08 January 2024 13:09
Le magasin d'instrument de musique par excellence. Juste un point faible Le stationnement
08 January 2024 4:05
Un conseiller hors pair en choix de guitare et une belle disposition du matériel. Un classique!
07 August 2023 23:23
I've been a customer of Steves for over 20 years buying guitars, Amps, electronics, Strings, Cables, etc. But yesterday was my last time there. The store lost its magic. It became the Canadian version of Guitar Center.
I went to purchase some pedals and while I was waiting for the sales guy I grabbed a cheap 279$ indonesian Squier. A guy came up to me his name was William I believe and he said you want to try it? I said I'm just looking around for now so he goes please don't touch any guitar without asking 1st.
Being a long time customer I understand that the expansive ones have a tag that says do not touch and I respect that.
But if they don't want customers touching any guitars even the cheap ones and be treated like children they should put a tag saying that.
Anyway as I was more and more reticent about Steves, their sales rep William was La goutte qui a fait débordé le vase as we say in french. I think with all the old guys gone the store will eventually lose more and more customers.
If you are lloking for a better music store in Montreal I suggest Nantel Musique or Long & Macquade who value little bit more their customers. Also, when you ask for a refund they don't refuse like steves does. Steve forces you to take a store credit and I believe this policy should also be plastered everywhere in their store.
30 July 2023 14:52
Recently, I lost my go to spot for guitar tech which is Kitts Musique at St Leonard. When I came to Steve's for getting my missing tremolo for my Floyd Rose guitar, I had a nice experience. They had spare tremolos and I asked the man if I need to pay and he said no. I saved like $40 for getting one on Amazon. Even better, I had a nice chat with the employee when I saw his Rush - Moving Pictures shirt. I was also given information for the cover band New World Men. If you are a metal head or a rocker. This is the go to place. Even better, before I left the building, I heard Dream Theater's Beyond This Life. I never heard Dream Theater playing publicly in a store. This place is an absolute gem. Metal is alive and well
28 June 2023 14:06
Extremely knowledgeable staff and friendly as well. Very helpful when I asked a few questions and they knew the answers right away.
26 June 2023 2:25
My experience was really good here. Good vibes, helpful and on the ball staff. We found an amp, that wasn't available anywhere else.
Tanks gang.
23 July 2021 9:05
Such a cool place. I and my husband visit this store four times now since we moved here to Montreal. They have almost everything and The staff was so helpful.
08 July 2021 20:06
Le vendeur dans la section des guitares est impolis et désagréable! L'un des pires services que j'ai reçu dans ma vie. Il ne voulait pas me laisser essayer une guitare. J'avais un budget de 1500$ mais j'ai décidé de l'acheter ailleurs!
30 June 2021 10:49
Very good place. I bought my first guitar here at the Montreal store. The staff there all have their expertise. I'm completely a beginner to acoustic guitar, and Franco helped me find a good one. I was not very satisfied with the strings and went back to the store. Franco was very patient and nice to explain to me and offered solutions. Franco is the best!
I would definitely recommend the place to my friend, and it would be the place to go in the future for my 2nd guitar (. If I get that far).
15 June 2021 3:10
Steve's is a staple in MTL. The guys in the drum department are always super helpful and friendly as well as knowledgeable about everything drum related.
27 May 2021 11:44
Excellent, je leurs ai demandé une guitare via téléphone, elle est arrivée dans le bon delay, quand je suis allé la ramasser au magasin les gens ont été TRÈS sympa, j’ai pu tester la guitare, j’ai reçu des astuces concernant la maintenance de l’instrument,

Enfin.c’est le meilleur service possible! Sûrement je vais y retourner!

27 April 2021 5:43
I am a complete newbie, and my credit card got declined 7 times. However, Franko was extremely helpful and patient. Thanks Franko!
22 April 2021 17:16
Super helpful staff! Franco was of great use for helping me pick out a guitar overall the experience and help from staff is fantastic! But I would recommend to do some research before hand because the stock in store is a little light compared to what’s online!
26 March 2021 6:24
My purchase was a pickup. I asked about my items when i got there. The salesperson didn't show no interest in selling the items. Didn't even offered a bag on items worth $450.
20 February 2021 1:34
Je ne sais si c'est la pandémie mais j'ai eu un accueil froid et distant, ils sont 4 employés et (chaqu'un sa spécialité I guess, mais tout de même) il y a un seul vendeur, à priori débordé. Qui plus est, les deux autres employés se foutaient de sa gueule derrière son dos! En tout cas très déçu de mon passage. Outre le fait qu'ils manquent de professionnalisme, le choix est assez variés, si vous tombez sur un bon vendeur lors de votre passage vous allez probablement trouver ce que vous voulez. Voilà les amis à vos Guitares prêt, jouezzzzzzz ️️
12 February 2021 6:34
Je suis client chez Steve's music depuis de nombreuse année et chacune de mes visites ont été très agréable avec un excellent service.

Malheureusement j'ai appris le décès de Sheldon, ce gérant qui m'accueillait toujours comme un membre de la famille.

Vraiment triste d'avoir perdu ce monsieur qui avait toujours le sourire et qui était fort sympathique.

Bonne chance à l'équipe de Steeve music

31 January 2021 19:53
Acceuil chaleureux. Excellent service employé 181 (je ne me souviens plus de son nom!) Il a prit le temps de nous expliquer, de nous conseiller, de faire des démonstrations de sons de certaines guitares pour débutants. Nous en sommes très reconnaissante!
Je recommande fortement.
30 January 2021 14:28
The manager, Jason, is of great advices and very cool.

Thank you man for your great service:)

The bass sounds great:)
07 January 2021 10:28
Might not be like this everyday. But today we got ignored and pushed away. Our purchase was an easy in and out, but the employee at the string section didn't want to serve us. It would have been an easy 5 minutes but ended with us leaving after waiting 40 minutes.
31 December 2020 1:44
Super service du spécialiste aux guitares, Jason je crois, excellent service, attentionné, dynamique. On retrouve rarement de type de service Chapeau! Il m'a conseillé sur 2 guitares pour mes enfants vraiment un top
16 December 2020 16:36
J'ai acheté une guitare acoustique à 800$ et il lui manquait une pièce pour attacher ma courroie, je suis allé, difficulté à stationner, ils ont pris mes coordonner et je n'ai jamais eu de retour, donc la prochaine fois c' est Amazon, Nantel ou Archambault. J'ai parlé a un vendeur d'une basse et toute suite il m'a recommander un basse a 4000$ sans savoir mes besoins. Ils veulent juste te vendre et avoir ton argent, sans passion.
Très déçu, dernière fois
03 December 2020 17:14
Im going to buy a 2000 to 4000$ axe and first thing they tell me is, you can only try one.really.

Then, there is no other choice than the one on the floor. If you buy, you take the showroom one, that everybody have played with.

And so on.anyway, ill see if there's a better place to buy.
29 November 2020 20:56
By far one of the friendliest staff I’ve have seen
They have everything you need and will recommend you alternatives that you won’t regret.

Awesome music store.
24 November 2020 12:43
Covid times are tough but I would never be nasty to someone for a misunderstanding. After waiting at the entrance for about 10mins, I asked if I could get my stand that was already waiting for me in that department. I was told I could go get it. So I go to the department and see the box with my name on it and I say oh that's my name and I take the box and proceeded to go back to the entrance where I saw the cash, not knowing there was a specific cash in that department. The employee says to me, in french, "you can leave after you pay". As if I was going to steal the stand.
I would never deliver that passive agressive nonsense on another human. The other employees seemed kind and on task but it only takes one rotten egg to spoil the mix. It really upset me.
20 November 2020 5:48
Ceci n’est pas une critique du magasin mais d’un employé en particulier: Apparemment nous ne pouvons pas essayer des instruments si nous n’achetons pas. Mais comment puis-je acheter un instrument si je ne sais pas comment il feel ou comment il sonne? C’est la base. Achèterais-tu une maison sans jamais la voir? Non, et bien ne vas pas à ce magasin. En plus ils mentionnent que c’est à cause des nouvelles mesures associées à la situation de Covid-19, mais l’employé nous mentionne cela sans porter son masque (très bonne première impression je dois dire). Je voulais acheter un instrument et j’avais plus qu’assez en budget, mais votre façon d’agir m’empêche de le faire dans votre magasin.
28 October 2020 19:24
Malheureusement pire place pour acheté une guitare! Ça fais trop longtemps que certains vendeurs sont là! (Ricktone vedettes et compagnies!) Très Rare que je fais un Avis sur quoi que ce sois!
28 October 2020 6:35
Came in the other day and was looking to buy and Orange Crush 12 amp as I'm learning to play guitar, had lots of questions but was 100% dead set on getting the Orange amp. I saw an older gentleman with his hands in his pockets standing next to a wire wall and asked him if they had any in stock.and he took his hands out of his pocket and pointed to the front and said "ask rick", I replied "what does rick look like? " he says "over their" points again and walks away.

I went from ready to spend at least $250 to ZERO, first time at Steve's music and definitely my last time. Thanks for killing any confidence I had.
26 October 2020 19:42
Je ne voulais pas acheter sur Amazon, alors j'ai fait des pieds et des mains pour acheter local. Difficulté d'accès, trafic, stationnement introuvable. Mais surtout, j'avais fait mettre une guitare de côté, après tous les troubles que je me suis donné pour me rendre, ils l'avaient vendue à quelqu'un d'autre! Je suis reparti avec rien du tout.
17 October 2020 9:35
Je suis venu avec deux membres de mon band pour acheter une nouvelle bass. Nous avons eu un accueil très froid par un vendeur désagréable qui ne portait quasiment jamais son masque (mais qui mettait en avant des mesures sanitaire pour expliquer son comportement désagréable et presque agressif). Nous avions un gros budget d'achat mais malgré ça nous avons dû lourdement insister pour essayer une bass. On nous expliquait qu'il fallait être sur d'acheter l'instrument pour pouvoir l'essayer ce qui ne fait absolument aucun sens puisqu'il faut essayer un instrument pour être sûr de l'acheter. On aurait dit que le vendeur ne voulait pas nous vendre d'instruments. Nous n'avons donc pu essayer qu'une seule bass et puisqu'elle n'était pas à notre goût, nous ne l'avons pas achetée. Outre ce vendeur très désagréable, le service était de qualité et le catalogue d'instruments exhaustif.
08 October 2020 14:43
Franco is awesome. He is very knowledgeable about guitars and helped me in buying one. He understands what will be best for you and accordingly suggests a few option. Great service and a great selection of guitars!
06 August 2020 21:19
I visited this after having heard a lot about their good customer service and I have to say, I wasn't disappointed at all; In fact, I was impressed by how smooth everything was. It's worth noting that the staff is fluent in both languages. There's a lot of variety which is also nice.
Thanks Franco!
25 September 2019 11:37
It is an amazing store. The staff is always so friendly and they go out of their way to help. Jason gave a great recommendation for strings and answered all my questions.
10 September 2019 3:47
I came to test and buy a guitar amp but clearly employees were too busy to help me and to give me advice. They just told me to wait for a room so I could try the amp (while other people were testing amps and stuff every where in the store). After 20 min waiting and asking 3 different employees to help me with a power cord and a jack to try the amp, I gave up and decided I will buy my amp somewhere else where I can test it or online where it’s much cheaper. Sorry to say but it was a terrible experience despite all the great recommendations I had from friends and the store’s reputation in Montreal. Very disappointing.
08 September 2019 19:33
Beaucoup de variétés. Toujours agréable de savoir qu'il y a toujours un employé prêt à nous aider sans l'avoir sur les talons.

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