07 March 2023 18:26
For many years I have had no problems however in the last 5 years I have run out of heating oil 3 to 4 times. Why is this happening? This is not acceptable. I thought they had algorithms to determine when the next oil delivery should be. I call and they can take all day getting back to me and it is worse when it is an evening or a weekend. Once they get back to me it takes even longer to deliver oil. And once they deliver oil, it can take even longer for a technician to come to ensure oil is flowing to furnace Meanwhile I have no heat and the temperature in my house plummets to 12 degrees or lower. Of course this happens on those very cold winter days. I tell them I have no heat but that does not seem to make a difference in the urgency, not to mention as a senior citizen, I seem to be more sensitive to the cold.
07 March 2023 16:32
Thermopompe acheté avec eux en 2020. J'ai acheté la plus chère qu ils me proposaient pour ne pas avoir de problème. Compresseur déjà brisé. Il a fallu que j insiste que ma thermopompe avait un problème lors de la visite d évaluation de la thermopompe pour qu'ils trouvent le problème.
J'appelle pour savoir quand je vais recevoir mon nouveau compresseur et on me répond qu'ils font un appel de service à un contracteur.personne ne peut me donner une date. Pendant ce temps, je paye l'huile à un prix de fou et on me dit de être patiente.
31 October 2022 6:33
I am very disappointed with the services. They keep charging me for the services that I never asked for. Poor communication.
10 July 2022 4:15
Pas compliquer…Faite affaire ailleurs…!
Sinon le prochain à mettre un commentaire sera toi.
Et croit-moi tu ne macheras pas tes mots.
09 April 2022 1:53
Worst customer service ever. I takes them more than a week to deliver. I make sure to give them enough time so I dont run out of oil and now its empty. They might be a little cheaper but definitly not worth the stress. No one can give me a timeline. No one know whats going on.
08 April 2022 4:31
Very disappointing service. No delivery of heating oil for 3 weeks in February - the coldest month. When I called for emergency delivery, they kept telling me there would be delivery during the day but didn’t know when. It took them 10 hours to deliver, and still couldn’t send a technician to restart the furnace. There are old people and children in the building who had to sleep through 2 nights (-20C) without heat.
04 April 2022 15:05
Second time they have left us without oil, sitting in a freezing house, in the middle of February. But they never fail to deliver oil in August. Giving two stars instead of one because so far it hasn't happened more than once a winter.
04 April 2022 9:04
Aucun suivi du service à la clientèle concernant un problème de réservoir. Ça fait plus de 2 semaines que j'attends un rendez-vous avec un plombier et entre temps je n'ai plus de livraison de mazout. Nous sommes en plein hiver et il ne me reste presque plus d'huile à chauffage.
27 March 2022 22:36
Terrible customer service, I buy the yearly plan for furnace and AC unit that is over 600$ tax in a year, last summer they never did the annual maintenance on the AC I only realized by end of summer, I called and they called the subcontractor they deal with. They call me to tell me at this time of the year we have no AC tech available. I called back Norco the person contacts the sub contractor again and she calls back to tell me that now it is too cold to do maintenance on my AC which i had figured that. Called back Norco to get a credit for the maintenance part, I contact service dept.left several msg.never returned my call. After several attempts, finally speak to a person responsible to tell me, this is a company policy after the month of March we cannot credit back from a paid contract. If I buy my contract at the beginning of the year and when time comes to do maintenance its around summer time where is the responsibility of the company I paid you practically beginning of the year 2021 do they normally start cleaning the AC unit in February, heck no. They just make sure they end up keeping your hard working money and if you want it back, you have to start taking steps to get what is yours back. If i had time to waste and money I would go to small claims court as i know its my right but with work and not much time to go and spend another 50$ or more at small claims court why bother and this is why these companies take advantage of us small guys who work hard for there money.
22 March 2022 15:17
There customer service is terrible. Have been a long time customer but I think it is time to change. Oil is at 1/8 of a tank, have been calling for 2 weeks now trying to get a delivery. Standard answer will be delivered in a day or so but never happens. They do manage to take my money every month without any problems. Customer service reps are just plain rude.
16 March 2022 7:50
Service pourri! À chaque fois que j'appelle pour une livraison de mazout il me niaisent
Qu'ils vont venir le lendemain et il ne viennent pas!
Depuis le 30 décembre que j'attends c'est pas fort plusieurs appel et toujours le même réponse
17 January 2022 22:20
J`appel pour un remplissage de mon réservoir à l`huile car je suis presque vide 4 jours plus tard personne ne passe et personne communique avec moi vraiment un service miniable Les Huiles Norco - Anjou
30 March 2021 5:20
Je place une commande mardi 26 janvier 7h51 am, le répondant me dit que ça devrait se faire avant 72 heures, le vendredi 20h32 j’appelle pour voir ce qui se passe, ma jauge est en bas de zéro, le répondant replace une commande, Un repondant de Norco me rappelle a 20h40 me disant que je n’ai jamais appelé mardi et que c’est impossible.il me dit que si je veux du Mazouth en urgence je devrai payer pas loin de 180$ d’extra.je lui dis de laisser faire que je vais me trouver un autre fournisseur. Le lendemain matin j’ai une livraison.j’espère ne pas avoir de frais.car une plainte officiel sera faite sur le représentant et de son mauvais service, et son arrigance.
23 March 2021 14:24
They delivered without my consent. I had cancelled over a year ago.
The worse oil company there is. Don't use them.taking them to small claims court. They also are more expensive than everybody else
02 March 2021 12:31
We needed oil fast - our bi-energy system broke and we were heating on oil alone. I called Norco at 4: 45 pm. Delivery at 8: 56 pm.on the same day! Excellent service, thanks!
31 January 2021 14:21
Client depuis 10 ans, j’ai mis fin au contrat au mois de septembre, les huiles norco me doivent un crédit alors depuis septembre dernier j’ai dû appeler à 6 reprises et à chaque fois pour me faire dire que la demande était faite et qu’il fallait allouer 3 à 4 semaines avant de recevoir mon chèque, si je le reçois avant la fin de l’année ils auras fallu 12 semaines et ce sans aucune excuse de leur part.
Et inutile de me répondre d’appeler le service à la clientèle je l’ai déjà fait 6 fois. Compagnie à éviter.
09 January 2021 0:09
Worst experience ever my first winter i called them on monday nov 2nd for oil refill and repair lady explained we have promotions and bla bla u just need to fill a form online to become customer did that right away called back for the furnace maintenance and the service she was talking about now no more available and then the answer was there is nothing we can do right now took another company worst experience ever ever.
I do not recommend this company to anyone
10 October 2020 19:58
Une entreprise pas fiable du tout à éviter pour prévenir une dépression.j'étais client avec eux car l'ancien propriétaire l’était aussi, suite à un appel de service que j'ai fait l’après midi du 6 décembre 2019, le technicien arrive vers 16h mais il me charge le taux du soir! Le technicien avoue qu'il n'est pas capable de réparer la panne mais son collègue va le joindre pour résoudre cette panne, puis ce collègue désiste et ne vient pas. Le technicien a posé un thermostat temporaire qui voulait me charger 150$ (çà vaut 25 $ chez rona!) pour démarrer exclusivement la fournaise à l'huile sans jamais être capable de remettre la thermopompe en marche! Mais, il m'a promit que l'autre technicien va passer la semaine d’après pour réparer la panne. Au bout de quelque heures pas de chauffage! J'ai fait appel à un troisième technicien pour remettre la fournaise à l'huile en marche!
Jusqu’à aujourd'hui, cette entreprise n'a pas réparé la panne de mon 'appel de service.l'agente du service à la clientèle ne voulait rien entendre, elle veut juste placer un deuxième appel de service pour réparer la même panne du premier appel, et m'a raccroché au nez le téléphone!
20 April 2020 9:28
Je fais affaire avec cette compagnie depuis 2011, essentiellement parce que les anciens propriétaires de ma maison étaient avec eux. Au début, ca allait bien, mais depuis un certain temps je ne suis plus satisfaite et je suis en processus pour changer de fournisseur. Curieusement, ça me coûte de plus en plus cher pour une petite maison que je ne chauffe pas outre mesure. À tout bout de champ, malgré les entretiens réguliers, je dois faire un appel de service et on change ci ou ca. On me dit que la pressi9on n'était pas assez forte et donc que la fournaise fonctionne tout le temps d'où les prix exorbitants. Ma question: pourquoi payer pour un entretien tous les automnes si on ne peut même pas détecter et corriger tout de suite une pression trop basse? Par ailleurs, le nouveau livreur est plutôt exigeant contrairement au précédent. Sans rentrer dans de grands détails, on a beau tout faire pour le satisfaire (un chemin pelleté, un accès à la cour sans difficulté etc.), il a souvent de quoi à redire et même si on corrige immédiatement on est parfois oubliés. Bref, un service qui laisse à désirer. Des coûts exorbitants qui me font me demander si finalement ca ne fait pas leur bonheur de laisser aller des choses plutôt que de les corriger rapidement et m'éviter des paiements par mois qui ressemblent à des paiements de voiture et qui ont doublé en quelques années à peine. C'est mon dernier hiver avec eux.
12 March 2020 0:48
We bought our house and inherited this company for our home furnace service and maintenance. We had an issue with our 2nd furnace as it was not heating the entire top floor. We had a technician come to fix the issue, but he only fixed it partially. A few weeks later, we asked that a second technician come to see the issue, as it was still not heating properly. The second technician was much more knowledgeable than the first, and was able to pin point the issue much quicker. When I called to let the company know this, they were surprised, and I too was surprised that they were going to charge me for both visits. I was unimpressed and angry about this. The account manager ended up reducing my 2nd invoices by 50%. I think that these types of issues/inconsistencies can occur, and at the very least, they were able to show goodwill by reducing the 2nd invoice.
11 March 2020 0:30
Very bad experience
We bought our house in 2019 so its our firs winter
We took this company
When you ask them to be on call they still deliver without you calling
Driver collects rumors that we will go electric one day and pass that information to customer service and they decided to close our account, we are planning to go electric by January 2021. So we still need oil for 2020.
After that they will charge you for delivery when driver does not want to deliver to you. He got mad when I called for emergency delivery because as I said its 1 winter and we didn't know how to use oil.
We took warranty if anything brakes or oil furnace need to be restarted it's free.
And when we needed to restart our furnace they charged as 100 $
I call and write emails no one answers

Now we need oil again and cant reach anyone since monday
18 February 2020 5:39
Worst company ever. Didn’t listen to NOT put oil in my tank and then filled it up. Came back to pump the oil out and took the oil I paid for with them. Their answer was ‘too bad’.

Had an estimate to change my furnace with the most unprofessional person ever. Took five minutes to ‘eyeball’ the size of furnace, took pics and left. He could barely answer any questions when pressed for details such name or wattage of furnace to be put in. Acted like I was getting a great deal with them. POS.
03 December 2019 1:15
I would give you a 0 star if I could. I called for an emergency repair of our furnace on saturday morning. Customer service was rude and arrogant. The whole weekend went by without a call back. We are now monday and I am still waiting. I called another company in the mean time who returned my call in 15 minutes.useless company.great work acquiring new customers.
30 October 2019 12:18
Il faut éviter cette compagnie de tout prix si vous ne voulez pas perdre de votre argent et votre temps!
03 October 2019 12:39
Overpriced /litre 8 to 10 cents, Locked into contract otherwise would change. I will switch soon after equipment replaced.
17 September 2019 15:45
D'abord une excuse pour les employés de cette entreprise ce n'est pas votre faute!
C'est une très très mauvaise entreprise, à éviter vraiment! Elle invente des pénalités exagérée, et surtout le clause de contrat n'est pas claires.des frais cachés + Ex. Il faut payer pour faire enlever le chauff-eau qu'on a déjà loué pour pls années.
04 September 2019 15:11
12 August 2019 5:40
Norco used to be a reliable Company, but not so anymore. Nine days ago it withdrew an unauthorized amount ($400 +) from my bank account. Although the Credit Office acknowledged the error, the reimbursement of funds has not been made. Furthermore, the employee in charge of credit lied to me, telling me that the payment was made last week. Her attitude was that I was at fault and it was only after I called several times that she told me she was "Trying" to check with the Head Office re the stus of my reimbursement. I have received nothing and there was no apology or acknowlegement that Norco is at fault. The Credit Office does not care about its' clients and the fact that Norco has unauthorized funds is of no concern. If you are a Norco client, please be careful. My house has been serviced by Norco since 1951. However, I am now rethinking the relationship. The very idea that it would continue to hold funds that do not belong to the Company is enough to make me leave. The incompetent and arrogant personnel are also very objectionable. Not the old Norco that's for sure. Avoid this company.
23 July 2019 19:08
Do not do business with this company. They have the worst customer and delivery service since they merged with Filgo Energy. We pay for an automatic delivery service and, in spite of this, this is our second time running out of oil, even after we called them to tell them that we were running on empty and asked them for a delivery. Nothing seems to be taken seriously with this company and the end customer ends up paying for it by not getting any oil.
10 July 2019 23:18
Don't waste you time and money with this company, i have call to have service because my ac is not working, they told me to go somewhere else and have it fix by the other company i mean they told me to go somewhere else. Nice costumer service. After i have paid everything for 5 years without missing a single payment this is what i get. Ohhh i wanted to get another heat pump for my new house i called them also. I think her name was marie she told me before i can have my own heat pump installed to my new house i need to close my account to be able to open a new account for my new house, i said ok she said someone will call me in 24 hours but its been a month no one called me soo i went to another company who took care of me well and have my ac installed. Soo stay away no wonder why your ratings is garbage.
17 April 2019 12:59
Mauvais service à la clientèle. Le charmant technicien qui faisait mon entretien depuis 10 ans a même quitté la compagnie tellement il sont désagréable.
Le nouvel entretient s'est fait 3 mois plus tard.
Même histoire de chauffe-eau loué. Il te faut payer pour le faire enlevé. Assurez-vous qui vous le cède pour le mettre au chemin.

. 4 jours après la réponses ce-bas "Un membre de notre équipe communiquera avec vous dans les prochaines 24 à 48 h"
Je n'ai jamais eu de communication.
10 April 2019 1:07
Si vous n'etes pas encore client! Ne perdez pas de temps a les contactez, ils deviennents vite bete, pire service a la clientèle!
04 April 2019 16:34
While I do not usually write reviews, I feel compelled to do so. During the cold snap last week we ran out of oil. It was due to a block for automatic delivery being put on our account due to the fact that we have an older oil tank that requires replacing. As this was only brought to our attention in late November, we asked that oil continue to be delivered until the spring when we can easily access the oil tank that is now blocked with outdoor furniture, bikes, etc. They assured us in November that this would be fine and that they would lift the block. Well, they did not and as a result we ran out of oil on one of the coldest days of the winter. When we called, the customer service agent was rude and even told us that we had been irresponsible to run out of oil. I have been trying to speak with management to discuss how upset we are with the service and we are told that they cannot speak to clients but rather we have to make a complaint in writing. So the onus is on us to keep pursuing this. Not impressive customer service to say the least.
03 April 2019 2:52
My grand father ran out of oil.they call the companie and they said its normal.and they had no truck for delivery.he's now at the hospital for hypothermia! THE DUMBESS COMPANY! You are not finish with us! Thats not normal running out of oil and not having any truck for delivery its an emergency during winter and with this freezing temperature.
27 March 2019 13:51
Customer service is useless. They are messenger and there is no manager to speak to. They probably hide on the poor service. 2 week and now tank is empty. They reply that we have a reserve. Still no real indication when they will come. Hope exotic fish will not suffer from no heat. Change company next year.
20 March 2019 12:00
Do not do business with this company. They lie all the time. It’s now 3 weeks that I am waiting for delivery and still no sign of them and you cannot get a straight answer. My oil tank is running on empty! I am changing company!
12 March 2019 23:51
J ai donner une étoile pcq je ne peu pas donner moins.j ai jamais vue un service a la clientèle aussi pourri.commande de la huile le 14 janvier annule la commande le 24 pcq il ne peuvent pas me dire quand il vont pouvoir livre et mon réservoir est rendu dans la réserve.et il ont tjrs des bonne raison camion briser chauffeur malade il fait froid crime ont est au Québec bin il fait frette en hiver.alors j au décider de faire avec une autre compagnie il son venu dans les 12hr suivant mon appel.ajd le 28 janvier bin le livreur de Shell ces présente pour la livraison wow un système de communication interne aussi pourri svp ne faite pas affaire avec filgo énergie Shell pourri pourri pourri
07 March 2019 3:34
Worst customer service ever.they act like you're bothering them when you want to know when you're getting your oil delivery. I called 9 days ago and they said it would take 5-7 days.now my tank is empty and they're closed!

I will call another company to bail Norco out.not giving them another penny, the just lost a customer.
19 February 2019 2:50
Worst customer experience, and complete rip off! We bought our house 4 months ago, with water heater rented from Huiles Norco. When we finally managed to reach them (took 2 months, they weren't checking voicemail of the number we had), we asked them to give us a few weeks to figure out whether we wanted to continue with oil or explore gas/electricity. They threatened to come and dismantle the water heater right away unless we signed a one year contract - we repeatedly asked for a few weeks only, but they wouldn't hear anything. We have 2 small babies and winter was starting, there was no way we could have lived without hot water. We paid rent for 2 months, the time it took to switch provider. They are now asking us to pay 600$ because we ended the contract (that they forced us to sign) early. On top of that, they are being extremely rude and unresponsive on the phone. We are bringing this issue to our lawyer.
21 January 2019 13:34
Ya5555. I placed an order last Friday November 16th and the customer service told that they will deliver the oil in the beginning of next week, I called them back next Tuesday November 20 asking for update they told me tomorrow they will fill my empty tank, Wednesday nothing happened I called back and the customer service told me that there’s something wrong and he will investigate and get back to me in few hours (he didn’t call back). Thursday I called back again and the lady told me that this is a lie that they were coming before and she told me that tomorrow the truck will be in fabreville and will fill your tank. Friday lol my tank still empty, and the rude customer service told me that I am a lier when I told her that I called you yesterday and you said you’re coming today. Shame on you
Bad customer service.
0 communication skill
Unrespactfull compay
15 January 2019 10:12
Ça fait plusieurs années que je fais affaires avec eux et cette année je cherche un autre fournisseur pour les remplacer. À mon avis, ils méritent même pas 1 étoile à cause du service à la clientèle. Ils ne retournent pas mes appels et ce n'est jamais de leur faute quand il y a un problème.
25 December 2018 19:44
We've been with Norco for 6 years, excellent service, we have our furnace maintained every other year and the people they send are really helpful in explaining what they are doing and the condition of the nozzles.

We are not on an autofill program, we monitor our own oil levels; service is prompt when we need it (we call when we have a 1/4 tank left) and they usually come within 3 days which is more than enough as we use a 1/2 tank a year maybe a bit more for the really cold winters.

21 December 2018 0:13
My family has been with Norco (previously called Thermoshell) since the 1970's. Thermoshell was a great company that provided customer centric service that was polite, efficient and proactive.
Norco is terrible and gets worse and worse every year. They have unfriendly customer service that lectures clients about their being wrong about any matter. Norco is inflexible and overpriced.
They now seem to outsource maintenance to third party contractors. It would probably be cheaper to go straight to those contractors and bypass Norco for any work that you need done. Also, unless your fuel oil tank is near empty you can no longer schedule a delivery to take advantage of cheaper fuel oil prices. This is something that I have done for years. But now Norco no longer does this. They now only delivery if your tank is near empty.
I pay for annual insurance for my furnace that includes an annual maintenance visit in the spring. When I called to schedule it with Norco last spring they told me that my furnace does not need annual maintenance any more. This is despite that annual maintenance was done in the spring every year since the 1970's on our furnace. Not to mention the fact that I am paying for it with the insurance premium. They only sent someone after I insisted. (Thermoshell, in contrast, had their technician call you to schedule maintenance every Spring and they arrived on time and were friendly.)
It is time to move on from Norco. I am tired of wasting my time and money on a company that does not care about their clients at all and provides worse service every year.
20 November 2018 11:42
Have been a customer for over 30 years there customer service representative treat there clients like there are a piece of garbage they talk to you extremely rude and am surprised theirs no supervisor to check them if anyone need an oil company my advise don't even bother they have the worst service ever I never seen service like this and being a client for 30 years

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