11 December 2023 5:37
Ne faite surtout pas affaire avec cette compagnie! Si j’avais pu mettre -1000 étoiles pour l’évaluation, je l’aurais fait! Résumé comment il arnaque les clients: il envoie un technicien pour voir c’est quoi le problème, il n’a pas la pièce dans son camion pour réparer, il va revenir…, vous n’avez jamais de nouvelle d’eux à part de recevoir une facture par la poste pour le déplacement. Montant demandé 393.79$ Quand tu les appelles pour avoir des explications, aucune collaboration, arrogance extrême en te disant que tu dois payer la facture. Vous êtes avertis!
14 April 2023 9:01
I only called this company because there is a sticker on my furnace with their name. My heat pump was slow to cool last summer so I called them to come see if there was a problem. The technician took 3.5 hours to tell me the freon was probably low but he could not tell and he cleaned the outside compressor but that did not have any result. He took down all the parts numbers and said his office would get back to me with and estimate to replace the unit since it is 20 years old. I paid and waited but no estimate ever came. After a week I called someone else, who quickly refilled the freon and realised the interior coil was frozen and cleaned it up. After 2 hours the unit was back in good working order.

I sent the timesheet from the this company to Marconair president Mario Pitre and told him I paid him 3.5 hours for no real service and asked for a reiumbursement but obviously he refused and I never got any estimate for repairs from them like they promised.

Like the other negative reviews, this company is not competent and not worth your hard earned money and the president is not reliable. So when the top is rotten, you can bet the rest is too


Alex S.
28 February 2023 18:37
Please, stay away from this company - they are unprofessional, incompetent, dishonest, and rude. We used them to shut down our HVAC system when we were having our roof done and re-connect it after it was finished. After they shut down the system, they wouldn't get back to us about scheduling a time to re-connect it and we waited nearly two weeks during a summer heatwave to get it re-started. After their first visit, I wrote them a check on the spot and paid them for their services. Then they lost the check and accused us of not paying the bill even though our receipt indicated that payment had been received at the time of service. They eventually found the check a month or two later and deposited it without saying anything to us.

When they eventually came back to reconnect the system, they did not bring the proper equipment to complete the job and left again. After they came back a second time and successfully reconnected the system, they sent us an astronomical bill for over $3,000 just to reconnect a heat pump on our roof (they had already charged us ~$750 to disconnect it). They blatantly lied about the hours they worked on the job (we have proof), and they never explained their fees or took responsibility for the fact that the reason they had to come twice was because they made a mistake.

We discussed the bill with our roofer who agreed that the fees were completely unreasonable, and when we complained to the company they literally told us that we have a nice house and we can afford it, so we should just pay them. Now they are threatening to sue us. We are reasonable people and have never had a single problem with a contractor before. Our experience with them has been unbelievable, and we will gladly have this resolved in court.

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