30 October 2023 21:02
The only thing I can say is the bread is good when it comes out of the oven. The owner of this place doesn’t really care about the quality of the food or costumer service. Every time I go to this place, I always feel uncomfortable and the list goes on. The employees there seems to have more fun than anything. They even took it upon themselves to judge someone because the person was paying with change and unlucky for them, the person blasted them and they quickly shout their flapping gums. The ironic thing is this place still makes money and I don’t understand why. Disgusting people who loves to judge others without looking at themselves in the mirror. You have to have a mouth in order to go there otherwise they will walk on you so that’s why I never smile or pay attention when I go there. Sometimes when you have no choice and you need something quick. You have to go there otherwise ABSOLUTELY NOT!
15 October 2023 21:17
Good place to shop locally at good prices - even cheaper than grocery chains at times. For Italians, they have a lot of their products. And for Muslims, they have Halal meat at well in a separate fridge.
03 July 2023 3:18
Première et dernière fois que je met les pieds dans cette épicerie. Propreté laisse à désirer, prix affichés ne correspondent pas au prix à la caisse. Même mal pris je m’en passe.
12 May 2023 6:00
Horrible customer service. I go there because it is close to my work and I can buy some Italian products, but whenever I paid, i got offended by a cashier, who is wearing Indian costume.

Today when i left without buying anything, she asked me to open my bag OUT OF NOWHERE, omg, i have never experienced it, it was so offensive and insulting. When she found nothing she just said it is ok.no apology at all.

Listen! In Quebec Canada, bag checks violate a person's Charter rights, unless a security guard has witnessed a crime. If they find nothing in their possession, now the customer can sue them for falsely accusing of theft for a long list of possibly valid reasons.

To the owner of the store, please do something with that lady if you want to avoid any suit.
28 March 2023 0:48
La caissière d’origine Pakistanaise ou indienne (la plus âgée) n’a jamais de sourire, ne dis pas un mot et nous ignore. Cette attitude est déplaisante au Max. Pourtant, à chaque fois, je lui fais un beau sourire, lui dis un beau bonjour, lui demande poliment un sac si besoin et la remercie en lui souhaitant une bonne journée et ne reçois rien en retour, même que je lui parle en anglais en pensant qu’elle comprendrait mieux, non, rien.
Nous sommes moins que rien pour elle.
Après, on dit que les québécois sont racistes.
P. S.: Si on se fie à tous les avis négatifs publiés depuis plusieurs années, la gérance s'en fou complètement car se sont les mêmes caissières. Messieurs Gentille par respect pour votre clientèle, AGISSEZ en conséquence! Merci!
25 February 2023 6:34
Service aux caisses exécrable!
Pas de bonjour, pas de sourire, pas de merci, et bien sûr pas le moindre petit mot de français.
02 February 2023 17:18
La caissière m'a chargé le double du prix mais comme je n'avais pas le ticket ils n'ont pas voulu me rembourser! C'est toujours le client qui perd!
23 January 2023 20:37
Le client qui a pris la viande hachée sans payer a été battu par le propriétaire du magasin comme un gangster
The customer who took the ground meat without paying was beaten by the shop owner like a gangster
Nov 29/2022
06 January 2023 16:09
I dont know if its only me or anybody experiences the same with charging a wrong price every time i went, every single time. Not much but annoying, for exp: today 10/24/2022 i bought Granny Smith apple and i got charged for MCINTOS which is higher price. As i said, not much of the difference but enough to make you angry since it happened for years now.
And the other day i bought celeri for 99c and got charged $3.49 for Celeri tiges.or Bell-pepper with wrong price most of the times.
I went there when i have no choice because of the convenient distant but seriously, you guys have to do something with your staffs, every single of your staffs who is cashier had charged me with a wrong price.
14 October 2022 12:42
This is very good store in case of emergency, I can find almost everything I need here. And I love the fruits they have here
07 October 2022 13:58
Very bad customer service by this stupid old Indian cashier with bad behavior! I don't wish anyone to get fired, but this mentally ill cashier should change her attitude towards the customer.
04 October 2020 0:33
The prices are very low. You can gets all types of food here too. I wish the quality was better though. But although it's a decent place to shop.
19 September 2020 1:25
August 2020 – I was not happy to see the people working the deli counter with masks below nose, in one case below mouth. I commented to him that his mask wasn't doing anything for him, and he ignored me. The store is looking a little run down these days – missing lighting tubes – but it's really the mask thing that bugged me. I don't want someone without a mask cutting food I'm going to eat.
06 September 2020 5:19
Really rude employees and they lie in their flyers. They say that a product is for example 2$ you go there and find that the price is much higher in store. Sometimes you can't even find the product. Worst marketplace by far.
06 August 2020 8:10
Just went here and saw the butcher cough all over the meat he was cutting, and his mask was placed under his chin. Even pre-pandemic this behaviour is disgusting. Never going there again. Do yourselves a favour and don't go here.
30 July 2020 7:20
It's a very good place for money-savers. The prices are very decent. But you need to check the quality of the products carefully. I ran into meat or chicken that already went bad quite a few times. And it's also not unusual to run into yogurt that already expire but is still on sale.
06 June 2020 23:19
We were not satisfied by a product which we had bought the other day, so we tried to communicate with the employee, but she did not pay attention to our request and her behavior was not polite.
22 April 2020 14:36
All Italian products can be found here.and the level of organization and placement of the produce, fruits and vegetables is unsurpassed!
08 April 2020 14:58
Un coin que j’adore, le service à la clientèle reste à désirer surtout une dame âgée qui te répond en anglais même si tu lui dis bonjour 0 service surtout pour les personnes âgées Joâo assisté à une scène live, la même dame le même problème j’essaye de l’éviter mais parfois j’aurai pas le choix, un peu de souryaux clients svp madame, un minimum de service.a part elle tout le staff est impeccable surtout la gérante, j’espère ne pas changé le coin pour une seule personne mais une pareille peut faire faillite pour les propriétaires
31 March 2020 20:19
Premièrement, les caissières ne parlent pas français et ne peuvent pas nous servir en français donc ne respectent pas la loi 101. La caissière s'essuie le nez avec sa main et nous donne notre change et touche les produits avec la même main. En plus, ils refusent qu'on fasse une transaction de moins de 5$ avec interac. Une étoile c'est trop gentil
18 March 2020 1:54
Je suis allée pour la première fois à votre épicerie. Les prix me semblent corrects, mais le service de la caissière était affreux. Pas de bonjour, pas de merci. De plus, pas de prix mentionné. Je dis "bonjour" et rien, aucune réaction. Chelva a continué à parler anglais aux autres commis. Je parle français, donc je ne mérites pas de me faire répondre quoi que ce soit. C'est ce que j'ai senti. Je ne retournerai pas non merci! Décevant, j'étais pourtant courtoise comme je le suis naturellement.
25 February 2020 2:42
On ne va pas à cet pour le service c’est certain. Personne aux caisses pour servir en Français mais un sourire c’est international.sauf quand on a l’air bête. L’autre jour la caissière a refusée d’aider une vieille dame à la retraite avec une marchette avec son sac de patates trop lourd pour elle. Elle lui a juste dit, en anglais et je cites: « find somebody yourself it’s not my job to pack grocerys ».

Bravo Championne.

Et c’est le Bordel total dans les rangées: les planchers sont dégueulasse.

Franchement, s’en servir comme d’un Dépanneur sans plus.

Un dépotoir de l’alimentation
12 February 2020 5:01
This really needs to be updated. It's old, inside is disgusting and the cashiers don't care about you, only talking between themselves.
I'm surpised this is still open but there's some stuff inside if you're really missing an ingredient.
06 January 2020 16:28
P'tit épicerie rangé très serré ne tiennent pas le stock des spéciaux bref c'est un p'tit épicerie local qui depanne les gens du quartier voilà.
06 January 2020 9:25
Produits de qualité douteuse, le service à la clientèle est tellement mauvais qu'il est drôle, l'endroit a vraiment besoin d'une nouvelle administration. De loin, le pire supermarché de Montréal.
21 November 2019 12:45
Epicerie de quartier, bonne sélection de produits, prix raisonnables, besoin d'un léger rénovation, j'ai des doutes sur la qualité des produits, la place parait sale, pas de stationement: seulement dans la rue, pas de wifi.
13 October 2019 11:55
My electricians took me here for lunch. It's a grocery store but it has a very nice lunch counter with a daily special and premade sandwitches you can have heated up. It does get kinda busy around noon so show up a little early or late to avoid the rush.

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