01 December 2023 22:58
Now I'm doing renovations. I bought a kitchen in Rhone, Gatineau, Plateau on November 21st that was supposed to be delivered in 2 days. Constant transfers (het of the car, the load is too large), they were delivered only today, December 10, they put it on the street, we were in shock, initially we agreed that it would be brought into the house, from the entrance to the kitchen, only 5 steps. But they did not agree and took away the kitchen. Then we went to Rhone to find out this situation, 4 managers talked to us, they couldn’t do anything. We had to agree to have them delivered today and left near the entrance. One driver arrives and says that I am obliged to help him because he does not have a partner, I, my wife and my two children were in shock. I helped, but a negative impression remained. Dear store manager JEAN MARC, This kind of customer service is unacceptable!
30 November 2023 12:03
The main thing that is saving this place is the location.
I call them Rona Three. You will always see employers gathered in 3 talking to each other. And I'm fine with it.however try to ask anyone anything. The lack of knowledge and lack of efficiency is appealing.
Shopping there is an uphill bottle. I tried to order things online and pick them up but this doesn't work either. Expect to wait long time. Until they find the guy.
It's such a big difference with Rona in Aylmer.
13 September 2023 3:00
Update 2023-09-13
NEVER AGAIN will I purchase anything from this Rona or any other Rona. I brought back a DEFECTIVE PRODUCT of no fault of mine, and simply wanted to exchange for the exact same product. Since I had no receipt, they refused to simply exchange it and I had to purchase a new one at full price. I would understand if I requested a refund without a receipt, but I was only asking for a product in good condition. The director Eric Trudel refused this. You deserve all the bad reviews given below, DO NOT shop here.

I should've known better. I had issues with this Rona when I bought appliances in 2022.
This time, I bought patio furniture online.

Issue 1) Received a call from the employee at the store to schedule a delivery date. I asked if the delivery person could bring the boxes to my apartment on the 2nd floor, and there was an elevator. She said yes and to remind the delivery person once onsite. I did, but he said they don't do that. He had seen the request, called his boss, who confirmed they do not offer this. I was stuck in the main lobby as I am not able to bring them up myself.
Issue 2) two out of three products was defective. It happens. I went to the store (thankfully, I live 5 minutes away). I was there for about 30 minutes (from the time I walked in to the time I walked out) before the issue was supposedly solved. The delivery service manager assured they would deliver the new products AND pickup the defective products in the same trip, tomorrow. He said "on ne laisse pas tomber nos clients", to which I answered "we'll see how this goes". Finally, the delivery person just came by to pickup the defective products but WITHOUT the new products!

My boss has been incredibly patient as I needed to work from home for these deliveries, and I assured him that today was the last one, and I would be in the office the rest of the week.

Let's see if this gets resolved but again, very disappointing service from Rona. I understand the delivery company is a subcontractor, but this is not my/the clients' problem. I paid $79 + taxes for a delivery service that was subpar.
11 September 2023 5:44
Carl is the man

Whenever I go to the Plateau store. I look for Carl, very knowledgeable and experienced and always have a great attitude.

Thanks Carl you’re the best

À chaque fois que je visite votre magasin sur le Plateau, je cherche pour Carl, le monsieur connaît son affaire, a beaucoup d’expérience et a toujours une très bonne attitude.

Merci Carl t’es le meilleur
30 July 2023 4:40
Great service in the garden centre. The guy who drives the loader is very funny, nice and very helpful!
29 July 2023 2:50
Très déçue car aucun service et la présentation des échantillons de comptoirs laissait à désirer. Ça ne donne pas le goût d'acheter. De plus, nous y sommes retournés quelques jours plus tard pour faire couper des planches (on est en pleines rénovations) et le Centre de coupe était fermé pour une période indéterminée.
04 February 2023 2:12
Ne faites pas affaire avec le département de cuisine. Très désorganisé et Karim le gérant ne tiens pas sa parole quand au déménagement après erreurs commises.
24 January 2023 13:12
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME CALLING. Dealt with this store for 3 weeks and I had to go in person 3 times. They never pick up the phone. They put you on hold and then hang up. Horrible experience.
07 January 2023 13:54
J'y trouve ce dont j'ai besoin. J'aime que c'est tellement spacieux - on ne se sent pas bousculé même en période d'achalandage, à parcourir les larges allées.
04 January 2023 20:25
The people saying such great things about the customer service must have got someone different than I. I went in to get some parts for my wood stove and noticed a kit which was half the price at a different store so I asked to receive a price match. From the get-go the cashier was amazing and empathetic, however one of the senior staff had a very negative attitude and even though the pictures were showing the same articles on the packaging as the competing stores advertisement, this lady was determined to fight the price match. Big picture thinking I don't mind being told no, but at least have a personality about it. So after calling the gentleman who worked in the section over to confirm that it was the same make in the same parts I was told that it looked the same. Again this senior worker was not satisfied with that and decided to call a person who turned out to be the store manager, not the best fit for a customer service position mind you, and this store manager walks over ignores me starts to pull up skews and quite satisfied points out a difference in the skew from the Canadian competitors store. The one star rating is not due to being turned down on a price match, it's about the attitude of the two ladies I dealt with. The initial lady with attitude and the manager with attitude. Having worked retail I understand that working through a question from a customer can sometimes be a pain, but that's your freaking job and if you want people to come back to your store it's worth smiling acknowledging their presence and and saying no with an explanation and in a pleasant way. I do a lot of contract work, I purchased lots from this store, and that ends today.
03 January 2023 17:43
Terrible. Le manque de main d'oeuvre est flagrant. Les employés présents n'étaient ni formés ni intéressés au service à la clientèle.

Bien dommage.
23 December 2022 14:50
I've lived near not one but two Rona locations and I'm giving up on them.

Stores are ALWAYS a mess, products all over the place and mixed together, stuff with no stickers, etc

Their lumber is laughable. Like it would not be good enough for kids to play carpenter. Crooked, twisted, super green

I can't recall a good deal there, I've always sucked it up and paid because it was close. But no more
28 November 2022 3:50
Friendly staff, I got what I was looking for. Some times Rona in Ottawa and Rona in Gatineau have different prices.
26 November 2022 21:48
Significant stock issues. This store in general never fails to disappoint with products not being put out properly or not being in stock. Inventory also seems to be neglected in general. Products that are indicated as being very well in stock are left in overstocks not accessible to customers. Placement of products seem to be neglected and disorganized with products put in the wrong locations with the wrong shelf tags. Stock does not appear to be regularly replenished even months after products have run out.
25 November 2022 16:31
Very disrespectful staff.go further with this attitude. Certainly not a place for us to buy at.
04 November 2022 4:42
Huge store, helpful staff. I wish we still had a more prevalent Rona presence on the Ontario side. If items are out of stock in Nepean there's an 80% chance they'll still have it over on the Plateau.
09 October 2022 23:04
Le service de livraison n'est pas professionnel. On m'appelle pour me dire que la livraison aura lieu entre 09: 00 et 13: 00, et j'attend. Raouf vient et dépose à notre insu la marchandise (très lourde) sur le stationnement ou le driveway au lieu de l'endroit où on s'était convenu. L'achat s'était bien passé.
09 October 2022 10:14
Le service de livraison n'est pas professionnel. On m'appelle pour me dire que la livraison aura lieu entre 09: 00 et 13: 00, et j'attend. Raouf vient et dépose à notre insu la marchandise (très lourde) sur le stationnement ou le driveway au lieu de l'endroit où on s'était convenu. L'achat s'était bien passé.
05 October 2022 4:47
Although I visited RONA many times and bought many things, it was very disappointing that there was no Wi-Fi like Home Depot had since many years ago. Finally, Wi-Fi access is implemented in 2021 (I think). So, I am happy now.
17 September 2022 7:46
Pretty well find all you need to do your rénovations and fixes. Friendly staff and easy to find whatever you need.
09 September 2022 3:22
The employee (at the paint counter) understood exactly what I was looking for and since the item was backordered he found another Rona store where the item was in stock. Very good service, would recommend!
03 August 2022 9:55
Basically went to buy flowers and everything for gardening I had a little bit of trouble finding a certain planters i was looking for and the employee did not know what i was talking about. After going thru 3 peoples i got the answer! Sorry we dont have this here‍️
04 July 2022 22:21
We were helped by Divine. She was wonderfully pleasant! She went out of her way to ensure we got everything we needed. Thank you!
11 June 2022 2:32
Found what I needed fast, came in the store with a part I needed a bolt for. Staff at the front provided me with a sticker to show the item was mine. In and out fast. Lots of selection. Big clean store with plenty of staff to help you.
11 April 2022 8:54
Le gars a l'entré contracteur qui me voit et revoit depuis longtemp et sais qui je suis (identité) et a vue ma pass sanitaire me redemande 3 fois le meme jour.ou est la logique.
06 April 2022 16:02
Friendly staff and good prices.

**Update** I went there today and again as per usual, good customer service.
04 April 2022 6:22
Toujours propre et service courtois. Normalement j'y trouve toujours ce que je cherche excepté cette fois. Je cherchais des engrais pour mes avocatiers, mais ils en avaient pas. Seulement ppur plantes tropicales.
23 March 2022 6:43
Despite checking their website and also having a chat to again confirm they indeed did have what I was looking for it was nowhere to be found. Wasted an hour driving there. Staff was trying to find the article and were very apologetic but could not help.
07 March 2022 10:09
I was refused entry because I was vaccinated in Ontario (Ottawa). I have proof of full vax, but she wouldn't accept it because only Quebec residents are allowed in the store (this is what I was told by the girl at the door). They only allow Quebec vaccinated people. It's stupid, it's the same vaccine, it shows clear discrimination against Ontario people, vaccination status is irrelevant, Ontario residents are prohibited. The girl was also very rude with me even though I was being very polite with her. Stay away from this place.
25 February 2022 21:04
Meh, wont sell me a beg of sand because they wont let me go outside to get it, said to order online and they will get it, canceled my online order
07 February 2022 12:02
Personnel à la caisse vraiment ordinaire et peu à l’écoute du client. J’ai dû avoir un débat pour obtenir le prix indiqué sur ma soumission qui était garantie 30 jours. Le personnel de la plomberie, Steve et son collègue, m’ont bien servie par contre.
02 February 2022 12:21
Stock was misplaced. A very kind employee found the right box, got a ladder and got it for me. But it was hard to find anyone to help.
17 January 2022 20:52
Find that they're always out of stock. Used to purchase frequently from them, however have been sourcing products and materials from other retailers.
10 January 2022 18:31
Found was I was looking for, on the second trip! You need to look at the product to be certain that this what you want.

J'ai trouvé ce que je cherchais. À la deuxième visite! Il faut vraiment examiner le produit afin d'être certain que c'est le bon article.
22 December 2021 3:08
Se rendre au Rona pour faire faire 2 clés. Revenir à la maison et les deux ne fonctionnent pas. Il faut maintenant retourner mais c'est non remboursable -_-
13 December 2021 7:01
Good luck getting anyone to assist you.shopped on a quiet Friday morning, no reason for such bad service
04 August 2021 1:17
Service pourri. Attente de 30 minutes pour acheter une pièce qui était sous le comptoir du commis. Total manque de respect pour le client.
20 July 2021 12:55
Aucun service. Nous attendons une livraison depuis 16 jours. Aucun retour d'appel des messages laissés. Au magasin on nous dit qu'on va nous appeler puisqu'ils ne peuvent nous aider et aucun retour non plus! Nous avons appelé au bureau chef et ils ne peuvent nous aider. Ils ont même essayé d'appeler le magasin pendant que j'étais en ligne avec eux et aucune réponse. Ils ont même envoyé un courriel au magasin et aucun retour par la suite de leur part! Nous avons commandé des sac de roche concassée et disent que c'est envoyé par Purolator (!? !). Quand on demande d'annuler notre commande en ligne, ils nous disent que le magasin doit annuler la commande pas eux. Aucun moyen de se faire rembourser et avoir des explications ou se faire aider.
02 July 2021 19:40
Jamais vu des "conseillers" aussi ignorant dans leurs propres département.

Tant qu'à embauché un tel manque de savoir, aussi bien convertir le Rona en entrepot libre-service.
27 January 2021 5:32
Faite tout votre possible pour ne pas faire vos achats dans ce Rona. Leurs prix sont exorbitants et essayer de retourner des articles est hyper frustrant. Évitez de faire vos achats au Plateau Rona. If you can, you should make every effort to not shop at this Rona. Their prices are exorbitant and trying to return items is an exercise in frustration. Avoid shopping at Le Plateau Rona.
16 January 2021 16:43
Je donne une étoile juste pour pouvoir écrire un commentaire cette place ne mérite même pas demi étoile. La plus mauvaise expérience j ai jammais vu à cette place.si vous voulez être insultés là bas allez y.simplement je rentre dans le magasin je demande à la personne responsable de la section électrique où je peux trouver l huile pour le moteur.il me répond qu il est occupé et que je suis impoli de demander en voyant qu il est occupé. Simplement il jouait à quelque chose avec ses mains. J ai demandé pour le gérant qui est venu rapidement si j ai pas trombé il s appelle Mario et pour être honnêt je lui donne 5 étoiles juste pour lui il était collaborant et gentil et il m a cherché l huil et m a calmé. Alors merci Mario
12 January 2021 5:33
Very friendly staff, I had to buy a bunch of items today and in pretty much every section, if I was there for a while, someone would ask of they could help. Made it easy to quickly check all the items off my list!
10 January 2021 15:39
Impossible de commander des fenêtre, pas d’employés, j’ai attendu 10 minutes mais il avait déjà quelqu’un en avant de moi qui aussi attendait. Pas fort.
22 December 2020 22:47
Not very good. I returned defective Christmas lights and they had no stock to replace them.

I asked if they could check stores that had stock and they sent me on a 40 kilometer drive to a store that doesn't even carry those lights. So much wasted time. Can not be trusted.
12 December 2020 1:02
Personnel très aimable et compétant. Le magasin est propre, agréable à visiter. Merci pour l'accueil et les conseils. Je vais y revenir.
07 December 2020 1:54
Terrible.trying to buy a Maax shower but left very frustrated because the staff don't know the product they are selling.
This isn't a small amount, about 2k, to bad for Rona. I will go elsewhere.
03 December 2020 16:08
Hardware stores are always a fun shopping experience and this Rona's employees are almost always friendly and helpful. Today I received stellar customer service and it really made my shopping experience enjoyable. I was in and out quickly with everything on my list.
NOTE: unfortunately this store does not sanitize their shopping carts and sanitizer for the carts was not made available. A little worrisome so be extra vigilant with hand sanitizing after you visit this store.
03 December 2020 9:05
Service impécable, prix abordable et notre maisom vois tous les produit de Rona à tous les années comme réno. Cette anné un nouveau plancher de salon et cuisine avec une nouvelle cuisine au complet! Merci Rona!
01 December 2020 17:26
Vendredi le 16 octobre 2020, je revenais à mon auto avec les mains pleines et une grosse chaudière de plâtre. Un jeune homme à la casquette noir et blanche (dont la palette est blanche) qui ramassait les paniers à l'extérieur, m'a vu et m'a immédiatement porté assistance en prenant en charge la grosse chaudière jusqu'à mon auto! J'étais hyper impressionné de l'initiative, la gentillesse et la courtoisie de ce jeune homme! Milles merci, d'une petite dame ambitieuse qui pensait être capable de transporter tout cela sans panier ;)
26 November 2020 8:55
Le service est très bon, Mathieu Surprenant nous a donnez des conseils et des petits trucs pour nous aider dans notre projet de couvre-plancher lui même ébéniste de métier savait de quoi il parlait. Il nous a aussi fourni des échantillons, merci.
24 November 2020 23:05
The clerk who served me in the plumbing department was knowledgeable and professional.

The cashier at the contractor counter was courteous and very, very pleasant.
20 November 2020 15:36
J'ai remarqué une amélioration nette du service à la clientèle ce mois-ci par rapport à il y a 5 mois. Assurez-vous de vérifier vos factures puisqu'il m'est déjà arrivé de m'être fait facturé deux fois pour le même produit, et une fois quitté le magasin, c'est trop tard pour effectuer la correction.
19 November 2020 17:46
The staff here are not very helpful. They tend to stand around in their own groups talking to each other. It is very rare someone will ask you if they can help you. Many a time I find the aisle I want is blocked off with a rope or skids of stock. I always try to avoid shopping here even though it is the most convenient lumber/renovation store. I am always disappointed. I had high hopes for reform when Lowe's bought them but there has not been a change in their attitude unfortunately.
27 October 2020 22:41
Sophie is one of the few employed human beings in Gatineau with the right attitude. Customer focused, strong eye contact, prompt service. I wish all employees could be like her.

Unfortunately, the click-and-collect team are not up to snuff, as it took them an entire day to not even *begin* to look for a simple 1/4 drive ratchet, located mere meters away from their office. I had to come into the store and purchase it myself.
26 October 2020 8:28
Told today that I couldn't use the cashiers at the lumber section unless I had a business account.even though there were no other customers there.if that's the case then I'll go else where with my money.
19 October 2020 23:13
Took forever to find someone to help me find what I was looking for. Finally I asked someone for help not his department but did call for help. 3 of us were waiting for service once it arrived. This is the second time in 3 weeks I've had poor service. I will go to lowes or home depot in Ottawa where I've had exceptional service.
16 October 2020 17:29
They’re employees are always willing to help you find what you need even when you don’t know exactly what you need. Highly recommend this Rona!
21 August 2020 13:52
My opinion of this store changed drastically when I went in the other day and saw the place was loaded with balloons! It is 2020. Balloons pollute our children's planet. Terrible decision to use balloons to try to sell washers and dryers. My wife and I have spent thousands of dollars here since 2019 but I can't support Rona until they get on board with responsible environmental decisions. Please put an end to the ridiculous balloons.
22 May 2020 18:34
Web shopping as bad as it can get.
I ordered one single item, which was in stock, for pickup. My order confirmation said that "most orders are ready in 2 hours" so I had no doubt I would be able to pick it up before the store would close five and a half hours later.
However, I didn't hear anything back so just before closing time I called them. After 7 calls I gave up as it was the same at every call. I got through to a calling tone but was disconnected after about a minute.
Replying by email wasn't possible either as they used a no-reply email address.

Today I tried calling again but same result. I tried to select "pro desk" instead of "web orders" but they guy who picked up had no desire to help. "They are very busy" he said.

Finally I went to the store. I was pretty much the only customer but I could count at least 10 employees standing around appearing to not do much. Busy.right.

I spoke with a girl at the "web shop pickup" who was chitchatting with a colleague but she did have time to tell me how busy they were.right.

Anyway, I cancelled my web order, picked up the item myself and paid for it at the cash. I should have done so in the first place.

When I ordered the item online I also placed an order at Home Depot and even though I did it as little as two hours before closing time, I could go there and pick up the item at curbside within an hour in total.

I know where I'll do my online shopping in the future and it ain't at Rona.ca
13 February 2020 5:49
I bought a stove there on the recommendation of a so called friend, worst mistake I ever made. The stove cost me $749.00 and it is a piece of junk.how they get away with selling stuff like this is beyond me. I am beginning to think that this stove was not new most likely returned by another angry customer. I am so angry and never again will I buy anything from this store. If I could give this store less than 1 star I would but 1 is as low as you can go but if anyone asks I would tell them 0 By the way it helps if you speak french because if you don't you are treated like you don't exist until you pay that is.

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