25 September 2023 5:11
I came on this dinner cruise for my bf and I's 1st anniversary together and had such terrible service from our waiter that we had to ask to be served by another waiter after our entrée because he was seriously ruining our experience with his cold and arrogant attitude and after he swore while leaving our table (I won't go into detail about the situation because literally every interaction with this waiter was disappointing). He made me cry during the supper and ruined our anniversary. Not to mention that the food was just alright for a 310$ experience (over 400$ with drinks included) when the boat was half full since it was off season. I called to complain about the situation the next day and was told I would get a call back Monday. Friday, still no call back so I called again and had the manager call me back shortly. The manager, which I still can't believe, was extremely rude over the phone defending his waiter cutting me off on everything I was saying and actually said to me ''This is not Occupation Double (a Quebec reality TV show) I don't have time for gossip'' when I was being really polite and patient and just trying to describe to him exactly what happened in my evening. I mean the least he can do is listen to me after what happened and not insult me! Initially he was willing to reimburse me only the fees of the pourboire (which is only on the supplemental alcohol bought) and the window seat fees which were 20$ per person. After I said that I was not satisfied by that I felt like I should at least be reimbursed 50% since I would have left the boat if I could literally after the entrée and for having our anniversary ruined. Then he says well I'm going to reimburse you for nothing now because you're not satisfied with my proposition. So no compensation and ended with an even worse experience than initially. Honestly I was flabbergasted that a manager could even speak this way. Never dealt with such an experience in my life and very dissapointed by all this. Never going back on this boat again.
***Since I can't reply to the manager's answer to my review, I will add my reply here. For some reason, he seems to think that I'm not making this complaint with my boyfriend and that we don't speak to each other? We are literally reading your response first thing this morning waking up together. The amount of lies he is saying to cover his tracks are incredible. I only called ONCE after waiting 6 days for a call back because I was told I would get a call Monday (2 days later) and I only called 1 time literally the next day the event happened to place my complaint. And the reason I tried to explain the situation in detail again over the phone was because at the beginning of our conversation he admitted that he didn't read the complaint email that was written but he heard about it briefly. So how could he have investigated it in depth before speaking to me? We tipped on the drinks because it was the other waiter serving us at that point and because we actually are righteous people. And using my boyfriend to try to defame my character is really disgusting and borderline sexist. Like I said over the phone, he was the first to complain about the service and he was the one to convince me to complain about the situation. The bathroom situation obviously never happened. You can tell alot about how this company runs by how you are responding again to this situation. I should have listened and recorded our entire conversation as proof but I tend to trust companies being good intentioned. You can lie as much as you want here but I've already spread this incident to all my friends and family. If you knew us at all, you would know what we have very respectable careers and really have no reason to be doing this at all. But really, no matter who anyone is, no one deserves this kind of treatment and that's really my point here. I'll take my "very disrespectful and rude" self to all the other amazing restaurants and places in all of Montréal as we always do and in which we never have this kind of issue.
08 September 2023 14:12
Nice experience, polite staff, healthy portions of food, which was pleasing to the eye, nice dinner music, at night you do not see much of the city, alot of commercial barges.
06 September 2023 11:41
We've done the river cruise twice. It is a nice way to view the City from the water. We're looking forward to our next trip back to Montreal to do the dining experience.
31 August 2023 23:30
Que ce soit de jour ou bien en dinner croisière la visite de Montréal par bateaux reste incontournable. Bon service payant à bord et bon équipage.
29 August 2023 18:33
I found it very expensive for what is offered. We purchased the 90-minute tour and sailed along a small stretch of the river. It's a typical tour that isn't worth what they offer.
28 August 2023 22:36
Nous avons fait la croisière de 90mn aujourd'hui, personne de votre compagnie nous a proposé un verre d'eau fraîche alors qu'on est pleine canicule.
C'est vraiment dommage.
28 August 2023 3:22
Le seul point négative, il faut avoir du courage, 2 dollares de rabais sur 32 dollares pour les aînés, c'est misérable, ne donnez rien.
23 August 2023 20:57
Une équipe passionnée de leur travail.
Nous avons été accueilli si chaleureusement que ça donne le goût fy revenir pour d'autres événement.

Merci à;
Nina qui est très attachante et qui s'est faite un plaisir de souligner la retraite de ma belle maman.
Et à notre serveuse qui est passionnée de son travail. Elle est vraiment à sa place. Merci mille fois, Vous avez rendue cette évènement confortable et unique.
20 August 2023 19:56
Croisière sympathique personnel aimable et guide compétent et sympathique bien qu’il avait tendance à donner plus de commentaires en anglais qu’en français.
Mais je trouve le prix un peu dispendieux pour cette prestation
18 August 2023 8:26
Le bateau te permet de voir de très belles vues du Montréal qui longe le Saint-Laurent, du pont Jacques Quartier et de l’île Sainte-Hélène. Cependant, le prix est très élevé pour ce qu’ils offrent, nous avons eu de problèmes lors de l’achat des billets, le service laisse à désirer et malgré un départ tardif, le retour à eu lieu à l’heure prévue, donc on n’a pas bénéficié du temps pour lequel on a payé.
04 August 2023 17:26
Beautiful! Nice views.nice tour.a little crowded when everyone gets up and wants to be outside. Some people did not respect personal space. Crew was nice!
04 August 2023 12:49
Manque de professionnalisme de la part d'un serveur.
Il a scandaleusement refusé de chanter bonne anniversaire pour notre amie alors qu' il l'a fait pour 2 autres personnes.
Malheureusement pour lui, on ne lui a pas laissé la chance de gâcher notre soirée.
Nous étions 8 et on a chanté pour notre amie avec le soutien des autres personnes.
01 August 2023 4:05
Nous avons gagné un forfait 4 services, et avons pu en profiter récemment. Le staff étais excellent, poli et efficace, et l'expérience croisière étais bien. Tout se gâche au niveau nourriture et salubrité de l'endroit. Le repas étais honnêtement fade. Bonne température et cuisson adéquate, mais avez vous déja mangé un filet mignon pas assaisonné? Plate. Niveau propreté, les tables étaient propres, le probleme est que le bord des fenetres (ou l'on était) étais vraiment sale, et nombre d'araignées avaient élu domicile au plafont, directement au dessus des gens.protéine bonus? Pour un forfait qui coute quand meme cher, ca peux etre décevant de souper avec la peur qu'une araignée te tombe sur la tete.pendant 3h.
01 August 2023 1:42
We had 60 minutes tour. It is nice to see the Montreal from the water. I was expecting to get more information about the city. The tour guide was very general and pointed maximum 10 things. I am sure that she followed her script, but I was hoping for more. Overall, we had a nice experience and chilled out on the boat after long walks.
30 July 2023 10:54
Ceci est ma troisième expérience sur le bateau mouche de Montréal.
Dans mes souvenirs, la nourriture était beaucoup plus savoureuse. Cependant, les bouchées en entrée étaient déshydratées puisqu’ils étaient déposés à notre table avant l’embarquement, notre poulet était sec, froid et fade. Nous avons été déçus autant par les plats que par le service.
Nous étions assis sur la table à côté de la fenêtre, ce qui d’ailleurs nous a coûté des charges supplémentaires, pour enfin avoir eu droit à un pire service, puisqu’il y avait une autre table à côté de nous qui bloquait le service et le passage aux serveurs. Nous avons à peine eu de l’eau et ils ont oublié à la fin de nous servir le café/thé et le dessert.
Les membres du service semblaient manquer de formation et d’organisation.
28 July 2023 13:44
Pas beaucoup d’intérêt on ne découvre pas grand chose et c’est cher pour ce que c’est! Je déconseille
Même si par contre le personnel est sympa
26 July 2023 10:50
Nous avons achetés des billets pour la croisière de samedi à 11h. Sur le site ça mentionne que l'embarquement a lieu 30 minutes avant l'heure de départ. Toutefois, ce dernier n'a débuté que 10 minutes avant le départ. L'attente était donc trop longue. La croisière était très sympathique, mais le guide ne ramenait pas beaucoup sur la table. Le service était courtois et la nourriture moyenne.
26 July 2023 7:07
J’ai appelé 2 mois en avance pour modifier une réservation (changer 12 places pour 10) et ils n’ont pas voulu nous rembourser.
25 July 2023 20:48
Weds August 2nd 4pm boat trip, the supposed "Manager" refused to give my 90yr old grandmother a lift in the golf cart back up to the main walkway because she's Indian and said as much in French (ma premiere langue) -he had just given a golf cart ride to another older lady right before and she was not Indian. I am not Indian nor brown and he was fine offering the ride when he saw me me asking, but when he saw her, he refused. Really appalling treatment
25 July 2023 10:00
Party after party yeah! Party after party! Great guide expensive drinks. Cute guide, expensive food. Open sky boat with glass build. Lower deck and upper deck. Upper deck gets guide, lower deck gets good. U choose. French, French, English, English. See the smallest tower of Montreal, see weird houses, see the amazing river, see the amazing bridge, listen to old stories, relive the glory. Yaay France France. Old town, old charm, mad people, great boat. In a nutshell
25 July 2023 3:33
Avant c’était un souper gastronomique préparé par des chefs étoilés. Maintenant c’est un souper touristique. Une mention spéciale pour l’excellence du service. Merci Linda d’avoir sauvé cette soirée
23 July 2023 21:53
90 minute tour was fantastic. Interesting stories and a unique view of Montreal from the water. Food/drink service was not perfect.ordered the maple sorbet which was actually ice cream and so not great for lactose intolerant me! But the cocktails were decent. Wine was even better.
21 July 2023 23:42
We were tourists in our own city and absolutely loved this experience. Fun for kids, parents and grand-parents. We did the 60 min tour, had a few snacks and cocktails. The tour guide let us sing happy birthday on the mic to my father and everyone sang along, it was really cool. The tour guide on the boat was also lovely. Highly recommend.
21 July 2023 19:32
Ballade d une heure, c est bien.beau point de vue de Montréal.la guide et l équipage sont excellent.a faire avec un petit verre au bar.

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