01 August 2023 9:01
Finally a place to be teached the real yoga, a place to feel better in your body and soul. Peter is a great teacher he helped me so much and inspired me, thank you for your guidance, you are a gifted person. Kali yuga yoga is the best place to learn and practice yoga, peace for all. Namaste
04 September 2022 15:57
Definitely recommend! The teacher makes you feel really comfortable. So if you’re looking to learn Yoga in its full context this is the place!
27 October 2021 2:48
Excellent competence from the staff, and rich knowledge. Got excellent advice by phone simply with a conversation about the phylosophy of yoga. Experience was 5 on 5 no doubt, don't hesitate
10 October 2020 7:27
The breath is key to life. Peter's philosophical and physical approach concretely improves my life. Thank you Peter!
26 March 2020 22:24
KALI YUGA YOGA est un centre de yoga authentique, avec un enseignant tout aussi authentique et attentionné. En entrant au centre, on ne peut faire autrement que d'être envouté par les hautes vibrations positives qui s'y trouve. On y pratique le kriya yoga, un yoga basé sur l'exploration intérieure de soi-même par différentes techniques de respiration et posture et ce dans le but de découvrir qui nous sommes vraiment, c'est à dire votre nature profonde. À ce sujet, je ne vous en dis pas davantage, il faut vivre l'expérience pour comprendre. Je termine ce review comme ça: si vous ressentez un vide ou un manque de quelque chose dans votre vie, comme s'il manquait quelque chose et que vous ne savez pas quoi.et bien JE VOUS RECOMMANDE FORTEMENT de passer au KALI YUGA YOGA et le découvrir. Croyez moi ça semble cliché mais j'ai appris davantage sur moi même en 1an de yoga avec Peter (l'enseignant) que sur la majorité de ma vie.
11 July 2019 23:23
Simply amazing practice and amazing teacher. Really helps us understand the true essence of yoga and where it comes from. Very personalized and not like empty commercialized yoga practices out there. Highly recommend if you are looking to practice real yoga from inside out. It has helped me lots in just a few classes.
18 April 2019 20:12
Before Coming to Kali Yuga Yoga
I was a 17 years old guy and I felt like Yoga was an “activity” for mostly women and for mostly relatively older people than myself. My judgemental mind was screaming at me not to try Yoga. However, I practiced a lot of sports and each time I would stop because I felt that something was missing. Plus, I had a lot of tension in my neck that forced me to seek for help through physiotherapists and chiropractors. Without wanting to take away anything from those therapists, their treatments would only last a day, and my neck pain would grow back, tormenting me more than ever. At that time of suffering, I didn’t care about how people would perceive a 17 years old guy do Yoga, all I cared about was to reduce the pain that I was feeling.

After Coming to Kali Yuga Yoga
Peter, the teacher, was a really nice guy and I felt it as soon as I saw him. The well lighted place gave me a good vibe and the people there were real nice people and I overall felt pretty welcomed and it was totally different from what I thought it would be like. But again, my judgemental mind kicked in whenever Peter was taking the practice in a more spiritual manner. I like to share what I think to people and so I confronted Peter with my thoughts about his spiritual beliefs and this unfolded into many enriching conversations. At first, I was still pretty close-minded, but I kept at the practice. Within two weeks, my neck pain was completely gone! I was amazed that after three months of chiropracting and physiotherapy, only two weeks of Yoga with Peter resolved my problem. I learned a valuable lesson: your body won’t be adjusted by external treatment, the treatment has to come from within yourself, you are the driver of your body!

What’s next
Even though my major physical problems were resolved, I felt like I could find something more in Yoga, something that I couldn’t find in sports or anything else. See, when I heard Yoga before coming to Peter, there was a label about the word, which is normal since most Western Yoga has become like the stereotypical women oriented and sport oriented trend. But I feel so lucky to have found Peter, because I would describe his practice more as a Soul Science Engineering: it is a way to tap into yourself, into a certain state of mind that should be normal for everyone but which is not because of our society’s way of living. After only 4 months of disciplined practice, my lifestyle has completely shifted on every level. My health habits are better: I eat better, I sleep better, I feel better; and it’s not because I’m trying from a mind conception, I literally just feel like it. My personal habits have gotten better: I read a lot more profound books, I waste almost no time on meaningless video games or social medias, I am a lot more focused when it comes to academical stuff and I’m practicing postures or meditating everyday. Also, my reflexes have weirdly gotten better, I’ve become more open-minded on every aspects of life, my perspective on life has completely shifted, my anxiety is almost reduced to none (it was really high before), and my overall choices have gotten more linked with who I really am (I’ve come to understand myself better).

To sum up, Yoga or, as Peter would call it, Soul Science Engineering is more than a simple activity than you go to, it’s a guidance for life that changes everything from your breath to your mind. Personally, there’s still a long way to go on my path, because we really never stop growing, but I can’t see myself without the practice of Soul Science Engineering in my life and I feel really blessed to have stumbled upon Peter while searching for a Yoga place.
14 November 2018 16:23
For a few months now I being suffering with fibromyalgia! First yoga class today and I'm very greatful to Peter (TEACHER) for an up lifting experience physically and spiritually thank you! I'm looking fowar to continuing working with you.
05 October 2018 16:37
The best yoga studio i have ever been with the true essence of yoga. Been here for over 5 months now. I only wish I found this place earlier! Peter is genuine, experienced and dedicated. Unlike most modern yoga studios which focus mainly on the aesthetic appearance of studio & equipments and the physical aspect of yoga, here at kali yoga it offers a holistic approach of body, mind and spirit advancement/wellbeing.

If you want authenticity, this is the place.
19 July 2018 23:42
Although I had been to other Yoga studios and attended other Yoga classes, I never quite experienced Yoga like I do at Kali Yuga Yoga.

Peter teaches Yoga as the spiritual practice that it truly is. He also encourages you to listen to the wisdom of your body and work with it rather than trying to force your body into a pose.

If you are looking for a trendy Yoga Studio to show off your flexibility and all the poses you can do or any other way to feed your Ego, this is not the place for you. You won't find 20 different "modernized" forms of Yoga here.

A session with Peter at Kali Yuga Yoga is always an experience that leaves me grounded and fully aware of my mind and body.

Whenever I get too caught up in the day to day stresses and social pressures, nothing brings me back to myself like a session at Kali Yuga Yoga.

04 May 2018 5:49
If you take the time to ask, you will learn that Peter from KALI YUGA YOGA has had a profoundly positive impact on the lives of all of his students. Each class is a stepping stone along a holistic path to true health: tools and techniques are offered to tackle physical, emotional and spiritual roadblocks in an empathetic way that honors ourselves and those around us. KALI YUGA YOGA is the real deal. Peter lives, breathes and practices what he teaches, and that is what makes his classes & teachings truly inspiring. His deep knowledge of YOGA and his natural ability to convey his observations and interpretations of its teachings can lead one to explore the root causes of today's most common health issues in an effort to become the best version of oneself.

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