11 January 2024 11:46
Best Place to Find Health Products to Eat and Loads of Supplements to find. And A Restaurant that provides Foods that are made on the spot. Healthy and Fresh.
07 January 2024 16:10
C'était ma première expérience chez Tau. J'y étais pour faire une démonstration. J'y ai découvert des produits de grande qualité. L'épicerie est tellement propre et bien rangée, on y retrouve nos produits sans problème. Les employés sont hyper sympathiques et à l'écoute des clients. Chapeau pour cette magnifique entreprise!
07 November 2023 19:13
According to the price listed on the shelf the product was $3.49. When we got to the cash it range up at $8.49. Asked the teller about the discrepancy. She checked and confirmed the lower price, but said the price label looked like it had been scratched? Call over a manager who offered no assistance. Very poor customer service.
05 November 2023 7:04
More added

Go in for large jar glass on top of freezers. The same owner / manager (Alina, Alex and the older one with grey hair and glasses) that was there the weekend and in reference here goes “just grab it”huffs and puffs again. Sure let me fly there. Imagine, perhaps I should apologize for inconveniencing these so called managers while they should be doing their job. The staff saw and said “I know, I have to work with them everyday” then I witness the same tell off a senior woman. Absolutely disgusting. As I suggested before, take the extra drive and go to Avril. Well worth it! If it wasn’t for specific staff there who have been there, I wouldn’t step foot at all.

Edited a month later

I spoke to the manager Alino again today. I expressed concern about strong chemical smell in the store and he as attitude and says “what do you want me to do about it” even some staff I spoke to said they have asthma and are not feeling well. I am constantly met with an attitude of what do you want me to do, he huffs and puffs, speaks to his colleagues to say “is it true” (very unprofessional) and finally “I do not have time for this”. I invited him to read the comments here. He takes no responsibility, does not know what or how to be a manager or seek solutions, is arrogant and never solves anything. It’s no wonder 95% of the Tau Pointe-Claire staff left. I also maintain that I have reached out to Gideon Brown, the owner for 2 years with no response. Tau doesn’t care about health and integrity. They care about marketing and business and are full of greenwashing.

I’ve Had a bad taste in my mouth for many years now. Long time customer since the old location, I’ve seen all the staff but a few left leave due to the same issues they notice. We became friends over time and they all left. Most of the staff, except a few talk amongst themselves, are rude, smell strong perfume and the quality is not there. The fruits are almost always rotten, big clouds of white, flies on them and it’s sickening. I drive now to Avril in Laval to do my groceries and only go to Tau for emergencies, in and out. I’ve called several times head office and explained in length issues at hand, with no response ever. A former employee told me to post here, I said that’s not the approach I found kind and helpful. But 2 years later, here we are. I had picked up strawberries and patatoes while I got some quick things and they both have this particular same smell that is new like something was sprayed on them and it doesn’t feel right at all.
26 September 2023 23:58
I don't know what's going on but this place has been going downhill regarding customer service for a while. There are a few cashiers that are actually professional but the majority of the staff seem to be young high school students that literally just want a socialize and have poor customer service skills. They seem more interested to want to talk to one another then actually pay attention to what's going on around them and paying attention to the customers that are waiting in line. Sometimes they look spaced out and lost. Often i have to go up to them and ask them if I can come up because they're either talking to someone or looking like they just want to take a nap. I don't know who's in charge of the hiring process but it seems that there's absolutely no requirements to work here. Often the staff have no clue about the products and where they're at and I always see them socializing rather than learning about the products and actually helping customers. They have no interest in helping the customers it seems. I even called the manager one day when I had to go up to a cashier rather than have them call me up and the manager didn't even apologize and just said they'd look into it. Super unprofessional. And also they run out of stock often and do not restock before the old stock gets sold out. Very annoying and inconsistent. It's been a few years now this place has been going downhill.
08 September 2023 21:38
Not everything is organic, I don't think the meals in the ready food section are organic, nor labeled properly. My observation based on a couple of ready frozen products sold in there. Hence the prices are not justified. I stopped going there 6 months ago, after i was left standing at the pizza section for sometime, and when an employee came to service people from the other section, she completely ignored me, and the customer that was a girl, pushed me out of her way infront of the employee!
08 September 2023 18:18
We regularly buy products from them its always a perfect experience lots of organic food tons of products its a must try
30 August 2023 4:55
Tres déçue par le comportement inapproprié du gérant. Aucune notion sur le service a la clientele. Il m'a manque de respect en faisant le geste avec sa main de me la fermer. Je ne remettrai plus les pieds dans ce magasin. J'aimerais avoir les coordonnées de la direction de TAU afin de déposer une plainte officielle. Merci
23 August 2023 22:38
Poor services, don't even know if they have white vinegar, found one by myself, ask some questions about the one i found and can't even answer me?
12 August 2023 23:47
Très intéressant mais malheureusement trop chers.
C'est normal parce que tous ses produits et nourriture sont biologique.
06 August 2023 7:05
Tau Pointe-Claire. Je suis tellement déçue de la dégradation de la qualité des produits, spécialement depuis les 3 dernières années. Il semble que vous achetez des fruits et légumes de basse catégorie. J'ai dû jetter presque la moitié du gros contenant d'épinards acheté en fin de semaine (12 août) avec une date de péremption du 23 août. Le service a aussi subi une dégradation majeure. Il est presque impossible d'être servi en français et le personnel trop souvent incompétent. Je suis sur le point de changer d'endroit pour faire mon épicerie et acheter mes suppléments. C'est triste car je suis cliente à cet endroit depuis tellement d'années. Photo jointe
03 August 2023 10:47
Manager didn’t want to refund a can of coconut cream that was purchased there because I didn’t have my receipt. It wasn’t expired, it was a lousy $4 and change. I spend so much money there it was pretty shocking. Eventually he let me it exchange it for something else, but it really wasn’t worth all the aggravation for a measly can. Not nice.
08 July 2023 21:09
This is the best organic food store in montreal and surrounding area! The prices are great for organic produce! And the store is a decent size! Been shopping here for a decade or more now!
30 June 2023 9:03
When I need a variety of fresh organic vegetables, I always go to TAU in spite of living a bit far from it.
I find there a huge variety of organic products.
22 June 2023 15:03
Staff is one of the rudest I have ever encountered! Keep treating customers with disrespect and see what happens, store will not last long, overpriced food too.
12 June 2023 12:48
Going there was a big mistake, besides the over pricy product, the quality of vegetables is bad and the sections of cosmetic and supplements staff are so rude and impolite and no respect for customers. Awful experience
19 May 2023 16:55
My goto place for health and more ecological products. Little on the pricy side but the efficiency of some of the remedies is amazing.
05 May 2023 6:48
Vast selection of 'health food's such as organics, plus supplements, take-out, etc. However, very pricey! Worthwhile to compare online or elsewhere if you can.
24 April 2023 14:06
I find the environment a bit toxic in my last few visits. I hear managers reprimanding workers in public. They should be more discreet. Also, another shopper complained about rudeness followed by inappropriate looking at his daughter. My wife mentioned she was stared at by an employee in a very uncomfortable manner. That person was training an employee at the time. Perhaps a young supervisor or manager she is guessing. Anyhow, we will start shopping together after that incident last week.
J. S.

I wrote a review over 2 weeks ago concerning an incident my wife experienced at Tau (see original review above). Not even a response from customer relations or the owner. I guess nicely dressed female shoppers being GAWKED at is NOT WORTHY OF ATTENTION vs a bad watermelon purchased. TOTALLY NOT IMPRESSED and lost us as customers. Furthermore, workers are also not easy to retain these days, so treat them with some respect. Besides, shoppers don't want to hear or witness your medieval management style of public humiliation. Thanks again for your lack of feedback. You are not the only natural food store in town.
J. S.

April 11,2023 still no response.
April 28,2023 still no response.
25 March 2023 9:58
Very excited to buy mushrooms in a recycled fiber container, trying my best to get away from plastic.
09 March 2023 20:32
Consistently the #1 place for fresh veggies best variety, still budget friendly pricing. This place is clean and the staff are warm.friendly and uniforms always look good.
Thank you Tau for keeping your grocery store on point and the place to shop even in times of inflation.

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