08 January 2024 19:55
Another great stay.extended! After returning from a business trip to face car problems at Dorval. A quick call to Manoir Kanisha assured me that they could continue to care for Zeus and Apollo until my car issues we resolved. This piece of mind was very comforting in a stressful time. Thank you Nicole and staff for exceptional care of my dogs and service to the customer.
31 December 2023 10:31
Tim Harris handled our pet relocation from Canada to Australia with our Yorkshire Terrier. It was at the end of the pandemic in April 2022, most relocation agents didn't have any routes out of Canada. Tim knew everything and was able to get him direct to Melbourne. His team was punctual, caring, comprehensive and took care of all the tests, approvals and permits. They did an outstanding job and highly recommended
30 November 2023 13:01
Avoid this place! Every time you say bad reviews, they just reply that you are not in they customers list! Big scam!
19 November 2023 3:36
It's an amazing place to leave your pets of any kind when you go on vacation. We left my little Conure with them for a week and he was very well cared for. You can bring your own cage if you want to but they have very large bird cages available on site as well. I definitely recommend them and will use them again on my next vacation.
26 October 2023 8:30
Bien plus qu'une pension pour chat et chien! Cela fait plusieurs fois que nous laissons notre quaker Blue aux bons soins du personnel du Manoir Kanisha. Ils sont très attentifs à tous ses besoins. Nous pouvons installer nos perchoirs et jeux dans leur très grande cage de location. Notre quaker peut ainsi profiter d'un endroit qui lui rappelle un peu sa maison. Le personnel s'occupe aussi de le faire voler à chaque jour pour qu'il garde sa forme! À nos retours de voyage, on le retrouve toujous heureux et plein d'entrain. Merci à Mme MacDuff d'avoir créé cette entreprise au service des animaux et de leurs maîtres. Des clients et un oiseau très satisfait!
13 October 2023 9:47
Première fois que je fais garder mon Popoki depuis mon emménagement au Québec. Popoki est un chat handicapé et nécessite des aménagements particuliers. Je remercie infiniment Nicole et ses équipes pour les bons soins qui lui ont été prodigué. Il est en pleine forme après 12 jours. Merci pour tout!

Edit du 16/08/2023: Deuxième séjour pour Popoki et tout s'est encore une fois très bien passé. Merci encore!
10 September 2023 6:55
Nous sommes heureux d’avoir bénéficié des services du Manoir. L’équipe a été très présente pour nous accompagner même à distance quand nous étions encore en France pour nous aider à acheminer notre Arès (Berger Allemand de 7 ans) jusqu’à Montreal. Une équipe très professionnelle toujours à l’écoute et réactives à toutes nos sollicitations. Mention spéciale aussi pour nous avoir accueilli à l’aéroport et de nous avoir guidé pour les démarches sur place auprès de la douane. Si vous aussi, vous avez un projet de déménagement au Canada, vous pouvez contacter le manoir les yeux fermés!
19 August 2023 18:10
Un grand merci à Tim Harris et son équipe pour nous avoir aidés dans le déménagement de nos 5 chats du Luxembourg vers le Nouveau Brunswick.
Ils sont arrivés sains et sauf, en forme, et pas stressés.
Ils ont bien été soigné au Manoir pendant leur temps d'attente et ont eu tout le confort possible.
Merci à tous!
15 August 2023 8:48
Pour le 2e séjour de notre chien Loki au Manoir Kanisha, nous ne pouvons que recommander l'excellent service de la propriétaire et de ses équipes qui font un travail remarquable, et offre a notre animal un environnement de confiance et sans aucun stress. Encore merci a toute l'équipe et Loki a déjà hâte de revenir pour un prochain séjour!
09 August 2023 21:55
Manoir Kanisha is exceptional. Nicole and her team went above and beyond to care for our dog Gavin. We were hesitant to go away without him since a recent diagnosis, but Nicole assured us that he'd be well take care of. The team checked on him several times a day (during peak busy season at the kennel), gave him his multiple medications and took the time to email us back with updates every few days. Gavin is palliative, so we wanted him to enjoy "doggy camp" for one last time and as always, he came back extremely happy and exhausted from all the excitement.
Thank you so much for taking care of Gavin over the years. We never had to worry about him while we we were away and thank you for making Manoir Kanisha his home away from home.
16 May 2023 14:55
Un grand merci à Tim et à l'équipe du Manoir Kanisha. Tim a fait un travail remarquable et nous a aidé et accompagné du début du process à la fin pour le transfert de notre chienne Sweety de Montréal à Brisbane. Sweety est arrivée en pleine forme et commence à prendre ses marques dans son nouveau pays.

Merci Tim pour votre professionnalisme, votre attention et votre disponibilité en tout temps.je recommande sans hésiter ses services.
Au plaisir
Julie, Julien et Sweety
16 April 2023 11:10
Very professional organization and service with a level of detail & attention that’ll make you appreciate why you chose to bring your pet (s) there in the 1st place and likely, repeat so.
09 April 2023 15:11
Madame Nicole and her lovely staff take wonderful care of my cousin’s senior dog, Maya, who is 18 and suffers from arthritis, eye issues, and many other problems. Maya is a full-time boarder as my cousin is ill and cannot care for her on her own. Nicole has stepped in to become not only Maya’s caretaker but her best friend. Maya is very attached to Nicole and follows her around everywhere. Additionally, Nicole has worked a wondrous transformation in Maya’s health and disposition; despite her advanced age, she now behaves like a frisky puppy again. It was delightful to spend time with Maya and to meet Nicole, who took special care to instruct me personally how to administer Maya’s medications so my cousin could have her for an overnight visit. I look forward to the next visit and am very relieved that my cousin can be at ease knowing how well Maya is being cared for by Nicole and everyone at Manoir Kanisha. Thank you!
26 March 2023 22:39
J'ai fait appel au Manoir Kanisha pour un service de relocalisation pour mon chien en Australie et j'ai été assez décu du service proposé.

L'attente a été très longue pour avoir un estimé. À la limite, je peux comprendre cela au vu du nombre de demandes qu'ils recoivent.
En revanche j'ai été extrêmement décu du manque de suivi de la part du Manoir Kanisha une fois que j'ai payé l'acompte. J'ai dû relancer plusieurs fois les équipes pour que des courriels soient envoyés et des démarches soient faites. À chaque fois que je prenais contact j'avais l'impression que la personne au téléphone découvrait à peine mon dossier et cela a entrainé du retard dans les démarches. J'ai finalement dû annuler mon voyages à cause d'un changement de réglementation en Australie (donc pas de la faute du Manoir Kanisha, je tiens tout de même à le préciser). Et même 1 mois après avoir annulé, je reçois un appel du Manoir Kanisha pour me demander un suivi de si j'ai reçu le permis d'import nécessaire pour aller en Australie, ce qui démontre bien le manque de suivi. J'ai reçu à chaque fois comme excuse "je recois des centaines de courriels" et que je faisais bien de les appeler pour leur demander un suivi car "les bébés qui pleurent le plus sont ceux qui recoivent le plus de lait". Drôle de justification pour un service qui a un coût non négligeable.

Je comprend les excuses comme quoi ils recoivent beaucoup de demandes, que l'Australie est une destination très complexe ou encore que le manque de main d'oeuvre au Canada est un enjeu. Cependant, étant donné le coût tout de même élevé, je m'attendais à (beaucoup) plus de professionnalisme et ce n'est pas aux clients de subir tout cela. Au vu des autres commentaires que je lis j'ai l'impression que mon cas était isolé et que j'ai manqué de chance. En tout cas je le souhaite car l'expérience était assez stressante surtout lorsqu'un animal est en jeu dans toutes les démarches.
10 March 2023 3:03
Manoir Kanisha does a fantastic job for pet boarding! We boarded our two outdoor bunnies and Nicole and her team were extremely accommodating and caring during our bunnies' stay. I was truly impressed how thoughtful and considerate the team was of bunnies' needs although the place doesn't usually host outdoor bunnies.
04 March 2023 21:06
Truly remarkable dedication to animal wellbeing at Manoir Kanisha. From our first tour, to our dog’s stays, to seeking general advice, we have been offered top-tier support every step of the way. The owner Nicole is a true fountain of knowledge on animal health and care, and was our first call when in need of guidance on managing a challenging home dog care situation. Her carefully trained team is world-class, as well.

Thanks for going above and beyond!
02 March 2023 17:25
Manoir Kanisha est l’endroit parfait pour garantir une vraie détente pour nos animaux de compagnie.
Nicole (propriétaire) et toute l'équipe Kanisha sont dévoués pour nos compagnons à 4 pattes.
Milo, Poncho et Chiqui sont très contents et à l’aise dès qu’ils arrivent sur les lieux et il n’y a rien de plus rassurant que de les voir heureux dans un autre endroit qui n’est pas la maison.
Le manoir c’est un SPA, un lieu de jeux, de déconnexion et de relaxation pour nos chiens « les 3 Amigos » comme ils les appellent.
Remerciements spéciaux pour tout ce que l’équipe Kanisha a fait lors des fêtes de fin d’année 2022, quand un de nos chiens (Milo berger belge) a dû rester en pension vétérinaire à la suite des blessures causées par un autre chien lors d’une promenade avec nous et on a faillit annuler un important voyage. Cependant, Nicole nous a aidé à faire un plan pour que tout le monde (chiens et humains) étions tranquilles et on a pu faire ce voyage. Nicole a mis tout en oeuvre pour le rapatrier a son Manoir -rejoindre ses deux frères-, avant que prévu, nous a aidé avec toute la logistique pour faire cela possible et toute l’équipe a suivi au pied de la lettre les indications vétérinaires. Milo s’est remis de ses blessures grâce aux soins et attentions de toute l’équipe. De notre côté, nous sommes restés avec l’esprit tranquille et rassurés.
Finalement nous avons retrouvé nos chiens en excellentes conditions -comme d'habitude- mais plus particulièrement Milo qui était en toute sa forme, ses plaies avaient disparues, tout avait très bien cicatrisé. Cela n’aurait pas été possible sans l’aide de Nicole et Manoir Kanisha!
18 February 2023 3:24
I've been taking my dogs to Manoir Kanisha for years and years and I've always been satisfied with how they treat my beloved dogs.
They have a very caring staff and I always feel comfortable leaving them there knowing they will get very good care. Totally satisfied! <3
10 February 2023 0:34
Première fois que je fais garder mon Popoki depuis mon emménagement au Québec. Popoki est un chat handicapé et nécessite des aménagements particuliers. Je remercie infiniment Nicole et ses équipes pour les bons soins qui lui ont été prodigué. Il est en pleine forme après 12 jours. Merci pour tout!
20 January 2023 3:23
Manoir Kanisha helped with our dog's layover in Montreal as she traveled from Canada to Europe. Nicole allayed all of our concerns by calling and emailing with updates. Our dog had a great visit with Manoir Kanisha and we absolutely will use them again! Thank you, Nicole!
13 December 2022 23:51
Tim Harris handled our pet relocation from Canada to Australia with our Yorkshire Terrier. It was at the end of the pandemic in April 2022, most relocation agents didn't have any routes out of Canada. Tim knew everything and was able to get him direct to Melbourne. His team was punctual, caring, comprehensive and took care of all the tests, approvals and permits. They did an outstanding job and highly recommended
31 October 2022 16:18
Manoir Kanisha is a fabulous facility for your beloved pet. Mine have always received excellent care with love and affection. I highly recommend this lovely, well maintained location, which is always clean and orderly, with a wonderfully caring and friendly staff. 5 stars!
30 September 2022 11:25
Depuis des années, nous confions nos inséparables et perruches toui au Manoir Kanisha. Nous partons toujours l'esprit en paix, sachant qu'ils sont en sécurité et bien traités avec Nicole et sa merveilleuse équipe.

À leur arrivée, l'alimentation, les habitudes, préférences, etc, sont discutées et notées à leur fiche, afin de maintenir la routine quotidienne lors du séjour.

Les cages sont placées dans des pièces calmes et ensoleillées, avec fenêtres extérieures et intérieures donnant vue sur les activités de l'équipe.

Les locaux sont très bien entretenus et sentent toujours bon.

À la prochaine!
23 September 2022 11:09
As we are true dog lovers, we were a little apprehensive about leaving our "babies" at Manoir Kenisha for the very first time. I was only able to speak with Nicole over the phone as we live in Calgary. Nicole was very helpful and put us at ease even though I may have called her about 15 times before our arrival. Nicole is very well versed in the area of animals and their care. The moment we entered the manoir we knew that this was the best place to leave our family members. Initially we were apprehensive about leaving the dogs overnight, but when we saw how much they loved being at the Manoir, that feeling quickly subsided and the dogs spent numerous nights at their facility.
All the staff at Manoir-Kenisha are amazing. The welcoming smile of Joanne, and her amazing disposition. She did everything and more to make our visit a pleasant one. Joanne truly loved our dogs.
Janet, and Mik were our dogs primary caregivers. The dogs were overjoyed whenever they saw them. You can truly tell that they have a love for animals and they treat them like they are their own. Our dogs especially loved the outdoor play time at the beautiful agility park.
It was very sad to leave the manoir. Our very last day when we came to pick the dogs up, The staff had gone above and beyond and bathed both the dogs for their return back to Calgary. It truly was a pleasant surprise. What a wonderful experience to house our pets at this home away from home.
Joanne even called us a few days after we got home to see how the puppies were doing, and how our flight home was!
Feel rest assured that your pets will be well cared for and loved, beyond measure if you leave them at Manoir Kanisha!
We will definitely be back!
Thank you!
14 July 2022 1:47
Terrible service. They put my two kittens into a dungeon they call a condo. I visited their place before, but was not shown the dungeon. My kittens are traumatized and are not eating.
18 June 2022 2:18
This was the first time our dog was ever boarded and it was an excellent experience. Maddie is a 6 yr old lab and we were worried about how she would adapt and spend 8 days away from home. Well we shouldn't have worried because Maddie adapted amazingly well and Nicole kept us updated during her stay. I highly recommend Manoir Kanisha - the facilities are very clean and well maintained and the staff is so knowledgeable and kind!
03 May 2022 9:01
This is the first time my baby was ever boarded, she spent over 8 nights with Manoir Kanisha and I am so grateful for the incredible service, care and compassion they provided for my pup while I was away. They very clearly care about each and every animal under their supervision and go the extra mile to ensure they are happy, comfortable and well-stimulated. My 2 year old Jack Russell Terrier (pictured below) loved her stay and I love that I have found a place I can trust and have peace of kind whenever I go out of town. A special thank you to Janet who was so wonderful and took the time to tell me in detail how Milo's stay went.
I will certainly be a return customer and highly recommend their services.

Thank you so much Manoir Kanisha and Milo thanks you too! <3
22 February 2022 18:25
Ils répondent super bête au téléphone et ensuite demande de remplir le questionnaire pour un estimé, ce que j'ai fait, mais je n'ai jamais eu de réponse, ce n'est vraiment pas professionnel.
25 December 2021 9:20
Personnel très attentionné et beaucoup de réassurances pour atténuer mais craintes initiales. Séjour de 2 semaines en novembre 2021 pour nos 2 amour à 4 pattes (Shiva la Savannah et Dhawan le Yorkie) et tout s’est déroulé à merveille, incluant des photos régulières de Shiva et Dhawan… merci beaucoup Nicole et toute l’équipe de KANISHA

03 December 2021 6:13
We have been clients at Manoir Kanisha for over 10 years. Our dogs have always been well cared for and well groomed by the Manoir Kanisha staff. The dogs know where they are going when we get close and are always excited to run inside! Recently we left our new parrot with Manoir Kanisha and were thrilled with the personalised care in their bird room. Birds can be trickier than dogs and they met his every need.
02 December 2021 9:32
Love Manoir Kanisha, the staff people are friendly and seem to really care for the animals. It’s the second time I leave my dog there.
28 November 2021 19:30
Nicole was incredibly knowledgeable and took her time explaining the procedure to me before deciding to go with them. I had called other brokers but none gave me as much information and all the ones I tried were more expensive. On the day of Tim was great at keeping me distracted and calm telling me delightful stories. I am happy I had him because I would have never been able to navigate through this without them!
22 November 2021 8:15
J'ai travaillé 21 ans au Manoir Manisha et je voudrais remercier madame McDuff de m'avoir offert cette opportunité, elle prend le temps d'expliquer et de nous guider avec enthousiasme tellement sa passion pour le Manoir est grande. J'ai du quitter cause maladie. Merci encore Nicole je vous souhaite plusieurs années de succès à venir.
21 November 2021 16:44
Manoir Kanisha always does a good job with our Cesar.
Great groomer too, very professional and kind.

Thank you!

We are always happy knowing our Cesar is in good hands at Manoir Kanisha.

A big Than You! Nicole and your excellent Team for taking outstanding care of our Golden Retriever!

23 September 2021 21:20
En tant de refuge de plus de 900 chiens basé au Maroc, depuis que nous sommes entrés en relation avec Manoir Kanisha pour des besoins de pensions de certains chiens en cours d’adoption au Canada, nous avons joui d’un service hautement professionnel, de conseils très avisés et d’un échange chaleureux et très amical. Toute l’équipe du manoir Kansiha et à sa tête Nicole et Tim sont des gens merveilleux, avenants, à l’écoute et toujours en mode solution. C’est un plaisir de faire affaire avec des personnes dévouées et passionnées tel qu’ils l’ont toujours été. Un grand merci. à vous.
25 August 2021 5:49
In the early pandemic days, I was completing a posting in Dakar, Senegal where I had brought my mixed breed dog GUNNER with me (with the help of Manoir Kanisha). At that time, Embassy staffers were recalled to Canada in a hurry, and I, along with several others, had to leave my dog behind. It was a heart-wrenching departure as I had no idea when I would see him again.

With the help of Manoir Kanisha and Goldenway in Paris, the hard work of evacuating our furry family members began. Given the context of unprecedented global shutdowns of international airports with the onset of COVID-19, we were in a race against the clock to find a solution before the window of opportunity closed.

Since Paris had closed their animal station, it was not possible to make a ‘through waybill’ from Senegal to Canada. Thus, our pets had first to enter France and then be re-exported to Canada.

With the incredible assistance of Goldenway in Paris, AirFrance Cargo in Dakar, and Manoir Kanisha in Canada, the whole operation was set up for GUNNER and 2 other dogs to travel on Air France the whole way. Since all of the owners had been anxiously awaiting our pets in Canada for several weeks, there was much excitement and relief when they all arrived safe and sound. GUNNER made several victory rolls on the cool grass that he had so missed!
20 August 2021 3:25
Propre, courtois, proffessionel il offre un service import export pour vos animaux de companies, je n'ai vraiment pas été décus lors de mon déménagement en Allemagne juillet 2021.
18 August 2021 1:19
Our dog Buddy has spent many vacations at Manoir Kanisha. We are so grateful to Nicole and her staff for the wonderful treatment Buddy always receives. Now that he is a senior dog with a couple of medical issues (degenerative disc disease and a heart condition), we are even more grateful that he has a place with her and her team when we take a vacation.
10 July 2021 1:38
Manoir Kanisha took cat of my cat Bob like he was their own. I absentmindedly did not attach proof of sale to his crate, so I received a call from Canadian customs~ but no fear! Tim was waiting patiently there while I scrounged my files for the paperwork to send to customs for Bob's release.
They are complete professionals and most importantly, a trusted, caring company to help you in the most vulnerable of times. Pictures and emails ~ constant communication from the owner Nicole. Absolute gold.
Highly recommend and would use it again without reservation. My experience was mainly with Nicole MacDuff (Présidente) and Tim Harris (Manager) - thank you both!
May 26,2021 (Stayed 4 nights) ~ K. Flynn in Halifax.
22 June 2021 2:24
We have been bringing our dog to Manoir Kanisha for seven years. The staff is friendly and experienced. Although a little pricey but worth the money. We never worry about the excellent care our dog gets at all times.
10 May 2021 23:47
Great place, great staff, great service. They made it so easy for the move to transfer the cats from Montreal to Vancouver. Now they are very happy in their new home.
07 May 2021 5:06
I can only say great things in regards to the professional and loving care the staff of Manoir Kanisha give to my dog, Odin. When I drop Odin off, I know without hesitation that he will be safe and well cared for.
30 March 2021 16:22
Congratulations to Nicole and Tim at Manoir Kanisha who responded in record time to a request for assistance in transporting 2 beloved cats from Montreal to Paris in a turnaround of 5 days! They were so professional, took wonderful care of the cats and especially were very supportive to my daughter who was returning home unexpectedly early. I can only recommend them extremely highly for their caring and professional service. Having made several international relocations with pets around the world, this is unquestionably the best service we have every had. They really went the extra mile.
20 March 2021 21:04
I was involved in rescuing a number of dogs from Iran not too long ago. All dogs had found homes in Vancouver, however, given covid, finding a passenger who flew directly to Vancouver from Iran who was willing to bring 7 dogs was impossible! Finally, we were lucky enough to find someone who agreed to bring the dogs to Montreal and that’s when I contacted Manoir Kanisha to make inquiries about the possibility of using their services to fly the dogs to Vancouver! What an amazing experience! I spoke with Nicole and Tim many times on the phone. They were very informative, professional and accommodating! Our dogs arrived in Montreal on February 21 and had to spend two night with Manoir Kanisha crew prior to their flight to Vancouver. Our babies were cleaned up, pampered, groomed, fed and came to us in immaculate conditions. Nicole generously gave us a noticeable rescue dog discount and more as we had a number of dogs that required care. Nicole, Tim and the rest of their crew put us at ease and we knew our dogs were in good hands. They were quick to respond to every question I had (all million of them!) and made the experience way easier than I anticipated! I strongly recommend Manoir Kanisha, I felt their love for the animals and to me that’s all that matters!
17 March 2021 14:57
Comme nos animaux font partie intégrantes de notre famille, nous devions a titre de propriétaires trouver un endroit qui saurait en prendre soins comme nous. Maya (Bouvier Bernois) et Whisky (berger Australien) ont trouvé un super beau camp de vacances où ils se font bichonner à ch.séjour ce qu contribue a ce que nous les maîtres puissions partir la conscience tranquille. Je vous invite donc à aller rencontre les gens du Manor Kanisha
04 February 2021 20:57
I had the pleasure of dealing with Tim a few days back. An exceptional professional who had a good sense of humour to boot. He organized all the import paperwork, helped me step by step along the way through customs, provided transport, etc. There’s no way I would have been able to do that on my own, a lot of back and forth with customs, paperwork, and without the hiring of Tim, no way I could have done this in the timely, educated and experienced way he did without stressing out and missing deadlines and being intimidated by some of the people at customs. He’s worth every penny and more! Will definitely be using him again in the future if I have to!
07 January 2021 14:23
J'ai utilisée les services de Manoir Kanisha pour la relocation de mon chat de Montréal à Amsterdam. De A à Z, le processus a été sans aucun soucis, avec une haute réactivité et super friendly. L'équipe a été en communication avec moi à chaque étape de la relocalisation, j'ai reçu des photos de mon chat, des commentaires, des updates et mon chat Louis s'est bien fait gâté pendant qu'il était au Manoir Kanisha. L'équipe s'est occupée des documents et des visites chez le vétérinaire. J'ai contacté l'équipe au début du mois d'octobre et deux semaines après, mon Louis est maintenant confortablement arrivée à Amsterdam. Durant une pandémie, c'est incroyable: D Merci à l'équipe!
25 December 2020 9:24
Nous avons utilisé les services du Manoir Kanisha pour s'assurer du bon déroulement du transfert de notre chien de Montreal vers Londres, Angleterre. Tout c'est très bien passé! Non seulement ils se sont occupés de toute la bureaucratie mais ils nous ont aussi donné de très bons conseils autant pour nous que pour notre chien.
20 December 2020 18:39
Mon histoire avec un chiot à importer à mal tourner. Après mil appels j’ai réussi à trouver ce numéro de Kanisha via un organisme de Toronto (toujours mieux servi chez soi).
Avec l’aide professionnelle de cette équipe jamais je n’aurais pu obtenir l’information et les numéros adéquats pour retracer ce chiot.
Je tiens à remercier Kanisha que je réfère à main levée pour ces connaissances et ce professionnalisme via l’importation et par conséquence l’exportation de chiots et de chiens.
Par ailleurs l’argent dépensé vaut le double quant à moi pour l’assurance des informations et de la tranquillité d’esprit.
Mil mercis
Mariz Tremblay
Nicheca caniche standards
06 December 2020 15:51
After 7 months apart I was extremely nervous to relocate my two cats from Canada to the UK, someone suggested Manoir Kanisha and i'm so thankful they did. I was so worried about my fur babies taking such a long flight but these guys made the process so easy. From vets checks and microchipping to boarding and the final flight Manoir Kanisha were amazing at every step! Manoir Kanisha treated my cats like family and reassured me every step of the way with regular updates to put worrying mummy at ease. Im so glad that I went with the decision to bring my cats home, they have settled so well.
If you are thinking of relocating pets that mean the world to you then trust Manoir Kanisha with your precious cargo, you wont regret it. Thank you team Manoir Kanisha. Melanie, Monsieur and Minou x
04 December 2020 17:11
We have been bringing our dogs to Manoir Kanisha for over 7 years. We always have a great experience.
The staff are very knowledgeable of our dogs needs and personalities.
The facilities are fantastic for the dogs and we fully trust them with our fur babies.
Highly recommend whether it’s for a weekend or for a longer period.
27 October 2020 4:23
Manoir Kanisha did an amazing job at helping me getting my dog from Montreal to South Korea as an unaccompanied pet. They have been helping me out with all the paperwork and have got my dog the best flight to travel all the way to me. The day before the flight, they took care of my dog in such a professional way by sending me pictures and updates, sharing the next steps and letting me know how my dog was doing overall. They have reunited us:) Thank you Nicole, Tim and your staff for taking care of my little dog so well.
18 October 2020 11:40
Good friendly people that care about our pets as much as we do.
Regarding reply, my wife usually does the booking. I know you know the dogs, Dunder, Button, and Popcorn. 8)
17 June 2020 1:21
I worked at Manoir Kanisha years ago and I can assure you that you won't find a better place for your pet.

Nicole is an expert and her whole staff is very friendly and passionate about their job. They are experienced and safety for every animal is always top priority.

Their pet relocation service is like no other. Tim is very knowledgeable and you can trust he will arrange the most secure and comfortable way to transport your pet from home to home.

I highly recommend the MK team if you're looking for the best care in town for your four-legged companion.
07 June 2020 10:42
I've been bringing my poochies to Manor Kanish since 2007 and I'm very happy with the care they give my dogs. The staff are very dedicated and warm. Every time I pick up my dogs, they are are always happy to see me (not ignoring me like they're mad) and the same weight, not any skinnier!
I would recommend their facilities anytime, I'm very pleased with the service:)
25 May 2020 2:09
Excellent accueil et professionalisme. Nous avons récupéré notre husky en pleine forme et visiblement heureux (bien sur il etait aussi ravi de nous retrouver). Et pourtant, comme certains husky, le notre n'est pas toujours simple à gérer. Chapeau à l'équipe Kanisha, vous pouvez compter sur ma clientèle lors de notre prochain voyage à l'étranger.
13 April 2020 20:22
The owner of the place is a annoying lady. Other than that, the staff is great and the place is well located, specially if you travel by plane quite often.
11 April 2020 15:26
Really great experience with the team! Everyone was so welcoming and understand and it really helped me to know that my mother's bird, Pretty Boy, was so well cared for so that I could focus my attention on caring for my mother. I cannot recommend this place enough!
25 March 2020 11:26
Friends of ours recommended Manoir Kanisha. They raved about the facilities, the quality of their services and their competitive prices.

We were not disappointed. From the initial visit of the entire facility and the presentation of their services, types of packages, etc.to the day we picked up our dogs after a 10-day stay, we were impressed by the staff’s professionalism, attention to detail and dedication. They knew every animal who was boarding with them, their story, personality and individual needs. They knew which dog was nervous or anxious and needed a little extra TLC.

We highly recommend scheduling a visit to learn more about their services and facilities so you can see for yourselves the level of professionalism and expertise they offer. When we got a personal tour of the facilities, we were impressed with their operations, organization and the personalized care they offered to all the animals that boarded with them. It’s easy to see why both the police and airport security place the trust in the care of their work dogs with Manoir Kanisha.

Our two beagles, Luna and Ziggy, enjoyed an amazing 10-day stay at Manoir Kanisha recently.

The staff went above and beyond to make sure that Luna (who is a fussy-eater and had some stomach issues) was well-fed and took her medication on time. Ziggy, who’s full of energy and very social, fit right into their program and was both entertained and well-cared for.

We received frequent and detailed updates by email from the owner, Mrs. Nicole MacDuff, who reassured us that our furry-friends were doing great, eating well, playing and just being their silly-selves.

Both Luna and Ziggy looked (and smelled) great when we picked them up after their grooming sessions.

We highly recommend Manoir Kanisha as a business dedicated to the care of your animal companions. You won’t be disappointed.
15 March 2020 17:31
Depuis 2016 qu'on laisse nos chiens là bas lorsque qu'on voyage. Les installations sont superbes, l'équipe est extraordinaire, la propriétaire est dévouée et super gentille. C'est une grande satisfaction avoir des gens si bonnes pour s'occuper des nos petits!
10 March 2020 9:44
Five Star Pet Care!

Sassy and Diamond both love going to Manoir Kanisha.
The minute they recognize the surroundings, the tales start to wag!

We love the fact that when we return, our dogs look like we just left a minute ago and even better! They are happy, look amazing and actually don't want to leave.

The owner and her staff are so welcoming and truly happy to see our dogs. Always give us great advice about grooming or anything else you can ask about.

You are never rushed when you drop them or pick them up. Make sure to know everything about your pet before you leave (food, medication, etc).
You can truly can totally relax and not worry about a thing, they are on top of everything!

Thank you so much to the whole team!

26 February 2020 20:13
N' ayant pas de rendez-vous confirmé à ma première visite chez Kanisha, Nicole a quand même pris le temps de me faire visiter leurs aménagements. Incroyable, ils ont des condos pour chats! Elle a su me rassurer, car Gus et Jaq (mes deux chats),
allaient quand même déménager en Norvège! Tout c'est très bien déroulé. Tim a su voir à tout ce que cela implique et croyez moi, cela représente une tonne de papiers! Douanes, avions, certificats vétérinaires, le tout conforme pour la Norvège.
Mes garçons ont passé 3 jours chez Kanisha avant leur départ et Nicole me résumait leur expérience hôtelière de chaque jour par courriel!
Toute l' équipe de Kanisha a su voir au bien-être de mes trésors du début de leur aventure, jusqu'à leur récupération à Oslo!
Un très grand merci à Kanisha et son personnel dévoué, attentionné et professionnel. Gus et Jaq se joignent à moi pour ronronner leur affection à toute la famille Kanisha!
22 January 2020 11:41
From the moment we first visited the facility, we knew Kanisha Manor was THE place for our dog. Our host took us on a tour of the site, which was very amazing: very clean, spacious, and super well organized. They even showed us how they time everything, no matter how many dogs or pets they have at any one time. I was nothing short of impressed. But more importantly, she took the time to answer all of our questions and explain everything they do from the services they provide to the way playtime is structured. This is, after all, our furbaby, so we wanted to ensure the safety and care they would bring to our dog. We immediately felt very comfortable. Even our dog loved it!

When we took our dog for the first stay, he was incredibly excited. He even went on the kiss the staff hello. More importantly, we also felt comfortable knowing our dog would be safe and very well taken care of. I contacted Kanisha to see how our dog behaved on the first day and happened to speak to Nicole, the owner. She was incredible. Everyone loved our dog, and our dog loves them, which made me very happy.

We've taken our dog several times now, and each time, it feels like our second home. The entire team is fantastic, and I cannot recommend Kanisha enough. As mentioned earlier, we would not trust our furbaby to just anyone, but we trust Nicole and the entire team at Kanisha. 100%!
18 January 2020 18:51
Nous avons laissé notre Angus (cockatiel white face) au Manoir Kanisha du 19 au 27 octobre de cette année et nous pouvons dire avec toute certitude qu'il était entre de très bonnes mains pendant notre absence.

Tout le personnel du Manoir, ainsi que sa propriétaire Mme Nicole ont été très accueillants et gentils envers nous, mais surtout avec notre petit trésor. Ils ont vraiment pris soin d'Angus du début jusqu'à la fin.

Nous sommes aussi contents, car nous avons constaté qu'il avait été bien nourri et qu'il a pu passer du temps à jouer à l'extérieur de sa cage.

Merci encore à tous les gens du Manoir Kanisha pour leur professionnalisme et leur dévouement envers tous les animaux.

C'est sûr que nous laisserons Angus avec vous la prochaine fois que nous partirons en voyage, car nous savons que c'est chez vous qu'il sera content et en sécurité. Merci!
16 January 2020 1:32
J’ai utilisé le service de pension pour mes deux chiens. J’ai été très satisfaite et lorsque j’envoyais un courriel pour avoir des nouvelles de mes chiens, on me répondait sans tarder. Aussi, Debbie qui s’occupe de toiletter mes chiens, fait un travail exceptionnel. Je recommande fortement le Manoir Kanisha puisque les animaux sont sans aucun doute entre bonnes mains.
14 January 2020 10:42
This is actually a great place to leave your dog - very very professional, they will pick up your dog in the middle of the night, drop him off to the airport, and take great care. Also experts on dog travel to other countries if you need their input. Highly recommend if you want people who really know what they are doing looking after your animal
02 November 2019 3:20
Certains on déjà entendu parler de Nicole Macduff dans le monde de la gymnastique. Un monde qui necessite une rigueur absolue afin d'obtenir la perfection.
Nicole n'exige d'elle même rien d'autre que cette perfection.
Elle gère son Manoir Kanisha avec la rigueur requise au bonheur des animaux dont elle a la garde. Tout y est tout simplement parfait.
Mes 10 ans passés au service d'une compagnie aérienne m'ont amenés à travailler régulièrement avec son entreprise lors de l'envoi d'animaux aux quatre coins du monde. Tout était fait selon les règles de l'art, toujours.
Nous venons de lui confier notre bengal pendant notre voyage en Islande. Et continuerons à le faire pour nos prochains voyages.

L'amour des animaux est ce qui fait battre le coeur de Kanisha.
28 September 2019 10:05
I always trust my pets will be safe & they’re guaranteed to have fun, so I don’t need to worry when I’m away. Manoir Kanisha shows they care about each & every animal. When my yellow lab caught a cold, they stayed in touch with us for days later to make sure he felt better.
17 September 2019 3:19
What a fantastic facility that does everything possible to eliminate the stress of leaving your furry companion in another persons care.
An emergency in my apartment had me scrambling to find accommodations for my pets. I called Manoir Kanisha before they opened in the hopes of leaving a voicemail for when they opened. I was very surprised to have the owner answer and assure me that despite their usual booking rules, she would have no issue with accommodating my emergency request for boarding. Everyone at this boarding facility were incredibly kind and attentive to all my pets needs. The accommodation options for pets are excellent and they go above and beyond to make your pets feel safe and secure. I am pretty sure my pets were sad to leave when the time came!

Without a doubt, I would highly recommend this facility for anyone who is need of pet boarding!
23 August 2019 12:15
Omg they were so amazing, they took my babies at tge last minute. The lady on the phone was very nice and understanding. I would recommend them for reliable and friendly service. My babies was well taken care of
18 August 2019 7:35
Friendly staff. Helpful over the phone. Can't wait to go and have a look at the premises. Photos look amazing!
02 August 2019 9:49
This place is very dear to my heart as I’ve been bringing my Samoyed Meng meng here for the past 4 years! She always seems so happy to go there and also very happy when we pick her up. The staff are all very professional and friendly and I knew from the first time I saw them that my dog would be in good hands. It is the only dog boarding place I trust and keep going back to and will continue doing so! The place is quite spacious and your dog will have room to play around. Could not recommend this place enough!
28 July 2019 7:12
Our Cesar loves Manoir Kanisha very much.
Thank you very much Nicole and your caring staff for excellent services!

11 July 2019 12:40
Deçue, j’ai payé pour raser mon chien et quand je suis allée le chercher, les poiles étaient à peine coupé car le personnel n’avait pas eu le temps de s’occuper de lui.on voyait même pas que le chien avait eu une séance de toilettage. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils font payer pour un service qu’ils ne fournissent pas.
22 June 2019 6:55
They handled the transport of our dog expertly, really helpful and kind people, had a look around where dogs are kept, it's perfect to have your pet stay here
19 June 2019 12:20
Our neighbour's 13 year old dog recently spent 4 months at the Manoir as his owner was ill. He received excellent care and affection while he was there. The atmosphere is very inviting and it is very clean. When he arrived, he was overweight, an extremely fussy eater, had a skin infection and had trouble mobilizing. He returned to the owner in great shape. His skin had cleared up, he was much more energetic and could go up and down stairs with ease as he had lost weight. The care was exceptional from Nicole and her team. We would definitely recommend the Manoir Kanisha for boarding as they really care for your pet and pay attention to their individual needs.
13 June 2019 7:09
C'est toujours avec plaisir et confiance que nous laissons notre compagnon à quatre pattes aux bons soins du Manoir Kanisha et ce depuis bientôt sept ans.
Notre chien fréquente le Manoir depuis sa première année de vie.
Le personnel attentionné et expérimenté lui assure un milieu de vie agréable, sain, propre et divertissant lors de ses séjours. Au surplus, le service de toilettage est pratique et très professionnel.
Merci mille fois au Manoir Kanisha.
C. S. / Théo

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