05 October 2023 9:37
Your typical next door McDonalds. What's good about the place? Its open 24 hours, what else can you ask for? Associates are friendly and polite. Avoid rush hour, specially after school hours or wait.perfect location, right on Taschereau Blvd.
30 September 2023 12:48
What a TERRIBLE experience I just had!
Went through the drive-thru, paid for my order, and when I got to the pick up window they gave me my drinks and told me to wait on the side.
I waited for 40 MINUTES!
I had to knock on the door and ask them why I've been waiting for so long. They apologized and said they'd bring my order to me.
10 minutes later, a guy comes out with the wrong order.
10 minutes after that, the manager comes out and asks me what I ordered. He goes back in to make it himself. He apologized, compensated by giving me a free apple pie, and sent me on my way.

I get home and find out that my McChicken is rock hard and uneditable, they forgot the nugget sauce, the fries are practically raw, AND they gave me a Diet Coke when I asked for Root Beer.

Until they pay me back for this terrible experience, I will not be returning to this establishment.

What a joke.
11 September 2023 4:48
I’ll let the insect in the iced coffee speak for itself: Thought it was a coffee bean, went to scoop it out… and yuck! Tolerating the slow service and wrong orders on the regular is one thing, but this is disgusting.
03 September 2023 17:40
L'attitude de service de ce magasin est extrêmement mauvaise! La nourriture est très salissante! Très mauvais! Même pas une note d'une étoile! Je recommande vivement d'aller dans un autre magasin!
31 August 2023 18:32
Why does it say their drive-thru is open 24 hours, but when I show up around 12 a.m. It is closed?
24 August 2023 15:27
A big mess for everything. You cant imagine wait 30mins for an ice coffee and no matter how you ask, no one answer you and dont know whats happened. Suck service. Especially the supervior there, useless and rude.
20 August 2023 2:07
Ce McDonald's est facilement l'un des pires de toute la région de Montréal. Chaque commande contient systématiquement des erreurs. J'ai déjà eu plus de la moitié de ma commande manquante. Si vous mangez sur place il est excessivement malpropre avec les poubelles qui débordent en tout temps. Le service au volant de nuit est affreusement lent. Sauvez-vous du temps et allez à littéralement n'importe quel autre McDonald's dans les environs.
13 August 2023 1:40
If you're there in the morning, you get what you're asking, but any other time of the day, you'll see so many mistakes in your order. Few cases they forgot about my order while I was waiting on one of the drive-through designated spots to park!
03 August 2023 12:52
Le service était sans plus. Assez déçu les frites étaient froides et non croustillantes. Le Burger était sans plus. La boisson même pas rempli complètement. Je ne recommande pas la place.
22 July 2023 22:57
Pire service que j’ai vu de ma vie, 45 minutes pour une commande! Toute ma commande froide était comme jamais, 3 articles manquantes en plus. Le gars qui travaillait au chandail gris avec ses long cheveux et une barbe ‘’chillais’’ à l’intérieur du restaurant avec ses amis au lieu de s’excuser ou de travailler plus vite, je pense même que c’était le gérant du soir! Honnêtement erreur à faire d’aller là-bas au service au voilant après 11pm vous méritez même pas 1 étoile bande de shlague
05 January 2022 6:39
Closed before 1030.last night when supposed to be open until 11 and the staff was talking to friends outside the drive through window.
29 December 2021 7:49
Je continue d’y aller seulement parce que cest les plus proche.probablement le mcdo qui font le plus d’erreurs de commandes… ever
je laisse du pourboire chaque parce que cest tous des jeunes et la plupart sont super gentil, manque juste à faire un peu plus attention aux commandes.
28 December 2021 1:23
Esti que c'est longt il as personnes au caisse j'attend depuis 20 min et personne ne sert au caisse faque j'imagine même pas le temps d'attente pour ta commande
08 December 2021 2:05
Pire management jamais vu! Le "manager" reste dedans en cachette pour la donner la face lorsque tout monde attend dehors, las réponse, "fast food" mais faut attendre 40 minutes pour un mcdouble? Venez jamais ici!
02 December 2021 12:05
Plusieurs erreurs dans la commande de la commande à l'auto. Malheureusement nous nous en sommes rendu compte seulement rendu à la maison.
28 November 2021 15:34
The worst McDonald’s ever. IF YOU ARE CLOSED, lock your doors, please.

I was ordering my food, and one of employees walked out and asked me to leave, because they are closed. At that time I was half way ordering my food in front of the touch screen.

The reason he gave me was there was not enough people tonight, so they “CHOSE” to close the dining room with open doors! At that time there was other people eating in that dining room. I asked why she can be there eating, I cannot even take an order, the boy said: “ I cannot ask her to leave. ” So you can kick me out then? Incredible logic.

Would never come back to this McDonald’s ever again. And plan on sending another letter to McDonald’s Canada.

You kick me out, I would never come back.
07 November 2021 21:38
Opening hours said this branch closes at 11: 00pm. However, when I showed up at 10: 15pm, the staff had already locked the front door and would not accept incoming customers-a few group of 2-3 people had to leave after me as well. Totally unacceptable
31 October 2021 0:08
C'est dramatique l'incompétence qui règne dans ce restaurant.
Le basic trio est 3 fois sur 5 n'est pas complet.comment vous faites? Il y a 3 choses à mettre dans un sac et tu arrives à en oublier au moins 1.
18 October 2021 14:15
This place is a mess. From the employees to the machines. They can’t seem to figure out fast food.
09 October 2021 9:10
Que de manque de savoir vivre en société. Je demande seulement une fourchette s'il vous plaît et la dame se retourne dit a sont employé "va vite chercher une fourchette pour qu'il décris le monsieur. " Madame vous avez pas d'allure le service à la clientèle sais pas pour vous sortez de la vite. Pour ma par jamais j'y retournerai.
02 October 2021 9:36
This is the main McDonald's I've been to my entire life because I live close and it's the worst I've experienced (not on average.almost every time I come).

The hand sanitizers are either always empty or non functioning. The ketchup has never been on in the last few months. When we go at night, the employees are always messing around and it takes you longer than a regular restaurant to serve you even if there isn"t a lot of people in the fast food. Averages 20-25 minutes during nights for me.

During the day, everything is chaotic. The manager (or one employee in particular) is always screaming to clients &employees. The employees themselves scream at each other and talk back (it feels like a high school movie) with personal attacks out loud.

Employees are messing around, and managers are either absent and mess around, or are overly loud and agressive.

Food is fine. 8 times out of 10 it's how it should be, 2 times out of 10 it's served less-than-warm.
01 October 2021 6:02
11hrs portes pas débarrer, aucune note avisant la clientèle de quoi que se soit. Les employés se cachent meme pour éviter de nous répondre
01 October 2021 1:34
Went through the drive thru at 11: 05 am, ordered 1 egg mcmuffin trio and 1 sausage mcmuffin trio. Received the order ant there were no hasbrowns only fries. Went to get hashbrowns and they said after 11 am they don't serve hashbrowns? Don't they serve breakfast all day? Anyhow, fine went back to the truck and they gave us 2 sausage mcmuffins instead of one of each, had to go back and get an egg mcmuffin. I don't understand, they have it written in the bills and they cannot get it right. I will not be going back to this McDonald's.
28 September 2021 13:08
15 minutes waiting for 2 Big Macs and 4 Cheeseburgers 8n the Drive through is totally unacceptable. Bring up an order with 2 BBQ sauces when you asked for 4 Sweet N' Sour.just the cheery on the cake.
Disgusting bathrooms and dirty floors.in general the place is disgusting. McDonald's Headquarters should start pulling back some franchises.
22 September 2021 20:05
Unbelievable. 20 minutes of wait at mobile order parking for an Ice Coffee.and didn't even came, had to go in and get it myself.once inside I see my cup on the shelf like it was invisible.the girl that work there came out 4 times and never bother to check mobile orders what a shame. Seriously this McDonald's is not only slow but mess a lot of customers orders
03 September 2021 20:56
This location has progressively gotten worse in terms of wait times and available items.

Most of the time when I go I wait anywhere from 5-20 minutes for food. The latest time I waited 20 minutes for a order of cookies, was told they were in the oven after 5 minutes, then at around 20 minutes was told they did not have 2/3 of the cookies I ordered so I demanded a refund.

Additionally the electronic ordering system is frequently out of paper so you have to remember your order number when it displays for a short period of time.

Also, half the time when I order via Uber Eats my order has either incorrect or missing items.
27 August 2021 6:36
Last time they never answered me and now I order a poutine and they give me a total different order. And I didn’t count how many times they missed my order.
19 August 2021 12:09
Les employés manquent de respect aux clients et leurs produits sont de faible qualité. Les frites sont vertes et le fromage de la poutine est glacé, on leur mentionne et ils nous rient en pleine face.
05 August 2021 12:41
Absolutely The Worst experience. The employees had rly bad attitude. We purchased the BTS Meal and asked for the original packaging we wanted. Then, we got the regular packaging. The employees are absolutely means and refused to give us the correct packaging saying that they haven’t received it yet. BUT THERES A EMPLOYEES WHO WALKED OUT FROM THE COUNTER WITH BTS BAG. Still can’t believe they make such a lie for no reason and screamed at us.
04 August 2021 11:15
We came to get an ice cream & eat outside but all tables where dirty from what looked like multiple customers. In these times of COVID it would be good to desinfect tables between customers!
30 July 2021 8:40
This is the only McDonald's where you almost always wait over 10min for a black coffee. The employees try their best, the drive-through takes too much of their capacity.
26 July 2021 19:45
Mais quel endroit pourri. Les employés parlent et s'amusent entres eux. Le service est long. Cela fait des années que tout le monde dans Brossard se plaint de cet endroit. Rien ne change. Car les gens y retournent quand même.
22 March 2021 10:32
Service à la clientèle terrible les employés crient après les clients pour leur dire que c'est 5 personnes à l'intérieur
18 February 2021 21:30
De tous les McDonald's dans les coins dla rive sud c'est le premier et le seul 1-Pas d'erreur de commande et 2-Rapide epuis politess.
18 December 2020 21:23
It was the first, only and last time I'll visit this location. I didn't even get to order the meal I went in for. Not one person, of what seemed to be a dozen or more behind the counter and in the kitchen, cared to be concerned with customers in the store. Only the drive through customers and food delivery personnel were getting their order. After waiting for 7min in line, one staff member suggest I use the self serve kiosk behind me. Thanks, but no thanks.
18 December 2020 17:02
Être vous en carrence de sucre pour le café? Il y a un embargo? Ou votre mcdo est conçues pour les gens maletendant ayant besoin d'un travail au service a l'auto? !? ! Assuré vous que vos employés sont pas astigmate mon filet de poisson était aussi moche que le pont champlain précedent
07 December 2020 7:52
J’ai fait une commende uber est ça fait 2: 30 que j’attend et qu’elle est en préparation pour ensuite arriver avec une commande complètement différente
01 December 2020 11:37
Ils se trompent souvent dans les commandes. Verifiez si vous avez tout avant de quitter ou avant de laisser partir le chauffeur si vous avez fait livrer.
12 November 2020 23:58
The service is horrible, staff and even the bosses are rude and have an attitude problem, they should have them fired. Don’t go to this mcdonald’s it is not trustworthy at all.
09 November 2020 6:17
Très très déçu!
Ce franchisé ne respecte pas ses clients. J’ai fait une commande sur l’appli, et j’ai pris le temps de demander de retirer les cornichons de mon sandwich et la glace de ma boisson.
Et bien j’ai eu les 2!
Pourquoi permettre de personnaliser si on a rien a faire de nos choix!? !?

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