12 September 2023 14:45
It's an alright park honestly, I've seen better and I've seen worst. There quite a lot of activities you can do, really great place
12 July 2023 5:23
It's ok.would have rated it higher if it wasn't for the wasps everywhere also the fact there's no shade on either side of the park for the kids and parents
02 July 2023 23:28
Grand parc! Terrain de baseball ️, football ️, aires de jeux avec du sable et du copeaux du bois. Balançoire accessible qui fonctionnent. Terrains de basket-ball fait attention au chemins qui ont besoin de soins. Vous pouvez entendre les oiseaux chantent et les enfants jouent ‍️Tables de picnics et jeux de chess et ping pong. ️ Parc de chiens et équipements de musculation

Big park! Baseball fields, ️ soccer fields ️, equipment with sand and wood chips. Accessible swing that works. Be careful on the pathways because they need some care. You can hear birds singing and children playing‍️ Picnic table and places to sit. Play chess and ping pong too! ️Dog park and hamstring press machine

Bonus: plein de sièges et un siège de balançoire et les tables de picnic dans le parc de chiens. Lots of seating and a swing seat and picnic tables in the dog park

Chemins ont besoin de chaussée et enlèvement des arbres. Paths need paving and removal of trees.
10 October 2022 4:44
Grandkids loved it.
Hot sticky go here. They have spray guns, sailboat, water to run through.
Kids can play dogs ball with the turning spray gun.
Spent many hours.
Benches, trees bring a picnic
17 August 2022 20:49
Well maintained park in SW NDG. Baseball diamond, soccer fields, 2 play areas, unofficial off-leash dog-run, splash pool, quiet areas, and 2 kid's play areas. There are bathrooms near the soccer fields. Super busy on weekends and evenings with good weather as there are lots of families living in the area.

Edit June 2022: There is now a fenced in proper dog park off of Fielding on the NW side. Also, the city added 4 body-weight exercise machines NE of that dog park.
13 August 2022 2:07
Such a nice park. There are fields for soccer, baseball, basketball rings, water park, 2 table tennis board, dog park, couple of exercise tools, kids play area etc etc. Toilets aren`t clean though.
06 July 2019 20:58
We live across the street from it.we got everything from soccer fields to baseball.play ground and water games for the little ones.
28 January 2019 7:29
My kids grew up in this neighborhood and this is their favorite park. They have some renovation to the play area and soccer field, which only make it a much better place for the kids to play and enjoy themselves. In the summertime you can spend your whole day here, morning in the playground and the soccer field (remember to bring with your kids the sand toys and soccer balls), then retreated to splash n sprinkle area where kids can cool themselves off (remember to bring the towels and water toys) and snooze off for a nap on the way home. Hooray for Loyola Park.
25 January 2019 13:51
I've been playing sports in this part since I was a kid. Over the years they've done a great job building this up this park. Looks fantastic.

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