15 September 2023 11:15
The cashier doesn’t even recognize the the 25cents coin. Service is rude, the manager shouted at the customers and ignored the requests. Would not come again.
14 September 2023 1:29
Impossible d’utiliser les toilettes. La caissière sans expérience apparente me dis que je dois commander un plateau et aller à la toilette avec mon repas. Franchement ça me coupe l’appétit!
02 January 2022 1:08
This is just a normal McDonald's. The drive through is pretty fast but ordering inside can be slow. The service in English is usually fine. In my experience it is clean inside. The food is of normal quality for McDonald's.
20 December 2021 3:21
Mon ami travaille a ce McDo et il s'amuse à cracher dans la nourriture et ce decroter le nez et mettre ça dans la bouffe
19 December 2021 23:05
3 stars for during the day service. But 1 for night. The lady closed the drive through and asked you to leave and not wait. Was mean and rude and said idk when the drive through will open you can do whatever you want. Ugh. ANNOYING.
18 December 2021 8:36
Certains clients sont desabuses. Ils ont voulu tuer une ambiance trop festive ils ont reussi bon. Mais il faut commander a l'avance et c'est vraiment devenu chiant comme si c'etait un abattoir. Il faut faire la file et attendre un petit bonbon. Alors.
12 December 2021 21:20
L'endroit est sympa, mais les ouvriers ne sont pas propres, ils ne portent pas de gants et ils ne nettoient pas le sol.
18 November 2021 3:20
They made renovation and now it's only one cash register. Yesterday it took me an hour to pay, because 5 people was only serving to these who came to pick up and no one was taking a cash register. There was only 2 people before me. The worst service ever!
17 November 2021 17:44
Slow service. But thats all the McDonald's. Positive is the cashier at drive through is really nice and polite!
31 October 2021 16:16
Sept 14, went to get dinner waited for 40 mins indoors can only order on machines no one available at counters. Long long line ups, long line up for drive
through. Why fast food restaurants allow doordash, Uber eats etc to take priority over in house customers is beyond me when they have to pay to these services. Hell will freeze over before I go back
Thanks but no thanks
16 October 2021 7:12
La pandemie a tue ce restaurant meme si il semble toujours fonctionnel. Beaucoup de gens commandent en fou avec des trucs comme DoorDash et Uber alors les employes sont souvent debordes.l'ambiance a l'interieur vraiment tres stressante pour tout le monde inclusivement.
07 October 2021 16:56
It's okay. I mean not the cleanest and not the nicest. The managers are always yelling at their staff and they stand around and do nothing sometimes. Poor service from them but props to the cashiers and rest of the hard-working staff there!
07 October 2021 16:07
This McDonald's is garbage, it needs serious changes they dont update their schedule. On Sat sep 11, at 10: 12 AM, I went to this mcdo seeing cars having cars going in and out of the drive-thru, also knowing that almost all mcdos now allow dine in as well. When I went to pull the door to enter there was no sign saying its closed or not having dine in option or even take out. This branch is very crowded since there are a lot of people going in and out of metro taking the bus waiting for the bus and stop by for a quick bite or drink, McDonald's should give it to some other company like Tims cuz Tims know take care of their customers and stay on top it. My suggestion go to other restaurants around it and avoid this McDonald's as much as possible.
23 September 2021 20:52
Encore une fois, commande à l'auto incomplète. Restaurant pas occupé et malgré cela, nous avons reçu 4 des 5 items commandés. Vérifier vos commandes avant de quitter.
15 September 2021 7:51
Its McDonald's what can i say, 3 star rating because i seem to always be missing the fresh coffee, they never have fresh coffee and it seems like they dont have a policy of some sort to through out burnt tasting coffee after somewhat hours of sitting there
20 August 2021 9:57
The night shift manager is very kind person and so gentlemen.
He gives a good expression about this branch
12 August 2021 14:43
I swear every time I go to this McDonalds the food is always dry and not fresh, the staff is so slow and during one night an employee was flirting with a customer in front of me, super unprofessional and then they have the audacity to forget my sauce.
31 July 2021 12:53
One of the worst McDonalds I've ever been to/ordered from.

On-site, sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's terrible. Sub-par service.

Ordering on Uber Eats: 8/10 orders have missing items, no dipping sauce. I keep having to message Uber Eats to get my money back. It's a pain to order there but that's the only McDonalds delivering where I'm living. They're clearly tarnishing the brand.
30 July 2021 14:28
Customer service is really bad, you say good morning (in French) and you receive “what u want”, not even a smile, they make you feel like they’re doing you a favour. McDonald’s seriously need to train their staff better. Manager is there working like the rest. I guess for this people, you will understand when you go inside, is normal not to be kind to people. TIM HORTONS on Decarie, they have good customer service.
29 July 2021 5:56
Impossible! Can't even give it a blink let alone a star! Went in for a simple soft ice cream 25 minutes later watching everyone come and go with ther orders still no ice cream spoke to a young boy to ask him why and he shrugged his shoulder and even the manager looked at me and then totally ignored me when I tried to ask her ah where's my ice cream so, needless I walked out! And they were not short staffed!
26 July 2021 12:08
Si j’aurais pu donner 0 étoiles c’est ca que j’aurai donné. Très mauvais service a la clientèle, les employés sont arrogants impolie et ne sont pas souriants spécifiquement la caissière Jasmine qui se fait passer pour une gérante. L’endroit est sale et les caissières manquent de respect au gens qui attendent 30 min au drivetru.a ne pas recommander jamais
17 July 2021 20:36
The worst one of the entire city! Last time I ever ordered there, they clearly monitored how long I stayed in because barely minutes after I was done eating, one of the staff if not the manager walked up to me and ordered me to leave. There were empty seats all around, not even a busy hour, so why the rush? This experience served as a clear reminder that I can enjoy a meal in any other Mcdo or just about anywhere else but this specific one. What a way to treat a customer.
16 June 2021 15:52
Je viens de commander chez eux, comme je ne viens pas souvent ici, j’étais un peu perdu, et on me traite comme une nuisance. Quel mauvais service!
15 June 2021 17:49
Made me go backwards the drive through, even though there was no one at the first stop, then they dont even answer my thank you.
08 June 2021 2:50
Plusieurs fois j'ai fais la livraison ubereats pour cette succursale pendant la nuit. Le personnel manque vraiment de professionnalisme. Les 4 ou 5 employés qui sont là parlent entre eux et ne travaillent pas pendant que plusieurs livreurs attendent les commandes des clients. Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé d'écrire, car après une attente d'environ 30min, ils ont oublié la moitié de la commande. Vraiment inacceptable!
22 May 2021 17:53
Je viens de sortir du restaurant plus jamais j’y retournerai! J’avais vraiment envie de aller au toilette, le gérant me dit si je vais acheter quelque chose d’une façon très arrogantes.je lui dit que oui je vais acheter mais j’avais très envie et il me dit que je doit acheter avant à la place de juste me laisser passer avant et en plus les employées qu’ils étaient entrain de parler à la place de faire leur travail. Très mauvais service
17 January 2021 21:48
L' heures de pointe du matin qui sont de 6h à 10h le matin sont à éviter si tu as pas beaucoup de temps et en général le restaurant laisse à désiré pour la propreté. Les tableaux pour placer ta commande toi-même ont jamais de papiers une fois que tu as payée pour recevoir ta facture et connaître ton numéro de commande.
08 January 2021 7:22
Employée très irrespectueux et ne maîtrise aucun règlement et pratique dans les McDo. La dame qui se dit à la caisse pense que Travailler dans un McDo est un emploi de rêve! Donc elle peut crier sur qui bon lui semble.
Mcdo à éviter au maximum!
13 September 2019 23:03
I waited 13 minutes for a junior chicken, I gave up and left. They have 10 employees walking around doing nothing like zoombies. They just talking to their coworkers.worst Macdonald’s location I have ever been to. Always a bad service at cote vertu
06 September 2019 19:34
This is ridiculous! They are so lazy here that it is not even funny!
It took them 15 minutes to serve us with cups for 3 drinks when it wasn’t even busy!
Guys, you really need to make your staff to move around faster! Seriously!
03 September 2019 1:46
Que des arabes dans cte place la avec des fake appareil gucci ils crient dans le magasin et les osti demploye font rien
26 August 2019 17:17
22h15 On est arrivé pour commander au service au volant on est seul pas de roche et personne ne nous répond! Pendant 10 minutes, alors on a avancé pour leur dire une (grande taille) arrogante est venue c quoi ta commande on lui a dit qu’on a attendu 10 minutes et pas de réponse elle nous a insulté et nous a dit jai rien pour vous en fermant la fenêtre avec force!
Service de soir pourriiiiiii
21 August 2019 6:31
The service was great, staff was nice and got my food within 5 minutes. Would've given 5 stars if the ice cream machine at this location was working.
19 August 2019 16:06
Pas de bon service malheureusement et manque total de respect. Sur 4 articles dans la commande= 4 erreurs
13 August 2019 21:51
Attente au volant excessivement lente (15 min) le temps de prendre ma commande, de le payer et de le faire. Arrivée au 2ème guichet, ils ne se rappelaient même plus de ma commande.
06 August 2019 12:08
Horrible SLOW service, messed up our order and gave us dirty cups (covered in chocolate milkshake) that made our hands / the car sticky. Many better options in the area.
04 August 2019 16:04
Staff is friendly, which is good because the resto is packed during rush hour. The orders get mixed up a lot, so always check your order before you leave with takeout. The automated machines run out of paper for receipts, often.which is annoying, especially when it's super busy. Maybe the app is your best bet, no room for error.
31 July 2019 18:26
Had an issue the last time I came in. The manager Derek called me last week to sort it out and when I came in tonight he was A+. 100% felt like customer service was his #1 priority.

Also on a side note that particular McDonald's seems to be fluently bilingual which is rare and most of the staff incredibly nive and smiling.
30 July 2019 4:20
Je suis vraiment choquée Tu demande quelque chose, elle te fait un revers de la main, tu klaxonne lui faire signe elle vient et te claque la fenêtre au nez.pas de bonjour merci rien.je peux pas croire que il y a pas de sanction pour ce genre d’employer.sa passe comme si s’etais normal comme attitude.bref je l’évite ce mc do j’adore le café mais malheureusement on pousse a aller au tim ou le service est nettement meilleur! Mais en bout de ligne la gérante a rectifier le tir et à tout fais son possible pour arranger la situation! Je l’apprécie
27 July 2019 6:40
It says 24hours but im here live! Its 3: 45am.the employee of this date ignored me.right now it's july 9,2019! 3: 45am! This is the worst mcdonalds in montreal! Hated it!
26 July 2019 18:22
Unfortunately mobile ordering is a hit and miss, waiting times are not reduced with this app and lately they have had trouble fi ding your mobile order.: (
25 July 2019 13:40
One of the worst mcdos in town.ive been there 5,6 times and never had a good service. + the food is always cold
18 July 2019 19:24
I bought the 'seriously chicken' sandwich with a small French fries. Sandwich was ok however, I ate the fries with mayonnaise & the mayonnaise had a strange taste as if it was expired. Besides after paying thru the drive thru I had to wait away from the second window for my order which was delivered later by one of the girls who came outside
11 July 2019 23:52
Of no fault of theirs, the wait for your food can take a bit of time due to their being located next to a major metro station and bus terminal. So you should be prepared to wait for your order just a little. Food is decent enough for a McDonald's. I can't recommend sitting upstairs though. Seems like every time I did, the floor up there was super sticky; as if a bunch of drinks were spilled up there and not properly mopped up.
10 July 2019 12:42
Better than a fancy restaurant, i mean the food is almost fake, but so cheap i so happy wow thank you
07 July 2019 23:26
My usual go to McDs before heading into work, usually good service, prices are a bit shady at times, different from the counter to the kiosk machine. My last purchase did not go as well, went in for my usual iced coffee, paid at the kiosk machine, my order was ready in an instant, my number was served instantly after the beverage was made, but nobody called out my number nor brought me my drink, 2 dozens of customers got served before i did before one server asked if i was served while the whole time i was trying to get ones attention after 7 minutes, took almost 12min to get 1 large iced coffee that was already prepared 10 min ago.
10 June 2019 19:40
Pretty fast service even if this place is always packed. The food is also good and it is a descent place to eat but the location of this macdonalds is perfect since it is beside the bus station
14 May 2019 0:13
Nothing in particular, same as other McDo, I saw the special of the month outside & hot in, the cashier system was modified, service was fast.
13 May 2019 19:01
This location consistently serves up dried out burgers, whether they're rolled up in that paper or sitting in their card board boxes.

It's got to be pretty bad when a five year old won't eat the Quarter Pound and pulls the pickles out to eat instead.

No matter what day or time of day, I'll give em this one thing at least. Consistency. The burgers are always dried out. Their Management should take a trip to the A&W in the Fairview Mall in Point Claire (Montréal) to compare their juicy burgers with this location's.

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