14 September 2023 9:55
*edit: think they had changed of management or something but they surprised me now with decent store smell, affordable food (well def with some veggie and meat selection compare to privigo) and the cashiers are super chill. Only grocery store that opens late till night so, I revise my star!

Gonna be harder time with grocery cost and def this place is a good place to shop cheap. Just watch out on product date.


Lol anyone who gave them 5 stars must have crazy low expectations or they are the nicest people because what I see in there is what I would see literally in Nova Scotia small town with population of 1000 people which is just sad. C'est dommage.

The prices are all over-priced (you should check out PA supermarché MTL because you would get better quality of food and cheaper affordable price).

I have already passed by couple products with literal mold in them. The whole store smells a bit like spoiled milk.

The bread that's made in different bakery don't have expiration date which is illegal to sell them to customers.

Feels like the management is really messed up here and sooner or later they may go bankrupt. They probably have already broken several food regulation or just barely passed them.

But hey, the people working here are super nice. Nothing to do with people, just literally what I went inside and saw.
14 July 2023 9:59
The guy who is in charge is rude and doesn't respect customers, He assumes the customers are thieves. I would not suggest this disgusting market to anyone.
15 October 2022 21:14
Good place to shop. You can often find a lot of items not seen in other grocery stores.
Conveniently located in NDG.
26 August 2022 2:52
Bad customer service and poor quality control ruined it. Bought bagels that turned out to be mouldy with no date on them. I figured it was just a mistake. Went back again and bought some more bagels, mouldy again. Manager who was working said there was nothing she could do besides a refund. Makes me wonder where else they could be cutting corners. I liked the proximity, but I'll stick with Provigo from now on.
05 August 2022 2:59
Great prices on fruits and vegetables and other items. Been going there for years, staff is helpful and courteous.on sherbrooke street west corner of Wilson. 105 bus will bring you right in front
15 July 2022 4:42
Lol anyone who gave them 5 stars must have crazy low expectations or they are the nicest people because what I see in there is what I would see literally in Nova Scotia small town with population of 1000 people which is just sad. C'est dommage.

The prices are all over-priced (you should check out PA supermarché MTL because you would get better quality of food and cheaper affordable price).

I have already passed by couple products with literal mold in them. The whole store smells a bit like spoiled milk.

The bread that's made in different bakery don't have expiration date which is illegal to sell them to customers.

Feels like the management is really messed up here and sooner or later they may go bankrupt. They probably have already broken several food regulation or just barely passed them.

But hey, the people working here are super nice. Nothing to do with people, just literally what I went inside and saw.
18 October 2022 18:41
Brightstory, I regretfully agree. Quality was never the best, but for the prices they had it was more than worth a visit as you could always find stuff that was significantly cheaper than at other places. Not so anymore - for the past year of so, prices have crept up and come to be on par with those practiced by corner groceries and lately even higher than other places and with the parking issue becoming worse, I find myself going there less and less. It's sad seeing what used to be a must go-to ethnic grocery store slowly fading away like that.
10 June 2022 12:04
Great store, good prices. Lost a star because they didn't have the item we were looking for (gaterade).
05 May 2022 11:00
There always seems to be some sort of issue with the messy purchased here. Always hidden by the packaging. So much money wasted on inedible food
29 April 2022 7:54
The selection for produce is okay and reasonable compared to other stores. The grocery items are the same as every where else. The cashiers are friendly and helpful.
27 March 2022 18:14
This is the Ultimate place to shop for meat and fresh produce; the prices and quality are Truly Unbeatable.
10 October 2021 4:23
Filthy, and I was randomly accused of theft for putting my items in a plastic bag, as if nobody's ever done that before
06 October 2021 3:17
It's dirty and smelly. Most staff is rude. Produce isn't fresh and most food is on the verge of expiring. The building is falling apart. There are so many better options than this in the neighbourhood.
24 September 2021 1:20
Le pire endroit pour faire vos courses l'autre jour, j'ai acheté un poulet fraîchement préparé mais ils l'ont cuisiné avec un poulet gâté
27 July 2021 20:23
Esposito often has items that you can't find anywhere else! Their staff is amazing! It's a joy to shop there!
17 July 2021 2:16
Good prices on produce. Packaged items and canned are a bit higher than other larger supermarkets.
18 June 2021 14:16
It has so much food products and you can even go and ask for your personal meat they'll make it right in front of you too!
18 June 2021 6:46
Not the most updated grocery store but the produce was fresh, the prices were good and the staff was nice.
15 June 2021 13:43
This is definitely not a big box grocery chain. This was my first visit to Marche Esposito and entered fully expecting to see brands not typically found in traditional grocery stores. I wasn’t disappointed.

You will buy more stuff than what you intended on buying when you went in. I guarentee it.
17 May 2021 10:25
A supermarket that might be part of a mini-chain and or owned affiliated to Metro groceries. Good back counter. Decent ready made food at reasonable cost. Non perishable items, animal food and homestuff here cost a fortune. Beer is well priced. Staff are good. It harkens in layout and demeanor to Warchaw's as was on "the MAYN" back when.: (
16 April 2021 14:46
Très gros manque de professionnalisme de la part des employés et une très mauvaise expérience clients.

J'ai acheté des viandes froides cet été et c'était périmés.vraiment dégoûtant. J'ai appelé et retourné le produit, les caissieres me dévisageaient et étaient réticentes de me rembourser un produit de poubelle. Surement trop de travaille faire un remboursement.

Conseils aux caissières: la première chose à faire lorsqu'on rapporte un produit est s'excuser au nom du marché et de rembourser quand la viande est mauve et dégage une odeur forte. J'avais bien la facture qui indiquait que j'avais acheté le produit 30 min avant. Si un client reporte un produit expiré, c'est qu'il en a d'autres. Idéalemement, il faudrait vérifier l'inventaire, les dates d'expirations, température du frigo et jeter les produits avant d'intoxiquer d'autres clients. Surtout pas dévisager les clients avec des gros yeux. L'avoir su que les employés ce fichaient des produits périmés, j'aurais dû appeler les inspecteurs du mapaq.

Je me suis dit que c'était sûrement un cas isolé et que les autres employés étaient sûrement plus sympathiques et avaient à coeur la qualité de leurs produits.

Et non.la plupart du temps les employés sont vraiment sec et très bêtes!

Une visite ce soir. Avec les normes sanitaires, je met du désinfectant à l'entrée du magasin, ce qui à rendu mes mains très sèches et glissantes. J'ai échappé accidentellement une petite sauce dans un pot en verre en voulant le mettre à la caisse. Je me suis excusé 2 fois, calme et polie. La jeune caissière blonde dans le debut vingtaine fait son arrogante et m'a fait de gros yeux et est partie à l'autre caisse gossipé de son écoeurite du travaille aux autres employés devant les clients et de l'incident quand je l'attendais toujours à la caisse pour payer. Une vraie championne du "drama"! 0=professionnalisme! Lorsque j'emballais mes achats, elle répétait encore que j'ai échappé un pot à une autre collègue. Je revenais pas qu'elle pouvait être insolente pour ne pas dire autre chose.ca peut arriver à un enfant, ainé, homme de 6.5pied, sûrement arrivé plusieurs fois aux employés même qui travaille là ou elle-même. Ca peut arriver à tout le monde, c'est un accident championne, point. Ca rend le client plus mal à l'aise et contrairement à elle, j'étais calme. Emplus, elle n'a pas levée un doigt pour nettoyer, mais c'est son collègue, ca n'affectait aucunement sa tâche de princesse.

Au proprio et staff: un sourire, bonjour, svp, excuser, merci sont des mots primordiales si tu veux que ta cie survive! Un meilleur service serait à travailler. N'oubliez pas que c'est l'argent des clients fidèles qui achète vos produits qui paie vos salaires, loyer de la bâtisse, electricité, vos rénovations et font vivre votre business. Toute Cie on une absortion pour les pertes dans les produits alimentaires si c'est pas autour de 20% de vos produits que vous aller finir par jeter. C'est pas 5$ d'un pot de sauce cassé sur leur profit de 500 000$/semaine qui va vous ruiner. C'est quasi invisible dans vos pertes. Faite donc pas du "drama" quand les clients s'excusent, au contraire apprécier le! Esposito devrait réfléchir sur la satisfaction client et offrir de la qualité. C'est le nombre de clients mécontents des produits et du service clients de M**** et bitcheries qui vont faire perdre une bonne clientèle et votre réputation.

On retrouve du bonheur et sourire dans les autres épiceries du coin. Allez chez épiceries modernes en face, Akhavan, l'Ami, Provigo.n'importe où, mais pas là!

Après plus de 5 ans d'achat là-bas, c'est FINI! Worst grocerie ever!

Petit conseil, allez acheter ailleurs pour de la qualité et fuire les aires BÊTES qui pensent juste à leur petit monde.
18 October 2022 18:51
Atomique, Désolé que vous ayez eu cette expérience. Mais il est clair pour moi qui magasinait régulièrement là-bas, que ça s'est significativement dégradé dans les dernières années et maintenant (automne 2022) que les prix sont plus élevés que les autres épiceries, il n'y a plus aucune excuse pour la qualité diminuée. Moi aussi, je n'y vais pratiquement plus ou seulement si je trouve de la place de stationnement quand les prix de circulaire sont bons, ce qui arrive de plus en plus rarement. C'est triste, mais le Marché Esposito a perdu ce qui en faisait un magasin à voir, comme si celui ou celle qui lui donnait vie était décédé ou l'avait abandonné.
15 April 2021 13:51
The produce stocker Joe Isernia is always getting into fights with customers, and this has been going on for years. He can frequently be seen smoking at the back instead of working, low quality individual. Also good place to get Covid now, as the aisles are so narrow. Avoid.
14 March 2021 21:43
This used to be one of my favourite grocery stores for the past 10 years. I probably should have written a review when I was satisfied with them. Unfortunately I am writing this review after my horrific experience today. We went into the store to pick up 3 things. We must have been in the store less than 10 mins and we were yelled at twice. Once when we walked in we stopped to use the the hand sanitizer, we had gloves on so it took us 30 secs to take off our gloves. The girl yelled at us “WASH YOUR HANDS, TAKE A CART! ”. We were caught super off guard but we did so and walked away. Than at the cash the woman yelled at us with so much attitude. We wanted to pay with a card so we showed her the card and she is yelling “WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? ” Again we were both caught off guard. Anyways.after 10 years I probably won’t be going back. With everything going on in the world I don’t need to be yelled at when going to the grocery store.
22 February 2021 19:01
Very diligent with their hand washing upon entering their establishment. I knew that I was shopping in a safe environment.
17 February 2021 20:43
Excellent selection of all my grocery needs. Great meat aisle & killer weekly deli specials. Affordable & the staff is always friendly which is so key
04 December 2020 9:26
Best Grocery in NDG and their new restaurant food next to the deli is an amazing idea, Esposito has consistently been great for decades!
15 November 2020 2:46
Probably the cheapest in NDG but may need some improvements in cleanliness. No free parking available. Parking could be a challenge.
30 October 2020 22:56
Customer service is not always the greatest, but I can live with that since I only shop here as a last resort.

What I can't deal with is the amount of expired cheese, milk, yogurt, bread etc on the shelves everytime I'm there. Unacceptable.
20 October 2020 12:58
This place is nice. The staff treat the shoppers courteously. But it's selection is not as big as Provigo.
11 October 2020 11:24
Worst grocery store in NDG by far.

Absolutely impolite staff.

Zero service.

Absolutely aggressive (!) when it comes to desinfect your hands.

Poor selection of goods other than cheese and fruits/vegetables.

Our last choice here. You are much better off with Provigo, Metro, or even Marche Dunn on Decarie (-> great people!)
26 September 2020 23:10
Great place if you know what you are looking for. Cheaper prices compare to all grocery stores in the nabourhood.
22 September 2020 21:56
Cheap, but you get what you pay for. Watch out for their "deals" as they are usually on expired food items. Go to Akhavan or Al Amana down the road. Much better quality!
15 September 2020 5:16
Weird that you seem just reply to those who say good things about you. Good job with your poor customer service.
30 August 2020 10:54
Très bon choix de pains (petite sélection de pains indiens) et patisseries (mmmmh leurs triangles aux pommes!).
18 August 2020 23:47
Regarding Esposito NDG - I went to this location yesterday evening, and there was exactly one employee wearing a mask, and none of the employees were respecting social distancing. Both of these points are especially true for the employees who were stocking produce. It felt both unsafe and unsanitary.
02 August 2020 11:54
The produce is not fresh. It’s covered in plastic. Food goes bad within a day. Don’t recommend this place.
19 July 2020 8:51
I love that there are ZERO, line-up. And I can just go and find what I want, Also there is ZERO sense of being rushed at the check-out counter. I am slow, and enjoy taking my time. Very EXCELLENT experience. I will be going there again, as long as CORONA VIRUS is still the CRAZY people sickness. And even AFTER. Until I move away
08 July 2020 9:02
Les employés son gentils, à la porte il faut se laver les mains, ils commencent à se approvisionner, très bons prix. Ils ont de la variété.
j'aime quand vous fait la semaine des communautés, et vous apportés des produits de différents pays. J'ai aimé l’herba mate de l’Argentine, le brioché de Pessa'h, et les olives grecques.
19 June 2020 9:51
I was informed by the head cashier that the store has a policy that cashiers are NOT required to wear masks, citing the so-called sufficiency of the plexiglass barriers at the cash. Take that as you will, but I'd rather not depend on them. I had to bag my groceries at the end of the cash area, where there was no plexiglass barrier and where the distance between me and the cashier was less than 2m. I will not enter Esposito until the danger of infection is passed. I've loved the store for years and am sorry that I won't be back there for however long it takes.
08 June 2020 13:25
I was just at the Esposito on Sherbrooke around 10: 00 today. There were no precautions for the safety of clients. There were no No restrictions on the number of people allowed in at one time. The store was overcrowded and physical distancing was impossible. Staff behind the food counters were handling food with no masks. Terribly overcrowded, no required sanitation of hands and no organisation of direction of the traffic in the aisles. I felt very unsafe and something must be done to protect the clients. I will NEVER go back and we were very goood clients!
10 March 2020 23:10
Great selection of fresh produce which is much cheaper than larger chain stores. Always have great deals on fruits and vegetables, although some of the more process foods are a tad more expensive or equal price than the big stores. Since it is the closest grocery store to my place, I go there regularly. My only negative is trying to get their points card, I tried several times but the online form never works for me.
17 November 2019 1:54
One of the best little supermarkets in NDG extremely courteous staff very knowledgeable and extremely clean you can eat off the floor if you wanted to even though I wouldn't advise it
01 October 2019 9:11
Great prices on produce, everything else is way too expensive but it's worth going just for the fruits and vegetables which are half price from any well-known supermarket however you must have patience the store is small old dirty and you're stuck everywhere with your basket
27 September 2019 22:11
Literally the most disgusting meat I've ever seen. I just got food poisoning from eating their chicken that they claimed was packaged yesterday. Stay away
27 February 2019 22:25
Great for fruits & vegetables, but the quality of meat seems to be a lower grade than what I've purchased at other super markets.
01 January 2019 13:13
What can be said about the iconic grocery store, variety of products, most of the staff seem miserable and unhappy with their work, maybe it's the management style

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