05 January 2024 17:20
Beautiful church outside with distinct architecture. Not usually very busy. Visit inside when it is open.
30 December 2023 6:13
Beautiful cathedral at a very central and convenient location, that is right next to the Central Station. The statues of the apostles and the top of the cathedral are magnificent. The central altar in the cathedral reminds me of some of the grand churches in Spain.
23 October 2023 23:24
Voulez-vous me dire, pour l’amour du bon Dieu, pourquoi cette si belle cathédrale n’est pas éclairée le soir? Les saints, la coupole et l’église sont dans la pénombre totale le soir. Et c’est bien dommage. En Europe, les cathédrales sont illuminées et contribuent à l’embellissement des villes. Ici, c’est encore la grande noirceur! Quel dommage car l’intérieur est si magnifique.
09 November 2021 18:41
Alors que la cathédrale devait être ouverte lors des journées du patrimoine religieux et qu'il y avait même une affiche annonçant l'évènement sur une des portes d'entrée, un agent de sécurité empêchait les visites le dimanche après-midi. L'archevêché a préféré l'argent (messe privée et baptêmes) à la culture.
28 October 2021 4:49
The Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral is absolutely stunning! The facade is beautiful on the outside but wait until you get inside. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the Cathedral. The statues, the interior and the sacredness of the place were just a few to enjoy during the visit. Looking up top on the ceiling shows the beauty of the place. Also to mention, the staff were tremendous during our visit!
11 October 2021 6:19
Awesome, I have no words to explain the beauty of this place. Surround buildings and near area is also something to visit. Must recommend to visit here if you are gonna plan to go Montèal.
10 October 2021 7:02
Stunning church, so well decorated, definitely one of the most beautiful church I've ever been to.
And there's no cover charge.
18 September 2021 22:47
We arrived when there was a mass in progress. We were politely asked to enter from the sides and wait until the mass is over. It qas a great experience overall. The organ, the atmosphere, the paintings, and sheer magnitude and artistry of what we were seeing struck us the most. Would definitely visit again.
08 September 2021 22:28
That was true experience of been in actually working church. People were praying there, yet we were allowed to explore the church grounds and see the background work. If you have a choice to see only one church in Montreal, you should be here.
31 July 2021 11:13
Une des plus belles cathédrale à Montréal, parmis les plus grands.
Elle est une réplique de la cathédrale de St. Paul à Rome.
26 July 2021 18:05
Impressive place.
It looks great from outside and it is more luxurious inside.
Sometimes there is wedding in the church.
15 July 2021 12:28
Magnifique, une réplique de la Basilique St-Pierre de Rome au Vatican, un patrimoine architectural historique au cœur de Montréal tout comme l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal et la Basilique Notre-Dame dans le Vieux-Montréal.
04 July 2021 14:02
Beauty in the middle of the very busy city.
It was not open due to the covid 19 restrictions
But the view from the outside was mesmerizing.
The building architecture was really beautiful.

Beauté au milieu de la ville très animée. Il n'était pas ouvert en raison des restrictions de covid 19 Mais la vue de l'extérieur était fascinante. L'architecture du bâtiment était vraiment magnifique.
04 July 2021 5:06
I love this Holy Church, I proud of that, I come back again, enjoyed so much, my advice to everyone to visit. God bless this church.
22 June 2021 2:37
Beautiful cathedral in downtown Montréal. It's huge. Highly recommended to go in and see how beautiful it is inside. It is also very worthwhile to walk and see it in its surroundings since being very large you can take photos at different angles.
26 May 2021 1:21
Beautiful. Just lovely. Definitely worth a visit. Soooo Quiet and stunning.regardless of thir faith or lack thereof.
13 May 2021 23:58
Je viens de voir un reportage à Radio-Canada sur le père Couturier qui répare des souliers pour les distribuer aux sans abri. Bravo! C'est bien de vouloir réparer l'âme mais dans le concret ce prêtre répare le concret pour le distribuer. Je ne suis pas pratiquant mais je suis très impressionné par cet oeuvre très chrétienne. Je sais que ce n'est pas l'endroit pour émettre un commentaire mais je ne savais pas ou le publier.
13 May 2021 11:29
I visited this Cathedral for the very first time this year and I can tell you is one of the most beautiful temples that I have never seen. I already visited a lot of buildings here in Montreal, but this one is really one to remember.
10 May 2020 8:50
The employee who work at souvenir shop is really kind, friendly. I just bought only one ring but she explain a lot of things. And the place is also good to visit and sightseeing
18 April 2020 13:15
Service excellent, a temps, sans problème. J’ai eu ce que je voulais sans me stresser à propos de la qualité ou si ça va être le service précis que j’avais passé commande initialement.
09 April 2020 16:11
Le petit Saint Pierre de Rome de Montréal érigé entre 1875 et 1890. C'est la reproduction en 4 fois plus petit que celle de Rome. Elle a été proclamée Basilique par Benoit XV en 1919. Son intérieur est aussi la reproduction de la grande soeur italienne avec l'adjonction de peintures relatant l'histoire locale chrétienne du Canada. L'entree est gratuite et la visite est plaisante car peu fréquentée par les touristes. Elle est comme la plupart des grands édifices religieux de Montreal, entourée d'immenses buildings dont le 1000 de la Gauchetiere.
05 April 2020 3:13
Une belle église catholique. J'ai visité de nombreux temples dans la région et celui-là en particulier est un souvenir inoubliable. Aussi, belle et gratuite!
01 April 2020 18:24
Merci le Quebec. Vos églises sont splendides et bien entretenues. Vous faites honneur à votre héritage culturel et religieux.
27 March 2020 15:44
So, so beautiful. Not religious, but I like to go there to admire the place. Sincerely breathtaking:)
25 March 2020 8:55
Juste wow
Réplique du Vatican 10x plus petit imaginer le Vatican ;-)
Et à remarquer elle a pas de Clocher
20 June 2019 9:56
It's a beautiful cathedral in a lovely part of town. The architecture stands out very much among the modern buildings surrounding it, but that only compliments the building.

The interior seems much bigger than the outside and it is very light and pleasant inside.

The only thing that is a little annoying is the large amount of voluntary collection boxes throughout the building. I understand why the church would have these, but placing only a handful of them at the entrance would be fine too.

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