19 January 2024 2:06
I got my wisdom teeth removed here and my experience was a 10/10! Upon arrival i was offered a heated blanket for the procedure and the nurses explained the whole process to me in detail just before sedation. They even had music playing in the background. Doctor Kontaxis is the best and the surgery went super well. Its been 4 full days and i’m completely healed and already back to normal. Thanks to the whole Maxillo team.
04 January 2024 13:45
Had my widsom teeth removal surgery this morning and as someone with a phobia of everything dentist all I can say is wow! I took the sedation because of my phobia and after 2 minutes I fell asleep, woke up and the whole thing was over. Elena and Dr. Kontaxis were so helpful, answering all my questions and making me feel at ease. I very much recommend this clinic!
25 October 2023 11:56
Pose d’un implant avec le Dr Moray. Très professionnel et vraiment agréable - vous êtes mis en confiance, tout vous est expliqué, la procédure est rapide et hyper bien faite, le suivi est génial. Je n’ai que des compliments pour ce cabinet et ce médecin! J’y retourne d’ailleurs bientôt.
16 October 2023 10:53
J'ai eu une excellente expérience dans cette clinique. L'acceuil était chaleureux. J'avais une extraction dentaire à faire. Le Dr El hakim était très patient. Mercii beaucoup Dr. L'assistante Eloisa était très gentille. Merci à toute l'équipe!:)
03 August 2023 12:15
I have been referred to Dr. Kontaxis and she has been thorough, kind, accessible, and explains and answers all my questions. I highly recommend her.
07 July 2023 11:22
Dr Kontaxis and her assistant Tooran were really helpful and accommodating with my nervousness about the procedure (I've had bad dental experiences at other places). They helped me feel at ease and I was able to get the procedure done on the same day, with complete post-surgery care instructions that were explained several times so I could understand best. Highly recommended!
03 July 2023 6:37
A very pleasant experience from beginning to end. From the moment I entered the clinic, I was greeted by the wonderful staff. I went to their clinic to get my 3 remaining wisdom teeth removed. I was nervous at first, but Dr. Morais and his assistant Eloïsa reassured me and said that everything was going to be fine and it did! Also Dr Morais has great sense of humour! They worked on me for 30mins and I did not feel any pain or whatsoever. If It’s possible, I would give them a 6 stars rating! Thank you Maxillovendôme team, you are truly the best in your game.
02 July 2023 9:18
Great experience, very comfortable and painless. Highly recommended.

After reading a few negative reviews on this practice, as a patient, I feel obligated to defend them. This practice specializes in extractions and implants, and with no offence to any patients, but complaining about a $75-90 consultation is outrageous.

These specialists spend their time and energy, even if its just interpreting xrays, on YOU. A consultation for a pet costs 200-250 these days, so lets be realistic.this is your MOUTH, your image, and your oral health. Its not fun, its not comfortable, its not cheap, but its life.and these guys are among the best in Montreal at what they do. Its not a cheap game, but they do it better than most, so please give honest and fair reviews.

I had 2 extractions and 2 implants performed by Dr. Makhoul and he is without a doubt, among, if not the best oral surgeon in Montreal. Further, on both occasions, my consultation fees were deducted from the cost of the implants.
26 June 2023 2:12
I needed to get my wisdom teeth extracted quickly and was referred to the Maxillovendome clinic for their expertise. I’m a patient that is usually quite nervous when in need of a tooth removal or any other dental procedure. However, Dr Kontaxi kept me at ease, took the time to explain the entire procedure and also answered all my questions. The day of the procedure Dr Kontaxi and her assistant Tooran took the time to explain the details and make sure I understood, and was at ease at all times. The office is clean and the staff is very professional. Thank you again for your all your dedicated work. I survived lol. I’m doing very well, everything is healed and it is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
Olivier L.
24 June 2023 19:55
J'étais anxieux, Dre Kontaxis m'a rassurée, l'assistante Helena m'a bien expliqué comment faire après ma chirurgie. Tout s'est passé sans aucun problème. Merci
09 June 2023 13:54
L'équipe du dr Morais est très professionnelle. On se sent en confiance. Les soins sont parfaits. Ce fut une bonne expérience.
31 May 2023 20:42
Had a molar extraction this past Wednesday. In a situation like this you cannot say enough of how Dr. Morais’s professionalism comes into play. He’s calmness & gentleness made me feel like I was his only patient. Tooran his assistant is particularly very sweet. Answers any questions and gave me very precise steps for postop. The office called me this am to see how I was doing!
Merci Dr. Morais & Tooran for making this experience much more comfortable!
22 March 2023 11:39
I just had my second implant done with Dr. Katrina Kontaxis. I could not be more pleased not only with the outcome, but with the procedure as well. Dr. Kontaxis and her team, her assistant was Eloisa, are reassuring, calming, and extremely friendly. They take time to explain the procedure, answer all questions, and it is done in such a calm, and relaxing way, you cannot but relax yourself. Dr. Kontaxis is an excellent surgeon, efficient, and extremely gentle. I highly recommend Maxilla Vendome.
26 February 2023 1:41
J ai eu la chance d avoir le Dr Emery pour mes 5 maxilofacial. Dr
Emery était un SUPER de médecin. Toujours souriant. J avais 48ans alors à mon âge c était pas facile. Mais le DR Emery à changé ma vie pour le mieux. Je lui dois beaucoup. Nous avions la même âge. Quelle fut pas ma tristesse d apprendre son décès.
Ujour à demandé a quand la retraite avec s
25 February 2023 1:13
The place is super clean and comfortable. Dr. El-Hakim was quick and efficient with the removal of my wisdom teeth. Also can’t forget Eloisa who guided me through the process.
10 February 2023 8:47
J'ai eu un 1er rendez-vous pour une consultation pour 2 molaires dont l'une était à l'horizontale.
Ils m'ont fait une radiographie 3D. C'est fantastique car j'ai pu réellement constaté les dommages sur les dents comparativement à la 2D qui ne donne pas tous les détails.
À mon 2e rendez-vous, le chirurgien dentiste m'a enlever 2 molaires. J'étais nerveux et tout le long de l'intervention, il me rassurait. Ça été rapide.
Je suis vraiment reconnaissant.
Merci Dr Dany Morais, son assistante Maria et les 2 préposés qui m'ont accueilli.
Merci à toute l'Équipe. Bravo!
08 February 2023 17:55
An amazing clinic with some amazing staff!
The receptionist Anais at the front received us with a nice smile, Doctor Morais was funny and very professionnal!

Definitely recommend this clinic!
05 February 2023 4:11
Une équipe au top proffesionnelle et très compétente. Docteur Morais et son assistante ont su me rassurer et me faire sentir à l'aise dès le début, pendant et après l'intervention. Grand Merci à MaxilloVendome
04 October 2022 14:56
I had 4 wisdom teeth and one molar extracted by Dr. Katrina Kontaxis and it couldn't have gone better. I was extremely nervous but her team was the nicest, they were friendly and put me at ease talking to me, it was quick, I remember nothing, I have pretty much no pain and I have no swelling. It exceeded all my expectations, I would recommend 10/10.
02 October 2022 15:33
"I have just completed a four-year voyage with Dr. Morais, over which time all my teeth were eventually replaced with implants and new crowns. I couldn’t be happier to reclaim my smile. Dr. Morais is that rare mix of knowledge, professionalism, compassion and good humour. I cannot recommend him more highly. "
28 July 2022 6:17
Be at ease. Dr. Morais is simply the BEST at what he does. You can trust him and not worry about a thing! And his team is fantastic as well. Many thanks to all of you (Special thanks to Michelle who's wonderful).
14 July 2022 15:01
Excellent service. Très professionnel, très propre. J’étais vraiment stressée de me faire retirer ma dent de sagesse. Dr Kontaxis et son assistante m’ont très bien rassuré et m’ont soutenu jusqu’à la fin. Finalement c’était très rapide et ça s’est super bien passé. De plus leur travail d’équipe est extraordinaire. J’ai adoré mon expérience chez eux. Les jours suivants l’extraction, je n’ai pas de douleur pas de saignements pas d’enflure. C’était un excellent travail. J’y retourne pour me faire enlever les 3 autres dents dans quelques mois. Je recommande à tout le monde! Merci MaxilloVendome!
08 June 2022 10:56
Un proche m'a recommandé cette clinique, j'ai appelé aujourd'hui pour prendre un rdv, ils disent sur le répondeur qu'ils sont pas disponibles entre 11h et midi pour la pause déjeuner, et ce même après 1pm, je me suis alors dirigé directement au cabinet pour prendre un rdv. Et c'est là où je reçoit le pire accueil de toute ma vie, la madame demande si j'ai un rdv, j'ai commencé à expliquer la situation, ne me laissant même pas finir, elle me demande avec un ton bizarre de quitter le cabinet immédiatement et de prendre un rdv par cellulaire à cause du COVID. Je me demande si elle croyait vraiment que j'allais le faire et revenir. Donc, je lui ai dit que je ne reviendrai jamais. J'ai été amené à faire pleins d'évaluation dans ma vie et c'est la première fois que je donne 1 étoile pour expliquer à quel point je suis frustré de sa manière. Des fois, même s'il y a un staff compétent, il suffit d'avoir une personne comme ça au premier contact avec les gens pour tout gâcher. J'espère que il y aura quelqu'un des professeurs qui va me lire et sensibiliser cette madame sur l'importance de la courtoisie.
24 April 2022 0:06
J’ai fait une chirurgie délicate où j’ai enlevé 4 dents de sagesse assez spéciales L’intervention s’est très bien déroulée avec Dr Kontaxis malgré mes malaises vagal. J’aimerais remercier tout le staff de l’accueil aux infirmières pour leur professionnalisme et leur gentillesse et un grand merci a Dr Kontaxis pour son beau travail.
02 April 2022 2:29
Dr. Katrina Kontaxis is A-MA-ZING! Her team is fantastic! The level of knowledge and experience is sure to put you at ease. Dr. Kontaxis is so warm and reassuring, to the point that this extremely nervous one (me) ended up almost falling asleep during surgery (local anesthesia). Everyone, from the dental secretaries to the Dr and everyone in between, is just a happy and warm bunch! It's been such great experiences for me. I can't wait for the next visit! ️
09 February 2022 10:14
Horrible experience, they have a personal mask Gestapo who makes sure your mask is on or else. I chose or else!
My mask was below my nose so I could breathe since I just came in from the cold outdoors and my nose was runny and was told by the non medical person mask Gestapo that I had bacteria? !?
What ignorant arrogance, I will definitely NOT give them my money which would have been extensive!
They can thank Gestapo woman for losing thousands of dollars of business just from me, and of course I will spread the news far and wide that they should be avoided!
14 July 2021 15:47
Dr Morais et son équipe font vraiment du bon travail. Une belle expertise pour des situations plus compliquées avec beaucoup d'explications. Merci!
28 April 2021 16:17
Excellent overall service. Nice installations. For the two occasions I went there, I was attended on time. Courteous and attentive staff. Dr. Morais was extremely professional and caring.
04 March 2021 22:46
Unfortunately I was referred to this clinic by my dentist. I got in touch with the front desk 3 times by phone for 2 days. The same receptionist called Shabi, got in touch with me. All three times she was so rude. She asks a question as if I am interrogated. She doesn’t speak clearly so I couldn’t understand what she’s asking. I asked her to repeat. Every time she will repeat She gets irritated So she uses an intonation as if she is saying to the client: ” you are stupid”. This kind of rudeness is not tolerated! Although the doctor El-Hakim is very well rated, I will look for another clinic because of their rude receptionist.
23 February 2021 10:47
Dr. Morais and his team are the best of the best. I have never felt so welcomed or taken care of during my consultation and the extraction of two extra teeth. Torran is such a wonderful assistant and kept me company as my mouth was slowly numbing. She is a ray of sunshine and was great to talk to to keep my mind distracted. I felt safe as Dr. Morais was walking me through each step during the extraction so I knew what to anticipate, while frequently checking in on me making sure I was still comfortable. They went above and beyond, ensuring I have extra everything (even an ice pack) to take home with me. Thank you so much!
06 December 2020 19:44
Cet endroit m'a été référé par mon dentiste pour l'extraction d'une dent et d'un implant dentaire, qui après plus de 15 ans, était rendu dans mon sinus!
J'étais très anxieuse, et le Dr Morais a su me rassurer et a fait un très bon travail. Tout le monde est très courtois et souriant, et surtout, il est rassurant de constater le respect des mesures d'hygiène en période de Covid.
Merci à toute l'équipe de Maxillo Vendôme
29 November 2020 7:23
J'ai été référée par mon dentiste à cette clinique pour enlever mes dents de sagesses (que je devais enlever depuis 10 ans mais j'avais trop peur). Dr El-Hakim a su me rendre tellement confortable avec son assistante! Ils m'ont mis à l'aise dès le début, et après 40 minutes, la procédure était déjà terminée! Ils sont super gentils, incluant la gentille réceptionniste et ils prennent vraiment le temps de tout bien expliquer.
De plus, ils prennent les mesures covid très au sérieux et je me suis senti en sécurité tout au long.
Merci du fond du coeur pour cette expérience qui me causait beaucoup d'anxiété, mais qui s'est déroulée à merveille!
19 November 2020 1:39
I received an amazing service from all the saff including receptionists. Dr. Dany Morais is very good, compassionate and available when needed. He performed complex implant removal and did a great job. Other maxillofacial surgeries wanted to charge me triple the price for the same. I am very happy with everything the clinic and staff did for me. I would always go back to them if in need. Thank you so much!
18 November 2020 6:52
Equipe très accueillante et professionnelle qui à le sens du service. La chirurgie fut sans douleurs (Merci Dr Kontaxis), les conseils post chirurgie très utiles, je sais ou je retournerai pour les deux prochaines dents.
14 October 2020 16:09
Super service, cordial, poli et efficace. Une équipe d'enfer malgré toutes les compilations du COVID!
Merci beaucoup!

Awesome service, nice, kind and careful. Super team, available and on point even in this COVID situation. Thank you very much!
13 October 2020 13:39
My experience was overwhelming!
I had two implants done by Dr Al-Hakim.
The nicest and professional person I ever met. Always listing with a smile to yr problem. He perfomedi the surgery if two implants with no problem!
Detailing all the work to be done which left me leave his office with a smile. Sabrina, his assistant, so helpful
and very professional in her work.
Receptionist s very polite and helpful. I find no rudeness in this office at all. Highly recommended!
Giovanna Occhinero Ferrarelli
(Your Italian patient)
09 October 2020 4:22
Extremely rude receptionist. Cannot perform a basic request of adding an address to my file. She has very poor basic communication skills. Then proceeded to place me on hold for a very long time instead of dealing with the very basic issue. There are many people without jobs, either give her some basic training or hire someone else!
15 August 2020 19:00
I came in for an emergency tooth removal and also had an infection. I was referred by another office and this office took me in within an hour. I can’t thank the staff enough for their kind words and to letting me know it’ll be okay. I was in so much pain since the day before and I couldn’t do it any further. The Oral Surgeon, Dr Morais, and his assistant were absolutely amazing, they were calm and direct, especially for the state I was in. Thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart. I truly appreciate what you guys did for me. Thank you.
28 April 2020 16:14
I had a great experience. Staff was very welcoming. Had 2 lower impacted wisdom teeth removed by Dr. El-Hakim. They were always clear as to what the costs were going to be. I was even given a printed quote. After removal, I had the "dry socket" issue arrise. Dr. Morais took me in right away to treat it. I was very well taken of. I would recommend this clinic and both Doctors. They are both fantastic.
25 March 2020 2:35
My name is Azzam El Masri.
I suffered long time from a swelling in my left cheek, I have visited so many specialized doctors but no one was a help until I met Dr. Michel Hakim.
After he decided to do me the surgery and removed my parottic gland, my life changed and I got rid of the daily questions about my cheek.
Dr. Hakim was super gentile and professional. He got the best team ever. I'm taking my time here because it's the least I can do.
Thank you Dr. Hakim and your team as well.
12 February 2020 2:51
Had my bottom wisdom teeth extracted today by Dr. El-Hakim, was a pretty impressed. Was in the operating room only for an hour went by pretty quickly, felt no pain whatsoever! Kudos to Dr. El-Hakim and his assistant nothing but amazing work from both of you:).
28 January 2020 8:31
Qualité de service et professionnalisme hors pair autant à la succursale de Longueuil qu'à Montréal. Soins reçus du Dr El-Hakim qui a su rassuré et effectuer l'intervention avec doigté et confiance. À recommander!
23 January 2020 13:13
Personnel courtoit empathique et très à l'écoute, extraction à venir bientôt qui ne me fait presque plus peur ;) merci jusqu'à aujourd'hui et pour ce qui est a venir. J'ai confiance
20 December 2019 5:21
L’opération avec le Dr El-Khakim s’est très bien passé. Lui et son équipe sont a l’écoute et répondent à toutes nos questions tout au long du processus. Je le recommande sans hésiter!

16 December 2019 9:07
Dr. El Hakim is very kind and knowledgeable. Him and Sabrina made me feel very comfortable and safe during the entire process of my surgery. I appreciate everything they've done for me.
21 November 2019 8:48
They overcharge and do not confirm the exact price before doing the procedure. They gave me a range between 80-150 to interpenetrate an xray (no physical exam, just look at the a jpg of an xray) and said they will call to confirm the exact price. When i called to see what happened since i didn't get any feedback from them for a week, they lied about calling me to confirm the price (no phone history on my cell!) the week before and went ahead and did the interpretation and charge me 150$! An procedure that insurance said cost 46$
03 September 2019 21:44
Je recommande vivement le Dr Morais, un expert reconnu, des plus compétents, consciencieux, d’un professionnalisme exceptionnel, d’une grande habileté en chirurgie maxillo faciale et d’une grande honnêteté intellectuelle, comme j’ai pu le constater, pour avoir eu recours à plusieurs opérations.
Il est à l’écoute, empathique, clair dans ses explications, sérieux mais aimable en même temps et sait dédramatiser les situations angoissantes que peut vivre le patient.
Il établit un climat de confiance, dés la première consultation et il est resté patient, attentif et attentionné, tout au long des chirurgies, il a répondu à mes nombreuses questions avec gentillesse, diplomatie et parfois il ajoute une pointe d’humour de son crû.
Il a exécuté de main de maître, dans les règles de l’art, et avec beaucoup de précision mes nombreuses chirurgies. Les suivis post opératoires ont été faits consciencieusement. Et après chaque chirurgie, j’ai réussi à contacter la clinique immédiatement pour poser des questions et il y a toujours eu la possibilité de rencontrer sans délai le Dr Morais ou un autre chirurgien de la clinique, en cas d’absence de celui-ci.
Je dois aussi, souligner la merveilleuse équipe, dont il s’est entouré et qui répond à toutes les demandes consciencieusement et avec amabilité et qui fait les suivis de façon remarquable.
Bravo à toute l’équipe et un petit plus pour Mme Amélia Tremblay.
Lise Sirois et son conjoint J. Nataf
01 September 2019 22:28
Le Dr Kontaxis s'est avérée être une excellente chirurgienne dans mon extraction de dents de sagesse. Avec mon cas compliquée, son travail a été d'une grande précision et d'une grande dextérité, et je n'ai eu aucune séquelle et vraiment très peu de douleur post-opératoire.

Vu qu'une autre prétendue chirurgienne avait deja échoué précédemment à m'extraire les dents en me laissant avec plein de lésions aux gencives, j’étais vraiment stressé. Le Dr Kontaxis m'a accompagné dans l'ensemble du processus, en étant compréhensive, attentive, en m'expliquant clairement les possibilités que j'avais ainsi que le pour et le contre de chacune.

Avant l’opération, je suis le genre de personnes qui a lu des études scientifiques portant sur le succès d'extraction de dents de sagesse, et bien que certaines de ces études semblent dire que l'expérience du chirurgien traitant est un facteur déterminant dans la réussite de l'intervention, je peux vous dire ceci: Le Dr Kontaxis semble plus jeune par rapport à ses collègures à MaxilloVendome mais ce dicton s'applique très bien à elle: ''Aux âmes bien nés, la valeur n'attend point le nombre d'années''. Big up à elle et à son équipe!
04 August 2019 2:55
Rassurant! Doux! En confiance!
Équipe disciplinée et accueillante ….
Sont les premiers mots pour définir ce que j'ai vécu lors de ma visite …
Je recommande fortement l'expertise de Dr Dany Morais!
28 April 2019 20:43
Thank you Dr. Michel El-Hakim for saving my face! I had a 3 weeks old cheekbone fracture and thanks to your chirurgical intervention my face is back in business!

I wish you health, love and prosperity!

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