07 January 2024 16:56
Went there for a recall. The staff is very friendly and professional, and they took me at my appointment time and finished with 45 minutes.
07 January 2024 8:37
Département de service incompétent et en plus ils osent manquer de respect a leurs clients. J'ai jamais vu un si grand manque de professionalisme dans une banniere que ca soit honda ou autre. La direction devrait passer une journée au departement de service voir comment ca se passe.
16 December 2023 18:52
J'ai eu un service impeccable de la part de Jonathan, Leah et Francis! Ils savent mettre en confiance, super transparent, adoré mon expérience, ainsi que ma nouvelle voiture!
13 December 2023 0:32
Malheureusement, j’ai été extrêmement déçu de mon expérience surtout avec le gérant. J’ai acheté une voiture usagée 33 km chez Honda Lallier Montréal en 2020. En décembre 2022, la vitre arrière a éclaté spontanément sans cause. La personne au département de services m’a dit que ceci n’était pas normal. J’ai fait réparé la vitre chez Honda Lallier Montréal et payé la réparation tout en entreprenant mes démarches auprès de Honda Canada avec l’aide de Honda Lallier pour me faire rembourser pour ce défaut de fabrication. Lorsque Honda Canada a rejeté ma réclamation, le gérant de Honda Lallier (un concessionnaire, vendeur professionnel selon la LPC et aussi responsable que le fabricant) s’est empressé de me dire qu’il n’était pas responsable et ne me devait rien! Après avoir fait réparer ma voiture chez eux … c’est insultant!
20 September 2023 17:46
Bad customer service from the lady on the phone. I was serious about a purchase and called to continue shopping. They ask on the site to put the information needed and that they will call, they called and were super rude about responding my questions, like I want to buy but they don’t want to sell. The lady was very condescending. While I put a list of my questions in my requests she wanted to waste my time by being arrogant about me repeating ALL that I have already written. As a law student I really don’t have this kind of time to waste and to deal with condescending people.

Everything was ready for me to buy so really missed an opportunity
15 September 2023 10:18
Je tiens a faire cette publication paracerque j'estime que quand vous vous rendez a un endroit pour obtenir satisfaction et que vous en ressortez satisfait au-delà de vos espérances la moindre des choses c’est de dire Merci.
En effet de mon arrivée a Lallier Montréal il y'a de cela 3 semaines jusqu'a la réception de mon véhicule vendredi dernier je suis plus que satisfait de l'excellent service a la clientèle dont dispose Lallier Honda Montréal, de la personne qui a pris mon rendez vous et a fais le suivi pour que je m'y rende effectivement: Annie Claude Gendron, en passant par la jeune demoiselle a l'accueil qui m’a reçu et diriger vers Omar Mansouri qui lui m'a après diriger vers Carl Hachem.
Carl Hachem qui presque 30 minutes après mon entrée dans son bureau avait déjà la solution a mon problème.wow voila l'exemple type de ce que on appelle Travaille d'équipe, chaque personne a jouer sa partition a merveille.
Cependant je fais ce commentaire spécialement pour un commercial que je trouve excellent et ceci a tous point de vue: Mr Omar Mansouri.
Toujours disponible, a l’écoute, toujours en train de chercher à trouver une solution aux multiples interrogations et surtout aux exigences que j'avais émise afin de prendre mon véhicule.
Il a même accédé à une demande qui était importante pour moi le vendredi jour de livraison.
En effet ne pouvant pas prendre l'autoroute après ma sortie de travail avec un véhicule avec lequel je n'ai pas fais plus d'une heure de test et ne me sentant pas SECURITAIRE dans le fait de monter a 100 a l'heure a l'heure de point et sur un véhicule auquel je suis encore en train de me familiariser.
Mr Omar Mansouri, après son travail 18 h à laisser son véhicule au travail t m'a conduit de LAVAL a LASALLE dans mon propre véhicule jusqu'à la porte de mon domicile.on parle de plus d'une heure de trajet avec le gps qui nous a même égarer une fois.lool
J'ai pu me rendre compte que ne dehors de ses grandes qualités humaines c’est aussi un excellent conducteur qui a une maitrise parfaite du code de la route et j'ai eu droit a une vrai teste en grandeur nature de mon véhicule.
Je tiens par ce témoignage a lui dire un seul mot: MERCI
Merci beaucoup d'avoir supporté mes caprices de client jusqu’au bout.
Je suis plus que satisfait
Nb: je n'ai pas parler du vehicule mais il est tellement beau que je prefere ne pas diffuser sa photo.mdr
connectez vous en ligne et vous vous rendrez compte par vous memes de ce que cette entreprise offre comme vehicule.de la tres bonne qualité en tout cas
02 September 2023 11:55
I had a great experience with Lallier.
I bought my car with Omar and he was great, very patient, answered all my questions and always had a smile. I picked up my new car and it was clean and full tank! Thank you Omar for your great job!
30 July 2023 7:52
Terrible sales and customer service representatives.

Sold me a $25,000 used car without the fluids topped after I asked and been assured multiple times it was done.

A week in and my windshield washer fluid is out with minimal use; no big deal, I filled it myself.

Fast forward 2 months and during the hotter months my A/C is not working. I see that my coolant is at MIN, but don't fill it up incase there is a leak. I call them for help and am recommended to have it inspected. Turns out the issue is my vehicle was simply out of coolant, no leak at all, which means the coolant must have evaporated. So in the 2 months I owned my vehicle, all the coolant in the tank has "magically evaporated".

Now Honda Lallier is refusing to cover the ~$350 charge for the inspection and filling of my coolant, explaining that it is my own problem since the car has been in my possession for more than a month. Nevermind the fact that I purchased my car when there was still snow on the ground and thus could not test the A/C without actually opening up the hood. I am being told I should have brought back my car right away; however, after purchasing a vehicle, with every possible insurance and guarantee, it is not my first thought as an ordinary person to pop open the hood and inspect the inner workings of my car for faults. It was sold and advertised as working, but simply was not.

I am now going through the agonizing process of dealing with the Director of Sales and Director of Service, being told off, and having them refuse to cooperate.

Do not conduct any business with this place. They will deceive and make a quick buck out of you. They do not care about customers wants/needs.
If things go even slightly wrong with a vehicle you will face an incredible amount of pushback. Save yourselves the trouble of dealing with greedy executives and try someplace else.
25 July 2023 16:22
Purchased a Honda Civiv coupe 2017 for 20k when I picked up the car the sales contract said all liquids were topped up. We asked repeatedly if this was done when picking up the car. They kept repeatedly saying yes. Fast forward 2 months later when we actually need AC in the car and it's not functioning Was told to go to Honda to have it checked it would be covered through Honda extended warranty to find out that the test at Honda revealed the freon was never topped up and had evaporated now we need to pay 350$ for the test and liquid and they wash their hands with the responsibility. Beware that they seem to be all about quantity sold not at all for quality. It also took 2 weeks to get someone to call us back. Very unsatisfied. Service horrible and very arrogant. I won't be shopping there again for sure! How you can make this the client's fault when you reassured us MULTIPLE TIMES that all liquids were checked and past all inspection when it is obviously not the case as confirmed by a Honda dealership other than them. Awful for treating customers like this. After speaking to 2 directors about it no one could help. It's our problem! Don't be foolish stay away.
03 July 2023 0:53
Omar un tres bon service clientele, je recommande a 100% et tres aimables, tres efficaces. Tres bon vendeur.
15 June 2022 4:52
Je ne ferais jamais affaire avec Eux, tout est nul et aucune expérience ils achète ta voiture très mal et ils reventes très chère à une autre personne. J’ai acheté la voiture de 2015 même pas une semaine la voiture commence à faire trop de bruit à l’intérieur et je prends rendez-vous plus de 4 fois que la voiture est déjà réparé mais ça donne toujours trop de bruit à l’intérieur de tous les façons je fais plus jamais affaire avec eux 0 à la base et manque de respect à la réception aussi.
22 May 2022 12:31
Gabriella provided above and beyond service, answered all of my questions and made herself available afterwards. I couldn’t ask for more.
11 May 2022 20:02
Belle prise en charge des la réception jusqu’à la livraison

Les explications de l’équipe de vente étaient claires et cohérentes

Un service personnalisé et professionnel

Je serai un ambassadeur et vous recommande cette firme pour votre véhicule!
02 May 2022 9:46
I want to share my experience I had with Tuan, he was just excellent, he was very professional and took his time to help. Always polite and following up with me! He did his best to get me a great price for a Honda CRV. It was a pleasure being severed by Tuan, highly recommend!
02 May 2022 8:25
Merci à Alexandre et sa merveilleuse équipe pour leur service haut de gamme. Ils nous ont beaucoup rassurés dans cette importante transaction. Et aussi Alexandre est beau bonhomme
14 April 2022 22:41
Bel accueil, bon staff! On n’oublie que l’on fait une grosse dépense tellement ils sont gentils et professionnels!
13 April 2022 8:18
Excellent Service, très courtois et transparent, bien accompagné dans le processus avec les différentes options pour le financement du véhicule.je le recommande fortement
12 April 2022 0:11
Horrible service. I booked an appointment for my grandfather to go see a car on monday for the tuesday evening. I arrive to the appointment on the tuesday night, just to be told they sold the car two days ago. Not only did they know that the car was sold when I made the appointment, but they didn't even have the audacity to call and cancel the appointment and then they proceeded to tell me that it was my fault because I did not leave a down payment before coming to SEE the car. Not buy the car, but to see it and test drive it.
31 March 2022 17:19
Bought a car here and traded in mine. The service was exceptional, from Chantal at reception, to Annie serving me for the new car I was looking to purchase. Annie took care of me from start to finish, I can't recommend her enough- she was awesome, and didn't cut any corners.

Carl from finance and Gabrielle in delivery were also exceptional. Quality service and quality people like this are hard to come by. Will definitely be reaching out to them again for my next car

Thank you Team Lallier!
23 February 2022 6:20
Horrible customer service, the people who are in parts and service give terrible service, bad experience of going to Honda, I do not recommend going to Lallier Honda Montreal, they do not give guarantees for the new parts.
15 January 2022 8:45
Si je pouvais mettre 0 je le ferais. Le rapport Carfax indiquait un odomètre deux fois plus élevé que sur le site de Lallier. Semblerait que c'était seulement une erreur, selon un des représentants.je ne ferai jamais affaire avec ce concessionnaire. Avis aux intéressés.
28 December 2021 16:43
Thank you Yannick for the amazing customer service. I highly recommend to come and ask for Yannick.
17 December 2021 19:16
Merci à Tuan-Hien Tran pour l’excellent service et pour l’accueil chaleureux. Connaisseur et professionnel!
11 December 2021 9:24
Service après vente horrible. Après 4jours mon véhicule faisait du bruit sans arrêt (moteur). J'ai pris un RDV avec le SERVICE le 5 octobre 2021 à 16h mais comme il y avait du trafic sur la rue Gouin à cause des constructions j'ai eu 19min de retard (j'ai appelé pour les aviser et ils m'ont dit que c'était OK) mais arrivé sur place on m'a très mal parlé, on m'a dit qu'on ne voulait pas me prendre au cause du retard. La Réceptionniste m'a dit et je site: 《madame vous avez quand même 45min de retard, on peut pas vous prendre 》. Par la suite un monsieur qui travaille au garage m'a dit 《tu ira à l'hôpital en retard pour voir s'il vont te prendre 》. J'ai donc laissé ma voiture au garage pareil pour qu'ils puissent s'en occuper quand ils auront le temps et avant de partir le même monsieur à crier en arrière EN FRAPPANT LE COMPTOIR 《ouin c'est ça decawlisse》 devant tout le monde, même le superviseur et personne à rien fait. C'était le 5 Octobre 2021 vers 4h19 (preuve en photo de mon arrivée car j'ai photographié ma voiture à mon arrivée)

Il n'ont quand même pas réglé le problème parce qu'il disent que c'est rien de dangereux et ils m'ont conseillé d'aller voir dans un autre garage pour le faire réparer alors que je paye pour une garantie prolongée sur le véhicule avec eux!
07 December 2021 10:13
Horrible service from the lady in the service department. She did not care at all about anything, not even a smile on her face as if she was a receptionist and not a “customer service rep” when asked to go in the back, I went no one was there, so drove back in the front, she came knocking at my window upset saying “I told you to go all the way in the back of the building! ” Never again…. She did nothing to help, her answer was always “no, no, no I can’t” without finding a between for me and what works best for me. She thinks she’s working at a Walmart, but yet she’s dealing with people who spend over 20 000$+ vehicles, I should’ve gotten her name! I was shook by the service she had given me! I work in customer service myself for many years… and she is by far the worst I’ve seen, she does not care about her job at all, does not try to meet customer satisfaction at all. Very disappointed.
13 November 2021 3:12
I had the pleasure to buy my first Accord today at Honda Lallier, and it was a wonderful experience. Led by the very knowledgeable Mr Naoum, I got to meet the Honda team, and they gave me a memorable service. Thank you
08 November 2021 17:57
Be careful of this dealer! For example you finance for 6 years (72 months). After first payment immediately at Honda so it remains 71 more payments, and they write 71 payment from this date to that date, but by counting the beginning date to last date that mentioned on your contract, excluding the immediate payment there, you will see it is 72 payment instead of 71. This is the trick they did for me to manipulate and get one extra payment in their packet. Here the pic:
23 October 2021 17:44
Excellent service at Honda Lallier! Wendell is helpful & accomodating; David knows his stuff and is on the ball & Marie-Eve takes the time to explain / answer questions. These three individuals are not only experts in what they do but they were kind and patient and professional. They exude positive energy, and it was a pleasure dealing with them. Thank you!
22 October 2021 1:26
Excellent team and wonderful customer service. I recommend Tran Tuan to be your sales consultant, he has great service sense and will go the extra miles to make the customer experience even better!
10 October 2021 10:02
Great staff…met manager last week (Arian), very knowledgeable and customer service oriented. Truly above and beyond. I strongly recommend this dealership for your next purchase.
03 October 2021 1:24
I agree with all the 1 star reviews this HONDA DEALER is the biggest scammers. They mess up your cars! Since 2016 they scammed us with their useless warranty Kevin Francois Alex trust none of them.
They damage your car and then say your car need repair HONDA CANADA NEEDS TO Shot THEM DOWN! ASAP!
28 September 2021 11:03
Bad experience with them: My car is under warranty. I went to them and I had a crackling sound in the axle, right and left. After waiting for more than two hours, they told me that the car was ready and it was repaired, but unfortunately the sounds were the same, The axle was replaced from the left side only, and I received the car in a scratch from the front bumper. They disconnected my dash cams to stop recording! And play with it!
16 August 2021 21:21
One of the worst dealers in Montreal. “Your reputation proceeds you” that is so true for this dealership and it’s sales persons.

They made me signed the lease contract for new Civic and got the deposit from me and then very next day told me that the Car is not available anywhere in its dealership across Quebec. How could you made me signed the contract if you didn’t have a car available for sale.

Imagine, what would they have done if I had to canceled the deal for some reason!

After that we came to an agreement for another car at a certain Price but again the very next day, just before signing the contract told me that the manager wants to increase the price for the car.

They are not reliable and trustworthy at all.
15 August 2021 10:33
Great experience, Amazing service at the service department! Especially Technical advisor. She took care of my Honda Pilot and provided 5-star service at every step!
28 July 2021 23:47
Went to have front suspension repaired on honda fit 2007.they call me back to say they won't have the parts for 8 weeks and it would cost 2500$. Told them to forget it. Went to small garage recommended to me by a friend, They got the parts 2 days later and charged me 800 $ granted they don’t have wi fi and a nice, clean waiting room but they did the job. A 200 $ difference would be normal, but 1700 $ more? On top of that they refused to offer me a drive home (which they use to) and claimed they had no available courtesy vehicle (I could spot at least 1 in the parking lot). Then they call me 4 hours later to say they can't have the parts for 8 weeks. Talk about not wanting my business, they made it clear with that quote that I would never return there, My experience there is my own. I can only speak for myself. For a long time I was a satisfied customer, but a 1700$ difference on a relatively simple job (front shock absorber replacement) ? Same thing happened with my insurance company, long time client, let’s raise the price for no reason I found a better deal and saved 500$.
Do some shopping and research before you commit.
I gave 2 stars for the past experiences, otherwise I would have given 1
28 July 2021 13:55
Le stationnement est laid en sale raboteux et pleins de trous le stationnement pour aller aux pieces et a la carrosserie.
26 July 2021 13:29
I bought a Honda recently from here and I was really impressed with the service I received from Francois Joly, the lovely woman at the front desk and the sales manager! Thank you Lallier Honda for a pleasant experience!
16 July 2021 8:28
Je vous déconseille très fortement ce concessionnaire. Il achète très très très mal votre auto quand vous voulez en prendre une neuve. Votre nouvelle auto n'est pas prête le jour de la prise de possession. Le pire, il vous le cache en prétextant des arguments fallacieux. Ce concessionnaire n'est donc pas crédible.
11 June 2021 0:31
Poor customer service. I had to take in my care for maintenance. They told me it was going to take all day. When I called to book my appointment they failed to tell to find other ways of transportation as they dont give out courtesy cars.there the rep made no effort to help me.
Money is their bottom line, with zero concern for customers satisfaction.
What type of dealership doesn't provide courtesy cars to customers when they need them.
I will be finding another dealership to do business with.
21 January 2020 12:59
From beginning to end, the service was awesome. A very special thanks goes out to Jamil and Vanessa for their exceptional service. You guys are awesome! Thank you once again for making my experience at Honda Lallier a positive one.
15 January 2020 18:15
Recently bought a used Honda Fit from here. Car seems to be fine after a couple of months but the customer service experience was lacking in attention to detail. I had the following issues during my dealings with Lallier Honda (more or less ordered from most to least serious) :

1) They knew I was taking the car to Ontario for safety and registration but didn't fill in and sign the Quebec certificat d'immatriculation. Had the lady at Service Ontario not been kind, I would have had to drive all the way back to Montreal. This is completely unacceptable.

2) The Lallier '200000km/10 year powertrain warranty' was a selling point for me but I didn't receive any paperwork for this until I asked for it. When I did get it, it states that in order to be eligible, EVERY bit of work has to be carried out by them, even oil changes. For someone living in Kingston, ON this is completely useless and I felt it was deceitful to use it as something of value to me.

3) It was a certified used vehicle, yet the right wing mirror was faulty. Replaced under the 1-month warranty but should have been detected before I took the vehicle. I had to ask 3 times by email to make sure the repair would be carried out under warranty - that's not a language issue, it's a lack of attention to detail.

4) The car was not cleaned properly (food remains and a glovebox full of dust). This was remedied when I complained.

5) The car did not come with a full tank of gas, as promised. This was remedied when I complained.

6) Battery was flat when I got it (car started but then I stopped it to work out my route to Ontario, after which it didn't start again and needed a jump). Don't hand over a car with a flat battery to a customer!

7) Even little things like having 4 screws instead of 2 on my front and rear licence plate holders so that they don't rattle had to be asked for.

In summary, I bought a decent car at a not too inflated price and with the peace of mind that they had (mostly) checked that it wasn't a lemon. I got free muffins and coffee, big smiles and was called 'sir' to within an inch of my life by the service guys, making me FEEL special. But with all the issues I experienced, I realised I wasn't actually that special at all to them and they just wanted me to pay the money and get out as fast as possible without noticing where they had cut corners. Disappointing.
03 January 2020 3:21
Je suis très satisfait de ma visite chez Honda lallier. Jai eu la chance de recevoir un service impeccable par Mr. Cooper Nadeau sa patience ainsi que sont expertise m’ont impressionné!
02 January 2020 22:32
Amazing service from John Kalamvokis! He was really knowledgeable and thorough when answering all my questions, thank you for your great service!
29 December 2019 9:08
Purchased a car with the help of Cooper Nadeau. He was very helpful and I was very at ease choosing my car with his assistance.
28 December 2019 20:58
Had awesome service from John K. Very informative and patient! I will definitely be recommending him to my friends and family!
25 December 2019 10:16
J’ai adoré mon expérience, j’ai reçu un accueil courtois et on n’a répondu à toutes mes questions merci à Thomas qui m’a très bien conseillé!
23 December 2019 22:57
Un des pires concessionnaires que je suis jamais aller de ma vie le service est extrêmement mauvais. On a attendu longtemps avant de ce faire servir, on dirait qu’ils nous fuit. Si jamais vous cherchez pour une honda surtout n’aller pas ici je le DECONSEILLE fortement. Si j’aurais l’option de mettre 0 étoiles je l’aurais fait depuis longtemps.
23 December 2019 6:54
Mon vendeur Cooper m'a beaucoup aider tout au long de ma recherche automobile, content d'avoir fait affaire avec Honda Lallier Montreal!
20 December 2019 10:18
Super service, très professionnel. J’ai été reçu par Cooper Nadeau qui a su bien répondre à toutes mes questions.
20 December 2019 0:58
Great place to get a car - service with a smile. My visit today was for service - quick efficient and friendly.
19 December 2019 9:06
I went to pick my winter tires so i showed up and the guy put the tires in my trunk, when i got home i found out they gave me the wrong tires.i was not happy at all.i went back next day! Problem resolved in a professional manner! The staff were very friendly they even installed my tires for free. Great customer service!
18 December 2019 12:50
Great dealer experience, Cooper was my salsman. He knew his product very well and helped me with my purchase.
17 December 2019 15:29
Looking for a Honda, go see John Kalamvokis. Very patient and knowledgeable to get you what you need.
12 December 2019 2:22
Je me suis présentée pour acheter un Honda. Un vendeur un peut âgée et de grande tail m'a accueillie
Devant la porte. Il m'a dit tout cours (j'ai rien pour toi).
08 December 2019 19:20
Très belle expérience pour la deuxième fois en même pas 5 ans. J'ai renouvelé ma location et J ai changé de modèle sous les recommandations du vendeur et du directeur et le choix est parfait pour mes attentes.
Bref le tout s'est fait à la perfection jusqu'à la livraison et même les pneus d'été ont été entreposé jusqu'à la prochaine saison.
Bravo à cette équipe pour leur travail remarquable
07 December 2019 21:18
The place is nice friendly staff. The salesman John Kalamvokis was amazing. Really helpful and knowledgeable.
04 December 2019 23:33
Great service, I bought a car from Cooper Nadeau. He was the best salesman I have ever had! Will be going back for my next vehicle!
03 December 2019 23:00
Pour le meilleur vendeur, les meilleurs conseilles et le meilleur service, aller voir Thomas Larose Pedneault!
29 November 2019 7:22
Love the service, very knowledgeable. I would recommend John Kalamvokis to anyone looking to buy or lease.
29 November 2019 5:59
Je recommande beaucoup cet endroit, très propre. Demander Thomas Larose Pedneault, très bon service!
29 November 2019 0:03
Le service et le professionnalisme impeccable. Je recommande ce concessionnaire à tout le monde. Demander Thomas pour avoir le meilleur vendeur!
24 November 2019 21:40
5 stars for an outstanding customer service. A day that could have ended with lots of frustrations. Thank you Alex and Randy for being empathetic. My dad was very happy! R

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