03 January 2024 20:33
It’s a typical IGA with fresh food and many choices. Obviously, it’s better to avoid lunch time on week days. There should be more self serving cash.
02 January 2024 17:27
I've never been a frequent IGA-goer since it was never the closest grocery to me but since I moved it's the closest grocery so I've been going and it has good deals from time to time and it has everything I need so no complaints. It does get quite crowded and I find they don't have enough cashiers for the rush hour periods but other than that, it's good!
24 December 2023 12:42
SAW A MOUSE RUNNING IN THE FRUITS! Avoid this dirty store this place is disgusting. I went 10 minutes before the closing and the staff started to close the lights, as soon as there were less people a mouse started running from the apple to the door leading to the backstore. I will never set foot in this store ever again.
15 December 2023 6:37
The store has a good selection. The customer service is absolutely the worst experience I have ever had in a grocery store. They scanned an item and came up with wrong price. Cashier asked other clerk to check shelf. Clerk came back and said the price was what I said and item is free. It's Quebec Law if an item is under $10.

Goes to manager who starts speaking fire rapid French how we can not give it for free. Go back and check the price. Clerk runs back and comes back there is no price for the item.

I start arguing with the manager (who still hasn't identified themselves as the manager). You cannot tell a person it is free, then no you now need to pay. This whole process is already taken over 30 mins and I have a line up for the cash. Pay for remaining items.

Pay for wrong price item at lottery cash and stating that she was breaking the law. She told me its not my problem not my dept. Not my responsibility. I ask her her name and she states its Anne. I move to the side and start packing my items and she immediately starts bitching with a co-worker while I am still there. I go back to the counter and ask if the new person was the manager as I asked multiple times to speak to one. Anne finally identifies that she was the manager. I leave.

I return the morning after at 8.30 am and go back to the lottery cash and ask for a manager. I look to the left and the Quebec scanning law and how it works is a bloody mural on the wall right at the lottery cash. She is a manager and does not even read what is in front of her on a daily basis?

I got my money back from the morning manager and taking my business elsewhere. If you want to be mocked ridiculously, shop here. If you wanted to be treated as a human and laws and policies upheld - go elsewhere. If I could give a zero I could.
28 October 2023 4:17
Convenient store, close to the hotel we were staying in (double tree). Nice to be able to grab a picnic and enjoy a long walking tour.
25 October 2023 13:42
They only sell the most expensive options, never stock up on their items that are on special and have dismissive rude staff. If you need to go there past 7pm there is only one cash open with 30 others waiting before you. The staff is dismissive and incompetent, they in no way try to help customers and act like you are bothering them if you ask a question.
30 August 2023 19:14
Small, inner-city super marche (grocery store) in a beautiful mall. Interesting assemblage of people shopping there. Good place to stock up on bottled water and basics for tourists staying in Air BnB's. Beer and wine available. No hard stuff.you go to SAQ for that stuff.

NOTE: Parking in the downstairs garage is >> friggin expensive << like everywhere else.
12 December 2021 17:42
Needed a cake that was sitting in plain view in the bakery showcase. Manager was on the floor stocking pineapples and I asked him if he could please get me that cake, he refused. Said there's no way to access that department? It's 6: 30pm. Somethings just don't make sense and this is one of them. What a waste of time and a missed opportunity to go above and beyond for a customer with a very simple gesture.
11 December 2021 10:43
Huge lineup at the cash. And IGA, what were you thinking introducing these thin, easily breakable paper bags with no handles for a whopping 15 cents. That’s 50% more than reliable bags at other stores.
05 December 2021 15:10
Très bien! Magasin propre et bien rangé avec beaucoup de choix sur les plats préparés et à emporter
17 November 2021 23:26
Comparable to CVS or Walgreens. Find a little bit of everything at the store! The named Annabelle has an amazing mascara!
16 November 2021 16:51
Épicerie située à même le Complexe Desjardins, bonne variété d'aliments, les prix sont raisonnables et le personnel est dévoué.
07 November 2021 6:44
I come to expect grocery stores to be fairly the same across the board regardless of the brand. So was this one. Nothing special or fancy, but with a confusing layout, and overpriced which is probably because of its location.
All the necessities are there, although some items lacks variety. Needs a little bit of a face-lift, as shelves, fixtures, walls and floors shows its age and heavy use.
14 October 2021 14:39
Un des IGA les plus chers en ville, dont le client moyen travaille au Complexe Desjardins ou est de passage à Montréal. Bonne variété de produits toutefois, incluant un poissonnier et un boucher, de même qu'une section Rachel Béry (produits bio+).
13 October 2021 23:31
Inside a mall, big enough with so diverse groceries. Has many good deals. I believe you can find most food here. Not too great price with meat section but otherwise it is good.
04 October 2021 5:29
Today, Louise Menard IGA at Complexe Desjardins really managed to upset me. And, the worst thing, this was something that was totally unavoidable. You see, the story goes like this. Today (5: 30 pm on Monday the 27th of September, 2021), I went to this IGA to buy extra-lean ground beef. Now, what you need to understand is that it was on sale, but that the other types of ground beef were at their regular price. Thus, the extra lean which is usually the most expensive type, was about HALF price of the other types of ground beef.

I get to the meat section and, you guessed it, no extra-lean ground beef. I look for the butcher.no butchers. You'll recall that this is during "prime time" during the day.

I spoke with an employee and then with a manager. I advised her of the situation and I asked where the butcher was, so that they could package more of the ground beef. It turns out there isn't one. The manager explains to me that they're short-staffed. So, I say to her, "then can you give me this lean beef for the sale price of the extra-lean beef? Her response, "No sir, we're not allowed to change the prices. " I remind you, we're talking about a manager. I was asking a reasonable request: provide me with an inferior product (the lean) at the sale price of a product that is normally the most expensive.

Clearly, IGA hasn't empowered its managers with any discretional powers or decision making. The price I had to pay was exorbitant to say the least.

IGA, I hope you see this and you "make it right. " You owe me that much.
27 August 2021 17:42
Terrible service. The self-checkout machine were close at 7: 30 pm, the rude and arrongant manager told me that they were offering a service with cashier but there was a huge line. Its just a way of saying they cutoff some staff hours and just keeping the minimum workers staying. Again today i went at 6: 30pm and no service, the cold cuts desk was close, one employee told me because of shortage staff, but funny enough there is a woman at the door just watching and making sure you take a stroll. She is useless, plus another manager on the floor and many employees, but no service for cold cuts, meat, fish, etc. All servives are closed, just prepacked stuff. There is better groceries downtown and they all have staff to serve you late at night. At this Iga complexe Desjardins, if its 18pm forget about it. Very dissapointing and bad service. Avoid if you have another option close by. You are downtown montreal, not some random isolated location, im sure i would get more service.
20 August 2021 12:39
I will repeat my message, if you go to IGA Place Dupuis the services are offer later at night. Adonis Peel, same thing, service until late at night, same thing with Metro on De la Montagne, i can go on. I feel this banner doesn't have much service even during the day. The French manager was rude and arrogant, i want to make a complaint, who should i talk to?
27 July 2021 4:40
With the Rachelle Berry inside of this IGA, I get the best of both world. The place is clean, the staff really helpful. It’s 7mns away from home. It’s one of my perfect grocery store in Montreal.
17 July 2021 23:55
Surprised, they got some varieties, kind of cheap, nice and clean place with professional associates.
17 July 2021 19:38
Great place, we were at the checkout and we received a phone call in French and we could not understand a word, Marianne at the checkout was super kind and she helped us translating it to English, super relieved that we did not missed the appointment.
10 July 2021 20:34
Too EXPENSIVE. They play with the prices. Veggies and fruits are generally of bad quality and expensive. They are also liars.
13 June 2021 22:51
The quality of their fruits and vegetables is so good! But the pricing is also on the more expensive side too. Overall a great supermarket. Staff is friendly and helpful too.
10 June 2021 8:32
I was able to find most of the items I was looking for. Prices in the meat section for some items are really competitive
28 May 2021 7:58
Was busy but queue was orderly, could have opened all checkouts and encouraged patrons to self checkout for those that were able and willing.
19 May 2021 9:56
Ce soir, jai reçu un très bon service. Je suis venu chercher du crabe des neige et il y avait personne à la poissonnerie un jeune homme (dont j'ignore le nom) du département de la laiterie est venu m'aider et a pris le temps de choisir les plus belles pattes pour moi. Rendu a la caisse Martine la caissière as été très gentille et intéressée. Merci beaucoup.
25 January 2021 2:54
Malgré la pandemie les prix n'ont pas trop augmenter félicitation a cette épicerie de ne pas abuser des gens en plus de vivre cette crise
21 January 2021 19:48
Management lacks common courtesy for customers, completely rude in the way they talk to people. Worst IGA I have stepped foot in, avoid this one.
18 January 2021 6:21
On sent que les employés sont misérables ici. Je me souviens d'un incident, il y a de nombreuses années, où la propriétaire a pris l'intercom pour dire "Un commis INTELLIGENT est demandé aux caisses St-Urbain". Les prix sont gonflés, probablement à cause du loyer. Je ne viens ici qu'en cas de besoin absolu, j'évite le plus possible.
31 December 2020 1:50
Un IGA fourni. C'est bien amusant parce-que c'est le seul IGA dans je trouve les marques d'eaux en bouteille que j'adore, notamment l'eau HEPAR, une eau réputée. Bravo IGA Louise Menard
18 December 2020 4:53
Very nice well stocked store! Fruit's and vegetables beautiful and fresh! Fast and friendly check out! Covid-19 protected and and good social distancing! Highly recommend shopping here!
09 December 2020 16:07
Cahier in this store don't greet with the client with the basic polite greetings. They give customers the sense of indifferent and impolite.
25 November 2020 22:17
The staff could be a lot more pleasant,
Especially during this hard time with covid
, & to the FLOOR WALKERS.try not to make you’re self too obvious their bud!
I don’t steal, & a five year old can pick you out.lol
16 November 2020 8:11
Absolute joke of a store. If you want to wait in line 30 mins every time, regardless of day or time of your visit, you might just like it.
15 November 2020 21:50
Good products but the staff isn't very friendly and you have to search the vegan products in the last corner
09 November 2020 20:54
Not a good store. Poorly managed with bad customer service. Lots of better options in the area.
30 October 2020 15:18
I'm living temporarily close to IGA Louise Menard (Complexe Desjardins). Other than Chinatown, this part of Montreal's downtown doesn't offer many choices for grocery shopping in a supermarket environment. Luckily, this store fills the gap and does it rather well. The lack of competition could have translated into a lack of attention to details and customer support, but IGA Menard tries hard and succeeds most of the time to bring you back for repeat visits. While not cheap, the produce section is well developed and offers good quality fruits and vegetables. Other sections are similarly well stocked. A common thread throughout all sections is high pricing. Clients could always rely on the weekly flyer to find bargains, but the store must find other ways to bring prices on essentials down.
03 October 2020 16:01
Entre le 29 juillet et le 5 août 2020 lors de la fermeture; je suis la première dans l’unique file devant les caisses. Quelque chose (une grosse colonne?) bloque ma vue et je ne peux pas voir l'une des deux caissières en poste, celle de gauche, alors je m'attend à un appel sonore de sa part, parce que même en changeant d’angle je n'arrive pas à voir la caissière du point de vue de la file d'attente et je me dit qu'elle ne peut pas me voir non plus. Le gardien de sécurité, pas très loin de la file, a dû remarquer que je bougeais souvent la tête afin de voir si la caissière de gauche était libre. Il se déplace pour aller voir pourquoi ça ne bouge pas vite du côté de cette caissière. Il me fait signe d’y aller, je m’approche de la caisse pendant qu’il s’éloigne et je le remercie. Je viens pour déposer mes emplettes et la caissière me fait le signe «stop» de la main sans me regarder et avec une drôle d’autorité, comme si elle anticipait que j’allais être une cliente problématique. Je recule. Je comprend qu’on est en pandémie et j’accepte qu’on me donne des directives sans argumenter/soupirer/rouler des yeux, tant que c’est fait avec respect, même si c’est fait maladroitement. L’homme âgé qui est passé avant moi termine d’emballer ses achats. On est à 3 mètres de distances minimum, mais si on me demande d’attendre, j’attends. Elle me fait signe d’avancer sans même me regarder. Elle ne me salue pas lorsque je la salue. Je la salue à nouveau, au cas où le Plexiglas entre nous et/ou mon masque l’empêcherait de bien m’entendre, mais elle ne me retourne pas mes salutations. Elle ne me regarde même pas. Je me demande si elle va me pitcher la monnaie dans ma main tellement sont attitude est déplaisante, mais elle ne le fait pas. Tant mieux pour elle! Elle me rend ma monnaie sans me remercier/me souhaiter une belle soirée/me dire au revoir. Je lui demande fermement si il y a un problème et elle me répond «chuuut», comme si j'allais créer une scène. Wow, là elle dépasse les limites! Je lui dit calmement qu'elle est irrespectueuse, elle ne réagit pas. Un bloc de glace. Je lui demande son nom, elle refuse de me le donner. Je lui dit qu'elle doit me le donner. Elle me dit sèchement que son nom est inscrit sur mon reçu et je lui répète que c'est à elle que je le demande et elle me répond SABRINA et me demande «pourquoi je lui fait ça» sur un ton de victimisation. Oh boy! Elle créé elle-même une situation conflictuelle et ensuite elle cherche ma pitié/tente de me faire sentir coupable pour sauver sa peau… classique! En plus, c'est arrivé dès ma 2e visite, pas la 20e! J'éviterai désormais de donner mon argent durement gagné à ce supermarché supersnob et la raison n'est pas seulement à cause de cette expérience désagréable, mais à cause de la réponse minable que le staff à récemment donné à M. Douglas Cheung pour justifier l'agressivité qu'à eu un des employés à son égard. La job de la personne à l'entrée, c'est de s'assurer que les clients qui s'en approchent porte le masque et suivent les règles, pas de leur tourner le dos pour nettoyer des paniers et ensuite paniquer parce qu'une personne avec des écouteurs ne s'est pas arrêté et lui donner des instructions en ayant une posture et un langage agressif. Quel culot, quelle gestion amateure! Totalement inapproprié. Un des gars à l'entrée a été limite désagréable envers moi, alors je le crois. Pour en revenir à mon cas, quand Sabrina a réalisé qu'elle avait foutu en l'air mon expérience-client et que je ne la laisserais pas m'insulter impunément, son langage corporel et son expression faciale ont changés, elle semblait intérieurement affolée. Comme si elle pensait que j'allais inventer des histoires pour empirer la situation dans le but de lui faire perdre son travail! Tout ce que je désire, c’est de me faire respecter comme je respecte autrui. Désormais, mon argent ira directement à des agriculteurs des épiceries en vrac et des co-op le plus possible. Ça me coûtera moins cher, on me respectera davantage et cette nouvelle façon de consommer sera plus alignée avec mes valeurs.
02 October 2020 22:46
Lors de commandes passées en ligne, il y a parfois des aliments périmés ou dont la date d'expiration est la même journée de ta livraison. Après avoir communiqué avec eux pour une erreur de plus dans ma dernière commande ils ont corrigé cette erreur, donc ils sont corrects lorsqu'on les appelle pour un suivi
25 September 2020 3:27
Cette épicerie offre des produits de qualité et un très bon service. Ils ont aussi une bonne sélection de produits bio.
28 August 2020 4:32
IGA store have very nice location in the plaza Desjardins in the downtown area.
(It's like most important place for all Quebecois people. Like times square in NY.)
Best Quebecois food store.
20 June 2019 22:44
I was overcharged for an item today. When I went back to customer service to complain she said unfortunately the person at the cash register had made a mistake. I told her that this is not the first time this kind of thing happen here. When asked why the “price error policy” not applied in this case - she kept on saying unfortunately this was a mistake from a new employee.
French language is NOT my mother tongue - though I was trying hard to explain the situation in my limited French, customer service lady said she did not understand my French so, I switch to English with the Hope that I will be able to make myself clear - but she kept mumbling back in French and smirking at each other. (Very unprofessional!)
I was too much in a hurry to try and speak to the store manager - which i Am sure, would have spoken at least a little bit of English.
All that to say when you shop at this store - watch your prices and bills unless you don’t mind getting ripped off.
17 June 2019 23:33
Three weeks in a row, they ran out of a product on the front page of the flyer (this week it was the lean ground beef). Otherwise, the store is poorly organized. IGA is already the most expensive of the major grocery stores - it's also unfortunate that the shopping experience at this location is frustrating more often than not.
15 June 2019 6:16
Great location, staff and food. My only complaint is that I wish they had a greater variety of products but its not a very large supermarket so its understandable.

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