05 September 2021 8:03
Great place to shop. Might be busy at time. Use the "libre service" check out. Definitely faster.
11 August 2021 11:11
A very clean MAXI. The one in Pointe Claire always seems to have been ransacked but this one is well maintained. My only issue is a very limited variety of beer!
04 August 2021 15:53
Not always the cleanest, but the staff is not at fault. Very friendly staff, incredibly cheap prices, and the staff is always finding something to do!
19 July 2021 1:30
Make sure you have a dollar in your pocket otherwise you will not be able to get a cart they won't give you change I tried no way
14 July 2021 14:03
Great online shopping service. Always a phone call previous to pickup with substitution approval. Curbside pick up staff so attentive and polite. Best grocery store service!
07 July 2021 1:37
Ligne d'attente jusqu'au fond du commerce.
2 caisses d'ouvertes.
Trop d'item pour les caisses rapides et de toute façon la moitié sont fermé.
Le personnel ne sait plu ou se lancé
Aucun chef d'équipe sur place, c'était le free for all total et ce un mercredi 14heures.
J'ai laissé mon panier plein et je suis parti ailleurs.
Maxi, c fini, Maxi.
06 May 2021 16:59
Have only used pc express here and I haven't been impressed. They always have at least 3 items not available with no subs, sometimes up to 10 items not available. The produce they have provided have been dirty (lettuce), bruised (mango) or moldy (blueberries). When I ask to add points, they forget to do it.
I have called to cancel some substitutions but they put it through anyways. Only thing is good, is when I call back, they gave me the amount off on my next order.
Update: they have been a lot better with substitutions the past 3 weeks.
21 April 2021 18:11
Within distance of my home. This is the bigger Maxi and has a wider selection. My only issue as of now and which will eventually change is how they reserved self checkout for customers with 10 or less items.
06 April 2021 19:08
Maxi Pincourt is probably one of the cleanest & organized Maxi's I've been to over the years. COVID19 protocols are enforced at the entrance. All the cashiers are open during the weekend, no lineups. Parking is ample. The entrance and exit is oddly placed, it should be switched around. Getting a cart next to the exit makes no sense. Good selection of products, market prices and professional staff.
27 March 2021 21:23
We order on line and do curbside pickup.
We are always advised when products are unavailable and where possible they will substitute. Staff is friendly.
07 December 2020 9:57
Shopping here from last couple years. After 3 or 4, don't bother going there, they don't stock empty shelves. Fruites, vegetables, and especially meat products including fish chicken are offered in better Quality, Variety and often less price at a nearby IGA.
02 December 2020 18:13
I went to maxi at 8am october 15 2020
And i felt humiliated when i was refused bags when ii watched the other cashier's were giving bags to the other costumers i want to ma a formal racial complaint
Now i will have to in form maxi to rewind there video surveillance and watch how there undercover cop followed me for months and harrased me i did not say anything the workers are rude refuse to assist a costumer that does not deserve to be direspected by a person who is wearing a supervisor suit refusing to assist me but he was following me the whole time and he walked up to check my items which i found disrespectful not even my mother would never take racial discrimination
I have copy of this
13 November 2020 16:56
The staff was unbearable. I asked for a cardboard box to one of the young staff members. And she didn't even try to help me or send me to someone else that would be able to assist me. She told me no three times and then said something in French. So I went to another lady and she legit gave me two boxes with no fuss.
18 July 2020 13:11
J'aime bien, la ligne n'est pas trop longue et le covid-19 est très bien géré. La merveille avec cette épicerie est que l'on retrouve des items plus exotiques qu'on ne peut retrouver dans les épicerie plus ordinaires comme des produits asiatiques (grande poche de riz au jasmin, Pocky sticks, nouilles variées).
19 April 2020 9:50
Huge Maxi, it shouldn't happen,: but is not the first time that I get a Bad Surprise when I unpack the Meat at home and is past DATE!
03 April 2020 2:56
Excellent friendly staff I always find everything I need at this location to location is always clean and well organized
21 March 2020 8:08
This is a very good spot for MY needs, very convenient location and the staff are excellent on demand, plus I go THERE to SEE a specific individual that i actually think that is an AMAZINGLY GORGEOUSLY BEAUTIFULLY delicious HOT SEXY person. I ACTUALLY now believe in love AT first sight SINCE I've seen this person.
15 March 2020 15:56
Maxi is always too crowded and there's stuff on the floor everywhere. The floor is sticky and discusting. At least they have good prices.
12 March 2020 4:46
Huge selection compared to most maxi establishments, can get pretty much anything here even clothing and appliances
13 January 2020 23:06
I like to go there not to far from my place, not to expensive i found every thing there, quality of the Fruit and vegetable not alway perfect but its less expensive then Provigo and IGA.
20 December 2019 10:49
Zéro pour tout! Je veux acheter un pack de 6 bout. D eau minérales, je vois un prix ailleurs, j apporte le Publisac du concurrent. On me refuse d accoter le prix comme argument ridicule que c’est un emballage de 6x750 ml (ça change quoi l emballage de plastique, c est pour le côté pratique). La, elle dit au départ Max 4 bouteilles je peux accoter le prix mais lorsque je critique le service horrible, il n y avait plus de possibilité d accoter le prix (publicité mensongère). La on passe a la caisse libre service soi disant plus rapide mais une pauvre caissière qui coure à droite et à gauche pendant que la superviseure jase.on me réponds, qu il manque 2 personnes ce matin, la je lui dit ok mais a chaque semaine vous avez des problèmes. Manque de stock, manque de personnel et chef caissière qui n’a pas de classe. Désolé, j irai chez Super C encourager une co. Québécoise, plus jamais Maxi (qui est Loblaws) ceux qui ont gonflé les prix des pains artificiellement. J oublié le manque de fraîcheur des fruits et légumes et la détérioration fréquente des produits perimables sans nom (avant la date d expiration)
27 November 2019 0:07
Very friendly and efficient staff at the cash shelves are well stocked and you can find almost everything on your grocery list here
13 November 2019 18:27
Habituellement les prix sont corrects et le choix est assez varié, mais il faut faire attention car parfois l'affichage des rabais peut porter à confusion. Je me suis déjà fait prendre à acheter des articles à prix régulier alors ils étaient placés sous une affiche de promotion de vente à rabais. J'ai tout de même tenté de me faire accorder le "faux" rabais par la suite mais ils n'ont rien voulu savoir.
23 August 2019 6:09
Ça fait plusieurs fois que j'avertie, les caissières de mettre le téléphone sur hold avant de raccrocher car ça fait un bruit très désagréable, j'ai même demandé au gérant d'aviser ses caissières, mais le problème persiste toujours
20 August 2019 9:01
L'employé aux fruits et légumes LAISSAIT TOMBER les pêches dans le présentoir au lieu de les déposer. Vous imaginez de quoi elles ont l'air à la maison si vous les avez achetées le 6 juillet 2019 en après-midi? !?
05 August 2019 21:28
Good prices but they have the shopping carts that require you to put a loonie in them. I find that frustrating as I often don't carry change. Come prepared!
22 July 2019 13:33
Bats les prix des concurrents aux alentours donc l’épicerie la moins dispendieuse. Le service c’est ok. La disponibilité des produits n’est pas terrible, certaines semaine ils ont tels fruits/légumes et d’autres non.
23 June 2019 15:56
Il faut absolument avoir une pièce de 2$ pour avoir un chariot, sinon, c'est impossible! Je trouve ça pas mal débile en 2019.quand ils sont les seuls dans un rayon de 100km à le faire!? Comme tous les Maxi, impossible de tout trouver après 17h, surtout les produits en spéciaux. Non, franchement, je commence à en avoir mon esti de voyage, au point que je ne magasine plus du tout dans ce commerce! Ni à Pincourt, ni à Pointe-Claire.
06 June 2019 21:13
Toujours très propre. Beaucoup de choix. Le personnel est serviable et courtois. Les prix sont très bons également.
22 November 2018 12:36
They finally replaced those crappy/busted carts but now you need a buck to use one and I almost never have change in my pockets. I was told that I could get a token or something at customer service/Lotto counter but after a few minutes of waiting I gave up (It was too busy for one lone girl!). I then went on the hunt for a handheld basket by the doors and near the cashes but found none. Since that visit I only get the stuff on super sale and even then only as much as I can carry with my 2 hands! Needless to say I do most of my shopping elsewhere.

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