08 October 2023 0:22
Excellent service de livraison! Produit à prix imbattable: poudre de moringa, de Nia, 454gr!
Merci à: La boîte à grains
14 September 2023 21:43
C’est ma deuxième expérience en peux de temps, service impeccable livraison rapide un retour assurément.
23 June 2023 19:33
Worker was following and stocking me watching me each isle. Felt like I was getting harassed. Never come back for bananas
15 June 2023 22:22
Commande en ligne, pas reçu le bon produit on me demande de retourner le produit à mes frais. Tellement déçu du service. C'était ma dernière commande, plus jamais!
23 March 2022 19:13
They sell products very close to expiration or expired and when you try to return they refuse stating it is expired and cannot resell. They brand themselves as Healthy but they manufacture products that are not organic containing pesticides and other harmful substances. Their personnel has high turnover due to very poor working conditions. Worst of Gatineau on this type of store. They do not care about health, just pure good profit for them
Thank you for taking the time to write this review. Unfortunately, behaving belligerently towards our staff and leaving poor reviews won’t change the fact that we don’t offer refunds on meat 12 days after expiration and 20 days after the original purchase.

Wishing you all the best,

Alexandre – Director General
What an honor Mr DG, defending your employees with minimal wages.they are professionals and the former Sol treated them with respect and decent benefits. You are greedy and pay minimal wages, we as clients witness the high turnover. Can you live with minimal wages?

You are also misguiding about your policy response, this one was not related to fresh meat, so does not apply, Products that any company sell with minimum 6 months of shell life you sell them at full price expiring one week after? Your refusal shows that this was not an error, that is your internal non written policy to push useless products on full price to clients so they have to write them down, not you, pure profit!

You call your stores "Health" misguiding clients
A more accurate name is The Greedy Box, showing lack of respect for clients, employees and also community: we notice too you have taken down dozens of craft good quality products from artisans replacing them for big company cheaper high profitable items Greedy Store

This is a free country and you are allowed to make the business decisions that you like, but do not lie to us, we notice it
Since now on I will make sure all my family, friends and friends of a friend know your real practices. Have you gained 36 dollars for your company? Good management skills Mr DG
Until next review
The Greedy Store fan
13 February 2022 4:43
I miss SOL! I am a long time customer of over 15 yrs, used to get items I couldn't find at La boite a grain and several items were better priced.

Now that it's under La boite a grains's ownership, I can't find the many things that used to be vaulable and the prices have gone up so much!

Miss the small town feeling of Sol and their friendliness
11 August 2021 12:42
Très heureuse que le nouveau propriétaire (La Boîte à grains) ait conservé la section de produits en vrac! J'y vais surtout pour cela; un bon choix environnemental. De plus, on y trouve de nouveaux produits et de meilleurs prix depuis que l'épicerie a pris de l'expansion.
18 May 2021 7:15
Limited selection and grossly overpriced supplements; purchased digestive enzymes out of necessity, will not buy anything there again (101.5% more than my regular online vendor!)
04 April 2021 8:19
Je connais très bien l'épicerie Sol (nouvellement Boîte à grains) que je fréquente régulièrement. Produits naturels de qualité, choix intéressant, employés sympathiques et compétents, excellents conseils. Un endroit incontournable pour les gens soucieux de leur santé!
27 September 2020 12:35
It took them less than 30 sec to find all the products I needed. They know their stuff and the staff is super nice:) Cheers.
27 September 2020 9:58
J'aime bien ce magasin santé, je ne peux y aller trop souvent faute de sous mais c'est une belle trouvaille et une bonne addition pour Aylmer qui se fait souvent pointé du doigt avec peu de services.
La proprio est naturopathe alors c'est un plus!

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