20 July 2023 21:00
Une super expérience gourmandes! Produit de qualité et personnel vraiment sympathique je recommande vraiment!
13 July 2023 15:32
Today I went to this establishment on Saint Catherine’s. Street to have dessert with my friend and sister. We were seated at the restaurant for more than 10 minutes when all of the waitresses completely forgot about us, they were standing behind the counter, laughing making jokes, and completely forgot about serving us. I had to go up to the waitress at the front of the cash and ask them. Was somebody going to serve us today and who is my server the woman then told me that she skipped over us. I thought that somebody came to see us when she was the one that places to sit down I will not be going back to this establishment for the sole purpose of their terrible customer service. It’s your job to see and know what’s going I will not be going back to this establishment for the sole purpose of their terrible customer service. It’s your job to see and know what’s going with your clientele, but when it came to giving me the bill, she did not take more than two minutes to print it out I took longer to circulate I would recommend going to another place to have dessert or spend time with family or friends because this place was just not it for me hopefully the next set of people that go ahead and get a better customer service.
09 June 2023 5:58
Wait time too long. They must be understaffed. Took a traditional milkshake and a chocolate crepe. They were good but not wow. Is it value for money? I won't say so.
18 May 2023 18:10
We took the fruit chocolate fondue for two, the chocolate was tasty but the fruit amount was too small for that plate!
We also took hot chocolate, that was terrible! For a chocolate shop to have that terrible of hot chocolate is weird! It tasted like a watered down custard!
18 September 2021 7:00
The food is decent and the staff are pretty nice, my favourite is Miss Fraise and the crêpe. Really recommend going here!
14 August 2021 17:41
Had La Chiquita; A dreamy combination between warm caramelized bananas, salted caramel sauce, caramelized hazelnuts, sweet whipped cream, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yummy! Great service too!
10 August 2021 9:46
The Joillete and Chocolate on Ste Catherine Street in Montreal Quebec has horrible service and I did not like one of the deserts there, I only had one bite of it and told them it I did not like and they would charge me extra to change it and had to eat the desert because I had to pay for it anyways
14 July 2021 22:51
Première fois ici et j’ai adorer l’expérience. Places assises, l’ambiance était superbe. Merci pour les recommendations et le service de notre serveuse Mariam. Le milkshake et le brownie caramel et fleur de sel était délicieux. Je recommande
13 July 2021 22:47
Le serveur m’a lancé des propos racistes en français en pensant que je ne savais pas parler ma propre langue maternelle. Il m’a aussi servi des verres sales qui n’avaient pas été lavées malgré la crise sanitaire actuelle. Le serveur retirait aussi son masque de temps en temps sans respecter les consignes de pa santé publique et sans respecter les clients, surtout moi. J’ai du quitter les lieux aussitôt que j’ai vu le serveur cracher dans mon assiette. Une expérience inoubliable et exécrable! Merci pout votre horrible service.
09 July 2021 19:34
Le 10 juin 2021, les serveurs m'ont mis dehors, sans me laisser payer ma facture, parce que j'ai détecté une erreur de prix sur leur menu de terrasse. Ils m'ont facturé un prix qui est affiché nulle part dans leur restaurant (qui est à l'encontre de la Loi) qui dépassait par plus de 300% du prix affiché sur leur menu. Ils ont été très impolis et m'ont verbalement agressé sans me laisser parler malgré que j'ai essayé de payer ma facture. Ils exploitent les clients et n'offrent aucun service à la clientèle. Ils m'ont aussi dit ne ne jamais revenir dans leur établissement.
02 July 2021 21:45
I had the icecream with nutella and hazelnuts and layers of meringue cookie crumbles inside.simply HEAVEN
20 June 2021 3:33
Les crème glacé était super bonne mais les gaufres pas du tout! J’étais un peu déçu sinon le service était au top ️!
19 June 2021 11:36
We visited Juliette & Chocolate Saint Catherine and tried Lemony Uncle & Nutty Sis, I highly recommended its so refreshing and nice for summer.the staff were very kind and helpful, Sure will visit again.
15 June 2021 17:49
You charged me 18 dollars on Uber eats for a tiramisu that I had to cancel the order only one minute after confirming it saying that you prepared the food. I find that very bizarre!
01 June 2021 10:27
They sold me a burnt brownie. Just got home and the vegan chocolate brownie bottom is rock solid burned and the whole thing tastes burned. Typically this location is very good hence 3 stars, but I'm extremely disappointed with my purchase as this brownie is inedible I had to throw it away.
28 April 2021 16:52
Avoid this place at all costs.
1. They do NOT abide by health and safety protocol.
2. Worst customer service I have seen in a while. The employees are very rude and yell at customers.
23 February 2019 10:09
My 3 friends and I walked in an had to wait to get seated even though the place was empty. We finally got seated and got our menus and waited over 20 minutes to get served and never did. We made eye contact with about 3 waiters who were wiping down the taboes with their dirty rags and never came to our table. A group of girls next to us who came in 15 minutes after we did got served before us and got served right away. My friends and I decided to get up and leave and none of the waiters looked at us and didn't say a word. We called afterwards and we were told "What do you want us to do about it" and they were laughing in the background after they told us to hold on.
It was also my friends birthday, all we wanted to do was get dessert after we had a nice meal at a nice restaurant down the road. My friend really wanted her dessert and now her birthday is ruined.
21 February 2019 8:24
We are visiting from New York. Having been to Juliette & Chocolat multiple times in the past in other locations, this restaurant was VERY disappointing. The food was generally ok but the service was not good at all. It was slow (only one waitress for the whole room busy at lunch time), we had to get our own cutlery and napkins, etc. So slow we had to skip desert.
17 February 2019 5:50
Horrible service. First, we had to wait to be seated for the longest time even though the restaurant was half empty. When we finally got a table it took 30min for someone to come get our order. After we ordered it took forever to get our food.

They brought a dessert, but only for one person and it arrived before the main dish - buckwheat crepe with turkey and cheese. Others had to wait another 30 min to get their food. The main dish arrived Waitersat the very end and the waiters were nowhere to be seen.

It's our third time at this place and the service is only getting worse. I hope Cacao70 will open nearby soon, so we can stop coming here.
16 February 2019 4:55
The chocolate crepe was really disappointing, it looked like the chef had just given up for the night. The service was even worse. It's absolutely unacceptable to have to wait over an hour and a half for 2 milkshakes. Nobody came to check on us or take our order, I had to literally get up and flag a waiter down because it had been 30 minutes of them walking past us and pretending not to see me trying to wave and let them know we were ready. Same thing with the bill, service is horrendous, we got there at 7: 30 and left at 10: 30, it only took us 20 minutes to eat. What should have been a 45 minute dessert stop took up the entire night because the waiters literally don't care at all about good service.
15 February 2019 12:11
I’ve been to all Juliette&Chocolate locations because I like their food, but this location has the worst service. It took a very long time for the waiter to come get our order and it took a very long time for our order to arrive. Long wait times ruin the whole experience unfortunately.
14 February 2019 23:29
They used to be great but I think they're understaffed or something? We were a table of 4 and we waited a good 30min before getting our food.
When the food finally arrived, the waiter realized that my salad was only half full and immediately took it away, and my friend's salad didn't have any dressing on it. The presentation of the food was also not what you would expect from Juliette et Chocolat.
Aside from that, we tried their new brunch menu -not good. Each plate was 15-16$ which is a reasonable price for brunch, except that you only get half the amount of food you were expecting. No one should leave brunch still hungry. Strongly suggest to stick with the old menu.
09 February 2019 10:44
Service absolument terrible, j'ai levé la main 10 fois et un des 4 serveurs m'a seulement remarqué 2 fois et ne m'a pas fait signe que quelqu'un allait venir à la table, et quand un d'entre eux est finalement venu, on a demandé le reçu et on a attendu 20 minutes et ils ne nous l'avaient toujours pas donné. On a dû redemander, car ils ont oubliés et ne se sont même pas excusés, toute cette expérience sans un seul sourire mais un regard ennuyé, ennervé. Personnel pas agréable. Pas satisfaite du service des employés, la compagnie devrait les virer et embaucher des personnes plus énergétiques et sympathiques pour que le restaurant puisse être parfait car il a beaucoup de potentiel et visiblement, je ne suis pas la seule à avoir eu une mauvaise expérience. Absolument terrible. Par contre, la gastronomie est très fine et délicieuse, au moins, la seule chose que les employés font bien c'est l'esthétisme des mets. Désolé pour 1 étoile seulement, c'est juste que le service était tellement mauvais que la nourriture exquise ne pouvait même pas aider.
08 February 2019 12:19
The service was absolutely TERRIBLE. It took forever to get seated and there was no one there. We sat down at the table without being served for 15 minutes. A group of girls sat down next to us way after we arrived and got served before us. We decided to leave because we had been there for over 30 minutes. When we called the restaurant to explain what happened the person who answered the phone was rude and the staff could be heard laughing in the background. Absolutely ridiculous, I am appalled. If I could give zero stars I would. Save your money and go to Cocoa 70.

Note to management: This was Thursday December 27th at 9pm. This is a bad look for your business, I advise you speak to your employees.
28 January 2019 19:22
Everything we had was excellent! I had the 'intense' brownie, the texture and taste were amazing. So glad also to see a lot of dark chocolate on the menu. Ended up getting a drink after tasting my wife's, from the 'grand crus' section
24 January 2019 7:16
The place sounds fantastic: a restaurant where everything you can eat is chocolate! But the reality is that the poor quality of the service (it takes hours to be served) transforms it into an annoying experience. Food is great but the service is simply poor. This should be changed as soon as possible!
20 January 2019 16:27
The service was absolutely terrible. It took extremely long to get seated despite the fact that there were many free tables and my friends and I were the only ones who needed to be seated. Three waiters repeatedly walked passed us when we were ready to order and then proceeded to take others orders before ours even though they came in after us. After 30 minutes of waiting we got up and left and none of the staff acknowledged our presence. We had hoped to enjoy a nice dessert for my birthday but instead we were met with unprofessional and disrespectful service. This put a damper on what should've been a good day. If I could put zero stars I would.
16 January 2019 22:18
I ordered a chocolate fondant. It was marvellous. The Barista was quite knowledgeable and was able to explain everything clearly.
13 January 2019 4:42
Overall I’m never disappointed with my experiences in Juliette et Chocolat in this location. Servers are friendly and approachable. Food is always good. It’s also fairly clean and very accessible. It does get busy though especially in the evening post dinner time (9ish!) You may be waiting a while for a seat.
08 January 2019 8:21
IF I COULD GIVE THIS PLACE ZERO STARS I WOULD. We sat in the resturant under the impression that we would have a nice dessert and be on our way. However, we were NOT seated in a timely fashion, NOT served and people who came in after us were served before us. Not to mention after we left due to the horrible service, we called and were met with laughter and a "what do you want me to do about it? " Disgusting service, horrid attitude, and disrespectful staff, corporate will be hearing from me.
31 December 2018 21:19
Le resto était à moitié vide. Après avoir attendu 5 minutes pour du take-out sans recevoir de service (malgré avoir demandé 2 fois à un employé si c'était le bon endroit pour commander), on a décidé de partir. Les 2 autres employées qui nous ignoraient jusque là nous ont couru après en nous accusant d'être partis sans payer.: J'y retournerai pas.
28 December 2018 12:23
On avait commandé un brownie et un smothie et une gaufre classique, on a reçu que la gaufre et le smothie, le serveur nous a dit que ca ne vas pas être long pour l’autre commande mais on l’a jamais reçu! Après 30min on appelle le serveur pour lui dire et il ne se souvenait même pas de ce qu’on avait commandé!
Déçu de ce Service médiocre.
19 December 2018 22:57
À nouveau déçu…

Cette branche ma rappelé ma mauvaise expérience au 377 rue Laurier Ouest. Elle était également en sous-effectif et le service manquait sérieusement de professionnalisme.

Mon amie a reçu son café assez rapidement. Mais j’ai dû attendre un bon quart d’heure que le mien arrive en même temps que mon « Rocher praliné ». Et puis, nous avons attendu… et attendu… les brownies de mon amie. Par politesse, je n’ai pas touché à ma gourmandise.

Après 15 minutes, nous avons tenté d’interpeler les serveurs, mais ils étaient tellement débordés qu’ils ne nous ont pas vus. Les clients de la table voisine (qui étaient arrivés après nous) ont tous été servis avant. En nous voyant finalement, la serveuse a eu le culot de nous demander si « tout était à notre goût ». Je n’avais visiblement pas touché à mon plat. Elle s’est finalement rendu compte qu’elle nous avait oubliés.

Lorsque les brownies sont arrivés, le café était froid.

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