17 September 2023 8:28
Visiting the library, which was once a majestic church, is a captivating experience that seamlessly melds the reverence of history with the innovation of the modern age. The architectural fusion is nothing short of breathtaking, with the grandeur of its magestic windows and high vaulted ceilings coexisting harmoniously alongside sleek, contemporary furnishings. The result is an enchanting atmosphere that beckons visitors to linger amidst the juxtaposition of old and new. This unique transformation has breathed new life into the space, creating a haven where the serenity of a sacred past converges with the vibrancy of a modern library, making it an utterly delightful place to lose oneself in the world of books.
13 September 2023 11:49
Recommended by the tour guide when we took a free walking tour, it is a former church converted into a library. Beautiful from the inside. It is a good place to take a pause, admire the interiors and browse through a few books. It is right outside the Morrin library which was a former prison.
22 June 2023 21:00
Malheureusement, les conditions de réservation annoncées par l'établissement ne sont pas respectées. Bien que notre courriel ait été envoyé la veille, au moins 30 minutes avant la fermeture annoncée, ils ont élagué notre demande car ils précédaient déjà à leur fermeture. Il serait intéressant qu'ils revoient ou leur politique, ou la publicisation qu'ils en font afin qu'elles s'accordent l'une à l'autre. Vraiment dommage.
15 June 2023 7:42
Endroit somptueux de blanc immaculé vêtu, je recommande vivement à tout amateurs d'art, d'histoire ou simplement de beauté.
31 March 2023 1:16
Today, I finally had the chance to visit a place that had been on my Bucket List for quite some time, and I must say it exceeded all my expectations! I vividly remember reading an article about this place when it was being transformed into a Cultural center back in 2011. What impressed me the most was how they were able to preserve the double tall window of the cathedral and the exterior, while also infusing modern design elements. The interior exudes a sense of tranquility and boasts a remarkably sleek and immaculate design. It is a haven for those seeking solace or a quiet place to study. Undoubtedly, this place is a true gem!
31 December 2022 10:42
Mon coup de coeur lors de ma dernière visite à Québec. J'aurais voulu y rester plus longtemps pour feuilleter quelques livres et m'imprégner de la douceur des lieux. Malheureusement notre accompagnatrice ne nous a laissé que quelques minutes pour admirer la transformation de cette ancienne église en un lieu de lumière et de connaissance. Je crois comprendre que plusieurs activités y ont lieu. Définitivement à mettre à mon agenda pour ma prochaine visite à Québec.
07 November 2022 17:00
Lovey interior and exterior. Sadly the accessible entrance was locked but we found our way in through the entrance at the bottom of the stairs.
20 September 2022 0:36
Lovely luminous space.
Would love to participate to some poetry events there. It's always very peaceful and quiet when I come visit. I love to concept of being a littérature house, but not sure if it is yet fully embodied.
Wonder what the place looked like before it was fully painted white. It is a very pure and clear feeling though.
12 June 2022 4:08
Autre grand bâtiment au Québec riche de beauté et renseignements. Une belle bibliothèque que mélange art contemporaine, art religieuse, éducation et actualité avec présentations de grands auteurs et plusieurs événements. Super!
18 January 2019 8:09
Everything I wanted the disappointing Morin Center to be. Welcoming to everyone, amazing architecture, plenty of bathrooms and even a keurig vending machine? Open later than most places in QC and there was live music the night I came. I wish I’d discovered this my first day here, thank you for being such a great public resource.

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