02 November 2023 1:19
There was a piece of raw meat in our vegetarian appetizer, the service was mediocre, and the butter chicken tasted like caramel.
27 October 2023 8:23
Food tastes ok, but its not guaranteed that you will get what you ordered. Saag paneer was yellow in color and there were very few green spots in it rather than a green saag. You will get to know about your order after delivery that thats what they have.their payment machine was not working and they wanted me to pay in cash, but when that get to know that i cannot pay in cash then their machine worked.i will not suggest this place to anyone.
29 August 2023 18:50
If you can please avoid this restrurant. They don't know the concept of indian food. We ordered chicken biryani and ended up eating close to chicken pulao even when owner thinks he convincingly told us it's biryani.
Also, it feels like owner is bit shady by his talks and made us pay cash without options.

Only pro is its open a bit latter than other Indian restaurants in the area. Definitely not an encouragement to go there though.
21 August 2023 19:35
What an amazing customer service and humanity as we called them last minute and they took a extremely large order and allowed us to dine in. What an awesome food and the genuine kind owner. Thank you!
16 August 2023 4:38
TRASH and DISGUSTING I could spell this a hundred times just to say the food is disgusting, as someone who eats Indian food this is the worst food I have ever had to the point I feel like vomiting. The naan was uncooked the utensils are dirty, the chicken was very old tasting and now I feel very sick add to the fact I dined in
15 August 2023 22:14
We had a terrible experience at this restaurant that I cannot express myself in words. At around 9: 30 pm we picked up food to go and we mentioned explicitly that we have young kids and the food should be of good quality. They served stale food and the owner is not only a liar but also a cheat and bad tempered person. He deliberately asked for cash which we later realized is a trick that he practices every time. Few of my family members fell I’ll after consuming his tasteless and stale food. Have registered a complaint with canadaian food inspection agency. Please stay away from this restaurant at any cost. The owner is too rude and a cheat.
27 July 2023 3:30
Disgusting food and quality. The owner doesn't know how to cook. Test was horrible and I left the food without eating. If possible I will rate this place -10 points.
21 July 2023 15:01
Je met une étoile car il n'est pas possible de mettre moins.
Ne surtout pas y aller si vous tenez à votre santé. Aperçu de la cuisine dans un état plus que douteux! Intoxication alimentaire assuré. Croyez en mon expérience. Un vrai regret d'avoir quand même commander malgré ce que j'ai vu.
15 June 2023 16:15
I came from Edmonton and had opportunity to eat in this restaurant with my friend. It was lovely environment, good food, nice hospitality.would love to come back
06 June 2023 22:56
Excellent service. Savoureux. Meilleur naan, agneau et poulet au beurre des restaurant indien que j'ai testé!
23 May 2023 9:59
I feel bad for people who believe original Indian food Tastes like this. You need metal teeth to chew the naan. Worst worst worst food. If you are Indian looking for Indian food in Quebec City please don’t order from this place!
12 May 2023 22:33
Miam! Service courtois, nourriture exquise et prix très abordable!? Je suis très satisfaite et j'y retournerai.
12 May 2023 6:40
The food was so scrumptious …
We had lamb, beef, vegetarian meals.
Each one was differently seasoned …
For our first time experience we where super satisfied
09 May 2023 3:32
The restaurant was great we were greeted as soon as we entered. The food presentation was great and it tasted really good as well. The reviews about service are stupid because the waitress asked after a few moments if everything was ok and it seemed like they really care about their customers unlike previous reviews. Definitely recommend.
03 May 2023 20:15
This place is just not it for Indian food! Extremely tasteless, not what Indian food should taste like at all. Very unfortunate, but the owner was very friendly!
22 April 2023 4:17
The worst Indian food I had in my whole life,
It's expensive and has a horrible taste, no plastic cutleries I don't recommend this restaurant to anyone
15 January 2023 8:26
Ce n’est pas le pire restaurant, mais c’est définitivement pas le meilleur! Le propriétaire ne parle pas français, ce qui n’est pas si grave, mais il est difficile d’avoir exactement ce qu’on commande (ex: le bon niveau d’épicé). Les portions sont normales, les plats ne sont pas très savoureux. Tout beigne dans la sauce, il n’y a pas beaucoup de viande. Les entrées (samosas aux légumes et croustillants d’oignon) sont la seule chose que nous avons appréciés. Pour la qualité de le nourriture, le prix est élevé. L’ambiance est moyenne, le propriétaire parle fort au téléphone et c’est très peu fréquenté. Bref, je ne conseille pas particulièrement, mais si jamais vous y allez tout de même vous ne serez pas malades.
03 January 2023 10:29
J'avais très envie d'aimer cet endroit! J'étais assez curieux des commentaires qui sont très polarisés, ce que je trouvais étrange.

Après notre expérience, je trouve les commentaires à 5 étoiles douteux, et malheureusement, cela donne du poids à certains des avis à une étoile.

Nous sommes arrivés, le lieu paraissait fermé car il n'y avait personne, mais non.

Nous avons commandé deux plats végétariens, du pain naan et de la soupe Dahl.

Les choux-fleurs dans le plat n1 étaient encore congelés quand ils sont arrivés à table. Ils se sont réchauffés dans la sauce après quelques minutes. Le goût était pas mal.
L'autre plat aux aubergines était principalement composé d'huile, qui ne paraissait pas de bonne qualité, ou possiblement même rance.
Le Dahl était très particulier: surchargé d'Anis. C'était très étrange, c'était le seul goût qui restait.
La pain Naan n'était pas cuit. On aurait dit une pâte à crêpe brulée à l'extérieur. À l'intérieur, quelque chose ressemblait à du fromage mais non, c'était juste des grumeaux de farine, tout simplement.

J'ai fait l'expérience pour vous: les commentaires négatifs ne sont pas exagérés.

Les plus:
Maria, la serveuse qui doit avoir une douzaine d'année, est déjà très professionnelle et agréable.
Vous pouvez amener votre propre vin!

Bonne chance
11 December 2022 2:14
A éviter. Je ne recommande pas. Délais d’attente interminable (on a attendu 1h avant d’être servi, pourtant on a demandé au début combien de temps ça va prendre et ils nous ont dit 15min:/ on attendu 1h avant d’être servi). On a pris des plats avec desserts mais ils nous ont pas donné le dessert et nous on a oublié de demander. Dans la facture, ils n’ont pas mis les bons prix, on a paye 10$ de plus! Franchement c’est une très mauvaise expérience.
04 December 2022 1:02
*Forfait Tuango* Ne perdez pas votre argent et votre temps!

Par quoi commencer. On arrive dans le restaurant un samedi soir, personne dans le restaurant. On trouvait ça étrange. Service médiocre, nous avons ouvert notre bouteille de vin seuls.

Entrées correctes (c'était du congelée). Pour le repas, déception TOTALE. Mon poulet au beurre était froid, mon chum n'a pas reçu le plat qu'il avait commandé (un poulet à la mangue beaucoup trop sucré au lieu du Tikka Masala). Des légumes congelés, de la pâte à pizza au lieu des pains naan et un riz avec du colorant pour imité les légumes. Nous n'avons même pas pu choisir notre dessert, ils nous ont apporté sans nous demander un riz indien froid. Dommage, ce repas aura été du gaspille.

Très décevant. Nous ne vous recommandons vraiment pas cet endroit.
25 November 2022 22:43
The butter chicken had a nice flavour and large chunks of chicken but it was sweet. The tandoori chicken was burnt. The naan bread was doughy and burnt.
I ordered ahead and the food was hot and ready when we arrived. Overall the experience was disappointing. I would never order from this restaurant again.
25 November 2022 10:33
Le meilleur restaurant indien à Québec,
Je vous recommande le plat vindaloo et poulet au beurre
14 November 2022 19:29
Très, très, très bonne nourriture. Le service laisse un peu a désirer et le restaurant manque un peu d'amour au niveau de l'entretien, la décoration et l'ambiance. Mais la nourriture en vaut vraiment la peine. Je souhaite que ce restaurant reste, s'améliore et nous fasse voyager encore longtemps. Keep going guys!
15 October 2022 6:51
Could have given 0 star rating if possible. Worst Indian food I ever had. Idk what they are serving people under the name of indian food. Go instead buy some frozen indian food from Walmart, it will taste way better than this.
11 October 2022 7:52
If possible I wouldn’t even give one star to the restaurant. Worst food that I ever had in Quebec, waste of money and not even worth trying. DO NOT EVER VISIT.
25 September 2022 10:37
Donc en tout premier lieu la nourriture est excellente cela ne ressemble à rien d'autre que j'ai mangé dans d'autres resto Indien.

Parcontre, il ne faut pas allé là en cherchant un service comme on est habitué dans les autres restaurants. Ses plus comme un resto de proximité ou tu va t'assoir par toi même et faut pas hésiter à faire signe à la seul serveuses qui fait de son mieux.

Au premier abord, certain personne du personnel peuvent avoir l'air bête mais a mon impression il on simplement de la misère a comprendre ce que l'on veut dire en français parcontre en parlant anglais le dialogue est plus simple et très courtois.

Finalement, je recommanderai ce resto en take-out car le service est assez rustique. Mais la nourriture y est excellente!

Merci à la jeune serveuse de ce soir elle à très bien réussi malgré le grand nombre de clients.
22 September 2022 15:09
If possible I wouldn’t even give one star to the restaurant. Worst food that I ever had in Quebec, waste of money and not even worth trying. The staff is way too rude and do not know what customer service is. DO NOT EVER VISIT.
21 September 2022 6:34
Par quoi commencer… Nous avons acheté un forfait restaurant (pas toujours les bons choix) nous voulons réserver à 19h, je me fait suggérer 19h30 et en anglais. À notre arrivée quatre clients dans le restaurant. Wow! Personne pour nous accueillir, nous avons attendu 10 minutes à l’entrée. Je me suis ouvert moi-même ma bouteille de vin. Le sceau d’eau froide avait un ICE Pack à l’intérieur, Malgré tout un repas quand même bien même s’ils ne respectent pas le menu commander. Pour la fin pire Dessert ever! Je n’y retournerai plus. Bonne chance.
18 September 2022 4:57
We ordered shahi paneer and dal tadka and tandoori roti.

Presentation 1/5
Food handling 0/5
Food taste 2/5
Interior 1/5
13 September 2022 22:06
Pizza indienne nuuuuuulle à 20$
A éviter.
Il dit qu'il vend du halal, en rentrant, on est surpris par l'alcool, la bière partout et aucun certificat de halal au niveau du restaurant.
Si tu as faim, restes sur ta faim et évites ce restaurant
08 July 2022 21:40
Worse vegetarian (food?) I ever had.

The only best and tastiest thing was tap water.
13 May 2022 21:02
Le pire restaurant que j’ai jamais manger à quebec, la nourriture étais pas bonne et était trop épicée, la portion de poulet au beurre était ridicule un gros plat de sauce avec 5 très petit morceau de poulet, le restaurant était pas propre les employés n’avais pas de masque ni de filet à cheveux. Je vous le déconseille fortement le prix était très chère pour la qualité et la quantité que ont a reçu.
05 May 2022 19:39
Wow quel délice!
Le poulet au beurre avec pain naan et le poulet grésillant
Je recommande ce AVV et en plus ouvert le lundi soir
22 April 2022 16:54
Ce resto est vraiment bien. La nourriture est très bonne! Bon endroit pour sortir avec des amis
11 April 2022 23:07
Ne recommande pas du tout! Commande prete 35 min plustard que prevu et honnetement le poulet au beurre etait mediocre.
24 March 2022 0:11
I don't think they know how to cook food.

I ordered Biryani and I got this tiny bowl with rice and onions.
It tasted like old rice with stale onions.

The salad had lettuce that was likely a week or two old.

This is by far the worst Indian restaurant I've ever eaten in.
13 February 2022 18:25
Excellent food with a great variety of tastes and spices. Cozy ambience and very good service, we had a very good evening! Thank you again!
07 February 2022 6:08
The worst food. It stinks, food is stale. Disgrace to indian restaurants. I wasted $150 on dinner for 6 person. Feel like throwing the bag of food in front of restaurant. Please please stay away from this
10 January 2022 2:51
Do yourself a favour by not ordering from them. “Look for some other restaurants nearby “ - Said the owner himself (rude customer service) when I tried ordering over the phone.
28 December 2021 4:02
The worst customer service a person can expect. I tried ordering from their website and it crashed. So i called the store to confirm if the order went through or not and the restaurant attendant was highly rude and said that the website acts like this and that I should call my bank to cancel the transaction.

When asked if order can be taken over the phone he said we are closing the kitchen in 10 minutes and should consider another restaurant. FYI the restaurant was still open for another 45 minutes! I mean come on if you don’t want to serve people why take the effort to even run such a place.
01 December 2021 17:45
I don’t want to give one star even. Service was bad. There were many vegetarian items in the menu but nothing was available. They don’t treat well. So for vegetarian people- don’t go there as you will not find anything. They only have few chicken items available.
20 October 2021 8:33
Very bad food ordered Naan and Chicken Vindaloo, the Naan was not property cooked the edges was half cooked dough. The chicken Vindaloo was good. This place need good Customer service staff.
19 October 2021 0:21
This was not even close to an Indian meal. Tandoori chicken was not a tandoori chicken. Biryani was some stir fried rice with onion peels in it. Would not recommend to anyone. Food was stale. The place was also badly managed. Overall a very bad experience.
08 October 2021 15:37
Nobody was available but restaurant was open. One man came out and asked to take away the food.
25 September 2021 19:50
I've been there a month ago. I ate tasteless malai kofta with uncooked naan. Do not waste your money. I had to chew one piece of naan for 5 minutes. Not authentic indian food at all. PLEASE DO NOT GO THERE.
24 September 2021 11:53
Food was delicious but not worthy compare to price and portion. Inside the restaurant is not clean and only one person is doing everything.
07 August 2021 22:48
Great service and delicious food! If you’re looking for real authentic Indian food, this is THE PLACE!
31 July 2021 23:59
Worst experience. I called them for take out order, the person told me that they do not take order on phone. So I went there and I found highly unhygienic environment. After 10 minutes of wait somebody came from kitchen and I asked him for vegetarian food. He told me that they don’t have any veggies available, however there is loads of veggie menu in their website. They are making people fool. I do not recommend it. You even don’t get hunger vibes there.
This restaurant needs food and quality inspection.
16 July 2021 12:54
La nourriture sans aucun goût ni saveur. Poulet au beurre alors le poulet pas bien cuit et le beurre inexistant. Le plus choquant c est que j ai du payer 135$ pour un riz pas du tout bon et un poulet sucré salé avec l absence des épices indiennes. Vraiment déçue
19 June 2021 2:24
Nous avons commandé dans ce restaurant et avons dû pratiquement tout jeter excepté les entrées. Toute la nourriture ne semblait pas fraîche et goûtait le vinaigre (3 plats même le riz et le pain naan). Le dessert goûtait le plastique du contenant dans lequel il se retrouve, ce qui laisse supposer qu'il a été préparé il y a bien longtemps. En plus, les plats n'étaient pas du tout remplis. Nous avons essayé plusieurs restaurants indiens et celui-ci est définitivement le pire de tous. Bref, 56$ à la poubelle, je ne recommande pas du tout.
12 June 2021 17:33
Visited there last year in summer, their curry doesn't taste good and naan is so hard to chew. Totally not worthy to go there for a nice meal. Especially when you serve an Indian food your items must be written in Indian language under the French. There salted buttermilk taste like they made it 2 weeks ago.
27 April 2021 6:10
Merci! Délicieux et réconfortant.même à la maison c’est très bon! Merci pour la livraison, tout est impeccable
15 April 2021 13:26
After eating take-out food 5 times over the last 18 months or so, my rating for the overall experience at this restaurant is 3.8 out of 5. I mostly ate vegetarian items and the overall food taste and quality is honest.
10 February 2021 4:52
Items don’t come with rice, which they don’t specify and apparently utensils are extra cost. Don’t waste your time because the food super gross and greasy, over priced and the staff are rude. Never again!
11 January 2021 20:58
Very bad food. The naan and rotis were not even cooked fully. The entrees tasted like frozen food.
20 April 2020 1:28
Délicieux! J'en recommande énormément aux amateurs de la gastronomie et à ceux qui aiment les épices et qui sont tanés de manger pas mal le même genre de repas occidentales et qui aimeraient essayer quelque chose de nouveau!
Bon service!
Assez rapide (ça pourrait être un peu plus rapide mais ça reste bon!)
Donc. Je n'enleverai pas une étoile car le service et le goût l'emportent pour cette gourmande qui aime en découvrir des nouvelles recettes, épices. Nouveaux goûts!
26 March 2020 1:34
Le meilleur poulet au beurre que j'ai mangé! Tout est excellent, très bon service, j'y retourne absolument!
25 March 2020 3:02
SAVE YOURSELF MONEY AND TIME, DO NOT GO HERE! We waited for 2 whole hours to get our food and it was absolutely disgusting. The waiter took an hour just to take our order. The food was drenched with sugar. WHO MAKES SWEET NAAN? WHAT IS SWEET LAMB CURRY? It’s not réal Indian food, it’s a complete waste of money. If you’re going here, just think you’re throwing money in the trash. Terrible customer service, they didn’t even bother to check on us. At the time of payment, the manager was too busy drinking a coke. WORST RESTAURANT!
18 March 2020 2:31
If you’re coming here, YOU WILL TASTE THE WORST food ever. The wait time to get a menu is 1 hour and getting the food is even longer. The workers/chef didn’t even care about the customers - I was waiting to ask a question while he was opening a drink for himself. Very bad customer service - the prices did not match the quality of the food. All the food was extremely sweet and ruined the taste of the meal itself. They were not delivering dishes according to what time a customer came - they took orders and brought food according to themselves. It was freezing, such a cheap owner he couldn’t even turn up the heat for customers. I left the food after a couple bites and walked out. WASTE OF MY TIME AND MONEY, SAVE YOURSELVES.
13 March 2020 11:10
I was a bit skeptical before going to this restaurant but WOW was I surprised. I am not used to the Indian spices and glad I tried it. It was refreshing.
22 February 2020 3:40
The restaurant was cold, the food was horrible and took forever to be served! It is extremely overpriced for the quality and quantity of the food. Just a single person handling the running! I would never suggest anyone to go there as hungry as you are!
28 January 2020 23:36
La nourriture est excellente mais le service était ordinaire (courtois mais lent). Les employés ne parlent pas tous très bien français. Un employé n'est pas rentré travailler. Je vais y retourner et je le recommande tout de même, mais il y a place à amélioration.
17 January 2020 17:27
Waited almost 45 mins for a very simple order. Disappointed to see our food in terms of presentation, quantity and taste for the price we paid. There was only 1 person in the front struggling to manage everything from taking orders to serving food and cleaning tables. The restaurant wasn’t well lit and was really cold and didn’t seem to have the heating on. Noticed how the restaurant management has tried to blame people posting critical feedback about the restaurant in the past but wish they understand the importance of taking feedback and working on it towards improving themselves. To the restaurant management- You didn’t do us any favor by serving food, because we paid for it. The restaurant wasn’t too busy, there were unoccupied tables and we didn’t have any special requests in addition to our food order. It is your duty to serve good food without any excuses whatsoever.
16 January 2020 16:52
Très bon restaurant, les plats étaient très bons. Pour ma part, un peu trop épicé par rapport a d'autres restaurant indien, difficile de manger pour les gens qui craignent. Mais sinon la qualité du plat était au rendez vous. Le service est également très bien.
16 January 2020 8:17
The service is terrible. There’s no zero star option or else I would have selected that. Stood there for 30mins and no service was offered.
12 January 2020 14:04
Worst indian food. They ever made us wait around 45 mins and food they packed for use was horrible
04 January 2020 8:14
There was just one person handling everything outside. He was extremely slow. It took so long for the food to be served. The food was overpriced for the quantity and quantity. The place was very cold, we had our down jackets on inside! I would not recommend this place at all.
25 December 2019 21:04
Excellent food, ever I had. But place is too small.
I recommend for the real indian tasty food.
24 December 2019 7:54
Excellent petit restaurant indien! Combo pour deux de soir généreux et délicieux. Cuisson impeccable et tout est savoureux. Apportez votre vin en plus: à retenir!
19 December 2019 8:32
It was great news when we noticed we had such a good restaurant with such great prices so close to our home. Plan to go there often. Loved it. I like the foods, specially the vegetarian options and the most good part is you can bring your wine, I love the lamb naga, it's very very spicy, and butter chicken which is really good n sweet, Good luck guys, We wil be back soon. Everything was excelent food n service, And they have free parking, N chiken tandoori was super yammyyyy,
08 December 2019 19:50
Wish I could give lower than this. So we gave a call to the restaurant for reservation and the person on phone asked to come a bit earlier (around 7 PM) and he would accommodate us without a reservation. When we reached one of the waiters informed us that all the places are reserved for later this evening but he would try to get us a table. After waiting sometime, we were seated at a table and to our horror the owner/manager (he seemed like with his tone and demeanor) rudely asked us to get up as there was no reservation for us!

While we understand the business requirements and criticality, the behaviour and attitude towards customers/potential customers was highly questionable. For sure I would never want to go back to a place which needs to learn the basics of customer service.

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