04 January 2024 10:45
I was on a trip to Montreal with friends back in the summer and we had such a great time. The music and atmosphere is great, the crowd is hype and the service is amazing. A promoter, Terrence, who we’d met that summer ensured we had just as great as a time for new years. Overall a 10/10!
30 December 2023 13:56
J’ai passé la meilleure soirée de ma vie! Ils ont mis ma playlist! Surtout les managers au TOP. Je recommande
17 September 2023 12:25
First time at jet and in montreal and was very disappointed.bartenders are rude and overcharge.gave a $50 for $23 bill and did not get any change.saw the same bartender pour shots for a customer and SHE spilled one of his and made him repay for a new one.do not recommend.
21 July 2023 2:03
Hey dude, You barely see a girl here. You can go if you like guys but mostly they're straight.
30 June 2023 17:53
Terrible staff, rude behavior, overpriced. We left five minutes later as we arrived.the impression is spoiled. Was no mood to dance and to party after this. If you do now want to fail your party day don' go there. I do not recommend.
12 June 2023 9:55
Pire club. Staff non-professionnel, agressif et non-courtois. Nous avions été facturés 3 fois pour nos billets mais n’avions reçu que deux et même en expliquant ils en avaient rien à faire malgré la preuve à l’appuie et ose nous parler comme si nous étions des chiens malgré la courtoisie qu’on leur démontrait. Jé déconseille fortement ce club et mes amis et moi n’avons pas l’intention d’y retourner de sitôt.
22 April 2023 2:59
Genuinely do not go here. All of the staff is extremely disrespectful, the DJ won’t shut up while the music is playing, coat check is a nightmare, and the people are creeps. Save your $15 and go somewhere else for the night. Worst club in Montréal without a doubt.
14 April 2023 22:08
This is the worse club I've been. Especially Sean who grabbed my friend by the throat for no reason.
02 April 2023 17:25
Overcrowded with mediocre music. Also a much younger crowd for what that matters. Very stingy on alcohol in drinks and didn’t seem to care. Would not go back here.
01 April 2023 2:26
Bouncer was yelling at me as I was just trying to catch some air. Was here before few times, awesome crowd- yet, bouncers were not for the faint of heart.
08 March 2023 23:31
Horrible service at coat check, a girl screaming in arabic and hitting customers. Tried to talk to what seemed to be manager tall white guy about her behavior and he's as dumb as they come. Zero competence. This club feels like its run by animals. If you want to have a horrible time and get treated like garbage go to jet.
15 February 2023 18:58
If I could give 0 stars I would. DO NOT GO HERE! Paid for tickets for NYE, the line to get in was a long wait and they were letting groups cut. When we made it into the door, they told us to come back to coat check in 10 minutes to check our coats. Once into the club we could not move or breathe, clearly oversold tickets and was dangerous, packed in like sardines. I could not even move to get my phone from my pocket. Bartenders were more drunk than anyone in the club, extremely rude, long wait for drinks with maybe half a shot worth of alcohol in them (out of soda and diet soda to make mix drinks). Two bartenders/barbacks got into a fist fight behind the bar while we were waiting for drinks (at least 30 min wait) and could only order one at a time. Paid $89 CAD for the ticket and got 2 horrible tiny drinks and to feel unsafe and suffocated. Then they would not allow part of my group to leave and told them they needed to stay for 15 more minutes before they could go. It is clearly a money grabbing scheme and I will never be back. It was my birthday also which put a damper on my night and New Years Eve. I wish I could get my money back, long story short DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY HERE.
08 February 2023 23:25
Very bad experience, waited in the coat check line for 2h only for them to dismiss me telling me they can’t find my coat and being extremely rude. Never again
31 January 2023 12:34
Only slow hip hop music, not really dance-able. If they wanted, it could be a 5 star place. But they purposely keep it a 3 star place. Must pay to get in even when they're empty, mandatory $4 coat check. Save your money for a better place.
26 January 2023 6:00
If I could put 0 I would. We waited 2h15 for our coats…. Worst place ever… employees were rude and absolutely not able to do their jobs
19 January 2023 16:43
Si je pouvais, je mettrais 0 étoiles! La gestion du vestiaire et de l’entrée était horrible. Nous avons attendu 1h30 pour récupérer notre manteau. Ils ne mettent pas les manteaux en ordre de numéro ni séparés par couleur de billet alors ils sont obligés de regarder les 800 manteaux un par un pour les trouver. Les gardes de sécurité étaient impolis et hostiles. Une expérience franchement désagréable. Je ne retournerai plus jamais là. Je vous le déconseille fortement.
19 January 2023 8:55
-1 étoile… le staff a l’air bête et ils perdent tous les manteaux. 80$ pour un open bar mais ils ont tellement overcrowd la place que tu bois 3-4 drinks dilués seulement avant de te tanner d’être coincée entre plein de gars qui sentent le swing et partir.
16 January 2023 5:14
Overpriced and too crowded for a small place. I do not recommend. You will wait a long time for a drink and the staff is rude.
15 January 2023 1:50
La pire expérience dans un bar de toute ma vie. Moi et mes amies avions acheté des billets pour le jour de l’an et arriver sur les lieux, nous avons constaté que les personnes pouvaient quand même entrer sans avoir de billets. La place était donc remplie à 3 fois sa capacité. C’était horrible! Les gens ont commencé à paniquer, car nous étions étouffés par la foule. On a dû sortir d’urgence pour ne pas manquer d’air. C’était extrêmement dangereux. J’ai jamais vu un bar avec autant de monde… Les propriétaires de ce bar mettent en péril la vie des gens. Je vous déconseille d’y aller.
13 January 2023 6:27
Je suis impressionnée par l'atrocité du service.la sécurité fouillait les vêtements (?) grossièrement à l'entrée. Nous avons attendu 1h30 pour récupérer nos manteaux. La gestion du coatcheck était absolument horrible. Un « gérant » est arrivé en pensant régler la situation, mais n'a qu'empiré les choses en plus de traiter les clients avec une grande impolitesse. Je n'y retournerai pas et je le déconseille fortement.
13 January 2023 3:47
You could barely move in this place! The music was really bad. There was some weird people inside!
03 July 2022 1:06
Club plutôt bien avec de la bonne musique!

J’y suis allée avec un gros groupe et nous avons eu beaucoup de fun! Les boissons sont un peu cher, mais ce n’est pas si pire!

Par contre, si vous n’aimez pas être trop coincé, allez au deuxième étage parce que le premier est juste « overcrowded »!

Pas besoin d’avoir une tenu sexy et élégante non plus, c’est vraiment une place relaxe pour danser
30 June 2022 0:18
AVOID AT ALL COST.i know someone who got touched by a BUSBOY and security did absolutely nothing.they got kicked out and the little busboy's friends came after them and hit them. DO NOT GO if you want a fun night
19 June 2022 11:44
Pas mal, la boite est bonne. J'ai eu assez peur par rapport aux critiques précédentes mais je n'ai pas eu de gros problèmes. Seul problème, après avoir pris un carré VIP, la serveuse essayait de nous faire payer avec une machine qui ne marchait pas et ne voulait pas comprendre que le problème venait de la machine, les vigils ont faillit nous faire sortir. Après une discussion elle s'est enfin décider à chercher un nouvel appareil qui marchait cette fois-ci.
15 June 2022 10:14
Great night club, bottle service was good.young crowd and great vibes.cant say enough good things about the DJ, played amazing music all night no misses
27 May 2022 6:48
Terrible! Had a reservation and was told I had to buy a 200 dollar to get in. When I said I had a reservation that says I only had to pay seven dollars to get in they said it didn’t matter.
20 May 2022 2:27
We booked tickets to go inside the guards says girl is ok but there 2 guys with me they have to buy bottles inside. The guards were so rude.
07 May 2022 4:23
A pretty fun night club overall, Jet has courteous and reasonable bouncers and staff. The overall environment comes off a bit cheap with a veneer of cleanliness, underneath which is a typical, slightly grimy night club experience. None of this is inherently bad, but this is just the vibe I got. I would highly recommend emailing ahead to be added to the guest list, which reduces your required entry cost from $12.50 to $5. Their shots seem noticeably smaller than most places, however the bartenders themselves are friendly. The music selection was decent and the place (when I went on a Friday night) was busy and loud, as expected of a night club.
06 May 2020 17:29
Pour commencer, c'est affiché nulle part (web ou à la porte) qu'il y a un code vestimentaire et pourtant mes amis se sont fait arrêté à la porte en disant qu'ils n'étaient pas habillés adéquatement (notez qu'on avait acheté nos billets d'entrée à l'avance). Ensuite, l'alcool gratuit pour les filles avant minuit.tu réussi à avoir un verre aux 20 minutes pcq'il y a toujours trop de monde au bar; et quand tu demandes une double dose d'alcool que tu veux payer s'il le faut, tu te fais dire qu'ils n'ont pas le droit de faire de double doses vu que c'est gratuit. Pour continuer, il y a beaucoup trop de monde.tellement qu'on n'arrive pas à marcher! Hormis tout ça, la musique était bonne.
08 April 2020 1:17
This club made me feel very unsafe and very uncomfortable. The doorman is SUPER rude. The poor guys in front of me had a turbin on their head and were told they could not go in the club. If you’re not a woman they charge you $15 plus another $12 for a coat check. Everyone in this club looks like they’re 16 years old. If you’re an American RUN RUN RUN away. They’re many other better clubs. Do your research. Also, I bet they pay people to give a five star review. DONT GO TO THIS CLUB.
29 March 2020 0:13
Went there as part of a uni reading week tour, and it was great. Staff was friendly, music was really good, and all around a great experience. $3 coat check also was a bonus.
24 March 2020 0:40
I have never been disrespected like this in my life.

When going into the establishment, the front doorman said I would have to remove my turban as it is not religious, other patrons in the line complained and the doorman changed his mind and let us in.

We spent the entire night on the second floor, and closer to the end of the night unbeknownst to us, a bouncer said we needed wristbands to be on the second floor. He said I would have to leave the establishment, I complied and requested to be given my jacket before going outside in the negative degree weather. The bouncer did not listen, and told me to wait outside while he gets the jacket. As im waiting outside in the cold, I compalined to the doorman that this is not right, its too cold outside to be waiting for a jacket. As I am talking to the doorman, another bouncer reaches over and pulls my turban off my head. At this point I am outraged, and the bouncer is wanting to fight me. I pull out my phone and try recording the bouncer, and he knocks my phone out of my hand. We called the police at this point, and upon arrival the police said they would deal with the issue.

In retrospect, I should have made the police charge the bouncer with assault or a hate crime. I would not reccomend this nightclub to anyone, especially anyone who is a part of a visible minority. The bouncers are clearly racist from their actions, and who would want to support such a business.
01 March 2020 5:51
I was there for NYE, not sure what some people are complaining about however i got served all night.there was alcohol flowing till closing time.ambiance was great, DJ's were on fire people people were having fun. I will admit that the dance floor was wet however its NYE, come on guys, its to be expected. As for the tips situation, i found it odd at 1st as well that they would ask for tip money however the bartender explained to me that service wasn't included and as someone who works in the hospitality business, i get it, that's how these people make their money.all in all good job guys
23 February 2020 21:09
Went to Jet for NYE and it was not something I would ever pay for again. The tickets were completely over priced for an open bar that you could only get certain drinks. The bartenders were rude, and would only serve you if you were giving them a tip. And if the tip wasn’t enough they wouldn't give you your drink. They completely over sold tickets to the point where you couldn’t even walk. Not something I would experience again. Don’t waste your money on one of their events.
15 February 2020 0:18
Went for new year party. Good thing my friends and i went 2 hours before midnight. Staff was nice then. Then when it got crowded they got savage, understandable but unpleasant. They all keep touching you too?
08 February 2020 17:30
We got a table with bottles and spent $200 per person. We got there and the place was unbelievably packed, we couldn’t even stand at our own table, and the floor was soaked. The bouncers were incredibly rude yelling at us and putting their hands on us. There was an open bar and we couldn’t even utilize it because of how many people there were. There were so many people there we couldn’t move for a solid half hour. The main dance floor looked like a horrible mosh pit where people couldn’t even stand with their drinks in their hands. If this place knew how to cut off the amount of people let in, it would be fun. Otherwise find somewhere else. Rip off.
05 February 2020 13:18
We went on a regular Saturday under invite of a promoter on the the street, who gave us a card to not pay any entry fee. But once there they asked us pay and entry fee +
coat check fee, waiting a long time before getting to order anything. We stayed 40 minutes and left. Sooo unfortunately not my best night out:/.
02 February 2020 1:34
I didn’t pay 70$ for tickets to NYE to come back sober. The club was way too crowded for the space and it was hard to breathe. The bartenders were rude and they claimed it was an open bar but we payed for all of our drinks. The management needs to cap the club tickets off for their visitors to have a good time.
20 January 2020 11:36
Really bad customer service! I went there yesterday 11/15/2019 and the guard that check you it was really rude!
20 January 2020 2:08
Worst bar experience of my life. Went for new years and this place has so many things backwards. 1. Spent 70$ for tickets because they claimed the venue was an "open bar" but the bartenders wouldn't even look at you unless you were waving 20 dollar bills and even then the drinks were insanely watered down. 2. They let so many people in to a point that the club was so over capacity it was dangerous. I literally could not breathe, move or dance. People were getting hurt. 3. No one was having fun and everyone left right after the countdown because of the terrible experience.

Not to mention the bouncers were literally grabbing and shoving girls around and it was really wrong. Wouldnt go again.
14 January 2020 2:08
Been to Jet Club 4 times and every time I went the club was PACKED with people by 11: 30pm, the bartenders are really cool and give a great service and the DJs are always putting on great music! My friends & I will DEFINITELY come back to Jet Club.
05 January 2020 12:16
Lors d’une soirée spectacle, nous furent invités au Jet moi et mon équipe afin de livrer une performance musical. Du début jusqu’à la fin nous avons eu un excellent service, que ce soit en commençant par la sécurité allant jusqu’à la serveuse nous furent combler. Merci à tout l’équipe!
31 December 2019 15:53
Do. Not. Go. The stress of getting your coat back is just not worth it. The club ended and while everyone was supposed to get there coats back, one of the bouncers was told he had to block our way so that EVERYONE that was on the first floor could get their coats first. The bouncers were EXTREMELY RUDE and aggressive. The one that was blocking the way pushed me so hard that I fell on other people (I was just patiently waiting, he pushed me so that the others could go back). My friend, who was trying to calm him down, got punched by him. I think this simple incident says a lot about the owner and the staff.
11 November 2019 16:23
I liked the fact that you could party and dance downstairs but if you wanted a break you could go upstairs and sip a beer where the music is less loud. The staff was also friendly. The 10$ minimum for credit is unnerving. Also, the floor was sticky.
28 October 2019 9:48
Not at all what was advertised for the event online, not impressed with my evening or money spent at all. Went in for 15 minutes and left right away
14 October 2019 14:27
Too crowded and they put a Facebook event announcing as a huge colour festival without mentioning the address at the beginning, while it was just a night club event in the end. So disappointed! I hope they don't do it again and advertise it as a nightclub event for those who are interested.
23 September 2019 5:38
Everything was fine till I found out all my cash was. Gone from my wallet! N the thief is the bouncer
Who works there. I’m not even from Canada i came to Montreal for a trip n everything was wonderful my trip n paint party was amazing but the people who works there they r taking advantage of the people who drinks n get drunk. This is ridiculous. I really tried to call n speak to someone but there is no way. Very disappointed. Lost all the cash money i had. Everything was there just the cash was gone. I had USD 80 with me n that’s what i had n now I don’t have nothing on me
04 September 2019 14:08
They advertised for a huge paint festival but it was far below from what was advertised and the advertisement was a complete misleading. And overall it was just a place compacted with people difficult to move around. The music was also an old style night club type, nothing creative!
There is NOTHING good about this place!
02 September 2019 5:19
Jet night club has great staff! I would like to applaud the king of clubs, mada and kim for having the best customer service in the nightlife industry! Thank you!
28 August 2019 21:11
Great place! Saturday’s are always a banger, ladies get in for free and they also drink for free until midnight! Terrence is my favorite person there and Melissa the bathroom lady is the bomb
25 August 2019 20:30
Vrmt sympa, beau bon pas cher, de vieilles chansons qui nous ont fait plaisir. Un peu petit mais belle ambiance.
17 August 2019 1:08
Hot spot downtown nice vibe but just dont get too drunk there's a lot of crazy people downtown and most of them are on drugs be careful
03 August 2019 0:17
I went to this night club. To the glow party, a guy started to bother my sister and I got mad and I told him not to bother anymore, he didn't care and faced me. After that security man came and "took him out" and 15 min ago the same guy came and try to fight my friends. The security people said to me "he is one of friends' owner" so take it easy. So being a woman in a country like Canada doesn't count? I'm a tourist Mexican and we booked 8 tickets (which cost 33 dollars each) to this special party and then we spent 800 Canadian dollars in drinking I am never coming back. I THOUGHT SO "I HAVE TO STAND WHAT FRIENDS' OWNER DO (DRUNK) JUST COS THEY ARE HIS/HER FRIENDS' "? I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS CLUB AT ALL"
30 July 2019 23:58
Pas d’entrée quand nous payons une guest list avec des bouteilles quand nos amis sont mal habiller (coton ouaté / hoodies)
20 July 2019 5:06
Place is trash. Dont go to this club. They kick you out and their prices are ridiculous. They push on you to buy a $140 bottle if you come in groups of more than 2 people. Otherwise, you cant get in. There are other better clubs than this trashy place in Montreal, people!
20 May 2019 3:32
Ive been to countless clubs in MTL and this was by far the worse. Speakers and music were good but the customers seem to think that not showering for 8 days is trendy. The fumes in that club made trash cans smell like roses. The floors were so sticky that I felt like I was going to lose my shoes as I walked, it is impossible that they wash the floors. $15 cover and you can't pass a damn mop? Please avoid at all costs, youre welcome
07 May 2019 12:17
04 May 2019 11:27
Feels like an awkward 7th grade dance no wonder why they give out vip cards like its water the place sucks don't come here
02 May 2019 7:42
Vraiment une mauvaise endroit où sortir, aucun service ou service misérable, cover vraiment trop cher, faux événements non existant, je n'y retournerai jamais, ne faites pas la même erreur que moi, sortez ailleur.
30 April 2019 18:30
Hosted an event there recently
-We thought we had rented out a private room upstairs but turns out we didn't so random people could walk in and out AND there is only one set of bathrooms for the whole club so random people were in fact walking in and out.
-The deals for drinks that had been discussed beforehand were not respected the night of. They gave different prices to different people and they had the audacity to hand us cases of beer that already had empty bottles in them.
- The club only opens at 10 so if you want to have people show up earlier for an event, won't work.
- Would not recommend for events. Just going clubbing there for the night? I wouldn't know but judging by these other reviews, I'd say don't go
17 March 2019 19:41
The music was really good all night and the bartenders were great. The bouncers were rude and pushy though. Not a bad experience.
08 March 2019 11:19
You can find the rudest and most aggressive bouncers in this place. The drinks are expensive and has the least amount of alcohol. Was threatened to be thrown out just because I forgot to take my hat off. Worst club I have ever been to.
04 March 2019 11:09
Magnifique endroit! Personnel à l’écoute de nos besoin, très propres, bien surveiller, bonne musique! Appart les prix, j’ai rien à dire j’adore! Surtout c’est très classe, ce n’ai pas n’importe qui qui va là!:)
16 January 2019 8:06
Not only is the staff rude and had the audacity to put my hands on me, but the drinks are made with probably a quarter ounce of liquor. After tasting my friends drink I decided to watch them make another drink to see if it was just me but there was basically nothing in it. They force you to coat check and I’m not sure if that’s typical but I’ve never heard of that before. Of course I’d prefer to check my coat but it’s aggravating when they won’t even let you step away form the lone if you still have a coat on. Plus ou have to pay for coat check so it’s the principal of it. What I find creepy is when they do open bar for “girls” not women, “girls”. They definitely cater to the younger crowd. They took a drink away from my friend who was a guy because they watched a girl hand it to him. Idk just a little creepy. Besides the terrible service the music sucks and the crowd is all attention seeking kids who just want to take snapchats and show off. Would not recommend to anyone. Boring, misogynistic, sneaky about the money.

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