20 January 2024 21:55
I didn’t think any delivery service was worse than DHL but I was wrong. Loomis tops the charts, and based on research, they actually are joined forces lol. Horrible, “missorted” my package for 3 days, and claimed that they actually tried to deliver to my business. Even with camera proof of no one coming, they still aren’t any help
12 December 2023 3:34
Cette compagnie est une honte, leurs livreurs ne font pas leur travail, ils disent être passés, mais en fait ne prennent même pas la peine de sonner ou de taper à la porte, simplement mettre un avis de passage. La personne qui fait la route rue Laurier Est dans Montréal est tout simplement une personne malhonnête qui ne fait pas son travail. Ce n'est pas par choix que j'utilise vos service mais ça fait 4 fois que c'est la même histoire, mis à part mettre des avis de passage et laisser les papiers par terre, à aucun moment cette personne ne s'informe si nous sommes au domicile. Entreprise de livraison à éviter bannir, vous allez devoir aller chercher vos colis à l'aéroport!
15 October 2023 15:47
Ils ont livré 3 pneus sur 4 à la mauvaise adresse, ça fait 7 jours maintenant que j'attends le 4 ieme pneu, impossible de les rejoindre et quand je vais sur clavardage pour le suivis, ont m'indique qu'il est livré, mais encore à une mauvaise adresse. J'attends toujours
12 October 2023 16:19
No anwser from their platform and when they deliver the package they leave a note I wanted them to drop the package
26 August 2023 3:33
I have so many things to say that I'll limit myself to one sentence: the worst delivery service I've ever experienced in my life. If you value your package, if you value receiving it on time, if you don't want to waste your time on the phone trying to figure out where your package is without getting a concrete answer, please ask your shipper to use any company except Loomis.
12 August 2023 2:08
Terrible. Customer service said my package would be there until today, so I drove to pick it up, and it had been returned a day early. Terrible customer service. Didn’t want to do anything to help.
15 July 2023 17:26
The worst ever delivery company. Avoid at any costs and don't buy at retailers who are working with them. Today I discovered a second paper of delivery attempt. The first one I didn't receive at all, but the client service impolitely said that the first attempt was done the day before (really? Do you have a proof other than driver's word? I doubt). Now they ask $ 10 for the 3rd attempt, which they will do Monday to Friday during normal working hours and if I am not at home they will not leave it. So, by their logic I should take a day-off and sit as a watch-dog losing money for 1 working day. The client service operator is very rude and unprofessional, it seems that they don't care about their clients at all. Another option is to drive to their terminal in Lachine. Again Monday to Friday 9-18. Means, I should take a day off and drive 1 hour (without traffic) to get my parcel. On my question how could I make a complaint I didn't get any decent answer. It seems that they don't know the word "service" at all. I wrote to the retailer with all my complaints, asking for a full refund for the ordered items, because there is no way I will get there. Avoid at any cost. Don't waste your time and money in order to be insulted at the end and forced to cross the whole city to get your parcel.
10 July 2023 18:55
I have a hearing disability and took the time to call Loomis to advise the delivery man must press a special button to alert me. I work from home and I am always available.

The delivery man fail to press it the two times he attempted. The first time he left a notice and I took the time to sign it, write the instructions on how to alert me and left it inside my lobby to make sure he would either press the button or leave the package.

I was told he would deliver between 9-5 so the notice was in my lobby prior to that. Nobody had come by 5pm and I had to leave, when I came back around 6h30 I saw that he had left a second notice and moved the previous notice with it.

When I called to complain he delivered outside of the business hours as promised, the customer service representative said as per their scan he had tried at 10am which was a lie.

They essentially said it wasn't their problem and declined to help even if I clearly advised them on what to do to get a response and that he never attempted prior to 5pm. Now they are refusing to deliver the package and want me to travel 1h45 to go pick it up when they failed to deliver.

This is by far the worst delivery company I had to deal with.
27 June 2023 23:16
Nope! Never again… waited 60 mins for a parcel that was supposed to be on hold that I requested 3 days prior, but the driver took it with him anyways!
24 April 2023 12:56
Awful delivery service. Made no attempt to ring the buzzer for delivery and was not responsive to returned calls. Delivery agent was rude, unprofessional, and inadequate. Avoid this service and save yourself the trouble.
22 April 2023 23:09
Transport tres lent pas de update les colis reste en transit pendant des jour sans bouger la premiere et la derniere fois que je vais faire affaire acec cette compagnie je ne recomande pas
15 March 2023 10:45
With the horrible reviews i must say I wasn't expecting the nice service I received when I got here.
I missed both deliveries due to not being home on the days they decided to come by but that's on me not them.
I was free today so came to pick up my parcel. I didn't call ahead or anything but I was in and out of their customer counter within 3 minutes. The man working there was really nice and friendly.
27 February 2023 13:41
Disgusting Service on the phone. Its a shame that CAVE Logistics is working with these people. No customer service at all.

Got berated on the phone call trying to find a parcel that they were supposed to deliver for one of our customers.

13 February 2023 4:17
Une compagnie des plus pire que j ai vue, le service est pourri, on me dit qui livre pas pour des appartements, et je n ai même pas le moyen d aller le chercher, je fini de travailler à l heure qui ferme, et les week-ends c est fermé, compagnie de broche à foin, en conclusion j aurai jamais eu mon colis.
22 January 2023 14:20
J’ai été chercher mon colis, le 21 décembre 2022, malheureusement il était dans le camion du livreur, l’employé qui était là, super gentil m’a promis de régler le problème
Finalement au retour chez, le camion venait juste d’arriver et j’ai récupéré mon colis
12 December 2022 15:27
The delivery didn't make the efforts to go at the door or even knock or push the door. He preferred to continue his run, and say that we were not there whereas we were there the whole time! And then when you call the customer service, you are served with arrogance and condescendence. It can just be my fault! Insane, will never make business with this carrier company again.
19 November 2022 7:38
Worst customer service.
Waiting 2 weeks for a package coming from Toronto.
Reorder another item and same issue.
Don’t expect any packages from them because they are not a courrier company more like a zoo
03 November 2022 8:58
C'est la pire compagnie du monde. Des incompétents du livreur au service a la clientèle. Le gars au téléphone ma juste raccrocher au nez. Comme si Ville Saint Laurent c'étais pas sur l'ile de Montréal.
21 October 2022 3:52
Never had a bad experience as I am having with them. Not able to get my package and not able to go get it in person in time because they don't have local facilities, only one in Lachine, which is unreachable by the time I finish work and I go get my daughter from school. Avoid at all cost that garbage if you want to receive your package or if you want your packages to be delivered properly. Today they "tried" to deliver again, but left no paper and my neighbor was checking all the time so he could pick up the package. But they are asking me 10$ for another "attempt". Beware of these scammers. I used the live chat and ask for proof of the attempt but they had one to give me. Absolutely to avoid
16 October 2022 10:04
Terrible service and even worst customer service very rude. Sketchers Canada I recommend that you change your carrier before you lose customers.
07 October 2022 2:42
Worst delivery ever, they just drop your stuff outside in the rain in front of a 120 appartment building, dont even take 2 sec to press my appartment number on the intercom and leave. Your stuff got stolen? Well they dont care about that. At this point im not sure they actually deliver my orders since there is no package to be found anywhere, the delivery guy dont contact you and they dont even take a picture of the boxes. Stay away. I was a very good loop customer (they deliver with that garbage company) and i left because of them.
28 August 2022 17:43
Un des plus mauvais service que j ai reçu d une compagnie. Et de loin. Service à la clientèle impolie, arrogante et complètement inefficace. Aucune écoute. Aucune solution. À éviter à tout prix!
24 August 2022 13:13
Un mauvais service une fois, ça peut arriver, deux fois, non. Un paquet sur deux a été livré et l'autre a été non traçable pendant une semaine pour finir par devoir aller le chercher. Payer pour le transport pour ne pas avoir le service s'ajoute à la mauvaise expérience.
17 August 2022 8:54
Très mauvais service, le chauffeur n'a même pas attendu que l'on arrive à la porte, la livraison devait se faire le lendemain, ce qui n'a pas été fait. Nous sommes allés au bureau de Lachine car on téléphone on nous a dit que le colis était au dépôt, mais il n'y était pas ni dans le camion. Loomis ne savent pas où est les colis. Inadmissible et manque total de professionnalisme, ce n'est pas une compagnie sérieuse
11 August 2022 17:06
Ordered a freezer from Walmart online, was supposed to be delivered by these guys. The freezer was shipped to delivery location in a day or two - then got stuck there. Online tracking was showing "Extra Care Overweight", "Extra Care Oversize" - for a few days in a row, like somebody would come in the morning, scan the bar code, push a few buttons - and leave it there, then the same thing next morning etc.
Started calling them and Walmart - a few days after the scheduled delivery day. No real help, only "we're sorry, we'll get back to you". Nobody calls back, so I have to do it myself the next day - same story.
Finally had someone from Walmart calling back - and a couple of hours later the order was canceled! No explanation whatsoever.
So they basically take the order, ship it to Loomis, the staff over there doesn't want to bother with heavy freezer - they wait for the order to be canceled!
Walmart used my money for three weeks, I don't know if these guys get any dough or how are they even profitable.
Stay away from them if you can, probably from Walmart Canada as well.
29 July 2022 22:28
Absolute joke. Would definitely give 0 stars if it was an option.
Unlike every other delivery service, they insist on taking back parcels and packages to their location at Lachine when no one is at their home. Turns out it is so difficult to leave a package at their customer's door that Loomis do not consider it an option. Canada Post, DHL, Purolator and so many other delivery services could do this but not Loomis Express which is most likely why no one I know has heard of them.
Do everything you can to avoid this delivery service. It is not worth the trouble.
05 April 2022 5:05
Waiting on my order for weeks, they keep sending it back and forth between they're locations with no change after contacting the company waste of money unprofessional and unreliable
18 January 2022 15:19
Terrible. Tracking shows they couldn't deliver a package to me. I contacted them and confirmed my "bad address" address with them at least four times. The sender/supplier also tried! Apparently they tried to deliver it but someone who I'd never heard of refused it.

I would recommend using a courier company that knows how to find addresses. Obviously not this one.
23 December 2021 14:10
Ils n'ont pas appellé pour nous avertir que la commande allait être livrée à telle heure. Ils ont déposé la commande puis ils sont partis.
22 December 2021 18:51
These guys make money by charging for "extra attempts" when they make no effort to contact the customer. I was home for both "attempts" and the excuse I was given is that the drivers do not have company phones.
21 December 2021 16:14
On paie pour la livraison de notre colis et les livreurs passent 2 fois et toujours pendant le jour aux heures où on travaille. Après c'est à nous d'aller chercher notre colis à 29km de notre maison.et bien sûr il ne rembourse pas. C'est très décevant car ce n'est pas la première fois.
14 November 2021 2:11
After telling them where to leave my parcel from Amazon, they refused. In my building (12 tenants who know each other), we have a space for delivered parcels. And they pretended that they came twice. It’s a lie. No track of them, on my home phone, to ask me to open de door. I am asking Amazon to never ask Loomis to deliver parcels in this building. (One of the pictures shows a parcel from Amazon delivered today and put on the shelve. Very easy, isn’t it……
05 October 2021 19:44
Was supposed to deliver a package with perishables, but never bothered to ring my bell, instead marked me as not home on a Friday. Meaning I have to wait for Monday to pick up my package.by then $300 would of went to waste because the driver was too lazy to ring a doorbell.
10 September 2021 12:03
It's very frustrating to deal with this shipping company.
Two times they stated "resident not home" and did not deliver even though I was clearly at home. No phone call.
I even left my building entrance code to their live chat agent so the delivery person could just get inside the building and drop off the package but seems like their internal communication was bad, and I still couldn't get my package delivered. The way their staff talked to customers was crude and unprofessional too.
03 September 2021 16:58
-1 stars. Dealing with Loomis has been an absolute nightmare.
They have:
- lost a parcel and have been unable to locate it (lost end of June, we are now July 8th)
- failed to call me back despite leaving multiple voicemails
- failed to follow-up
- failed to attempt to deliver the packages that they have *not* lost, which are currently sitting in their warehouse 10K away from my home.
11 August 2021 1:20
When you order a book on Amazon, it arrives at the delivery center, and it is sent back to the sender even though they have your address. Worst delivery company in the world!
04 August 2021 10:57
Would prefer to have zero star.
First, it took almost two weeks for the package to leave the seller.
Second, the courier failed to make the first delivery and left the notice on the wrong mailbox while I’m working, which resulted in a second failed delivery on the following day.
Third, contacted customer service and had to pay extra $10 for a third delivery, i specifically mentioned to them the days that I’m not available, the lady said they would put that in the note and AGAIN the driver went out for delivery on the day I’m working! Even the driver was complaining that their customer services wouldn’t listen!
Lastly, shame on you Skechers.ca! Get some proper delivery company that can do the work and i already paid for your delivery fees!
06 March 2021 6:12
IRRESPONSIBLE, UNPROFESSIONAL. They didn't come on time, everything was not clear, they didn't even give me a receipt. I'm not gonna use, never ever.
04 February 2021 11:50
Awful experience! The worst ever. I'm not sure who they are, are they fraud? ! They left a notice first day, next day they didn't call, buzz on intercom, or knock on the door, and I was at home whole day. (obviously they didn't come at all, no another notice!). Their policy is not to leave it in the lobby (like all other companies during the pandemic), and won't say who is the sender, so I'm not even sure what is in the package. And they want to be paid for 3rd attempt. Why anybody deal with this company! Obviously I'll never get my package. Outrageous!
03 February 2021 5:10
J'ai bien reçu mon colis, le livreur a bel et bien sonné à mon appartement, et il est même monté 2 étages pour me livrer mon colis!
02 February 2021 12:01
Pire service de livraison! J'étais assis devant ma fenêtre à l'heure supposée de la tentative de livraison. AUCUN livreur n'a tenté de venir chez moi, AUCUNE sonnette et AUCUN avis de livraison laissé. Bref, j'ai su qu'il y avait eu une supposée tentative, par hasard, en regardant sur internet. Si je veux mon colis, je dois aller le récupérer à 34 km de chez moi! (entrepôt à Lachine)
30 January 2021 9:25
J'ai eu une très mauvaise expérience avec cette compagnie de livraison. J'ai fais une commande en ligne sur walmart pour le cadeau de Noël de ma fille. Puis, celle-ci a été livré par deux entreprises de livraisons différentes, soit Canpar et Loomis.

Ma commande était censé arrivé le 16 décembre. Mais, depuis le 16 décembre, le colis est retenu dans leur entrepot à lachine. Je n'ai reçu aucun avis écrite par courriel ou par téléphone de leur part pour m'expliquer les raisons du délais. Entretemps, Canpar a fait sa livraison et j'ai reçu une partie de ma commande.

Aujourd'hui, on est le 24 décembre, quand je réussi finalement à rejoindre une personne au service à la clientèle, on me dit qu'on n'avait pas mon numéro d'appartement. Je ne comprend pas. Loomis n'est pas censé dans une telle situation avisé le client? Mon colis a été retenu à leur centre pour 1 semaine et personne a pris l'effort pour me contacter ou pour contacter Walmart! C'est complètement abérant comme situation, car comment se fait-il que Canpar eux ils avaient mon numéro d'appartement et non vous? Même si la faute reposait sur Walmart, vous auriez pu me rejoindre pour me dire que vous n'aviez pas mon numéro d'appartement pour corriger le problème. Maintenant, ma fille n'aura pas son cadeau de Noel à temps.
16 January 2021 1:56
Reçu d'avance, état de la boite parfaite, rien à dire sur cette compagnie, je comprend vraiment pas le 1.5 étoiles, au premier regard j'étais très effrayer, mais j'ai vécu une super experience.
29 December 2020 8:44
I had a terrible experience with them. If they cannot find your buzzer, they won't call you.
They would rather send packages back to Amazon, instead of solving the situation with a simple FREE call.
04 December 2020 10:20
Created a tag a waited for Loomis from 1300-1700 was they stipulated. Yes you guessed it, its 1800 and nobody showed up. I call and the rep said they have until 1800.they cannot track the driver or communicate with him. We are in 2020.wow.last time for me. Simply awful customer service.
19 November 2020 23:56
My package is late, I check tracking, it arrived at Lachine 10 days ago, and twice it says 'Not Home - Res' at times when I was home! They didn't call, or even leave a ticket for pickup! I think loomis is even worse than purolator.
08 November 2020 2:04
No sense of humanity in the service is perhaps the most remarkable weakness. Delay, unresponsiveness, no willingness to help carry the package to the door are just a few other issues.
And a cherry on top - they even ask me to go to the truck and help them carry the box of my delivery? !
Strongly disapproved.
29 October 2020 5:07
Je ne trouve pas normal le fait que JE dois me déplacer à plus de 30 minutes de mon domicile pour obtenir mon colis. Je peux comprendre, comme tout le monde, le fait que si vous venez et que je ne suis pas là: vous reprenez le colis. Pourtant, j'ai mentionné au téléphone que je ne suis pas à la maison durant le jour, et j'ai aussi donné mes heures de disponibilité. Mais non! La fille au téléphone m'a dit que ce n'était pas votre problème, que vous alliez repasser le lendemain, et que si je ne suis pas là, dommage pour moi. Je lui ai AUSSI expliqué le fait que je dois me déplacer à plus de 40 km, par VOTRE faute. Elle semblait s'en ficher, et m'a simplement dit que si je ne venais pas dans les 5 jours, mon colis allait être renvoyé d'où il vient (soit la Chine).

Honnêtement, si à l'avenir j'ai un colis qui est livré par votre compagnie, je vais tout simplement oublier ça!
25 October 2020 22:31
La pire des pires compagnie de livraison, 20 jours que j'attends mon colis avec 5 jours de retard en plus j'ai essayé des les contacter a plusieurs reprises mais aucune réponse. Le vendeur me dis qu'ils ont perdu mon colis. Je ne comprend même pas comment ils peuvent faire affaire avec un compagnie comme celle-ci. Remboursement ou qu'ils me l'envoyent avc jne autre compagnie parceque sinon très grosse plainte! 0/10
24 October 2020 16:54
2 tentatives de livraison, par la suite, il faut payer 10$ pour qu'ils reviennent livrer ou alors il faut aller chercher le colis chez eux (un seul point de chute…à Lachine). Une arnaque totale…
2 delivery attempts, thereafter, it’s necessary to pay 10 $ for another attempt… or then we have to pick up the parcel at their place (only one drop-off point in Montreal.in Lachine). A scam…
21 October 2020 16:31
I took time off to receive my package after I got a notice. When they didn't show up, I checked their website and it said my package was on hold. I never got a second notice and I had to go all the way to their warehouse.
11 October 2020 17:17
Service de Mer.de ça fait 8 jours que j apppele a tout les jours et personne ne ramasse le colis.service défaillant. J ai fait affaire avec poste canada
06 October 2020 1:59
Probably the worst shipping experience I’ve been through. They brag about their express shipping before 9 or 12 but yet the item was picked up late, tracking was impossible, and I had to call multiple times to understand what was happening. Finally was told the package will not be delivered on the day I payed for and I had to cancel important meetings due to this delay. If they tell you that a followup will be made and that they will call you back asap, they probably won’t bother calling you back.

Absolutely not reliable, please do not do business with Loomis Express.
10 September 2020 3:59
Unable to locate my package. They scanned it at least 6 different times at the facility in lachine mtl. When i try to reach out all they can do is send a message to dispatch. (useless!)
03 September 2020 11:55
Was pleasantly surprised. My parcel was delivered the same day that it arrived at the lachine location.
31 August 2020 16:12
Une des pire compagnie que j'ai eu ici. Deux fois le livreur n'a même pas daigner monter dans mon immeuble.cela fait 6 jours que j'attends mon coli. Le service à la clientèle est quasi inexistant (à par leur laisser des notes) j'attends toujours mon colis de la part de ces voleurs (ou du moins que le livreur daigne appuyer sur le bouton de ascenseur)
13 August 2020 21:25
Plusieurs fois par mois il livre dans mon cartier.
Plusieurs enfants y habite.
Chaque fois ne fais pas les arrêts dans les 2 sens.
Je l’ai sur vidéo mais pas moyen de rejoindre l’entreprise.
Les livraison valent pas plus qu’une vie.
20 July 2020 11:56
They have apparently attempted to deliver twice and left no notice, and the pick up location is 30 minutes from my residence, and only open until 6: 30p.m. Monday to Friday. Have to leave work early to pick up a package. Would not use them if I had an option.
01 July 2020 22:35
I was expecting a package and they never left any delivery notice at the door. The reference number I had showed no progress on the package as they claimed to have attempted to deliver it (package progress magically showed up 1 week on their web site after these claimed attempts).

The pickup location is very remote and almost unaccessible (in a industrial park near Montreal airport) unless you have access to a car. The location itself is not very welcoming, as you have to go the side of a factory plant and go to a small door.

Also, customer support abruptly closed the live chat session as soon as I started to give constructive comments and recommendations on what can be improved.
27 March 2020 19:29
That company is a joke. A total scam. They delivered the package 3 times at the wrong address and sent back the shipment. Pretty certain they don't know how to read or write.
17 March 2020 21:10
Jamais vu une chose comme ça.
J'attends le livreur toute la journée pour finir par recevoir un SMS générique disant que l'adresse est erronée.
Depuis pas moyen de parler à personne.
Ça sonne ça sonne ça répond pas.
Le numéro de Lachine est un fax.
L'adresse est bonne le coli vaut plus de 1000$ et personne pour faire leur job
Dire que DHL vous fait confiance comme sous traitance
Service épouvantable
15 March 2020 8:23
Vraiment le pire service de livraison que j'ai jamais vu. Il ne font rien pour faciliter la vie des clients. Je le déconseille fortement.
01 March 2020 20:45
I am being generous by giving them a 1 star.
I ordered a dresser from walmart and paid shipping.
The say of the delivery my roomate who has back problems answered the door and the delivery guys asks her to help him bring the package to the house.
Now if your a delivery company your suppose to have the equipment for this or be organise well enough to not ask for help.
My roomate told him she couldnt help therefore i didnt not received my order.
So when i got home i had to contact them to know where it was.
It takes forever to get a response from the employees and they always answer with a vague answer.it's unprofessional. I wont be orderes from Walmart again because they work with Loomis
22 February 2020 13:12
I was at home all day waithing from the package and worked from home because the person I kept track of the order but the guy never showed up, the tracking said no residence where home when i clearly was home. Now i have to go across the city to go get it. How does this company even run? They suck.
06 September 2019 14:20
Pire compagnie que j'ai jamais vue, ne mérite aucune etoile, aucun service et service à la clientele arrogant.

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