05 October 2023 0:34
The vibe & food were super delicious. This time the burger was way better and the drinks too!
17 September 2023 20:43
Le restaurant est très chic et l’ambiance branchée mais le service était extrêmement long. J’ai du me plaindre au serveur du temps d’attente. Sinon la nourriture était très bonne et les cocktails aussi.
25 April 2023 20:49
Went there last July for a friend's bday! The food was great but the waiter charged us extra bottles of water.we had cocktails and shots too and he said we drank 9 bottles of water! Pretty sure we are not camels We tried to ask him about it and he became a little rude! We paid and didn't want to argue about it but for sure will not go back!
21 April 2023 6:56
Une de mes meilleures expériences culinaires. J’ai adoré! Le fameux cocktails maison étais succulent et la nourriture aussi
14 April 2023 1:02
Je vais souvent et le service est toujours bon mais hier, dimanche soir le service très mauvais et la nourriture mal cuit, pates au homard mal cuits, pomme de terres qui ne goute pas Pareil, les pieuvre qui goute rien. Etc etc. Je ny retournerai pas. Et je demande tjrs des sparkles et on me donnes toujours et hier le gars responsable est venu nous parler avec un mauvais attitude de tapette frustrer bête. Aucun class. Non innaceptable.
02 April 2023 3:40
J’avais beaucoup d’attentes en réservant.
Repas d’affaires avec mes clients.

En arrivant, l’hôtesse dépose mon manteau sur un cintre et prend celui de mon client et le superpose au mien. Á la blague, j’ai dit à mon client que si sa femme questionne l’odeur de mon parfum ce soir, qu’il aurait plusieurs témoins.
Rupture de stock des billets numérotés? Manque d’espace ou de cintre? Étrange.

Une fois à table, nous avons mentionné au serveur qu’un de nos convives devait quitter dans l’heure qui suivait.
On nous a rassurer que c’était tranquille (un lundi) et que le service serait rapide. Tout le monde en était bien heureux.

Le premier plat est arrivé après +50 minutes. Aucune communication pour nous aviser de délais imprévus ni de s’en excuser. Customer service 101.
En fait, le délais n’a jamais été verbalisé/nommé par quiconque du staff.
Mon collègue qui devait quitter tôt a enflé son tartare et n’a pas eu le temps de goûter à sa salade verte (il n’a rien manqué, c’était une mesclun, vinaigrette balsamic blanc).
Par contre, comme des vautours, les convives restants l’ont dévoré et j’ai été la première à sauter dessus (vous comprendrez pourquoi plus loin…).

Pour ma part, j’ai commandé le potage du jour (choux fleurs et pommes de terre). Présentation impeccable, visuellement alléchant.
Mes papilles gustatives, elles, ont été déçues de la texture liquide parsemée d’infimes morceaux de pommes de terre. Le contraste des textures n’étaient pas plaisants en bouche. Comme si on avait “étiré la sauce”. Le potage aurait été plus onctueux, les morceaux plus gros, ça aurait été différent au palais et sans doute délicieux.
Goûteux? Non plus. Fade. Possiblement en raison du fait que c’était trop liquide et les saveurs n’étaient pas concentrées.

Plat principal: tartare de thon
Après ces longs moments d’attente (+75 min), il était bienvenu. Bien étalé dans le fond de mon assiette, il faisait possiblement moins de 2.5 mm d’épaisseur. 5-6 bouchées tout au plus. On est pas en menu dégustation, ok parle de plat principal.
Accompagné de 4 croustillants au tapioca qui je dois dire étaient impeccables. À eux seuls ils ont rehaussé le tartare et je leur donne 5*! Amazing pour les gluten-free et vraiment goûteux, j’en aurais pris un panier plein, mais on ne m’a pas demandé si j’en désirais plus.

Côté positif, je tente de perdre mon poids pandémie et les 137 calories de mon entrée liquide et ma feuille de tartare de thon auront contribué à ne pas dépasser ma cible calorifique.

En demandant un dessert take out (tiramisu) en compensation de notre service d’une lenteur mémorable, on me l’a offert (ces calories sucrés sont allées mom conjoint et mes enfants et ils ont tous adoré).

Donc, pour un total de +525$ (j’ai été gentille, j’ai quand même laissé 15% de pourboire) pour sept personnes, je m’attendais à une toute autre expérience.

Le repas aurait été 5* je n’aurais possiblement pas tant remarqué le service et la lenteur.
Je vois des photos appétissantes et de superbes review, j’aurais envie d’y redonner une chance, peut-être le soir et avec un verre vin, le temps d’attente est moins un soucis.
23 March 2023 2:20
Super chic restaurant, excellent service. Pricey mais vaut la peine, on se sent luxueux et bien accueillis. Service de valet, personne qui prend le manteau à l’accueil, on monte directement au resto avec l’ascenseur du sous-terrain. Je recommande fortement mais ayez le budget $$$
14 March 2023 5:21
One of the best looking restaurant in Montreal, the ambiance is awesome. The food is excellent. What we liked less is how close some tables are, there is a lack of intimacy for those tables. (with the bench)
10 March 2023 0:19
Beautiful restaurant and lounge bar with a fun ambiance but overpriced for what you get - underwhelming.
09 March 2023 14:40
Le cadre est très beau et les serveurs sont à l’écoute, courtois et offrent un bon service
Cependant c’est tout ce que j’aurai de positif à propos de mon expérience au Marcus
Nous y sommes allés un midi pour un repas d’affaires avec 8 personnes et nous sommes sorti déçu de notre expérience

Le restaurant était quasiment vide et bien que le serveur nous ai indiqué que cela serait donc rapide nous avons eu besoin de 2h pour notre repas…
Les produits semblent de bonne qualité mais les portions sont ridicules (mes collègues ayant pris du poulet ont eu une petite escalope avec 2 feuilles de salade)
La nourriture avait peu de saveur bien que très salée, beaucoup trop
Le tartare de saumon en entrée était jolie mais n’avait pas goût de saumon, seule la marinade ressortait en bouche
La cuisson du steak était correcte mais les frites ainsi que la sauce étaient extrêmement salée
Le dessert du jour, une sorte de Paris Brest au café, était fade et mou

En résumé, une expérience très décevante et cela encore plus fort étant donné le prix des plats et du menu (50$)
Si vous souhaitez bien manger et dans un beau cadre vous feriez mieux de choisir un autre restaurant qui proposerai une cuisine plus savoureuse
06 March 2023 13:17
It's a Four Seasons, so I'm not sure what I can add to that. Everything here is perfect, and you will never hear the word "no". If you want to feel like you've made it in life, come and eat here. If you have made it in life, you're already a regular, so you're not reading this review. Go ahead and splurge.make a reservation, order your heart's desire, and don't look at the prices or the bill.because it's worth it.
28 July 2022 5:39
Honestly just a forgettable experience. For all the hype there’s no stand out specialty dishes, drinks are alright. If you want a way more memorable experience at half the price go to baracco or Atwater cocktail club
26 July 2022 22:42
The hostess Nicole was very rude. I can’t believe the way she was talking to us. Very disappointing. I am never going back to this place if she doesn’t get fired.
23 July 2022 13:53
The restaurant is beautiful, exquisite design. The food was a bit of a disappointment though. My shellfish benedict eggs was mediocre, it was cold and I had a small piece of crab shell in the filing. Considering that it is associated with the Four Seasons, I really think that the food should be better quality. Please improve!
19 July 2022 16:03
TLDR - excellent food and ambiance. Service ranges from inconsistent to downright rude (unless you’re a regular!)

Went to Marcus on Tuesday may 17 at 7 pm. We were 2 people. Our server started out being appropriately attentive. Then he brought my companion the wrong cocktail. We ordered toro sashimi as an appetizer - it came out in a timely manner and was delicious. We ordered our mains at the same time as the appetizer. We waited over an hour for our main course - all while tables who came in after us were served several courses. Our server did give us a comp’ed glass of wine (which he tried to pass off as 2 comp’ed glasses of wine by topping up my companion’s glass which she had barley touched), however I heard the maître di giving other tables free drinks and dessert. Once we finally got our food it was excellent - expertly prepared using high quality ingredients.

After our meal, we asked to see the dessert menu. The waiter literally *threw* the menu on the table without saying a single word. He then went to the table in front of us to glad hand what appeared to be regulars/more important guests (note that many of the tables around us that were served first also appeared to be populated by regulars/ people known to management). The menu throwing sort of pushed it over the edge for me. Our bill for 2 was around 400$ with tip (which was about what I expected) so I expected some basic level of service. All in all, I feel this place checked a lot of boxes but ultimately fell short of my expectations. While I appreciate recurring business is important to any restaurant, Marcus is located in a hotel. A focus on making all guests feel welcome may therefore be apropos. We are in town till Saturday morning - feel free to change our minds by responding to this review!
09 July 2022 13:20
Restaurant haute gamme. La décoration est à couper le souffle. Très propre. Belle clientèle. Le service est correcte. Les cocktails très bon. La nourriture est bien présentée, pas mauvais, pas de grosse portion. Pour les prix affichés et pour être un restaurant du 4 seasons je m’attendais à un peu plus. C’est du beau spectacle par contre, et pour rencontrer des gens.
05 July 2022 9:37
Would highly recommend for atmosphere & taste of dishes, however service was lacking. Waitress forgot to put in 2 of our orders - oysters as appetizer & a main dish.
05 July 2022 8:17
Frustrating/discriminatory experience
After we gave our names, the hostess just left without a word before coming back with a manager. I was then told that there was a dress code and that what I was wearing (nice T-shirt, not oversized or anything, and shorts in 30C weather) was inappropriate and suggested we leave. I wasn’t aware of such a dress code because my friends often frequent this restaurant in sweats. But anyhow, I happened to have gone dress shopping earlier the same day so had spares to change into. A little inconvenient because I hadn’t had a chance to wash them yet. Anyways, everything seemed good until I realized the lady sat next to us was wearing a similar outfit to mine (before I was asked to change or leave). This got me wondering if the hostess gets to choose who must adhere to the dress code and who doesn’t… just weird, frustrating, and giving off discriminatory vibes.

Anyways, we ordered food: the tuna tartar was great! One of the best I’ve had! The chicken was also pretty good. But, the lobster pasta was a little disappointing (tough, flavourless and overly buttered). The truffle fries were fine but not the best and the deserts were not it either. Everything was overpriced but I’d say the tuna tartar is worth it!

With that said, our server was pretty great. I’ve been to several high class restaurants and none of them could match up with their level of service (or discriminatory dress code, for that matter). But to be fair, it was a little dead by the time we went so maybe he just didn’t have much else to do.

TLDR; suss standards on dress code, okay but overpriced food, fantastic server.
05 July 2022 6:49
Le lieu est beau, la musique est sympa, la nourriture est raffinée mais les portions sont trop petites: j'ai pris une entrée, un plat et un side et je suis ressorti en ayant faim. Et c'est la première fois qu'on me sert un demi loup de mer.
28 June 2022 8:54
The food was not the best and the cocktails tasted like hard liquor but the place is very aesthetic and gorgeous. Salmon tasted blend, salmon tartare was not bad. The vibe and the service was also exceptional. Don't recommend the cocktails.
22 June 2022 4:28
Soirée mémorable!

Ma première expérience chez Marcus et je promets de devenir une habituée!
Dès mon arrivée, j'ai été traitée avec respect et toujours le sourire aux lèvres. Que dire de notre serveuse Irena! Un service impeccable!
La nourrite, succulente! Je vous lève mon chapeau!
20 June 2022 7:51
Food is pretty bad especially for the price. The drinks are pretty good,

Edit: Contacted the person who replied to my review and never heard back. It's basically an automated reply. They don't actually want your feedback
20 June 2022 6:16
Everytime we go to marcus its a great service. This time we got served by irina.the service was amazing with her.very amazing chefs there too.food is totally worth it.
19 June 2022 6:58
I really wanted to love this place but it just fell a little short for me. Let’s start with the obvious positives - stunning design and decor, impeccable service (as it should, being in a Four Seasons).

Now with the not-so-good: the food. We started with the sashimi appetizer and added the toro. It was fine but the toro wasn’t fresh - you can definitely get better sashimi elsewhere in the city. Drinks and truffle fries were pretty good. Cute and nice to have but nothing revolutionary. Then we had 2 pastas for our mains. The Picadilly (lobster and crab) pasta was really disappointing. While the flavours and pasta were good, the lobster was so tough that I couldn’t even cut through it. I’d be hesitant to order any seafood here again. We also had the truffle pasta of the day which thankfully was quite good. For dessert, we had the tiramisu and like almost everything else we ordered, it was just okay.

I’d probably come back for drinks if I’m in the area but as for dinner, I’ll have to wait until I can forget how subpar the food is. This place can get really busy so if you really want to eat here, make rezzies!
14 June 2022 6:23
Bel endroit branché. Plats et drinks savoureux. Par contre les drinks sont trop dispendieux, seule note négative
07 June 2022 12:05
Excellent service from the staff on point of entry and to accommodate a nice seat at the bar.we shall return in several weeks and always looks forward to coming back here on a fri, sat night to be taken care of! Best craft cocktails in the area.
22 May 2022 3:06
This place is the most over hyped place in Montreal. It surprises me that it's this popular. The only good thing about this restaurant is the amazing design of it. Everything else is horrible. I went for brunch, service was ok, food was a 1/5. Everyone at the table disliked it, especially for the price you pay. Its over 30$ for 2 english muffin with a poached egg on it, thats all thats on the plate, they didnt even make the presentation of it nice! Goes from less than 5$ to make at home to 30$? You can imagine the rest of the food. Also, the taste wasnt that great, very mediocre at best. It was about 100$ per person for breakfast, and no one was satisfied.
08 May 2022 16:02
C'était ma première fois au Marcus et l'expérience était exceptionnelle! La nourriture était tout simplement exquise et l'ambiance était géniale. Je tiens à souligner l'excellent travail de notre serveur, Dominic. Il s'est bien occupé de nous toute la soirée et il a aidé à rendre ma soirée de fête inoubliable!
24 April 2022 7:49
Second time in Marcus, March 5th 2022, u need to reserve in advance for sure Saturday night, the most enjoyable for me it’s cocktail ‘forbidden fruits’ so tasty we ate seafood for supper and cream caramel for dessert, 2 things that i didn’t like one Dj too loud with one rythme that bothers for long term, if there’s a Dj it means u can listen to different songs or different rythme second i was with one of my friend that loves to flirt, sb who came for first time in canada and thinks all Russian girls are too much friendly unfortunately the waitress showed he is right and i think it’s not professional.
24 April 2022 1:38
The brunch is not worth it. Beautiful restaurant but the service is extremely slow. To over pay for frozen breakfast potatoes is not worth it.
22 April 2022 2:12
Musique beaucoup trop forte, service lent, présentation des plats médiocre, beaucoup trop de clients et pas assez de staff, et prix pour le brunch ridiculement élevés, stay away: a real rip-off!
12 April 2022 19:24
On nous a mis dehors à minuit alors qu’on finissait à peine de manger. Le garde de securité etait bete et faisait des gestes irrespectueux. Pour un resto aussi cher, je m’attendais a bcp mieux…. Tres decue. Je ne recommande pas du tout
20 September 2019 22:28
Ordered scallops they were over salted and over cooked. Very disappointing. All their food was heavily salted which is very disappointing. Ordered the salad with melon bufala and tomatos they put way to much panko over it i just dont get it. There is no love in their food. Nice presentation but has no heart. I guess these days you put a name in front of a restaurant and its automatically is supposed to be good because of marcus but lets get things straight the food at this restaurant is worse than eating at mcdonalds. Very very disappointing and if marcus came to see the way the food tasted he would say the same.
16 September 2019 18:25
The worse dining experience of our lives. From the moment we walked in to the moment we walked out. My aunt and I got a tray full of drinks (alcohol) spilled ALL over us and ALL over our bags. I was absolutely soaked. My hair was absolutely soaked as well. My clothes and my designer bag were ruined. As well as my aunt's clothes and bag. The waiters just looked at us. It took them a couple of minutes to come clean up the mess. The waiters were rude and we felt as though them spilling the drinks on us was a bother for them. The restaurant was a disaster, nobody knows what they're doing. My aunt's bag got thrown across the floor many times by a waiter that wasn't paying attention to the surroundings. My cousin's birthday balloon got thrown across the floor breaking the champagne bottle that was attached to it by that SAME waiter. At the end of the evening the staff was trying to convince us that the cake we had brought (which was huge) had all been served and was finished. After arguing and losing our patience they finally brought out the 3/4 of the cake that was left. Like this is becoming ridiculous. Our food took forever to come.

The manager Johan was understanding but I do hope that he does keep his word of replacing all the clothes and bags that were ruined.
Honestly does not live up to the standards of a Four Seasons hotel. I did expect much better and was truly disappointed. I do understand that the drink spilling was an accident but I do expect to have the situation rectified.
09 September 2019 6:58
Excellent experience! What a beautiful restaurant and unbelievable food. I had the opportunity to meet both Marcus and the excecutive chef Nick Bramos; they are so humble and talented! This restaurant is the perfect model of combining both upscale dining and elegance. I would definitely go back. Make a reservation, you will not regret it!
07 September 2019 23:15
I went to Marcus recently and it did not fail to impress! Not only is it absolutely stunning - I mean wow! - but the food (mainly fish and seafood) was amazing!
I split the sashimi to start and it was very fresh, then got the Arctic Char as my main. The sweet and salty with the bacon/pear combo was exceptional!
We were quite a large group and I will say the service could have been a bit faster - but I found the food and ambiance compensated for the slowness. Luckily it has one of the nicest views in the city with a superb view of the Leonard Cohen mural so I’ll chalk it up to growing pains.
I’ve been to all the top restos in Montreal and this competes with the best of them! I’m definitely a repeat customer.
07 September 2019 19:20
Definitely not a true Four Seasons experience. The quality of the food was astonishingly poor. We tried the beef tartare, and it was extremely chewy and did not taste fresh.
The service was nothing special and our waitress made several rookie mistakes.
06 September 2019 0:56
Staff was nice however the food was a big miss, I only ordered a burger but I think there is no excuse to get something so simple wrong. Things only got worse for dessert; 3 of the smallest donuts I had ever seen not even made to order and didn't taste of much, for $14 that is totally unacceptable. I hope things can improve food wise because the atmosphere is very beautiful.
31 August 2019 5:36
Had brunch at Marcus. Was not disappointed with the quality of the food. Prices are not cheap but its expected from a four seasons restaurant. Service was good, food was tasty however the portion to price ratio was not my desired preference, however I can't say I did not expect it. Decor and ambiance was lively. Will return for dinner to give a more complete review, would not make this my habitual eatery but certainly worth trying out.
29 August 2019 22:24
WOW! This restaurant is remarkable. Executive Chef Nicholas Bramos prepares his plates with such eloquence and originality. The ingredients are fresh, and the meals are presented using a very creative approach. Such beautiful and colorful meals that are packed with a lot of amazing flavours. So lucky to have such an amazing restaurant in Montreal. Great job! I would highly recommend this restaurant to anybody looking for an incredible food experience and a chic ambience!
28 August 2019 19:44
Un Four Seasons qui ouvre ses portes à Montréal? ! Ni une ni deux, je réserve une table au Marcus dont j'entends les louanges du chef depuis la presse et les réseaux.
Je connais le standing et l'excellence de ces établissements, tous aussi raffinés, touchant du doigt la perfection grâce au sens du moindre petit détail et de l'exigence qu'ils s'imposent.   
Le jour J arrive, trépignement (en talon haut) On s'émerveille devant cette beauté  de décoration intérieure , un travail absolument enchanteur conçue par l'architecte Zebulon Perron. Tout est beau, tout est pensé, tout est harmonieux. On passe d'un univers à l'autre sans heurt ; terrasse crème immaculée, lounge végétal et moderne, doux  salon  rose poudré, et restaurant contemporain avec des touches rétro. Un travail de titan, le lieu est magnifique (et très instagrammable pour les addicts;) )
 Je savais que la cuisine serait un peu moins gastronomique que les autres palaces, mais ce restaurant n'est vraiment pas à la hauteur de ce groupe hôtelier de luxe.  

Les deux entrées étaient bonnes et simples. Du Flanc de saumon saisi, cru à l’intérieur, sirop d'érable, algues nori et crème d'oursin. Un tartare de thon épicé, tobiko, craquelin de riz. Rien de foufou, mais juste et bien assaisonné. Mais ensuite.patatra. Désillusion totale.   Je commande le loup de mer, le serveur me suggère de prendre un à côté car c'est JUSTE le loup de mer. En effet je me retrouve avec un simple filet de poisson grillé et 3 feuilles de persil. La poêlée de champignon commandée à coté était généreuse, mais poisson + légumes, on est à 48$ pour un plat (hors taxe), et je m'attendais à quelque chose de plus élaboré, plus fin, plus recherché, une sauce, un croquant, une surprise. Mon père a commandé un plat de spaghetti et s'est retrouvé avec une plâtrée de pâtes comme à la maison, aucun jeu de saveur, de découverte. Quand je compare au rêve culinaire que j'ai vécu au Varanda de Lisbonne, ou à la haute voltige des prestations du Georges V, on est à des millénaires de ce niveau de perfection.
L'ambiance est certes plus actuelle, plus moderne que les grandes institutions classiques, mais elle glisse un tout petit peu vers le m'as-tu-vu, un brin bling bling (la tour de fruit de mer arrive en grande pompe avec des feu de Bengale crépitants, pardonnez moi mais c'est à la limite du mauvais gout, je ne comprends pas le point, les gens ont à ce point besoin que tout le monde sache qu'ils ont payé cette grosse tour de fruit de mer?) C'est vraiment bizarre, autant de tape à l'oeil et d'artifices à la surface, pour se retrouver avec autant de simplicité dans l’assiette. À tel point dépités que mon père m'a demandé si on ne pouvait pas prendre le dessert à la maison plutôt.  
J'ai hésité à noter 2, mais je mets un 3 car le service et la gentillesse du personnel était sans pareille, eux étaient vraiment au top niveau. Alors malgré un repas très décevant, merci pour cet accueil.
21 August 2019 8:36
Not a Four Seasons experience. "Valet" is you parking yourself in a garage (though it is close but not what you should have to do at a Four Seasons capable of driving your car to the garage). Food was not as good as it should be by far, lacked freshness and flavor. Two stars were given because the staff was really trying to make up for the kitchen and I find the service was good. But overall a dissapointing experience for a Four Seasons and wouldn't recommend you go here unless your goal is taking Instagram pictures.

*review is based on dinner
16 August 2019 11:14
Loved it -The food was delightful, our group ordered most of the menu and shared. Lots of fresh seafood - I recommend the sashimi platter. Servers were all very attentive and never missed a beat. The vibe is excellent, great music, love the decor, and the amazing view from the restaurant, get a seat with a view if you can.
15 August 2019 7:01
My girlfriend and I have gone for drinks a few times and the atmosphere is really fun. We also found the brunch menu to be tasty. It’s a cool spot, BUT.

We decided to go for dinner on our anniversary and we ordered a lot of the fish (sashimi, oysters, scallops). All of it was very average, we were very disappointed! The spicy tuna tartar was okay.

I’m not sure why nothing tasted really good at dinner, I would stick to drinks and brunch here! I wouldn’t go again for dinner personally.

Maybe there’s more luck outside of the fish menu, but there’s a lot of fish on the dinner menu.
12 August 2019 7:54
Good menu options. Kind and good service (we were there early, so less busy than the 8: 30 service). Wine pairing options, even for individual wine glasses are quite nice. Plates were well presented and tasty. Quality of products also helped the positive experience. The decor was also nice and romantic. Upscale but not too much. Typical price point for a nice restaurant meal in Montreal (around 100$/person with some wine).
09 August 2019 19:15
Youness was our waiter and I have to say his explanation and attention to detail while describing a good portion of option on the menu was on point. There is nothing I can say about the decor other then it's remarkable. What they managed to create in the heart of Montreal not only elevates the city but showcases Mont-Royal mountain which is the heart of the city. The food was exceptional. We had the scrambled eggs and got cakes and loved every bite. This is our second time now and even if we need to drive an hour to get there we think will be regulars. All in all 5 stars. Also, they are kid-friendly which is hard to find.
08 August 2019 5:57
Went on the opening day, the layout and the design is beautiful. The bar side is very enjoyable and so is the restaurant side. The food is mainly seafood and fish, with a couple options of meats. The service is lacking, they need to work on that as drinks took a very long time to get served and they are lacking consistency. They weren’t fully ready to open and still need to train the staff to offer the clients an enjoyable experience. The place has a lot of potential if it’s get proper management and proper service. Hopefully they get it right because it’s a beautiful place to go for dinner or simply to have drinks.
06 August 2019 13:44
I went to Marcus to celebrate a family member's birthday, and we had an absolutely amazing experience. The food was exceptional, and I would definitely recommend the arctic char, it was divine. We also started with some oysters, and the sashimi, both were very fresh and delicious. I would definitely recommend having dinner and Marcus, and I will definitely go there again.

Also, the decor is fabulous, a very light and airy restaurant with an amazing view of Crescent Street.
04 August 2019 1:17
Our bartender really soured our experience. My friend and I were waiting for a pair of seats to open up. When we saw an available seat, the bartender snapped at us and lectured us about how he’d have to make his friends move so he could accommodate us. It was pretty embarrassing. Not what I expected for a Four Seasons. Probably won’t be back.
03 August 2019 19:41
Good food but poor service except for the wine expert, Luke.

We were a group of 5 girls who were sent to the lounge 5 minutes before the “9 oclock” although our wine wasnt finished and the dessert not even offered.

The hostess sent us to the lounge with our leftovers like it was the best thing in the world. #not.

Definitely not feel like a Four Seasons Experience.

Had better experience before but seems like they are too focused on volume and not service.


Later in the night.

Karine in the lounge, was amazing to manage the situation which made the overall experience better.
01 August 2019 23:42
Had dinner at Marcus two days ago. The ambience is a wow. Lots of energy and beautifully dressed people. Good wine list. Sat at the bar overlooking the kitchen, which I enjoyed. Nicoise salad with the poached egg was great. My seatmates were testing a tomahawk steak for the menu and were kind enough to share a slice with me. Very flavourful and I thought would be a great addition to the menu. However, my New York steak was lukewarm and I didn't think the pepper sauce really worked, not for me anyway. Potato gratin that came with the steak was fantastic, as was the mushroom side.
Back for lunch yesterday. Lunch was terrific in every way. Prix fixe lunch for $29.00 is terrific value. Steak frites with the hanger steak really worked well - very tender. My daughter had the scallops and the tomato salad, both of which she loved.
This restaurant has a lot of potential but I think the kitchen is finding its way right now. I expect it is going to improve as it gets its groove and I would return without any hesitation.
30 July 2019 8:38
Im doing this review just for the service since i dont like poeple giving attitude for nothing. Service is extremely slow. On a Tuesday night! Cant imagine how it is during the weekend. The girl that was serving us in the lounge was rude with attitude. Tall red or blond girl. Definetly looked like she didnt wanted to be there at all I dont understand how this restaurant can hire somoene like this.

We arrived and asked to be on the terrace. The gentleman proposed us to have a drink in the lounge while there is place on the terasse. We then remind the server to move us once there is place. 30 minutes later, while we see a lot of people passing to get to the restaurant/terasse, we ask the server if there is place now. She said ''you have to go check if there is place''. I mean? Normally, everywhere I go they will go see if there is place and then tell us to move and propose us to move also our drinks for us. My firend went to see another server or hostess, small blond girl which she went to see if there is place and came back to us, moved us with a smile. The other one definetly didnt care.

We waiting for about 30 minutes for the bill. However, the bartender in the terasse was nice with us, and that is why i gave 1 more star.
29 July 2019 18:20
Great decor and selection for drinks at the bar. However, the service was awful. I was with a group of 10. We ordered 1 round of drinks. That is all. And we had to constantly get up to ask for things such as drinks that were missing from our order, water refills and our bills. Not only did we have to ask multiple times, at one point we were so fed up we actually went directly to the bar to pick up our drinks ourselves and serve it to our table. I’m not very impressed to say the least.
26 July 2019 15:58
Très bon accueil, beau cadre style brasserie New Yorkaise, les plats étaient bons mais étrangement on s'attendait à beaucoup plus de saveurs et à être surpris hors il n'en était rien. Les prix sont cependant raisonnables donc nous ne sommes pas déçus mais Montréal offre tellement de belles tables que nous nous attendions à mieux. (dîner / déjeuner du dimanche).
24 July 2019 11:35
A very pleasant brunch that surprisingly did not break the bank. Wagu burger and yogurt/pana cota parfait were superior. The servers were pleasant and the atmosphere relaxed and lovely. Live music and a photo booth for father's day were a nice touch. Only issue was a kitchen mini shutdown to transition from breakfast to brunch at 11: 15 am, but the server gave us some tasty treats from the breakfast bar to keep us happy. If you are in the mood to play "fancy" and have a nice morning out with family and friends, you should enjoy this place.
20 July 2019 22:18
Super belle place, zéro service au bar lounge, ils devraient faire attention, beaucoup de compétition dans la restauration.
11 July 2019 10:41
Wow. Just wow. Upscale eatery, amazing ambiance, really friendly and welcoming staff, ready to help customers make the perfect choice. And the food was unbelievably tasty. From the starter to the desert, it was sublime! It's on the pricey side but definitely worth every penny! Six stars!
07 July 2019 23:08
Beautiful restaurant, spacious, well decorated. We had the seafood tower plater but the quality of the food was not great compare to other restaurants. They kept telling us how great are their french fries but is not a Mcdonald. The service was slow from getting our seats ready to get the order in and also the wine serving. It looks like there are many coordinators and few people working. The people working in the kitchen are the only fast one. For sure there is room for improvement if the manager takes the reviews seriously. I would prefer to seat at the lounge bar and have a salad.
26 June 2019 11:16
New restaurant, high end. Maybe chef's needs to research the Montreal foodies and their palates a little more. I was expecting a wow meal, i got a wow for decor. Price was in the range of this type of restaurant. A few service hiccups based on it being new.
14 June 2019 15:15
I wanted to write this review after an incredible mothers day experience with my wife. I will start by saying the food and cocktails were incredible and delicious, no complaints at all. The interior is goegous and the bathrooms hypnotising. But the real stars of this restaurant are the staff and this is why i will be coming back again with more friends! As we ended our meal, our server Luke paired a dessert wine with our last bites and we realized it was too sweet for our tastes. We had asked about going to get another cocktail at the bar after dinner and this is where it got interesting. Luke brings over our unfinished dessert wine to the bar and insists that his bartender can take this fortified wine and make cocktails that would suit both our tastes. This is where we met Gavin. He was excited at the challenge and asked for what we liked and drink preferences were. Armed with this information he crafted two delicious but different cocktails making sure our wine didn't go to waste. We were so surprised and happy that we didn't end up wasting anything, plus the drinks were delicious. My wife's drinks ended up being closer to a martini, while mine was a new york sour with a twist. We have never had an experience this good or memorable in the last few years of eating our way around montreal. Come and visit, it is absolutely worth your time!
13 June 2019 0:47
Had a great brunch at Marcus on opening weekend. Do yourself a favour and order the scrambled eggs. Prices are very reasonable given the parent establishment, location and atmosphere. Highly recommend for a nice breakfast in the heart of downtown.

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