11 December 2023 8:21
Hello. We moved into an apartment at 5 Place Belle Rive 1 year ago, but the management is trying to create more problems instead of solving them. When we went there, the ladies in the management made fun of us and said there was nothing they could do about the problems. We said that there was a heating problem in our flat and our cat got sick along with everyone else living in the house, so we said we would take the cat to the veterinarian. Even though we said please find a solution, they said you can report wherever you want. In summary, I will be leaving as soon as my lease ends so as not to visit again.
09 December 2023 14:50
What a bad experience! I recently moved into this building. On the first visit, there were many promises, but they disappeared immediately after signing the contract, and now you need an appointment to talk to the employee who treats you with disrespect of course! Three weeks ago I asked for the key to the mailbox, they say the key is missing.there is no locker. The promise was that I would get one and there would be another available if I wanted it. There is no parking. The promise was one indoor parking space and two outdoor parking spaces, but neither! Maintenance is on sight only. The promise was a complete renovation of the apartment and electrical appliances! But we are tired of cleaning it! Therefore, I was not surprised by the presence of cockroaches and ants, because the apartment was very dirty. Yesterday, I came to the administration office and spoke to the employee with all friendliness and respect. I asked again about the key to the mailbox and the locker. She became very angry with me and raised her finger in my face. She said, “You are accusing me of telling you that I will give you a locker. ”! I told her, “I am not accusing you because this is the truth, you said that. ” She said, “I said, but that does not mean that I will give it to you because I am not the decision-maker. ” She continued her words, telling me, “If you do not like what I said, go and file a complaint. What a provocative treatment that does not respect others. ”
27 May 2023 20:43
Merci beaucoup Antoine de l’équipe administrative de Laval, pour la qualité de l’accueil et du service
27 May 2023 9:11
Special thanks to Rosalie for her great service and her professionalism. She will always come through no matter what is our need. She is very helpful and respectful. We are very lucky to have her in Capreit team. Thank you Rosalie!
19 May 2023 7:03
For pet owners, this is a great building for your dogs. There are several large open fields for the dogs to run around and play with eachother, great for socializing.
The neighbours are kind and welcoming. Soundproof walls so you don't anyone next door or above. You can hear from the hallways but that's normal for any apartment.
Any maintenance I needed was address within a day, staff is very helpful. I personally have had a good experience living here.
20 April 2023 13:36
Très bon service. Eliana Chaves est très professionnelle et connaît bien les produits offerts autant pour les appartements que pour les espaces communs. Merci Eliana.
17 April 2023 18:31
J'habite ici présentement et la reception est tellement pas bonne. Leur site pour les locataire fonctionne jamais. On les appel pour faire une demande et nous disent qu'ils vont rappeler et le font JAMAIS. On doit aller a la reception nous meme pour faire nos demande sinon on nous oublie. On a même eu une lettre pour nous dire que notre bail allait devoir être renouvelé bientôt et que si on voulait negocier l'augmentation du loyer on pouvait prendre rdv, quand on a appeler pour prendre rdv, ils ont dit qu'ils etaient pleins et qu'ils nous rappeleraient, mais on a jamais recu d'appel et ils ont automatiquement renouvelé le bail avec un loyer trop cher pour nous. Ils sont entré dans l'appartement lorsqu'on leur avait dit d'attendre qu'on soit là. Maintenant on est prit a trouver quelqu'un pour sous-louer notre appartement. Si vous habitez ici, envoyer tout vos demande par email, vous aurez des preuves de chaque demande. Je vois seulement des bons commentaires ici, mais quand j'ai déménagé, tout semblait bien, jusqu'à ce que je demande au gens qui habite ici depuis plus d'un an et ils disent tous la meme chose que moi. Meme qu'en déménageant, une dame nous avait averti en arrivant. J'aurais dût l'écouter.
17 March 2023 12:30
Amazing team, I had an issue and Mr. Paulo helped me, Eliana gave me an amazing service, Rosalie as well and Antoine
01 March 2023 6:46
Excellent service de Rosalie Leduc Tremblay elle répond toujours bien et s'occupe très bien de nous merci Rosalie
26 February 2023 13:32
Wow! On vient de conclure et de signer avec un très bon service d'Antoine! Tout restant professionnel, il a rendu nos démarches agréable avec son sens de l'humour et son beau sourire.
Merci Antoine,
Richard et Maryse
19 February 2023 3:04
Le complexe porte bien son nom, il s'agit bien d'un domaine avec ses parcs, ses sentiers, ses arbres magnifiques, loin de la circulation, sans parler de la rivière à nos pieds avec ses canards et ses outardes! J'aime y vivre, on s'y sent en sécurité. J'aime que toutes les générations et différentes communautés ethniques s'entrecroisent dans l'harmonie. Les appartements sont grands et bien éclairés grâce aux immenses fenêtres qui offrent également une vue magnifique sur la rivière. Les bureaux de l'administration sont sur place et le personnel est accueillant, Madame Leduc-Tremblay (Rosalie) entre autres est efficace et très professionnelle, on peut toujours compter sur elle.
Un avantage non négligeable est le fait que tous les services essentiels (administration, dépanneur, pharmacie, salon de coiffure, clinique médicale centre multi-service et restaurant) ainsi que la piscine et autres salles de loisir sont accessibles sans devoir sortir à l'extérieur grâce au tunnel qui relie la tourre la plus éloignée aux deux autres. Vraiment il fait bon y vivre!
12 February 2023 19:06
As of February 13.2023 I became a resident at La Domaine Belle-Rive, thanks to Mr. Antoine. Back in October I applied for residency at La Belle-Rive but for some reason my file got lost in the process. Forward to 2023, I decided to try again, and this time, I was lucky enough to get in contact with Mr. Antoine, who was very patient, understanding and helpful.

Thank you Mr. Antoine for all your help and keep being the nice person that you are, easy-going and patient, you're definitely a people-person. Merci beaucoup

-B Edwards
19 January 2023 11:57
Ce 5 étoiles est pour un employé, Antoine. Dont on peut faire confiance, toujours prêt à nous aider, respectueux, stable à l’emploi donc un visage qu’on reconnaît ce qui est rassurant et d’une grande gentillesse. Merci Antoine
11 March 2021 1:42
I have lived in this building from december 2019 and have had nothing but issues since then.most were ignored but now its obviously this building is a mistake to rent. You can never tell who is stealing your mail or property and even the security guards will tell you how bad it is here. I had 2 bikes stolen this week from right infront of this building, my locks were broken right by the camera and the office refused to check the camera for the person responsible.
october 22th 1: 50 pm:

I received the email saying someone would contact me!
after 10 days I tried to escalate again because noone contacted me!
and here we are 1 month later still no contact. This shows how much this building cares about their tenants, nothing was done about our stolen property. I already gave my notice to not renew the lease and since then 2 people has barged into my apartement for " moving out inspection " without notice in this pandemic.now we were contacted again this week because you want to rent the apartment and we are obligated to let this building bring strangers for an unlimited amount of tours anytime you like from now until the time we move in december 1st, that is disgusting and anyone that rents here is in for the worst time. ANYONE THAT CARES ABOUT THEIR HEALTH DO NOT RENT FROM HERE.
17 February 2021 12:53
I looked at your apartment 2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend were very interested we were told we would get an answer in two days no one has ever contacted us me and him have both contacted the number to call several times different people have picked up one person told us on Sunday that we were approved that we would have to put first and last which was totally fine with us apparently it’s a law in Quebec they can’t even ask that now I have told my family and friends were moving I was so excited he called two days ago Monday and spoke with a rude gentleman who said he didn’t know the phrasing in English that we were not approved and would not give us a reason other then history we don’t understand this we weren’t given any options he said the manager would call back no one ever has my boyfriend called again today and was told to call the manager in a few hours which keeps on happening we’re on a short amount of time to look for an apartment and I don’t think it’s fair that if we didn’t get it we weren’t contacted at least to let us know that we didn’t it’s not fair because now you guys have wasted 3 weeks of our important time to look for a apartment I wanted to you let you know that I feel how we have been treated is very unprofessional
01 February 2021 15:17
Package deliveries. Delivery companies leave packages in unsecured areas and refuse come to the apartment. The office says there is nothing that they can do. Wow.
15 March 2019 3:22
If you are a drug addict, pothead or even a dealer, this place is a gem especially that it is now legal. The administration don't seem to care much about it or even bother placing any sort of regulations to manage it. They even prefer losing good tenants and keep the other ones. Maybe they are part of it and making some easy bucks out of it, who knows. Sad to see a beautiful complex of this sort going down the drain with all the retirees in it. Way to go CAPREIT!

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