03 September 2023 18:59
Excellente clinique d’orthodontie. Je me suis sentie en confiance tout au long de mon traitement avec Dc Jean Lyons ainsi que toute son équipe. Prix compétitif et service après vente exceptionnel. Je vous recommande fortement cet endroit. Merci à toute l’équipe.
22 June 2023 17:49
I've always had anxiety about the dentist, but not here! Everyone is so nice, from the minute you walk in, until you leave.
31 May 2023 4:39
J'y suis allé en urgence. Je m'attendais à me faire donner un rendez-vous. Ils m'ont fait passé la journée même en PM. Très bon service, dentiste merveilleux. Sans douleur et on m'a bien mise au courant des risques et des prix. J'avais un libre choix et je ne me sentais pas 'obligé' de choisir une option.
24 May 2023 6:45
Je me sens en confiance avec Dr Lyons. Il a beaucoup d'experience et n'abandonne pas lors des surprises pendant les traitements. Il trouve toujours des solutions. De plus qu'il a une excellente attitude
14 May 2023 9:26
My daughter had all 4 wisdom teeth removed and said she had a great time and would do it again…. We haven’t hit the 12 hour mark yet in recovery, so that might change. But overall she loves the staff and the care she was given. The meds helped a bit too for her anxiety
19 March 2023 19:30
Depuis plus de 20 ans que je consulte régulièrement dans cette clinique, soins d'une grande qualité, Dr Lyons, Dr Kheir, sont très compétents ainsi que tout le personnel que j'ai croisé durant de nombreuses années.
04 March 2023 9:05
Excellent clinic with experienced and professional staff that takes great care of their patients. Highly recommend!
27 December 2022 16:18
Service Impeccable, Professionel, et Agréable.tout ce que l'on devrait avoir lors d'une visite chez le Dentiste, Merci à toute l'équipe de Le Dentiste Châteauguay!
26 December 2022 0:36
Très bonne expérience après 3 fois. Très compétents et bon service. Le nom est générique "le dentiste "et n est pas représentatif de se qu ils valent. Je conseil, du moins pour le moment.
16 October 2022 1:33
Everyone is so kind and understanding, they really do care for their patients. Highly recommend!
07 October 2022 17:22
I have been attached to this clinic ever since I came to Chateauguay in 2004. I have treated like a Indian Maharaja, actually I belong to Bangladesh where dental hygiene was almost unknown 50 years ago! I must mention Monica who is there most of the time to welcome with a contagious smile. Dr. Patrick Lyons is a sweet young surgeon who is always nervous with his poor English! I will not stop going there!
26 July 2022 12:49
Attention, en tant que client, vérifiez bien vos plans de traitement que suggère le dentiste. La clinique ajoute des traitements et on vous facture sans bien informer le patient! C’est mon expérience avec eux.
09 July 2022 18:22
Toujours facile d' avoir un rdv, les gens sont accueillants et à l'écoute de nos attentes! Je recommande:)
30 June 2022 20:18
Le personnel est vraiment sympathique, chaleureux et jovial, en plus d’être excessivement professionnel. Merci à toute l’équipe.
30 May 2022 18:44
My experience for the years I have been with Le Dentiste Services is excellent. Dr Lyons and his staff and the other dentists that I have used have always been courteous friendly and most of all put you at ease when you are fearful of the dentist even at the young age of 68. LOL
13 April 2022 8:15
Très bon service en général et dr Patrick Lyons est très calme et professionnel.
Seule chose c'est un peu difficile d'avoir un rendez-vous rapproché mais je recommande cette clinique sans hésitation!
09 April 2022 13:32
The entire staff is always really kind and professional, and it's always a pleasure to come back to the clinic:)
15 January 2022 6:13
This place is amazing! It was my first time going here, and I am terrified of the dentist but the staff is super warm and friendly. I had the dental hygienist named Marie Josee and she was so gentle on my teeth and would explain what she's doing as she goes along! I definitely recommend this place:)
19 November 2021 14:02
J’ai très peur des dentistes mais je Dr Cathya Mesbah a su me mettre en confiance. Merci et je vous la recommande….
10 October 2021 14:05
Dentiste et assistante dentaire à mis à l'aise en partant avec ma fille de 5 ans. Utilisais un langage adapté à son âge et de bonne explication. Je recommande pour les jeunes enfants.
16 September 2021 5:22
Ma meilleure expérience chez le dentiste! Service abordable, des gens extraordinaires et informés.
15 September 2021 16:32
I was referred by my son. The secretary that booked my appointment is the biggest reason why I accepted to come to this clinic. She made a difference and I felt cared for and supported. I have no regrets having come here. The hygienist did the best job of teeth cleaning I ever received. He is a keeper. I hope to have him for my next cleaning. The dentists are very helpful and friendly. I am very satisfied with their services.
03 September 2021 0:06
I have always had a phobia of dentist. It was embarrassing. And needed narcotics to get through my appointments. But with this dentist I now take nothing. And my fear and anxiety is short lived. And for that and their extraordinary service I am greatful
07 May 2021 0:04
I have been coming to Le Dentiste for about 3 years now.

I have excellent dental care, the office secretaries are so organized, friendly and amazing. My appointments are always made when I need them, AND I get reminder calls.

I feel like I have never had better dental care. Thanks Le Dentiste Chateauguay team!
22 April 2021 18:49
C'est une place je changerais pas car ils y font un beau travail et ils connaissent leurs clients Même moi je les connais par leurs visages car ils ont tous de beaux yeux
20 April 2021 2:24
Worst clinic ever, my wife went there to do back teeth, they filled with plomb, and plomb was gone after 3 days.
When she went there to fix the problem, they charged her for their error twice.
Not recommend this clinic.
12 April 2021 3:59
Super bien reçu avec precautions dû au covid 19 un personnel exceptionnel, dentists (es) exceptionnel et humain surtout.
10 April 2021 1:15
My kids are happy to come to and leave the dentist office. They are way to enthusiastic and full of la joie de vie. Lol. Thank you Le Dentiste.
20 February 2021 7:58
Vous avez toujours été accueillant, professionnels et humain. Vous travailler avec nous d’une certaines manières car vous nous donner l’impression que nos demandes ou attente sont respectable et faisable
23 November 2020 3:39
I am not a huge fan of writing reviews, but here i just to to share something, first of all i was never 100% satisfied with ledentist clinic, but anyways i decided to do crowns there, and again it took 3 months.we were constantly waiting for something, during that time something was going on with my temp crowns, my doctor was patiently helping me and fixing everything and vision of the whole process was very foggy I lost all hope that there will be an end of it. I was about to leave, to change the clinic, because 3 months is super long, and not being able to eat normally is quite annoying. BUT i have not left, and i haven't change the clinic, and would not change it because I CAN NOT TAKE DR Mesbah with me. She is an angel, truly her professionalism can stop from escape anyone. She works with huge precision, very gentle and accurate, the way she's freezing your mouth is piece of art. She does listen and taking actions. I am happy to know her and only because of her knowledge, skills and warming personality i will come back. By the way she did an excellent job and i am smiling since anesthetic went away.) I am wishing her to open her own clinic in the upcoming future, she is great!
30 September 2020 2:51
J'ai eu le meilleur hygiéniste dentaire de toute ma vie
Il ont respecté l'heure du rendez-vous
Service courtois professionnel
28 September 2020 6:32
Been coming here for 10 years, excellent dentists! I wouldn't want to go elsewhere for my teeth.:)
23 September 2020 17:29
For someone who freaks out when she goes to the dentist.it was heaven. The receptionist was very nice and the dr's assistant was very sweet and nice.
Dr Cathya is an angel.she has such a sweet touch she works while explaining to you what she is doing.
I am so excited for my next visit! Thank you for your great service.
05 August 2020 4:16
$185 for just a cleaning. I've never paid that much even with x-rays. Biggest rip off even when i asked for detailed receipt the cleaning was $125 and it said four units of time. So i was there for 30 mins and i was charged for 2 hours. I'll be contacting consumers rights for this BullS**t. Not the first time I've paid two totally different prices for the same treatment. Also when i asked for my previous records I failed to see the first cleaning i did with them like as it never happen. Also asking questions of what I'm being charged for. Had to ask multiple times and didn't get a straight answer. All in all i will never be going back and I will be detouring everyone i can from going here.
06 November 2019 5:20
After my first wisdom tooth extraction, I faced complications that left me so scared to pull another. But after yesterday's extraction with the very sweet and reassuring assistant Melissa and dr. Duguay, I have to say this was a breeze! I am pain free and feeling great, I cant thank you enough for your great and gentle care of me. Thank you thank you thank you!
02 August 2019 4:04
Very impress with the service, before and after.customer service excellent.thank you again, would recommend this dentist 10 stars
23 May 2019 2:35
Super service!
Autant à l'accueil qu'au traitement!
Personnels très attentionnés!
Merci encore!
08 April 2019 7:03
Very good service, very pleased first time going here. Thorough and professional staff. We are switching from our regular dentist to come here.
28 January 2019 21:29
My first impression was very good, the secretaries where helpful, polite and took the time to awnser each question I had.

One even went above and beyond to call another dental clinic I went to for my records of a particular tooth, very impressive! This was just over the phone by the was)

Then when I was actually at the clinic, they asked me if I had insurance, as to be helpful without my haveing to ask.

Clearly the secretaries are top notch.

The dental assostant was genuinely polite and friendly, no fakness, this in it of itself was very impressive.

The assistant proformed every task well and was apt.

My dentist, dr Dugeay did his job well. I have no complaints. I found him to be professional and good at his craft.

The only reason I cant give 5 stars is because I found that the clinic over books.

This is not good because you get long periods where you must waite and you can feel the stress of the staff worrying about time margins.

Also, because of ssid time margins, secretaries where in the operating room I was in during my dental procedure asking my dentist what take out he should like to eat.

I understand the reason very well why they did that but it leaves a certain area of improvement to be desired.

If the tight appointment margins could be capped at a certain amount or, if a late feed for not showing up on time or at all was implemented, im sure this situstion would be resolved.

My poor dentist didn't even have time to go eat, poor guy! And its hard on the rest of the staff too for sure.

Final verdict, the staff is expert and professional and polite but tight patient margins due to over bookings case alot of stress for the staff, and it shows.
15 August 2018 13:47
Went for a checkup and was informed that I needed a filling. Went back the following week for an apt made for 8pm with "Dr" Patrick Duguay. Took about 15-20 minutes. Felt really rushed and lazy (perhaps due to the time of or merely lack of competence). Had constant pain in said tooth for the following week. Went back for an adjustment, waited about a week, and the pain persisted. I did this FOUR times until finally decided to redo the filling. It has now been 3 weeks and pain is still there. This has been over the course of 3 months. I cannot speak for the rest of the staff but im fairly confident PATRICK DUGUAY has permanently damaged my tooth. AVOID HIM.
14 March 2018 3:30
Décevant, j'ai prise un rendez-vous l'automne dernier pour aujourd'hui le 10 janvier 2018, depuis quelques jours j'avais mal à une dent et j'avais plusieurs dents à plomber. Le DR Patrick Lyons a refusé de me fournir les traitements et je suis retournée avec mon mal. Il a même été insolent avec moi en me disant qu'il ne se tournait pas les pouces. Pourquoi je n'avais pas provoquée cette réaction. De plus les réparations antérieures qui datent de moins de 3 ans sont à refaire et il a refusé d'honorer la garantie du 3 ans. Je suis sortie de là en pleurant. Bon 23 18 pm incapable de dormir car ma dent fait trop mal j'ai comme le coté droit du visage engourdi

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