13 January 2024 3:02
Love the Eaton Centre, a good selection of food to eat with three floors of shops to choose from. Staff were nice in all stores we visited, very clean centre.
07 January 2024 6:17
Très beau centre commercial, tellement grand à si perdre. De belles boutique ainsi que des vu de l hartirecture superbe. A découvrir
30 September 2023 22:37
This place is huge with a great variety of stores, a decent food court, and great accessibility by the metro, but it can be very very confusing, especially if you do not have good navigation skills! There is not a map and good luck for finding your store if you don't already know where it is exactly located! You can ask the information desk and they will help you but you need to find the information desk first!
25 September 2023 2:29
It is a very large shopping center, several levels and is connected to the subway, all underground
24 September 2023 6:02
The huge shopping centers that connect with museums and all kinds of buildings, through the basement level. Incredible!
20 September 2023 7:25
Terrible! I don't know what happened to the app! I'm trying to use it in downtown Montreal and it's crazy, you need to review the system!
05 August 2023 2:38
Très beau centre commercial. Une grande variété de commerces, du petit Dollorama jusqu'à la boutique de luxe, et les accès sont pratiques.
Même pour manger on a le choix entre plusieurs food courts.
Bonus: il y a un point d'orientation vers l'entrée vers la station mc Gill et ils sont vraiment aidants pour orienter les gens. J'ai trouvé très rapidement ce que je cherchais.
31 July 2023 22:52
Montreal's underground city, of which the Eaton Centre is a part, is really something. Whether it's winter or summer, you can shop all day without being exposed to the elements. McGill metro (subway) station can bring you straight here from just about anywhere in the city.
23 February 2022 17:07
One of the most iconic malls in Montreal. It is easily accessible from Public Transit and they have many stores and food that you can purchase and try out. It can get pretty busy since it is in downtown and they have many floors for you to explore. It is also connected to the Underground city which is a bonus as well for walking and travelling.

One idea they should is that they should make the centre zero waste, environmentally sound, carbon zero and pollution free because it is important to the world and consumers.

Plant trees, make the space green space inside and changes all lighting and plumbing fixtures.and compostable and organic materials.

A nice shopping centre with many amenities and hope to see changes, renovations and improvements in the near future.
14 February 2022 7:49
I visit here quite often. Decathalon is the best for any sports equipment. Amazing food court. Qlmost all of the network service providers have an outlet here. Also a samsung store that also does the repairs. Quite a few known brands for clothes and more.
08 February 2022 4:56
Moderate selection of stores in the Mall with topp flooor as a food court called Eaton which consists of various cuisine from the world.
24 January 2022 16:13
Buy anything you want here. Apparel, electronics, body cares, games, books, jewellery etc. I love the place. Coming every weekend just to window shop.
22 January 2022 6:18
I just had the privilege to place one of my art installation in the public space.
It is an human size kaleidoscope, in which the public are invited to enter and participate.

It is amazing to see institutions like the Eaton center allowing this kind of artistic manifestation within their space.
20 January 2022 5:02
Great place lots of shops. Clean inside with great atmosphere. Food court strikely controlled for vaccine passports
13 January 2022 5:28
Très peu de nouveauté, plusieurs commerces en attente d'ouverture depuis des mois.ce n'est plus ce que c'étais avant
09 January 2022 21:19
Tres Mauvaises experience ca fait presque une année que ne suis pas allé là-bas pi la c fini je vais jamais y revenir, l'agent de sécurité (garda) n'était gentille avec nous,
Service 0 dommages
07 January 2022 11:12
Centre Eaton correct mais manque cruellement de vie ou un quelque chose qui le démarque bref il est très loin de celui Toronto
05 January 2022 21:17
Clean and spacious but information on which / where stores are inside the immense area is not made accessible
05 January 2022 20:46
Centre d’achat absolument sans intérêt. On s’y perd à l’intérieur. Il y a très peu d’indications. On doit constamment revenir sur nos pas, prendre les escaliers. En plus, il y a trop peu de boutiques intéressantes…
05 January 2022 19:35
Fumer un joint et se promener bras dessous bras avec votre partenaire du moment peut devenir un moment magique au centre Eaton. J'aime cet endroit bondé et chaleureux qui me permet de montrer mes muscles même en hiver. Nombreux kilomètres de souterrains décorer de boutiques animées. Gagnerait a avoir une piste cyclable.
03 January 2022 0:10
Great choice of high end stores and urban shopping. Clean, bright and not too busy for week days.
13 December 2021 17:53
I was impressed at how many buildings this connected to. You could almost make your way through the whole city by following the tunnels.
29 November 2021 15:19
Centre commercial le plus grandiose que j'ai vu jusqu'a présent à montréal.
Aller marcher dedans est un pur plaisir!
29 November 2021 9:56
There is just something about Eaton Center. It just attracts good vibe, good shopping, this part of the heart of downtown.
01 November 2021 11:56
Perfect center for your large shopping sprees. We had our winter clothes shopping done here, we found all we were looking for in this center. I recommend.
31 October 2021 0:06
The TimeOut Market is really well done, interesting arrays of restaurants you can pick from and sit anywhere, everyones tastebuds should be happy. There's also a bar for drinks and a wine bar as well.
13 October 2021 15:28
Similar to my review of PVM, covid has really made these places deserted. You can tell they spent this time doing renovations and making it cleaner and more user friendly. I love the new placement of things and how nice everything looks now. When things get back to normal this will be a really nice location **being downtown it’s generally LGBTQ friendly
07 October 2021 13:58
Seemed to be somewhat newly renovated and have a large TimeOut market inside with lots of seating and many cool restaurants with different types of cuisine.
25 September 2021 4:55
Very beautiful with access to the metro and major streets, however it is a little bit confusing to navigate. It needs clearer maps.
25 September 2021 1:30
It's a huge mall. Connected to the RESO and metro station (Peel and McGill). The fashion outlets are typicla of the big brands like Old Navy, Uniqlo, Zara, etc. Food court (Time Out Market) was beautiful. You'll need to know French to understand the menu.
16 September 2021 16:50
Beautiful place to walk around and reminisce of the good old days when shopping was a thing. Unfortunately online shopping destroying that.
12 July 2021 19:52
Les agents de sécurité n'ont droit qu'a une pause de 45min et le reste du ils doivent marcher sans arrêt cela n'a pas d'allure.
07 July 2021 18:20
Nouvelle décoration mais blanc partout, entrée fermée pour contrôler le traffic à ce que les marchands disent.
07 July 2021 3:21
Renovated with a lot of new stores. Always improving. Lots of changes in the last 2 years I’ve been in Montreal.
01 July 2021 4:02
Very nice! I’d love to come back and see it post COVID, but I enjoyed my experience. Lots of hand washing stations
27 June 2021 3:25
Clean, renovated, lots of stores. Always a chill place to hang and/or walk around! Can't wait for Time Out Market to open back again once restrictions have lifted up!
26 June 2021 3:35
J'adore les rénos mais il y a peu de variétés de boutique. Il y manque des boutiques pour enfants
14 February 2019 1:27
They are renovating the entire Eaton Center can someone say FINALLY! Can't wait to see the finish product. Will definitely be shopping here during my lunch breaks!
09 February 2019 1:25
Small, limited shops, partially under construction and closes early.not the usual mall vibrancy, especially so close to Christmas
08 February 2019 1:49
The renovations are super annoying. They block everything and it becauses a cluster F. Its hard to get from one store to an other.
01 February 2019 0:18
Big, spacious mall with many cool stores. Lame food court. Leads to the tunnels underground to get around MTL which is dope.
18 January 2019 8:49
This place is going through much change. Feels a little empty at the moment with all the closed down shops. But it's always well alive.
17 January 2019 1:33
Very spacious and vast variety of stores.

It is linked to the Metro “underground subway” and most of the public transit in downtown Montreal.

Great collection of restaurants either inside the shipping centre or outside. The neighborhood area in general is a big shopping centre.
10 January 2019 23:33
I enjoy this mall! It used to be home of the giant Eaton that went bankrupt a whilr back. They have transformed it. Many stores now have taken home here. Its east to shop in winter because once ur in the metro system, everything is indoors. The shops are very diverse. It is a costly mall! Not your low end looking for a deal shop. The deals are not real deals:) but u havr shops like davids tea, eb games, tasty hand made ice creams. It also connects to other malls like les court mont royal and simons. Its the place ro go when its cold outside and you want to shop multiple stores in warm environment.
29 December 2018 7:07
Extremement bien placé, et bien achalandé. Un espace resto pas desagreable meme si je me perds pour trouver les toilettes regulierement ><
11 December 2018 0:15
2 mots. Zone de construction! Il était presque impossible d'arriver ici en voiture.faites-vous une faveur.prenez le métro!

2 words. Construction zone! It was almost impossible to get here by car.do yourself a favor.take the subway.
09 December 2018 7:06
The constructions make it kind of uncomfortable to shop around, if you need good ice cream however they have good ones in the food court. Will up my rating after constructions.
07 December 2018 14:50
Honestly an awful mall full of construction and few interesting stores. You can never tell where you are or where you're going and trying to getting around is impossible. Just browsing sucks too because you can't see anything with all the construction in the way.
02 December 2018 17:07
Est-ce que qqun a déjà trouvé qqchose au Centre Eaton?

Le wifi est vraiment poche.

Le food court a l'air d'un mosh pit de Slayer.

Les planchers sont quand même nices.
16 November 2018 1:20
Vraiment hâte que les rénovations soient terminés!

*J'espère que vous allez y ouvrir un animalerie!

** Les crêpes à Gérard valent le déplacement!
03 November 2018 4:28
Un lieu fatiguant. Très peu d'information.
Peu voire pas de personnel qui peut vous orienter.donc avis aux personnes dépourvus de sens de l'orientation, comme moi, prenez votre mal en patience.
17 October 2018 12:47
Lots of shops. But they are renovating everything at the same time. Most of the stores have been closed. Hopefully will be worth the wait

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