09 July 2023 19:00
I wonder why there's a demolition of the bulding. Is there any renovation or is it closing its doors?
18 May 2023 6:25
Thia place is amazing. They have the engine roaring right next to you while you drive and the track is fast too. They also have a lot of fun arcade games.
23 February 2023 19:32
Went with my son
Planned for the All You Can Drive special
When I got there I was told that they had réservations of group
Déception and was about to pop a fuse since no where this is written in there spécial!
So I rushed to do the membership card needed to get the spécial all you can drive then prepared my son for the last 3 races before the groups
Then I waited in car for 1.30 till he could go back till 8.30
He had fun.so it's ok but Dad was patient to wait so he can race!
We were there 4 15 to 8.30 he did 7 races for 99$ plus 23 membership
We will go back
FYI call before getting there with your child and have the same bad surprise
13 January 2023 18:47
Karts aren't in good condition. The pavement is a little slippery. We started the race with 1 min elapsed and it ended 2 mins early. Keep an eye on the timer. Despite that was fun.
13 January 2023 16:28
Une super expérience! J'ai eu l'occasion de teste la formule mini grand prix à plusieurs reprises, je ne le regrette pas du tout. Moi et mes amis revenons maintenant régulièrement et c'est toujours très agréable. On pourrait faire quelques remarques sur le tracé et les karts, mais ce sont des problèmes liés à la pratique du kart indoor en général plutôt qu'à Kart-O-Mania. En bref je vous conseille cet endroit, parfait pour une première expérience!
08 January 2023 5:26
Very fun place to come with friends for a little bit of fun. The only downside and the reason for a 4* review is that they need better ventilation. As an indoors Karting track, the smell of gasoline can get pretty heavy.
07 January 2023 22:33
My son’s U15 hockey team and families were in MTL for a tournament this weekend. We indulged in a team building Go Karting event at Kart-O-Mania. By all accounts the customer service was excellent. Given our large group, the event was very well organized. Parents all agreed that the facility struck a perfect balance between fun and safety. And, most importantly, the kids had a BLAST! It was a highlight of the weekend, along with the Habs winning v Penguins in OT at the Bell Centre! Thanks Kart-O-Mania for a great top-to-bottom experience!
01 January 2023 8:45
Service impeccable sécurité laisse à désiré kart sans harnais et piste à risque avec soleil qui aveugle au bout d'une ligne droite.jour et la nuit avec K1 karting que nous sommes allés l'an passé.
26 December 2022 4:00
The team is just amazing, the cars aren't so bad and the track is well maintained.
It is a nice place to spend some time with friends.
05 October 2022 23:25
Les 2 filles à l’accueil voyaient qu’on avait de la difficulté avec l’ordi. Et bougeaient pas, après 10-15 min. De niaisage, on réussi pour se faire dire en riant par ces 2 connes «  y a pas de place, vous devez réserver d’avance » alors que l’endroit était presque vide. Dommage que je ne puisse pas y mettre la vidéo que j’ai fait pour le prouver ‍️
29 August 2022 3:03
I ain’t never had as best customer service than I’ve gotten with Natasha the receptionist. She’ll be right on point with anything you ask and will always help you out. She deserves a 21$/h pay cause it was the best karting experience ever. Thank you for everything!:)
23 August 2022 11:54
Super! Accueil et staff chaleureux. Patient avec les débutants pour les avoir vu à l’œuvre avec le groupe précédent. Nous avons passé une super soirée, merci!
09 July 2022 1:42
Je suis un habitué du karting et j'ai déjà travaillé chez Kart-o-Mania. J'ai été très déçu de ma visite hier soir. Les employés qui surveillent la piste ont aucune idée en quoi consiste leur travail. On nous fait regarder une vidéo qui nous explique que les accrochages ne sont pas tolérés, qu'ils a une signalisation avec lumières et drapeaux etc. Alors que je suis en piste, je me fait bloquer le chemin par un chauffard du dimanche. Personne ne remarque que je le suis de près depuis plusieurs tours. Un drapeau bleu aurait du être agiter a plusieurs reprises. Au moment ou j'arrive a prendre l'intérieur et prendre le dessus dans la ligne droite, le chauffard en question me regarde et me rentre dans les pneus pour être sur que je ne le dépasse pas. Il semblait être un habitué de la place. Il parlait avec les employés de piste et rigolait avec eux. Quand j'ai mentionné le problème, l'employé m'a sourit et est retourné parler avec le chauffard. Quand j'ai embarqué pour mon deuxième 15 minutes de courses, les employés discutaient de moi comme si j'était un cas problème a surveiller. Une amie qui était avec moi s'est fait ramassé 3-4 fois durant un seul 15 minutes.

En bref, la piste est petite et les gens qui se présentent n'ont aucune étique sportive. Je comprends que Kart-o-Mania n'a pas le contrôle sur ca. Mais ils ont le contrôle sur les règlements qu'ils nous montrent avant même d'embarquer en piste. Malheureusement, les employés sont trop occupés a parler entre eux ou avec les clients qui attendent leurs tours que de suivre l'action en piste et d'imposer les règlements comme il se doit. Être un employé de piste c'est plus que juste sortir les chauffards qui sont pris dans les pneus. Ma dernière expérience me donne envie de couper ma carte de membre et de ne plus jamais retourné. Aller plutôt dans les kartings extérieurs de région.
20 June 2022 18:45
Une belle équipe et ambiance.
J'avais vécu une mauvaise expérience en 2019, les efforts de management et améliorations méritent d'être signalé.
09 June 2022 8:46
Really nice staff! Had a blast and appreciate the pointers from one of the employees. I will definitely go back and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good place to go karting.
20 May 2022 22:08
I went with my kids on the weekend and they were very nice on top of it they had a really busy day but still manage to find a spot so my kids could have 2 races. They saved the day my son really likes it there.
16 October 2021 7:30
Mon casque ne s’attachait pas, on m’a dit que c’était normal, je ne trouve pas ça très securitaire sachant que lors d’un impact je l’ai perdu sur la piste
A part ça c’est pas mal
27 September 2021 3:48
Such a fun place! Well organized and adaptable to experienced and novice drivers. Staff is super friendly, very accommodating and most importantly the track is fun! Great place, highly recommend it for the entire family or with friends!
24 September 2021 9:01
It's fun like any other go karting place. I think it's a little cheaper than some of the others in Montreal, but it's also a little rundown.
23 September 2021 16:43
Du plaisir assuré! J'ai accompagné mon ado et nous étions exténués après un bloc de 30 minutes. Je recommande de réserver votre visite une journée d'avance; nous avons eu de la chance de pouvoir nous joindre à un autre groupe.
12 September 2021 16:27
J'ai appellé pour demander si il est disponible 16h à 22h00 lendemain. La madame m'avait dit oui. J 'ai prepare lendemain longue distance mon travail plus 2h00 la route avec traffic puis j arrive et elle m a dit ce n avait plus disponsible. J ai perdu le temps pour rien.
11 September 2021 18:48
Came on Canada Day weekend with a few friends. Amazing track, and very friendly and supportive staff. They have a large screen in the track which displays lap times for each player and their positions which is incredible! The karts were very fast and I haven’t had any issues at all. Very positive experience and we’ll definitely be back there again!
11 September 2021 11:43
Fun place with friendly staff. Aaah the nice smell of fuel and rubber.

Arrive a bit early to use their tablets to enter your info/racing name.

Adult karts are great, perfect speed/acceleration for the size of the track. Daughter had a good time on her kart as well. And they also have a kart with a side seat for the younger ones. Used that last year and it was nice as well.
31 August 2021 16:18
We are 4 of our friends and we comes to kart pickup was good and driving seat is bit uneasy, but overall it is good experience
14 August 2021 20:17
Booked this place for a friend's bachelor party for 45 min each and it was amazing. Karts were fast. Proper instructions and training was provided. The track is fun and challenging.
04 August 2021 9:35
It was really fun and the staff was accommodating. Only negative was that the results were definitely not correct for the overall winner of the race seeing as I overlapped the #1 racer at least twice. Not a big deal but I am sore loser, especially when I actually won ahah
09 December 2020 13:06
J'étais dans le coin et avec mon conjoint on voulait faire une activité alors on a essayé le karting indoor et c'était vraiment sympa. Comme nous n'avions pas fait de réservation le seul créneau disponible était de 15 min mais c'était vraiment le fun. Il est conseillé de réserver pour pouvoir bloquer un créneau et en profiter d'avantage. C'est ce que je ferais la prochaine fois.
08 December 2020 11:37
Je suis allée 2 fois et 2 mauvaises expériences. Les gens de l'accueil sont professionnels et courtois. Mais les employés de la piste AUCUN RESPECT pour les clients. J'y étais samedi dernier, mais l'employé est venu conduire avec nous sur la piste, et me parlait d'une manière très arrogante. Je n'y retournerai plus jamais. On avait des cartes de 30 min il a mis 25min. Finalement on est même resté jusqu'à la fin car une expérience très décevante. PLUS JAMAIS
22 November 2020 15:21
I was quite unimpressed with the reservation process for groups under 8. I called to check availability at 3 and was told we can come as of 5: 30. Showed up at that time after a 30 minute drive to their location only to be told they’re fully booked and that they have no spots despite what I was told just a few hours earlier. I’m putting this review to warn groups under 8 of the potential disappointment and for karto-mania management to figure out a more respectful reservation system. Perhaps consider an online platform that can show people available spots or alternatively allow groups under 8 to reserve especially if your personnel are giving incorrect information on the phone.

Following my feedback above, the manager took the time to call me to help rectify my experience by offering us a free race with a reserved slot. I appreciate the offer and we enjoyed the experience and hope that karto-mania management figure out their reservation system in future to make it a pleasant experience for everyone.
01 May 2020 7:56
Lots of fun! Good track and karts were in good condition. Staff didn't mess about and got you running pretty quickly. Will be back for sure
22 April 2020 7:58
My son had the best time go karting.
The staff: Jonah and Azil were amazing with him. They gave him some good tips. The service
is terrific and we now have become regulars here. Go check it out for yourself!
03 April 2020 14:52
Had a group there for a birthday and we had a great time! Karts go fast and there is adequate safety equipment. I must thank the amazing staff who helped me book this. I had booked a group rate for the event, but the night before we had a crazy snowstorm. Some people bailed on me, the staff was understanding of the situation and I did not have to pay for the people who disnt show up. A big thanks and we will be back!
23 March 2020 12:32
Wow! First time on a go kart for me and it boy was it thrilling, my whole body was full of adrenaline after. The staff are nice and the rules are short. Definitely give this a try!
01 March 2020 10:03
Lot of fun! The only problem is that, as all fun stuff, time's too short! Nice cars, nice speedway, it's fun!
10 February 2020 18:06
Great fun for the whole family. They can accommodate younger kids in double karts with an adult or they have Children's karts for kids 8 and over or taller than 50". Very organized and clean with knowledgeable staff. Very highly recommended.
29 January 2020 4:46
Organisation déplorable, toutes les catégories en piste en même temps.un gars des pits dépassés par les événements et pas du tout compétent.
Bref à fuir, dommage la piste est sympa
27 January 2020 9:04
Less arcade games than before. However that isnt the purpose of being there. Hands down the best in montreal.
20 January 2020 6:25
The track has a nice layout wide enough for some interesting overtaking the karts are beautiful fully adjustable so that your knees are not in your chest and you have a comfortable race
29 December 2019 20:36
Always a great experience, very friendly and professional staff. Still the same fantastic atmosphere since going at a young age ️
25 December 2019 11:59
Good for the price. Track is a bit too short/small but the it was designed, for the layout I raced on, considerate enough to allow good racing. And it wasn't easy to get a full Qualy lap together nor overtake someone, due to both layout and the concrete surface, but this challenging aspect is fun too.
18 December 2019 21:38
First and last time there. We drive 30 min to get there (even when I have action 500 closer). Place is near orange line metro La Savane. I couldn't even ride since like the review before mentioned the place refuse reservation when there's less than 8 ppl (we were 4 adults and 1 kid). Prices are similar to the other karts places. I took the time to ask what time would be best to show up and the man on the phone said the later the best so pass 8.30pm you shouldn't wait long. Once we get there, it was 1h of waiting (the only good thing is that the lady mentioned this before paying AT LEAST). When I ask her how so we had to wait 1h when earlier a man specifically told me it wouldn't be that long, she obviously said there was nothing she could do and there was no guarantee of anything. Extremely DISAPPOINTED and frustrating. Place keeps apologizing without offering any real fix to something that keeps happening. I even wonder how come they still have customers. That's clearly a lack of managing and don't seem to care at all in offering a pleasant experience or good customer service.
08 December 2019 23:11
If you’re less than 8 people you can’t reserve, so you just have to show up and hope there is room. Calling ahead of time is unreliable since 8 people can reserve any time on top of walk ins. If you go, have a few hours free in the hopes of driving 10 minutes of fun.
06 December 2019 2:07
Went to Kart o Mania on a Friday evening, there were alot of people and the receptionist handled the crowd well, polite and organized. Within 30 min we were on the track after receiving very clear and detailed instructions on the do's and donts. The track was very well maintained and the air quality was amazing compared to all the other go kart places i had been to. We took the 15 min option and it was great. The cars at Kart o Mania are very well maintained and go pretty fast compared to other go kart businesses. The cars dont shake, the breaks work, very responsive, well maintained. The Referee on the track was amazing, giving the appropriate flag at the right time, making sure that everyone was safe and having fun at the same time. Im sold, im neever going anywhere else for go karting.
04 December 2019 12:12
SAVE YOUR MONEY & GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Came here with my friends but the man with a russian accent holding the flags was RUDE and VERY DISRESPECTFUL from the very beginning. He was like a bully yelling and embarrassing every single one us and ended up *** harassing*** my sister. I wish he gets fired because none of us or anyone I HOPE will ever come here.
28 November 2019 8:29
The worst stuff that I ve ever met in my whole life. Racist, childish, street language, unprofessionalism.even this experience would be free I'll not come back to this place again. I talked with the manager he apologized for his stuff behavior.but he refused to give us a refund
20 November 2019 11:02
Fantastic experience, better then I imagined it to be. Would certainly recommend for any family outing or friends night out.
19 November 2019 10:19
Terrible experience, 2.5 hour wait, payed for 30 min, raced for 15 and then was told we had to wait another hour to race the other 15. This is at 10: 40pm. Bad communication, false promises. And no refund for the 15 min that we could not wait for.
15 November 2019 19:25
Terrible experience waited over 2 hours just to drive for 15 minutes then had no time for our other 15 and wouldn’t refund us
10 November 2019 23:45
Horrible service.they make they’re money by kicking you out after signing there contract. The guy in charge did a horrible job by explaining us the rules.action 500 is much better
09 November 2019 7:57
Less than a start, very bad attitude from the flag guy towards my friend, he harassed her, physically took her out, the receptionist is awesome tho (get her raise)! Go to action 500 instead at least they have paint ball
08 November 2019 19:47
A bunch of scammers! The instructor doesn’t know how to speak a proper english due to a heavy accent. They kicked us out for not understanding the rules. I recommend action 500 over this place any day.
04 November 2019 17:20
Was there for 3 hours, paid $55 for 30 minutes and only got to drive 15 minutes. No refunds they said. I’m calling Visa for a chargeback immediately. Ask the staff what’s going on and they say “if you don’t like it then leave”
16 October 2019 15:42
Staff is really rude and racist and they couldn't even explain the rules clearly! Worst Karting Club Ive ever tried! And keep your apology for yourself!
27 September 2019 12:45
We did a collaboration with Kart-O-Mania for a fundraising event and it was a success. They made us feel like home and the staff were extremely helpful. We have nothing but love and respect for the entire Kart-O-Mania team. We look forward to working with them again.
03 September 2019 14:01
The best go karting place on the island of Montreal. Staff are very professional and can handle any situation with ease. Track Marshalls are very firm and make the rules and regulations very clear for everyone to understand. Very friendly, clean and professional environment. Lots of fun for children and adults alike, 10/10 would recommend kart-o-mania to anyone who wants to go kart.

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