I am so happy to have found Ana! She has put me on a path of hope when before I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. She is so knowledgeable about so many things and non-judgemental in the least. She knows exactly what you need and when you need it even before you do. And she is usually right. I feel safe with her and always better after a session. I recommend her to everyone.you will not be disappointed!
11 September 2020 22:40
I found Ana Lucia very professional and wholehearted about her work. She has a warm and welcoming approach. I can recommend her with no hesitation.
01 September 2020 20:53
I saw Ana several times and was astounded at how quickly we were able to get to the root of issues. More effective than conventional talk therapy for sure.
31 August 2020 1:43
Incredibly thankful for meeting Ana! She’s so kind and compassionate and truly gifted. Just speaking to her lifts you up! I trust her and her work and I have seen changes right away. Book an appointment with her regarding anything and you won’t regret it! <3
30 July 2020 8:37
Doing Hypnosis with Ana was a really wonderful way to dive deep into my blockages, see them, and be able to work through them!
Her guidance and support helped me to go into the past and see what decisions I had made as a young girl, and let go of those past patterns!
Highly recommend you book a session, So worth it!
18 January 2020 18:11
Ana est très douce et professionnelle. Il est facile de se confier à elle, on sent son ouverture d’esprit.

L’hypnose est quelque chose que je redoutais, car j’avais pas confiance en les hypnotiseurs et que j’ouvrais ma vulnérabilité à un inconnu capable de me programmer. Cela me faisait peur.

Quand j’ai rencontré Ana, je me suis senti entre de bonnes mains et en confiance.

L’hypnose peut vous faire avancer plus rapidement qu’avec un psychologue, puisque vous répondez aux questions sans blocages.

Je recommande vivement Ana pour toute personne cherchant à améliorer sa vie et soi-même.

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