11 November 2023 21:42
J'ai eu une chirurgie pour hernie inguinale, super travail de toute l'équipe, le chirurgien Mr. Cassandre est un pro. Merci.

Tout était parfait, ponctualité, gentillesse du personnel.
07 November 2023 22:24
The wait time is disappointing. If you do not have an emergency you will be waiting for a really long time. 12hr minimum
Your better off at a clinic.
29 September 2023 7:32
Arrivée à 21h à l’hôpital. Triage et inscription rapide. 3 personnes dans la salle d’attente et il est minuit, les 3 personnes avant ont été appelées … depuis 22h aucun appel, pas d’information concernant la priorité et le temps de passage … aucune information alors que ma mère a une très grande douleur et une jambe qui fait que gonfler … aucun médecin et infirmier de disponible alors que nous sommes seuls en salle d’attente. Pire que l’hôpital du Lakeshore à Pointe claire
04 September 2023 1:27
Very fast service. I just needed a tentenus vacation durring Labor Day Weekend 2023.

Thank you!
03 September 2023 8:07
DO NOT BRING ANYONE HERE FOR EMERGENCY! I called the ambulance for my 78yr old mother due to pain and numbness in her arm. They took her to the lasalle emergency where we were left with no instructions or any type of guidance, and we never saw a doctor. We were told by the worker, who does nothing more than take your medicare card info, that they have no idea when the doctor will see anyone and that's its based on the doctors choice. They have no list, no communication with the doctor (s). If u have a question, get ready to just be given a blank stare and attitude.
No number to take, no screen to follow with.it's not based on who comes in, or even who is in more crucial state. In addition, the intercom is barely understandable (echo, too loud, lady talks too fast) so if you have trouble figuring out what name they called. Goodluck, cuz apparently, the worker doesn't have a clue either, so if u were called but aren't sure.there's no one to ask, even if it just happened. If u ask about it, be prepared to just get yelled at, as apparently they cannot simply go to the back and ask. Absolutely no humanity can be found there. We waited 5 hours and then left and went to the Jewish.it was like night and day. Totally organized. You take a number and sit.your number is called. If u missed the call, it's on the screen. You are treated like a fellow human being at the Jewish. The service at the Jewish was impeccable. Moral of the story, DO NOT TAKE YOUR LOVED ONE TO LASALLE HOSPITAL FOR EMERGENCY. Absolutely repulsive, they should be shut down as soon as possible as their neglect and lack of care can really hurt someone.
21 August 2023 11:11
Worst worst worst hospital. First of all they don't have any doctor for children. Secondly, the wait period is more than 5hrs. Today my daughter has high fever, stomach pain and an eye infection. They dont care and told me wait wait and only wait. My daughter is just 3yrs old and can't stay in emergency for whole day. She was not treated for her sickness. When I asked than they told me they have only 1 doctor in entire hospital. The doctor decides whom he wanna see first. During my waiting period, I have seen lots people get treated even after they have less priority. This lasalle hospital is only hospital close to my home. In montreal, it is prohibited to see a doctor in clinic if you dont have family physician. On top of, you will not get any family doctor atleast for 3-5 years. In nut shell, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SICK BUT YOU HAVE TO PAY TAXES TO FILL POCKETS OF ALL HEALTH EMPLOYEES (INCLUDING DOCTORS)
07 August 2023 8:57
Sadly, I don't believe they know what they are doing in that hospital either due to no communication, not enough experience, or they just don't care.my father went in at the beginning of April of this year and was told to expect a call for a colonoscopy and, to this day, has not received any confirmation. Still having complications and the health issue has only worsened. They will leave your family members suffering or, even worse, before giving them the help they deserve. But the hospital looks clean, and I guess the appearance is all the matters.
20 July 2023 14:43
Been here since 2AM nobody left in the waiting room at 5AM but they still didn't call me. People coming in at 7AM were called at 8 am. I was told they must have been worst than me.
13 July 2023 4:25
If I could put zero I would, first waited two hours to see triage, im all for waiting. When I got into triage to talk to the nurse, before even taking my blood pressure or even anything. He looked at me and said you don’t look sick enough to be here, it’s better to look up for the clinic in the morning. If I stay here I will be waiting until the morning, because I don’t look serious

Now I am at sta Mary’s still with high fever and the doctors and nurses treated me like a human! And that just because it does not look like it does not mean nothing is happening
21 June 2023 12:30
Mal organisation j’ai amené le neveu de ma femme pour une urgence on a attendu 11 hr pour être vu par un médecin. Il y avait seulement 15 ou 16 personnes devant nous
03 June 2023 1:21
Urgence vide. Vraiment le site qui dit le délais des urgences a tout faux. De plus a la radiologiste tu attend car tout le monde en pause (en soirée)
07 May 2023 12:29
Il y a 4 ans que j'ai accouché a cet hôpital

- Ont oubliés de nettoyer la chambre après accouchement
- On ne m'a pas retiré l'épidural, on m'a juste oublié après l'accouchement, douleurs pendants plusieurs mois.
- Gynécologue qui me disait de me fermer la gueule et d'arrêter de faire l'enfant pendant que jaccouchais.
- Une infirmière qui met la pression pour prendre epidural et qui menace de retourner a la maison si ça fait pas
- J'avais les seins gercés d'eczéma et on me disait ça va passer mais j'ai finalement eu besoin d'une crème spéciale.

J'ai regretté de ne pas avoir avoir choisi Sainte-Justine
28 April 2023 16:51
Une hôpital de m.rd.
Le personnel est pathétique, ont les nerfs à vife, ils ont vraiment l’air de détester leur jobs.
Sans parler d’un certain garde de sécurité qui perd son sang froid et en vien à menacer un patient en chaise roulante. Vraiment de ne recommande pas cette hôpital!
15 April 2023 8:35
Worst, worst service … i waited 8 hours in the waiting room…. And that day i lost my first child (miscarriage) in the hospital…. Nobody is listening nothing nothing nothing please don’t come if you are pregnant in this hospital……. Heartbreaking ️‍?
02 February 2023 12:23
Je ne sais pas pour le reste de l’hôpital, mais moi et ma femme ont eu un service exceptionnel par tout le personnel de l’unité de naissance. Chambre privé, personnel super compétent, empathique, patient et bienveillant. Merci et bravo à tous pour votre travail impeccable.
Seul truc à améliorer:

L’anesthésiologiste présent la nuit du 15 novembre 2022 a besoin de développer ses compétences interpersonnelles. Un robot sans coeur, il a stressé ma blonde et elle garde encore des souvenirs très amers des interactions avec lui. C’est bien d’être un médecin spécialiste, mais vous travaillez avec des humains, docteur, pas des machines.
11 January 2023 2:01
La pire urgence du monde.c'est comme si médecin et infirmier s'entendent pour ne voir personne et dire que l'urgence est remplie, , jusqu'à ce que les patients se découragent et rentrent à la maison. Plus de 12h d'attente, ça n'a aucun sens.
Ne vous rendez jamais dans cette hôpital en urgence. JAMAIS! Du gros n'importe quoi
03 January 2023 2:56
They are literally in the business of misdiagnosing and killing people. Complete an utter incompetence. Every level from nurses to doctors. If you don’t like your job find something else that doesn’t involve people’s lives.
25 December 2022 0:39
Là docteur Gabrielle côte poirier ses de l’or en barre très minutieuse et dévouée elle est simplement extraordinaire avec mon papa merci d’exister Paul robertson
15 December 2022 19:23
We are waiting from 1pm afternoon and now time is 6: 30 am we are waiting from almost 14 hours worst hospital ever i never come here again i pay emergency fee 1056$ here nobody talk properly saff is soo rude
27 November 2022 12:02
Worse hospital ever the receptionist is incredibly rude and the doctor acts like a know it all when he does nothing to help with my problems (says nothing is wrong with you go home) mean while I’m stumbling my way out the hospital with dizziness. It also was freezing in there and they didn’t want to provide a blanket (just in case I steal it) unbelievable
16 November 2022 19:06

If I could put zero stars I would.

Longest wait times and very unforgiving staff. Zero kindness or empathy towards people. Don’t waste your time coming here unless you want to be in unfit hands and merciless staff.
18 October 2022 16:44
Been waiting here for 15 hours already and have yet to see a doctor or nurse outside of triage. They haven’t called a name into any of the rooms for 4 hours and when i ask whats going on they tel me that its because they are booked with people from the ambulances. Funny part is i have been sitting here with the ambulance drivers for the last 2 and a half hours and they haven’t moved.

There was a woman who came into the emergency and collapsed on the floor and as soon as they called their “code blue” 13 nurses/doctors came running and were there in less than a minute… want to tell me they weren’t standing around in the back doing nothing?

This hospital is by far the worst hospital i have ever been to in my life. Avoid it at all costs

Update: 21 hours later i saw someone who barely did a check up and just prescribed me with multiple meds
14 October 2022 16:16
I was in the emergency of this hospital at 9 pm and left at 1 am because simply no one was working.there should only be 1 doctor who called patients every 50 minutes.no one gave us any support, no attention.an absurdity.very bad service.the emergency had 5 people and still, no one was called.
02 October 2022 17:01
J’attends depuis 3h30pm la veille et il est présentement minuit. Sans voir de médecin. Épouvantablement long
01 October 2022 22:44
Incompetent workers. You go there and they don’t want to know nothing would give 0 stars if I could. Charged 8$ for parking yet refused to do their job. If you need to go to a hospital make the drive to the MUHC it’s more worthwhile than this place not to mention they keep you there and last minute tell you they don’t wanna do nothing. Horrible staff.
28 September 2022 19:42
The first time I was there was actually quite fine, i was well attended and given a lot of support with my pain. I was admitted to observation without question and was helped beyond what i had expected considering the reviews.

I'm pretty sure there are some people that get treated well, but the amount of abuse I've experienced is too egregious to even recommend going there for a bad cold.

25 September 2022 12:26
Je mettais foulée la cheville et on m’a envoyer à l’hôpital des enfants car il y avait plus de membre
23 September 2022 5:57
My father had a terrible car accident that made his car flipped upside down. He was brought to the ER and had him wait over triage. I told him to ask some pain medication for his injured arm while waiting and the nurse did not even give him any medication. We stayed there from 4pm to 11pm and still nothing. Tip: Don't go to this hospital. You have better chance to be seen on other hospitals faster than here. You see why this hospital was rated very low.
19 September 2022 8:21
If you ever feel useless, just know that this hospital exists. Do yourself a favor and go to a super hospital if you need a triage. This hospital might be close where you live but you would wait 10+ hours to be seen by anyone despite them not having much clients regardless whether you are dying or not. It would take 1 hour by bus/metro to get to a super hospital but at least the waiting time would be lesser. Not to mention they are more rude or least respectful to you if you don't speak French.
15 September 2022 16:01
Le système téléphonique est inutile. La centrale de rendez-vous ouvre a 8am donc j'appel et ca me dit que ces encore fermer.inutile ‍️ on peut même pas laisser un message
15 September 2022 2:51
Patients cannot be reached by phone and one of the receptionist was incredibly rude. Patients are left unattended for hours, waiting for pain medication. Unacceptable patient care.
30 August 2022 15:49
Impossible to get through to my father who's a patient there for 3 weeks, they don't answer or they pass you to the wrong room, extremely frustrating when you are worried about a loved one
28 August 2022 18:22
J'y suis aller pour une chirurgie d'un jour. Un gros merci a toute l'équipe! La reception, les infirmiers (ères), l'anastesiste, Dr Coughlin.tout le monde ont été super sympathique. Vraiment un bon service! Encore merci!
28 August 2022 6:36
Suite à une expérience antérieure en suivi de grossesse (2018) je donne deux étoiles.
- cet Hôpital se trouve Loin du métro (terminus Angrignon ligne verte) donc pas trop pratique pour le transport en commun par rapport à d'autre Hôpitaux ex. Royal Victoria site Glen.
- le suivi avec le gynécologue se trouve dans une clinique qui ne se situe PAS au cœur de l`hôpital.
- test de trisomie 21 effectué à Lassalle: ce test étant remboursé par le gouvernement, deux prélèvements sanguin seulement ont été effectué; MAIS pas l`Écographie essentielle! Pourtant nécessaire, elle clarifie certains marqueurs comme l'épaisseur de la clarté nucale. Malheureusement, elle n est PAS offerte à Lassalle comme l'est à hôpital royal Victoria!
Ayant obtenu un résultat positif en trisomie 21, J ai demandé un transfert du dossier à Royal victoria. Finalement l'anatomie scan effectué en 20 -ème semaine n' a pas montré d'anomalie du fœtus (cœur et organes). Je me demandais toujours pourquoi j ai eu un test trisomique effectué à Lassalle avec un résultat faussé!
27 August 2022 4:30
Je viens depuis 2 mois pour des visites chaques jours.
Jamais vu le devant dun hopital si malpropre! Toujours plein de monde qui fume ou ils ne devrais pas, agent de sécurité qui sen moque totalement, trop occuppé a jasez, mégot par centaine jamais ramassé, detritus partout tout les jours.repugnant et cest lhopital lasalle entré principal
24 August 2022 12:05

First off for a hospital that’s apparently #1 in maternity made me wait 8 hours in the emergency while I was having a miscarriage and they never saw me. Ended up leaving and going to Lachine hospital which saw me right away and help me get my RH- shot.

Second clinic gare ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. Everytime I come here on time with appointments I’m waiting for 4 hours for a 5 minute conversation! While everyone is laughing and hanging around not doing their jobs. What’s the point of having an appointment if I’m just going to wait 4 hours after my appointment!

Third blood test nurses are completely rude and have zero patience for people.

Unacceptable for a hospital that’s supposed to be helping people
18 August 2022 8:33
If I can put it a zero I would! Don't go if you see that their occupancy is low thinking you will go fast. Occupancy was at 60% and stayed 8 hours and saw nobody. Basically just the nurse at the triage!
Where is my tax going? When are we going to start to speak up? Third world countries with wars have a much more efficient health system.shame on you Quebec.
10 August 2022 12:56
I checked one star because there isn't a choice of zero. I placed a complaint regarding the nurses at the emergency but so far no news. They are so rude and racist! Of course not all of them but a great majority.
09 August 2022 3:36
J’ai eu une chirurgie pour hernie inguinale je remercie toute l équipe vous avez été super avec moi merci beaucoup!
28 July 2022 23:56
The worst pf worst. My brother and my mother waited at emergency over-night but no one, i mean no one ever came to looking for em.

If you nees help, verdun is the place.
26 June 2022 20:14
WORST SERVICE of my life!
I came here on Saturday at 11: 00 am for an emergency. I waited way too long for my turn to come. Then they called my name around 2: 40 am in the morning after more than 16 hours. Then the doctor told me to take some blood and urine tests and told me to wait until my name is called again. After another 2 hours around 5: 00am they called my name again and the doctor told me to take abdominal scan. But the radiology department opens at 8: 00am in the morning and I waited again until 8: 00am but they called me at 9: 00 am. Finally, when I came to inform them about my scan the nurse told me they don't have my name in their list. They said the doctor closed the file. But why? They didn't have an idea. They told me to take the number again and wait for my turn. It means repeat the whole process again. I told them I've been waiting since 24 hours but they said they can't do anything. Alas! The worst day of my life when I thought to come here. Biggest mistake ever!
24 June 2022 10:45
Very bad services 15 hours wait I give this hospital zero star and I am still waiting here in emergency I am feeling too much pain in my abdomen may be today I will die
14 June 2022 5:27
Du personnel souriant tout du long, merci, cela m'a permis d être un peu moins stressée pour mon examen
12 June 2022 9:17
A female worker (Latin?) in the registration window of emergency entre is very rude, impatient, and always asking stupid questions even you are in a very urgent situation.
06 June 2022 16:27
Je ne viendrai plus jamais dans cette hôpital je ne comprends pas pourquoi c est si long à voir un doctor car depuis au moins 3 heures on n appelle personne et q on est que 2 patients dans la salle d attente
09 April 2022 22:59
Je tiens à remercier toute l’équipe médicale qui a été présent pour mon passage à l’hôpital en urgence et à Yves pour ses paroles de bon cœur et qui a réussi à me faire rire dans un moment de détresse. Reconnaissance pour votre bonté!

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