07 January 2024 0:13
The pathways were open and the views from the bridge were awesome. The wind was sharp and gloves/hat are recommended.
05 January 2024 23:15
Nous avons fait la visite guidée pour 6$ par personne et nous n’avons absolument pas regrettés. Notre guide était une passionnée d’histoire qui a fait revivre pour nous chaque époque du château. C’était vraiment fascinant, je recommande 100% cette incroyable visite.
20 December 2023 22:49
Loved the experience. Almost all the falls sideways were frozen. It's a worthy and real time experience.
30 October 2023 2:57
From this point you can see the waterfall. I went in the low season, so many things could not be done; long walks, shooting and other activities.
There is parking and good walkways to see the waterfall.
28 September 2022 6:33
Même si affecté par la pénurie de personnel nous avons été très bien servi par Jessie.
Elle était débordé mais quand même gentille et efficace.
Tartare de saumon et salade de saumon fumée délicieuse.
Belle terrasse avec vue.
18 September 2022 4:30
The falls were spectacular. We we went in August and it’s humid. We had a clear day and each angle was spectacular.
Wear casual footwear to climb the steps. It’s well worth it and a nice walk over the top to the Manor for lunch.
Service was great. Menu was smaller than expected but food was terrific.
08 September 2022 3:47
Le cadre fait tout. Pas convaincus par notre repas ; assiettes très petites, nourriture salée à la limite du raisonnable, boissons très dispendieuses.
29 August 2022 14:40
Nous y avons été pour célébrer un mariage, il n'y a pas de meilleur endroit que celui-ci pour ce genre d'événement. Le repas servi par l'organisation de la SEPAQ était bon, chaud et le service de première classe. La soirée sur la terrasse avec la vue sur l'île d'Orléans, ajoute au cadre enchanteur de cet endroit. Je recommande!
24 July 2022 17:40
Food was average.it was impossible to get the waiters attention, we were trying to get some water and salt for the unsalted fried and it took us almost 15 minutes of trying to call the waiter to get it.
11 February 2022 12:54
Amazing place. Great view of the falls even in the dead of winter. The paying to enter I did not get. I went there on Friday and it was free but on Saturday we had to pay didn't make sense for me.
09 February 2022 9:51
Very beautiful in the winter. Please dress and wear proper boots in the winter. It can get slippery and the humidity makes it feel colder than it is. Highly recommended though!
27 January 2022 19:01
Tous les services sont fermés à cause de la pandémie, mais la salle de bain reste cependant ouverte.
13 November 2021 8:03
Absolute Treat 30 miles off Quebec City. Incredible Maples during the fall foliage time offer Devine photo opportunities. Nice Fall, but no comparison to Niagara.
18 October 2021 13:03
Belle place, bon repas, prix correct. Par contre l'accueil fut carrément chaotique et le pauvre monsieur à l'accueil ne semblait pas au-dessus de ses affaires et le serveur, très gentil, semblait épuiser. Je crois que c'est beaucoup dû au manque de main-d’œuvre criant en cet été 2021.
17 October 2021 21:43
Pretty decent falls. Very clean, there is a small trail around the falls and several observation points. There is also a gondola to go up and down for 2 different views. Only issue is that this park has a somewhat steep price for parking.
16 October 2021 16:46
Wasn't expecting much as this is a gov't restaurant and tourist spot but it was very good.burgers were amazing.and desserts were so good.our server was a grumpy older fellow but we were ok with that.the patio is nice and the breeze was delightful.we had a better time eating here then seeing the falls and walking across the bridge.
16 October 2021 8:44
Nice family friendly spot. If you don't want to pay to go up the cable car, there is parking at the top of the hill near the falls and suspension bridge. There are restaurants on the to of the hill and plenty of space to have a big picnic. They offer rock climbing and zip lining at the top of you'd like to try.
14 October 2021 18:53
Service was excellent but food was average. We had the house manicotti and only got 2 pieces of manicotti for 20. Very overpriced but understandable.
12 October 2021 21:24
Waterfall with suspension bridge walk, rock climbing, zip line and cable car activities. Great picnic spots with tables
10 October 2021 10:35
J'ai vraiment adoré ma visite. De très beaux aménagement pour se promener tranquillement, toujours une vue sur les magnifiques chute. Des places pour se reposer, des jeux pour enfants, il ya tout pour passer y une belle journée en famille!
08 October 2021 14:53
We really loved the Cheval Blanc Beer, we checked and couldn’t find it in any LCBO in GTA?
But we loved the view and the beer, I ordered fish and chips and pasta.
View was great, sitting and staff is good but food was like a 50-50 for us not that great and not that bad.
But definitely sit there for the view and try a dessert or two, we didn’t get a chance to try that out.
06 October 2021 12:09
The food is decent, nothing to rave about, but the views from the outdoor seating areas are nice if you manage to get a table right at the edge. It's a good way to spend a couple hours and walk around the waterfall.
18 September 2021 13:18
It is a nice place to stop by while visiting the Montmorency Falls. There are separate washrooms for ladies and gents. There is also a restaurant there but it closes a bit early
09 September 2021 23:50
Commencer fish and chips mais pas sauce tartare et citron comme dit dans le menu. Demander mais reçu après fini de manger.
08 September 2021 21:59
Looks beautiful from the outside, but there's nothing inside but a gift shop and bathrooms. What a waste of space! They should put a small museum or some exhibit here. It seems that there may have been a restaurant, perhaps pre-pandemic? Unfortunately, there was no evidence of a restaurant on site.
04 September 2021 21:23
Tres beau! Belle place pour y aller en famille. Il y a 487 marches d'escaliers que l'on peut faire. Parcontre, plusieurs stand étaient fermé, surement à cause de la Covid.
25 August 2021 5:30
Very beautiful please. You only need about 3 hours to see most things and experience the place. Good short trip out of the city.
21 July 2021 8:41
Tout était fermé au Manoir sauf une dame à la réception qui de toute évidence était incapable d'aucune courtoisie.

La SEPAQ doit faire le ménage de ces gens incapable de travailler avec le public. Elle travaillait le 4 juin 2021 à midi.
06 May 2020 10:05
Our tour package included a stop here for refreshments; absolutely wonderful! The "manoir" (i.e. Manor-house) was a single-man's dream to help him ensnare a bride with all these bells and whistles but it didn't work: there was something about the death-drop off the property that just didn't get a nibble of interest. Today, it is a very lovely starting point for above-falls exploration. The "manor" has info regarding where the restrooms are and if the cable car is running. Our interaction with the staff was limited ("please, thank you" was about it). This is a very well-maintained and welcoming property; it made a wonderful impression on us newbies. This was our first introduction to Quebec.
01 April 2020 1:10
Un endroit exceptionnel situé au sommet des chutes Montmorency, plus hautes que les chutes Niagara. Un site aménagé, parc, téléphérique, promenades et surtout un brunch le dimanche qui vous comblera vous, votre famille, vos amis et les enfants! Vous hésitez encore? Laissez-vous aller gentiment au bonheur d’une belle escapade tout près de Québec.
12 March 2020 15:39
Le manoir est très beau, il y a même un petit musée très intéressant et gratuit à l'intérieur, sur l'histoire du lieu et de ses habitants!
29 February 2020 6:20
Worth to visit and admire the beautiful flowers, garden around. Food is good, but slightly pricey. Souvenir shop inside (postcards, chocolates.) and restrooms as well. There is cable car connection with tourist center below falls or you can drive around and park near by.
27 February 2020 19:10
A beautiful place to enjoy the day, I didn’t have the chance to participate in the tourist attractions since they closed them that day. But overall I enjoyed walking through the bridge, taking in the scenery.
20 February 2020 23:31
The elderly guy at the counter for the entry tickets into the falls area was very rude and bordering on outright racism.
06 February 2020 17:01
Beautiful building & flowers! Husband zip lined there. Staff were very helpful when we went there to get the video on zip lining. Nice place to take photos
02 February 2020 10:11
On est venus pour le brunch du dimanche. Le site est magnifique. Je me serais attendu à une ambiance un peu plus feutrée pour le prix. C'est peut-être le plancher de bois, mais c'était très bruyant. On était quatre mais aux autres tables, c'étaient des grands groupes et ça parlait fort. Bouffe excellente, mais à ce prix, j'irais à la Terrasse Dufferin du Château Frontenac pour un brunch.
15 December 2019 19:33
This is where we started our recent trip to Montmorency Falls. We found free street parking outside the property, then walked about 10 minutes to reach the manor's gate. At the gate, we paid the admission fee ($7 each) and then walked another couple of meters to get to the manor. The manor itself has a restaurant, restrooms, and a gift shop.

From the manor, we walked 350 meters to the first observation deck where we had our first glimpse of the waterfall. Another short walk from there, we found ourselves at a suspension bridge that is directly above the waterfall! Looking down was thrilling, if a bit dizzying!

We continued walking to the other side, away from the manor, to the second observation deck where there are stairs leading to the base of the waterfall. We then walked back to the manor via the same route. All of that took three hours. Since the manor, bridge, and observation decks are roughly at the same elevation, the walk wasn't too difficult. I saw plenty of seniors and families with young kids.
04 December 2019 3:55
Il n'y a que 2 entrées officielles, à chaque extrémités, et le chemin du Parc entre les 2 ne sert qu'aux employés. Il y a une clôture que des touristes écervelés escaladent sans vergogne, à leurs risques et périls.
19 November 2019 15:50
Un beau manoir avec une salle idéal pour un événement spécial. Le site ainsi que les chutes font de cet endroit une place sublime. C'est dans ce manoir qui a lieu le mariage de mon meilleur ami. Le personnel du manoir est courtois et accomodant. La nourriture était excellente. Bref, le manoir ainsi que les chute contribuent a avoir de beaux souvenirs lors d'un moment important.
08 November 2019 6:32
Reservation 10h00, Étions 5 personnes, belle salle, confortable, service super, nourriture excellente, avons eu un très beau moment gastronomique familiale, merci
08 November 2019 0:16
Beaucoup trop de monde en même temps, plusieurs cars de touristes, donne un service lamentable.
Un buffet plus que minimaliste et un personnel à la limite du désagréable.
Un endroit à éviter à tout prix!
05 November 2019 4:17
Delicious lunch, great few, and wonderful service. So happy with my choice to have lunch there yesterday.
22 October 2019 19:21
Très bon restaurant avec une belle vue. Les prix restent raisonnables pour la quantité qui est généreusement servie. Les serveurs sont très sympathiques et servent très rapidement.
Je recommande
19 October 2019 21:34
Les brunchs en été sont délicieux et très bon rapport qualité - prix.
C’est le meilleur endroit où bruncher à Québec en été.
Attention, réservation fortement conseillée
16 October 2019 8:31
OUR EXPERIENCE AT THE TERRACE RESTAURANT: We showed up and they had one young girl running ragged greeting customers, cleaning tables, doing bus work and putting out cutlery/dishes. Meanwhile, there was a very large waiting list building, angry customers (rightfully so) waiting almost an hour to get a table and all the while the wait staff was walking around the dining area talking away and tables were emptying. Some customers waiting in line got fed up and walked out.don't blame them!

After over an hour of waiting despite staff being free to help, we finally got a table. A customer who arrived after us got served first. It took us waving our hands in the air to get the attention of a server.

When we ordered our burgers, they arrived within 5-10 mins.very fast.

The burgers were bland, dry, cold and tasteless and it seemed reheated. The fries were average and the salad was okay. The best part of the meal was the beer and water.

Overall the experience was worst than a busy service at McDonald's and not worth the $60.00+ meal. What a rip-off - awful service, lack of customer service and concern, lazy wait staff while making a young girl do everything, reheated gross food and a hangover when you see the exhorbant bill.

If I could give them a 0 out of 5 I would!
14 October 2019 12:38
Snooty and condescending waiter. Chastised us for sitting at a table that was not wiped. Then, ignored us. We left.
22 August 2019 5:44
Mon épouse et moi sommes allés avec les retraités de la Banque Royale au brunch de dimanche matin le 18 août. Il nous plaît à dire que l'organisation était au plus haut point tant pour le service que pour la variété des plats et leur saveur. Félicitations aux employés des cuisines et aux serveurs.

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