13 January 2024 22:38
Looking for an honest & qualified physio? Jordan is the one.
Is he gonna help you heal from your barbell sport injuries? Absolutely! Plus, he's a really nice person. He'll take the time to listen to you, give you good advice and exercices so you can come back healthier and stronger. I'm grateful I booked with
him back in october, I can now practice powerlifting pain free:)
18 December 2023 6:17
Soins super adéquats et 100% adaptés aux besoins! Meilleur physio surtout si vous vous entraînez, il sait très bien de quoi il parle!
08 December 2023 21:08
J'ai eu la chance de collaborer avec Jordan durant les deux dernières années et je recommande sans hésitation ses services pour toute personne souhaitant s'investir à fond dans un programme d'entraînement. Jordan a toujours su bien m'accompagner et m'outiller pour atteindre mes objectifs dans le gym. Les programmes sont clairs, précis et il n'y a aucune perte de temps. 100% GUARANTEED GAINZ.
23 November 2023 22:44
Best experience I have had with any physio. Jordan gives great feedback and does a great job trying to help you get healthy again. We did on hand work in the gym to see if what we looked at was working and was a very enjoyable experience. He also explains his work very well so you the client has a better understanding of your body. Great guy!
13 November 2023 4:04
Jordan is the best physiotherapist I have ever had. Not only did he identify the source of my pain and provide immediate relief but also gave advice on physical movements to remain pain-free over the long term - all in 2 sessions.
26 October 2023 4:34
I walked into Jordan's office, anxious about the severity of my injury and the impact it could have on my powerlifting career. However, Jordan immediately put me at ease by attentively listening to my concerns and taking the time to thoroughly understand my situation.

During the assessment, Jordan was meticulous in explaining each test he was conducting, along with its significance. This transparency allowed me to grasp the depth of the evaluation and calmed any lingering apprehensions. Following the assessment, Jordan outlined a detailed treatment plan tailored to my needs, including specific stretches and strengthening exercises.

Upon leaving his office, I felt both enlightened and empowered, fully confident in my ability to manage my condition and make a swift return to peak performance.
25 October 2023 20:44
Excellent physio avec beaucoup de savoir et de connaissance dans son domaine. Explore les priorités de ses patients et attitude super professionnel. Je recommende fortement.
25 October 2023 14:37
I’ve dealt with low back pain, on some level, most of my life, but in late 2019, it started getting progressively worse…to the point where I wasn’t sure what would happen to me within the next year or two.

I felt broken…like my spine was made of glass and the more I protected myself, the worse it got.

I had already seen 3 osteos, 1 chiro, 1 accupuncturist and 1 other physio, but Jordan was the first, and only one, who helped me understand what was happening and how to progressively increase functionality so I can start living my life again.

I still have a way to go, but I am on the right path, thanks to Jordan and his open-minded, "out of the box" approach to physiotherapy!

Thanks for everything, Jordan, you are the absolute best!
10 October 2023 11:49
Super physio! Jordan est patient et prends le temps de répondre à toutes les questions et expliquer en détail ce qu'il fait et pourquoi.
Je recommande!
09 October 2023 10:15
Jordan is an excellent therapist as he listens to his clients concerns and is able to offer them an appropriate plan to meet their needs.
26 September 2023 20:09
J’ai consulté Jordan pour un problème au genou qui me limitait dans les sports et le quotidien. Les exercices suggérés ont donné d’excellents résultats. Je me sens mieux et je poursuis le travail.

Jordan prend le temps d’expliquer les aspects scientifiques derrière le problème et la solution. Très bon physiothérapeute.
14 August 2023 11:37
Jordan est un physiothérapeute généreux! Il donne des exercices, des conseils et son expertise est large. Il ne fait pas qu'aider à travailler physiquement, il partage des connaissances concrètes qui amènent le clients à remettre en question sa vision/limites/fausses croyances sur la forme physique. Avec Jordan, on va non seulement plus loin physiquement, mais aussi mentalement. C'est passionnant de discuter avec lui. De plus, il a un immense respect du rythme personnel de la personne. Il ne donne pas de remontrances si les exercices ne sont pas faits, au contraire, il va utiliser sa créativité pour s'assurer que les "devoirs" à faire sont applicables dans le quotidien de la personne. Il fait cheminer ses clients dans le plus grand respect, sans pression ni jugement. Les conseils de Jordan amènent à la guérison plutôt qu'à un simple soulagement temporaire. Jordan est un excellent guide pour toute personne qui veut améliorer sa condition physique grâce à des exercices concrets. Je le recommande fortement.
10 August 2023 11:40
I dealt with pretty severe knee pain for over a year, to the point that training my legs would give me anxiety due to the pain and demotivated to train them. I expected to need extensive physiotherapy and I even informed him that I didn't mind having to do 20 sessions if needed to fix my knees, Jordan had me back to lifting peak weights pain free within 3 sessions.
24 July 2023 0:41
I booked a session with Jordan because of hip pain affecting my squat. Over the course of two physical therapy sessions, Jordan demonstrated an impressive level of expertise and effectiveness that made a significant positive impact on my recovery journey.

Jordan's extensive knowledge and skill in physical therapy are evident. His well-designed readaptation program was not only simple and easy to follow but also enabled me to continue training during my recovery.

Beyond just addressing my injury, Jordan went above and beyond to improve my squat and deadlift technique. Thanks to his coaching, my overall performance has significantly improved.

I highly recommend Jordan for top-tier physical therapy. He's effective, efficient, and a great resource for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike!
21 July 2023 2:54
Felt the results right after the first visit. By the second visit, friends and colleagues noticed a difference in my posture already. Highly recommend Jordan’s no nonsense approach to physical therapy for anyone who is in any kind pain or discomfort.
16 July 2023 22:38
As a CrossFit athlete and CrossFit coach, Jordan has been nothing but exceptional! Not only does he help give you a personalized plan to help you moving pain-free, he is also super kind and personable!

HIGHLY recommend him if you're in pain and need to get out of it, or simply want to identify any imbalances BEFORE you get into pain!

Stop waiting, book your session TODAY!
04 July 2023 4:44
I had a great experience with Jordan, I was struggling with my bench press and tricep excercises due to a pain in my elbow and chest pain. After 3 sessions with him, I am completely pain free and back to preparing for competition!
15 June 2023 13:53
Jordan is the man! I've seen him a couple times for various sports-related injuries (wrist pain, broken ankle rehab and weird nerve pain in my bicep). All 3 times he's been fantastic, diagnosed my issues quickly and got me on a path to recovery. He also gives great training recommendations improve overall physical health, prevent future injuries and improve performance. Would highly recommend him!
15 June 2023 9:12
When I had my first consultation with Jordan, I had been dealing with a nagging overuse injury from powerlifting. In the span of a few weeks, Jordan got me to train pain free without many flare ups. I cannot recommend his service enough to the powerlifters out there who are unsure about what to do when it comes to injury rehab & prehab!

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